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Re: Iliopsoas strain treatment

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I honestly have neer seen this case with canines, but I have with humans. You can try lying the dog in a trough(borrow one from radiology) and massage the psoas muscle during exhalation. Push past rectus abdominis to the psoas using a strumming technique. Then massage the iliacus just medial to the ilium. You will definitely need someone to help hold! :) What about using a theraband, in or out of the treadmill? Hope this helps.


Subject: Iliopsoas strain treatmentTo: VetRehab Date: Wednesday, October 1, 2008, 8:11 PM

Hello everyone, I am trying to develop a protocol for patients I see with Iliopsoas strain. I currently start with moist heat, robaxin and rest for 2weeks then start with gentle strectching (hip extension) then will add 3 legged stand, then crossed leg stand, then standing on hind legs. I do not have a laser. I do have e-stim and UWTM. I'm sure e-stim has no utility here. Wondering if I can use the treadmill? Also wondering about massage. Does anyone have a tried and true treatment plan for these patients? Thanks.Cheryl Tano DVM, DVSc, DACVS and just recently CCRT! Affiliated Veterinary SpecialistsMaitland Fl

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Hi Cheryl,

I have been working with an agility dog with R iliopsoas strain for 4 mos now.

Your protocol looks good. I would probably add TUS and I also recommended the

owner to get her own hand-held massager and use it b/f PROM and after activity.

B/c she is an agility dog, I stress warm compressing and stretching b/f and

stretching and icing after events religiously. I definitely use the UWT to

facilitate movement after TUS. I'm not sure if you are using

physioballs/theraballs to assist in stretching, but they really help too.

Hope this helps,



Jackie Honghern Sharp


Louisville Veterinary Specialists and Emergency Services




> Subject: Iliopsoas strain treatment

> To: VetRehab

> Date: Wednesday, October 1, 2008, 8:11 PM







> Hello everyone, I am trying to develop a protocol for

> patients I see

> with Iliopsoas strain. I currently start with moist heat,

> robaxin and

> rest for 2weeks then start with gentle strectching (hip

> extension) then

> will add 3 legged stand, then crossed leg stand, then

> standing on hind

> legs. I do not have a laser. I do have e-stim and UWTM.

> I'm sure e-

> stim has no utility here. Wondering if I can use the

> treadmill? Also

> wondering about massage. Does anyone have a tried and true

> treatment

> plan for these patients? Thanks.


> Cheryl Tano DVM, DVSc, DACVS and just recently CCRT!

> Affiliated Veterinary Specialists

> Maitland Fl

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Hi Cheryl, Have you ever thought of looking "why" the Iliopsoas is in "spastic" mode, instead of doing this long protocol to stretch the psoas? The psoas is often in spasm because of a diaphragm problem (secondary through the cruras of the diaphragm), a facet joint dysfunction at L3-L4, reduced kidney motilities, renal vascular spasms, right psaos tightness of reduced motility from gluten sensitivities, cranial and OA/AA dysfunctions etc. There is a place for protocols, but this looks to me a simpler solution. Manual therapy techniques such as osteopathy, chiropractic and many other manual therapy skills, these dogs might be running the agility tracks much sooner. If you want any more ideas or other suggestions, please feel free to e-mail me at: www.fullspectrumcaninetherapy.com Bye for now, Kortekaas PT Iliopsoas strain treatment Hello everyone, I am trying to develop a protocol for patients I see with Iliopsoas strain. I currently start with moist heat, robaxin and rest for 2weeks then start with gentle strectching (hip extension) then will add 3 legged stand, then crossed leg stand, then standing on hind legs. I do not have a laser. I do have e-stim and UWTM. I'm sure e-stim has no utility here. Wondering if I can use the treadmill? Also wondering about massage. Does anyone have a tried and true treatment plan for these patients? Thanks.Cheryl Tano DVM, DVSc, DACVS and just recently CCRT! Affiliated Veterinary SpecialistsMaitland Fl

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Thank you so far for the responses to my post. Maybe protocol was not

the right word to use. I am looking for additional or alternative

treatments to try since I feel like I am not doing enough. I of course

will set goals of treatment and make a plan for each patient but I feel

right now that my plan is weak and I would like to do more. For the

massage suggestion that even seems like something an owner could do.

It sounds like you are massaging across the fibers of the iliopsoas

(strumming) is that correct or are you massaging along the lenghth of

the fibers. Also Taisha what are you doing with the theraband? I can

certainly add the UWTM but I do not have TUS. As we learned in class

our hands are the most important I am just trying to add more options

to my repertoire so I can make better treatment plans. you

have added a lot of food for thought. I am not to your level of

expertise yet but I can certainly start looking at other parts of the

dogs bodies when I see them. Thank you all and I hope to hear more.


Affiliated Veterinary Specialists

Maitland, Fl


> Hello everyone, I am trying to develop a protocol for patients I see

> with Iliopsoas strain. I currently start with moist heat, robaxin


> rest for 2weeks then start with gentle strectching (hip extension)


> will add 3 legged stand, then crossed leg stand, then standing on


> legs. I do not have a laser. I do have e-stim and UWTM. I'm sure e-

> stim has no utility here. Wondering if I can use the treadmill?


> wondering about massage. Does anyone have a tried and true treatment

> plan for these patients? Thanks.


> Cheryl Tano DVM, DVSc, DACVS and just recently CCRT!

> Affiliated Veterinary Specialists

> Maitland Fl


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