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Congratulations on your success! There is no end to the difference

this way of thinking has made in my life. Here are some of mine:

I decided as part of the patience part of patience, persistence and

practice I would stop listening to 2 podcasts a day and listen to a

two to three per week and have discovered I can actually DO THIS

without 's voice acting as a constant cheerleader.

I don't turn to food to feel better, in fact the opposite is true. I

can NOT turn to food and be my dream self now, no waiting for that

magic number on the scale.

I have self-corrected the same day, at the next meal NOT the next day

as I normally would have.

I no longer sneak food or have feelings of guilt when I eat.

I think the best part is, I have realized that I don't have to be an

exercise maniac to lose weight. I don't have to beat myself up for

not exercising, I can let that go, knowing I walked the dog, took the

stairs did some housework and that counts, too.

I haven't graduated yet, but I've lost 7 pounds in a month. I mostly

behave like a naturally slender person, but I still have work to do.

The good thing is, it doesn't really feel like work.

Best to all!


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PERFECT!! Just what I need to hear. This is the only time I've ever

felt like I understand how food can fit into a normal day. How I can

not wake up obsessing about where my next meal is coming from (and when

I was actively a compulsive overeater, that's what I thought and when I

was actively a compulsive dieter, that's what I thought -- amazing how

the two are and were the same!).

Thanks Jenn!

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Hi -

I'm brand new to IOWL and this is very inspiring for me. I am only

a week into this, so I've listened to the Prologue, Episodes 1 & 2.

Do you listen to more in one week? I'm not really sure how to

approach this.

I live in Tokyo, so I'm probably going to be at the wrong end of the

day to chat online - so once a day will have to do it.

I dream of being free of the obsession with food, exercise and my

weight and just be easy with it. I am not all that far away from

what I'd call my goal weight, but I might as well be a hundred light

years away as I struggle towards it and then slide back so regularly,

feeling more out of control each time.

Any feedback would be great!




> PERFECT!! Just what I need to hear. This is the only time I've ever

> felt like I understand how food can fit into a normal day. How I


> not wake up obsessing about where my next meal is coming from (and


> I was actively a compulsive overeater, that's what I thought and

when I

> was actively a compulsive dieter, that's what I thought -- amazing


> the two are and were the same!).


> Thanks Jenn!


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Sophie --

I have found the podcasts very effective when I listen daily. And as

I anticipate listening to them several times each (there is a lot to

absorb, and I listen while I'm walking my dog :-) ), I don't expect

that I'll run out or get tired of them anytime soon.

And I so understand. I live for the day when I find my " grateful

place " where all fear is gone of ever coming back to being that woman

who planned HER ENTIRE LIFE around food -- good and bad -- and I know

that I am thankful for having BEEN that woman, but am no longer that

woman. That's when says we will have " graduated " - I'm getting

there fast.

What has you in Tokyo? Is that home for you or are you there for

business or other reasons?

And I don't mind " upside down " discussions -- my husband and I lived

12 hours apart often when we were dating and he had business in China

AND 5 hours apart the whole time we courted as he lived in England/is

English and I live in Florida.


> >

> >

> > PERFECT!! Just what I need to hear. This is the only time I've


> > felt like I understand how food can fit into a normal day. How I

> can

> > not wake up obsessing about where my next meal is coming from


> when

> > I was actively a compulsive overeater, that's what I thought and

> when I

> > was actively a compulsive dieter, that's what I thought --


> how

> > the two are and were the same!).

> >

> > Thanks Jenn!

> >


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This is by far the best post I have read so far...


> I would love to hear more " successes. " It will be inspirational to

> hear how people use a particular coping tool (or combination of

> tools) to overcome a tough situation.


> And in that vein -- here is the success story of my YESTERDAY in the

> form of a letter I wrote to of thanks:


> ***************************************


> ,


> I sit here typing and marveling at what has occurred today. It was

> such a powerful day that I don't even know if I can give its

> description justice.


> First, let me start by saying I have been on a " diet " since I was

> six. And 5 years ago, at 243 pounds, I had what I like to call

> a " blammo " moment -- one I thought would last forever. But what I

> didn't realize then was that I was white-knuckling the entire two

> years over which I lost 83 pounds and went from a size 22 to an 8-10.

> A job change, a finding of a husband and then marrying him, a

> starting of my own business and well, I'm sure you can imagine, the

> white-knuckling could not be sustained and 56 of those 83 pounds came

> back on. Ouch.


> And I have been desperately seeking a way to re-tap the motivation

> that helped me lose the 83 pounds in the first place, but I have been

> overwhelmed with limiting beliefs because I believed that if I

> couldn't return to that " white-knuckled, militant discipline " then I

> couldn't be successful.


> But, as I'm sure you can understand, I wasn't having much success

> trying to do it that way again. In fact, each time I tried, I gained

> 2-3 pounds.


> So, still seeking some type of REAL motivation, I typed in " weight

> loss motivation " in Itunes and you popped up. Funny thing is, I only

> picked your podcasts, because they were around 30 minutes, which I

> knew I could combine with a walk with my dog each day -- good for

> both of us -- as a " bonus " to the rest of my workout plans. And so I

> started listening. And now I am hooked. I'm on #21 right now. I find

> myself wanting to go back to review them all again -- but every time

> I'm done with one, I just can't wait to get to the next one. The

> learning seems to be cumulative.


> But back to today . . .


> It started today when I woke up at around an 8-9 in hunger (giving

> the hunger a number has helped me immensely -- IMMENSELY -- it's

> probably the single most powerful tip that I've learned so far,

> amongst many powerful tips). Now it was much later than I normally

> get up, so it makes sense I woke up hungrier. So I cooked my typical

> breakfast of 3/4 cup egg whites, 1 oz. light cheddar, some chopped

> veggies, whole grain English muffin with 1/2 tablespoon of butter --

> about 300 cals total. And I ate it, and I was still at about a 6

> when I was done -- I had eaten fast and without much focus on eating.

> But I employed one of your techniques and did something else while I

> gave my BODY time to catch up to being full -- when my mind and mouth

> still thought I was hungry. And of course, 30 minutes later, with my

> bed sheets stripped and the laundry gurgling happily away (which gave

> me a great feeling of satisfaction), my hunger was at a 0-1.


> Fast forward to mid-day. I knew I was going to run some errands and

> had a plan to partake of a " treat " while perusing books at a favorite

> bookstore and coffee shop. I knew I could put this into my caloric

> plan -- which I am following while learning to become naturally

> slender (oh the freedom you gave me when you said " yes, you can

> follow a calorie plan and STILL learn to become naturally slender " --

> I had been part of a support group online who were militant in trying

> to teach that if you want to become naturally thin, you must eschew

> any type of " calorie counting " -- which wasn't working for me). And

> I wanted to because I had been semi-craving " something sweet " for a

> few days, but only wanted to have something that I would find REALLY

> enjoyable -- rather than some poor substitute - and my favorite

> coffee shop carries a cookie I really enjoy. And I kind of wanted to

> test whether I would be able to keep this " treat " occasion

> reasonable. I wanted to observe how MUCH of the cookie I would eat

> (it's a big cookie) and see if I could stop when satisfied. More on

> that to come


> So I go out and run my errands. But the errands aren't going very

> well -- traffic seems to be working against me, I can't return

> something at one store, so I have to go to another store, it seems

> that the only drivers on the road are the really bad ones, and so on

> and so on and so on. So I and find myself, around 4:30, thinking I'm

> back at about a 7 in hunger (I did have a light lunch, so 7 didn't

> really make sense). And I don't want to eat a meal, because I have

> healthy dinner plans with my hubby for the evening. But I thought to

> myself " are you really at a 7 or is it because you're driving,

> running errands, frustrated that your errands aren't going the way

> you planned, etc.? Try going to one of your errands with the thought

> that you'll find exactly what you need with no drama and see if the 7

> feeling of hunger goes away. "


> So off I went to my next errand (employing the techniques you

> describe in your story about good parking karma)telling myself that I

> would easily find exactly what I was looking for AND I would do

> something FUN and look at a few dresses and/or jeans because I need

> another pair of jeans for the winter and a dress for holiday parties.

> But if I didn't, that would be okay too.


> And it worked. Not only did the " 7 " hunger feeling go away (by the

> way, 7 is what I've determined is my 'pre-danger' zone that if I let

> it get to an 8-10 -- I'm in serious danger of bingeing), but I found

> the item I needed, evaluated the jeans and dress situation and

> satisfied myself that there are plenty of beautiful pieces to choose

> from, so I'll wait a few weeks to see what progress I've made before

> purchasing a new dress or the jeans, and realized " oh my goodness,

> I'm at about a 3 or 4 -- still a bit hungry, but certainly not

> ravenous. My " treat " may just satisfy that hunger.


> So off I went to the bookstore.


> And when I got there -- there was an even MORE powerful opportunity

> for me to employ some of your teachings and achieve a new success.

> You see, they had the " treat " I'd been craving. But they also had

> something special for Christmas that is about 1/3 the size of the

> cookie -- but in a flavor I LOVE (okay -- it was a mini red-velvet

> cupcake with cream cheese frosting). Normally, this would be a mine

> field for me -- having to choose, wanting my beloved cookie while

> realizing this special " Christmas " flavor might be GONE the next time

> I came in, looking at the great BIG cookie which I KNOW I love,

> looking at the tiny little POTENTIALLY good Christmas treat -- you

> can see the CRAZY SPIRAL I was heading into. And then I LITERALLY hit

> the brakes in my mind -- I pictured myself slamming on brakes and

> said (in my head) STOP!!! And then I said to myself " , what do

> you really want. If you feel like you're going to like the Red Velvet

> cupcake TODAY better, then have it. But if you find you DON'T like

> it, then feel free to toss it, and then buy the cookie. There is no

> deprivation. There is no " bad " decision. There is freedom to choose.

> Let GO of the feeling of right or wrong and seek PLEASURE and give

> yourself permission to have that pleasure in TWO forms if you must,

> but stop arguing with yourself about it because you're only

> perpetuating a negative perception of food and we're not going to do

> that anymore, remember? "


> So, I bought the red velvet cupcake. The TINY red velvet cupcake that

> I HAD thought " no way will this satisfy. " But I ate it with delight

> and pleasure and without " guilt " or self-loathing and you know what --

> it was the best three bites of a treat that I think I've ever had

> and not only that -- it completely satisfied my three day " I'm

> wanting something really rich and decadent " craving. I mean REALLY

> satisfied it. Which (as I sit here six hours later typing) seems

> impossible, but the craving is completely gone because it is



> But wait -- there's more!!! ( -- I think you may be the Ginsu

> knife of motivation, you just keep adding on to the features and

> benefits -- you slice, you dice, you even make julienne fries out of

> self-defeating behavior!!!).


> So then I do some more errands. It's about two hours later, and I'm

> in Target picking up a few items we need for dinner. And I realize my

> husband (a naturally thin person, God bless him), is out of his

> favorite after dinner item -- Chips Ahoy. Now as treats go, Chips

> Ahoy are NOT on my list of favorite things. I really don't love

> sweets, much less processed, faux-flavored kiddie cookies, so they're

> not usually a problem for me, I can partake in moderation. But ever

> since my husband started bringing these home, I have " craved " them

> not because I want or like them for their taste, but because I resent

> the fact that he can eat a half bag of them one night, then LEAVE

> THEM ALONE for weeks. And that he does it with no guilt and that he

> doesn't gain weight when he does so (because he eats so little,

> another story, another day). And whenever he gets them out to eat, I

> find myself wanting them not because I actually enjoy them, but

> because I am so food-envious because I always have felt food-

> deprived. Sick, right? But I know he loves them, and he mentioned we

> were out last night, so I put them in the cart hoping I am going to

> be able to get over my Chips-ahoy envy.


> I come home to make dinner and am back at around a hunger level of 5

> or 6 -- which would normally mean I would make myself a " snack " to

> tide me over AS I PREPARE DINNER (oh who am I kidding, I ALWAYS have

> a snack WHILE I prepare dinner). But I remember your talking about

> having a feeling of peace and calm as you cook, of enjoying a bit

> of " discomfort. " And guess what . . . I have a snack anyway (bet you

> thought I was going to say I avoided the snack, right?). Yep, I kind

> of mis-step. Even while thinking all the right things, I just

> mindlessly break out that WASA bread and top it with some ricotta and

> CRUNCH!!! Mmmm. Mmm . . .


> . . .Oops.


> But then I think " okay, I can self-correct with this pretty easily.

> I'll up the salad portion of my dinner and cut the healthy " wrap "

> portion in half and then, if I'm still hungry, I'll eat the whole

> thing, but let's see what happens. And that works. I focus as I eat.

> I enjoy every crispy, crunchy bite of my salad and the little bits of

> flavor. I eat half of my whole-grain, chicken/peppers/onions salsa

> wrap that I cooked myself, while my husband DOWNS his. And I am, at

> the end of the meal COMPLETELY SATISFIED. And my husband saw me leave

> food on my plate -- a rare sight as a card-carrying member of the

> clean plate club.


> So --dinner over, I head off to do some pleasure reading. I'm sitting

> in our living room, giggling and snorting at one of my favorite humor

> authors. I'm enjoying an after-dinner cup of coffee and, when my

> husband breaks out the Chips Ahoy -- I HAVE NO COOKIE ENVY.

> Seriously, none. And it floors me. I can hardly believe it. I don't

> want to RUN to him and scream " NOOOO, how can you eat those without

> my having six or seven of them too, It's not fair, it's not fair,

> it's not fair. " And that is a HUGE victory.


> And truly -- the lack of cookie envy is what prompted me to write

> this -- but when I looked back over the course of today, I see how

> many of the techniques you've taught me I employed and how SUCCESSFUL

> I was when I did and am GOBSMACKED!


> So, thank you. I'm now going to write in my success journal and think

> about what fun life, living, being a successful business woman,

> pursuing my dreams and learning to be naturally slender will bring me

> tomorrow!


> Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!


> 5'10 "

> Red-headed, high-heeled, stylish BOMBSHELL of a woman.

> Smart, savvy and driven businesswoman

> A terrific wife and dog-mom!


> Start: 216.5

> Current: 206!!!

> GOALS: (which I claim, but then release and accept myself as I am

> right now)

> Short term goal: 190 by December 25th

> Long-term goal: 170 by June, 2009

> Very long-term goal: 155 by September 3, 2009 (my 41st birthday)

> PERMANENT GOAL: Sustainable, NATURAL slenderness!



> (P.S, -- I apologize for the OVER ENTHUSIASTIC SHOUTING CAPS -- but I

> just can't help it, I'm thrilled!).


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What a nice thing to say! I truly am overjoyed that it's working and

hope that my small victories will help someone else!

> >

> > I would love to hear more " successes. " It will be inspirational to

> > hear how people use a particular coping tool (or

combination of

> > tools) to overcome a tough situation.

> >

> > And in that vein -- here is the success story of my YESTERDAY in


> > form of a letter I wrote to of thanks:

> >

> > ***************************************

> >

> > ,

> >

> > I sit here typing and marveling at what has occurred today. It was

> > such a powerful day that I don't even know if I can give its

> > description justice.

> >

> > First, let me start by saying I have been on a " diet " since I was

> > six. And 5 years ago, at 243 pounds, I had what I like to call

> > a " blammo " moment -- one I thought would last forever. But what I

> > didn't realize then was that I was white-knuckling the entire two

> > years over which I lost 83 pounds and went from a size 22 to an 8-


> > A job change, a finding of a husband and then marrying him, a

> > starting of my own business and well, I'm sure you can imagine,


> > white-knuckling could not be sustained and 56 of those 83 pounds


> > back on. Ouch.

> >

> > And I have been desperately seeking a way to re-tap the motivation

> > that helped me lose the 83 pounds in the first place, but I have


> > overwhelmed with limiting beliefs because I believed that if I

> > couldn't return to that " white-knuckled, militant discipline "

then I

> > couldn't be successful.

> >

> > But, as I'm sure you can understand, I wasn't having much success

> > trying to do it that way again. In fact, each time I tried, I


> > 2-3 pounds.

> >

> > So, still seeking some type of REAL motivation, I typed in " weight

> > loss motivation " in Itunes and you popped up. Funny thing is, I


> > picked your podcasts, because they were around 30 minutes, which I

> > knew I could combine with a walk with my dog each day -- good for

> > both of us -- as a " bonus " to the rest of my workout plans. And

so I

> > started listening. And now I am hooked. I'm on #21 right now. I


> > myself wanting to go back to review them all again -- but every


> > I'm done with one, I just can't wait to get to the next one. The

> > learning seems to be cumulative.

> >

> > But back to today . . .

> >

> > It started today when I woke up at around an 8-9 in hunger (giving

> > the hunger a number has helped me immensely -- IMMENSELY -- it's

> > probably the single most powerful tip that I've learned so far,

> > amongst many powerful tips). Now it was much later than I normally

> > get up, so it makes sense I woke up hungrier. So I cooked my


> > breakfast of 3/4 cup egg whites, 1 oz. light cheddar, some chopped

> > veggies, whole grain English muffin with 1/2 tablespoon of

butter --

> > about 300 cals total. And I ate it, and I was still at about a 6

> > when I was done -- I had eaten fast and without much focus on


> > But I employed one of your techniques and did something else

while I

> > gave my BODY time to catch up to being full -- when my mind and


> > still thought I was hungry. And of course, 30 minutes later, with


> > bed sheets stripped and the laundry gurgling happily away (which


> > me a great feeling of satisfaction), my hunger was at a 0-1.

> >

> > Fast forward to mid-day. I knew I was going to run some errands


> > had a plan to partake of a " treat " while perusing books at a


> > bookstore and coffee shop. I knew I could put this into my caloric

> > plan -- which I am following while learning to become naturally

> > slender (oh the freedom you gave me when you said " yes, you can

> > follow a calorie plan and STILL learn to become naturally

slender " --

> > I had been part of a support group online who were militant in


> > to teach that if you want to become naturally thin, you must


> > any type of " calorie counting " -- which wasn't working for me).


> > I wanted to because I had been semi-craving " something sweet " for


> > few days, but only wanted to have something that I would find


> > enjoyable -- rather than some poor substitute - and my favorite

> > coffee shop carries a cookie I really enjoy. And I kind of wanted


> > test whether I would be able to keep this " treat " occasion

> > reasonable. I wanted to observe how MUCH of the cookie I would eat

> > (it's a big cookie) and see if I could stop when satisfied. More


> > that to come

> >

> > So I go out and run my errands. But the errands aren't going very

> > well -- traffic seems to be working against me, I can't return

> > something at one store, so I have to go to another store, it seems

> > that the only drivers on the road are the really bad ones, and so


> > and so on and so on. So I and find myself, around 4:30, thinking


> > back at about a 7 in hunger (I did have a light lunch, so 7 didn't

> > really make sense). And I don't want to eat a meal, because I have

> > healthy dinner plans with my hubby for the evening. But I thought


> > myself " are you really at a 7 or is it because you're driving,

> > running errands, frustrated that your errands aren't going the way

> > you planned, etc.? Try going to one of your errands with the


> > that you'll find exactly what you need with no drama and see if

the 7

> > feeling of hunger goes away. "

> >

> > So off I went to my next errand (employing the techniques you

> > describe in your story about good parking karma)telling myself

that I

> > would easily find exactly what I was looking for AND I would do

> > something FUN and look at a few dresses and/or jeans because I


> > another pair of jeans for the winter and a dress for holiday


> > But if I didn't, that would be okay too.

> >

> > And it worked. Not only did the " 7 " hunger feeling go away (by the

> > way, 7 is what I've determined is my 'pre-danger' zone that if I


> > it get to an 8-10 -- I'm in serious danger of bingeing), but I


> > the item I needed, evaluated the jeans and dress situation and

> > satisfied myself that there are plenty of beautiful pieces to


> > from, so I'll wait a few weeks to see what progress I've made


> > purchasing a new dress or the jeans, and realized " oh my goodness,

> > I'm at about a 3 or 4 -- still a bit hungry, but certainly not

> > ravenous. My " treat " may just satisfy that hunger.

> >

> > So off I went to the bookstore.

> >

> > And when I got there -- there was an even MORE powerful


> > for me to employ some of your teachings and achieve a new success.

> > You see, they had the " treat " I'd been craving. But they also had

> > something special for Christmas that is about 1/3 the size of the

> > cookie -- but in a flavor I LOVE (okay -- it was a mini red-velvet

> > cupcake with cream cheese frosting). Normally, this would be a


> > field for me -- having to choose, wanting my beloved cookie while

> > realizing this special " Christmas " flavor might be GONE the next


> > I came in, looking at the great BIG cookie which I KNOW I love,

> > looking at the tiny little POTENTIALLY good Christmas treat -- you

> > can see the CRAZY SPIRAL I was heading into. And then I LITERALLY


> > the brakes in my mind -- I pictured myself slamming on brakes and

> > said (in my head) STOP!!! And then I said to myself " , what


> > you really want. If you feel like you're going to like the Red


> > cupcake TODAY better, then have it. But if you find you DON'T like

> > it, then feel free to toss it, and then buy the cookie. There is


> > deprivation. There is no " bad " decision. There is freedom to


> > Let GO of the feeling of right or wrong and seek PLEASURE and give

> > yourself permission to have that pleasure in TWO forms if you


> > but stop arguing with yourself about it because you're only

> > perpetuating a negative perception of food and we're not going to


> > that anymore, remember? "

> >

> > So, I bought the red velvet cupcake. The TINY red velvet cupcake


> > I HAD thought " no way will this satisfy. " But I ate it with


> > and pleasure and without " guilt " or self-loathing and you know

what --

> > it was the best three bites of a treat that I think I've ever had

> > and not only that -- it completely satisfied my three day " I'm

> > wanting something really rich and decadent " craving. I mean REALLY

> > satisfied it. Which (as I sit here six hours later typing) seems

> > impossible, but the craving is completely gone because it is


> >

> > But wait -- there's more!!! ( -- I think you may be the Ginsu

> > knife of motivation, you just keep adding on to the features and

> > benefits -- you slice, you dice, you even make julienne fries out


> > self-defeating behavior!!!).

> >

> > So then I do some more errands. It's about two hours later, and


> > in Target picking up a few items we need for dinner. And I

realize my

> > husband (a naturally thin person, God bless him), is out of his

> > favorite after dinner item -- Chips Ahoy. Now as treats go, Chips

> > Ahoy are NOT on my list of favorite things. I really don't love

> > sweets, much less processed, faux-flavored kiddie cookies, so


> > not usually a problem for me, I can partake in moderation. But


> > since my husband started bringing these home, I have " craved " them

> > not because I want or like them for their taste, but because I


> > the fact that he can eat a half bag of them one night, then LEAVE

> > THEM ALONE for weeks. And that he does it with no guilt and that


> > doesn't gain weight when he does so (because he eats so little,

> > another story, another day). And whenever he gets them out to

eat, I

> > find myself wanting them not because I actually enjoy them, but

> > because I am so food-envious because I always have felt food-

> > deprived. Sick, right? But I know he loves them, and he mentioned


> > were out last night, so I put them in the cart hoping I am going


> > be able to get over my Chips-ahoy envy.

> >

> > I come home to make dinner and am back at around a hunger level

of 5

> > or 6 -- which would normally mean I would make myself a " snack " to

> > tide me over AS I PREPARE DINNER (oh who am I kidding, I ALWAYS


> > a snack WHILE I prepare dinner). But I remember your talking about

> > having a feeling of peace and calm as you cook, of enjoying a bit

> > of " discomfort. " And guess what . . . I have a snack anyway (bet


> > thought I was going to say I avoided the snack, right?). Yep, I


> > of mis-step. Even while thinking all the right things, I just

> > mindlessly break out that WASA bread and top it with some ricotta


> > CRUNCH!!! Mmmm. Mmm . . .

> >

> > . . .Oops.

> >

> > But then I think " okay, I can self-correct with this pretty


> > I'll up the salad portion of my dinner and cut the healthy " wrap "

> > portion in half and then, if I'm still hungry, I'll eat the whole

> > thing, but let's see what happens. And that works. I focus as I


> > I enjoy every crispy, crunchy bite of my salad and the little

bits of

> > flavor. I eat half of my whole-grain, chicken/peppers/onions salsa

> > wrap that I cooked myself, while my husband DOWNS his. And I am,


> > the end of the meal COMPLETELY SATISFIED. And my husband saw me


> > food on my plate -- a rare sight as a card-carrying member of the

> > clean plate club.

> >

> > So --dinner over, I head off to do some pleasure reading. I'm


> > in our living room, giggling and snorting at one of my favorite


> > authors. I'm enjoying an after-dinner cup of coffee and, when my

> > husband breaks out the Chips Ahoy -- I HAVE NO COOKIE ENVY.

> > Seriously, none. And it floors me. I can hardly believe it. I


> > want to RUN to him and scream " NOOOO, how can you eat those


> > my having six or seven of them too, It's not fair, it's not fair,

> > it's not fair. " And that is a HUGE victory.

> >

> > And truly -- the lack of cookie envy is what prompted me to write

> > this -- but when I looked back over the course of today, I see how

> > many of the techniques you've taught me I employed and how


> > I was when I did and am GOBSMACKED!

> >

> > So, thank you. I'm now going to write in my success journal and


> > about what fun life, living, being a successful business woman,

> > pursuing my dreams and learning to be naturally slender will

bring me

> > tomorrow!

> >

> > Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

> >

> > 5'10 "

> > Red-headed, high-heeled, stylish BOMBSHELL of a woman.

> > Smart, savvy and driven businesswoman

> > A terrific wife and dog-mom!

> >

> > Start: 216.5

> > Current: 206!!!

> > GOALS: (which I claim, but then release and accept myself as I am

> > right now)

> > Short term goal: 190 by December 25th

> > Long-term goal: 170 by June, 2009

> > Very long-term goal: 155 by September 3, 2009 (my 41st birthday)

> > PERMANENT GOAL: Sustainable, NATURAL slenderness!

> >

> >

> > (P.S, -- I apologize for the OVER ENTHUSIASTIC SHOUTING CAPS --

but I

> > just can't help it, I'm thrilled!).

> >


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WoW-you go GIRL! Keep up the enthusiasm and you've got it made!

Sophie-I usually listen MINIMUM 2 x daily.Morning Commute, Evening

commute. Sometimes I listen as I'm drifting off to sleep. Too much

does not hurt!



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Hi Ang,

Thanks for your reply. I will start listening to them more often - I

suppose this means that you are listening to more than one at a time?

I had been running prologue, episode 1 and 2, but now think I should

maybe go further. I will still listen to them in order but maybe re-

listen so I can absorb it better as you say.

Here's a question for you though: in episode 3 takes you

through a " dream " of what you will be like. I tried this last night

and found it very very difficult. My images are blurry and the

feelings of how I will feel, etc quite indistinct. Is repetition the

key here?

I'm in Tokyo as my husband's in finance - obviously a shakey place to

be right now, but we are fairly philosophical: if we get sent home

tomorrow (Sydney, Australia), then so be it. I have three boys at

school here who are 11, 9 & 6. I do some singing in bands and for

studio ads, etc. Another reason to want to feel more confident!

Thanks for the reply, talk to you soon!


> > >

> > >

> > > PERFECT!! Just what I need to hear. This is the only time I've

> ever

> > > felt like I understand how food can fit into a normal day. How


> > can

> > > not wake up obsessing about where my next meal is coming from

> (and

> > when

> > > I was actively a compulsive overeater, that's what I thought


> > when I

> > > was actively a compulsive dieter, that's what I thought --

> amazing

> > how

> > > the two are and were the same!).

> > >

> > > Thanks Jenn!

> > >

> >


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Dear KJ,

Thanks for this - I'm going to start inserting them more into my day!

Onward and upward!



> :


> WoW-you go GIRL! Keep up the enthusiasm and you've got it made!


> Sophie-I usually listen MINIMUM 2 x daily.Morning Commute, Evening

> commute. Sometimes I listen as I'm drifting off to sleep. Too much

> does not hurt!


> KJ


> -


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Dear KJ,

Thanks for this - I'm going to start inserting them more into my day!

Onward and upward!



> :


> WoW-you go GIRL! Keep up the enthusiasm and you've got it made!


> Sophie-I usually listen MINIMUM 2 x daily.Morning Commute, Evening

> commute. Sometimes I listen as I'm drifting off to sleep. Too much

> does not hurt!


> KJ


> -


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Sophie --

I'm listening to about two a day now, yes. But I listen while I

clean, while I walk my Dog, while I drive -- all different times.

As for the dream. . . .the way I did this " dream " was two fold. One --

I remember being in Nice, France a few years ago with my then fiance

and I had a slammin' body (remember, I did this once before), so

I " dreamed " that woman, but calmer, more mature, less frantic and NOT

afraid of losing that body (I remember freaking out over the morning

pastries with real butter the hotel always sent up with full fat

yogurt -- now I won't have to freak out over that). I also pictured

an outfit that I want to wear -- a white bikini with sheer palazzo

pants, the location -- on that balcony overlooking the beach from our

room in Nice, and pictured my hair in the breeze, soft French music

playing, the smell of coffee and croissants they brought us every

morning, my husband sleeping in while I enjoy the morning, the sounds

of the street running along the beach just waking up, etc.

The " external " details helped me find the internal emotions. Peace,

love, comfort, strength (a calm strength), sexiness, etc.

To solidify this dream, I found pics on the internet (you can do

searches of images at www.gettyimages.com -- a marketing resource we

use in my business) of women that I thought had the bodies, were in

the environment I wanted to be in, etc. and then I printed them out

and I've actually taken my head from a picture I love and put it on

their bodies and have them hanging in my exercise room. Whenever I

don't want to do that last step-up or plio jump, I just look at them.

I did the same thing with away from and towards -- having a pic of me

that someone snapped a few weeks ago (ick) labled " away from " and a

pic of me that I took when I was at my best labled " towards "

Now, I envision ME as this image daily.

Hope that helps!

And wow -- Sydney, how amazing! And you'll love my friend Mel who is

posting here now -- she's a singer to, as am I. Maybe we can form

and " Inside Out Weight Loss " chorus/band one day!!

Wouldn't that be a fun " towards " goal -- to have 3D meeting somewhere

(maybe Hawaii at a resort where we showcase our fabulous selves and

meet ) and have some karaoke time??!!!

Take care. And while YOU sleep, I promise to send out thoughts of

your achieving your success with NATURAL SLENDERNESS!! So you'll be

getting a positive boost of energy and success even while you sleep.



> > > >

> > > >

> > > > PERFECT!! Just what I need to hear. This is the only time


> > ever

> > > > felt like I understand how food can fit into a normal day.


> I

> > > can

> > > > not wake up obsessing about where my next meal is coming from

> > (and

> > > when

> > > > I was actively a compulsive overeater, that's what I thought

> and

> > > when I

> > > > was actively a compulsive dieter, that's what I thought --

> > amazing

> > > how

> > > > the two are and were the same!).

> > > >

> > > > Thanks Jenn!

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Hey! It's Mel! Are you talking about me? :-)

Hi Ang!

Sophie - I had trouble with the " dream " meditation, too. I'm not a

very visual person so I don't " see " myself in my visions. I've read

that not everyone is a visual person and it's really not necessary.

You can find other ways to get yourself into the " feeling place " of

having what you want - which is really the key to creating it in your

life anyway.

I am very kinesthetic (sp?) - rather than think and feel in pictures

I think and feel through sensations in my body. Sometimes I have a

hard time verbalizing what's going on with me for that reason.

Remember that exercise where has you feel where in your body

you " object " to your dream life? That's perfect for me. I can feel

a churning ball in my gut when I'm not aligned with what I'm thinking

about, and the exercise of imagining pulling that part of myself out

of my body was very effective - it actually made me FEEL better.

What worked for me: I listened to the meditation and tried to get

into it as much as possible, but then I WROTE out my dream

afterward. I started with the obvious stuff (I want a lean, strong,

healthy body) but kept writing until I hit on something that made me

feel energized and excited as I wrote (like describing going shopping

for my size 4 jeans or a dress that fit just right and dancing in

front of the mirror in the dressing room). From there it's easy to

get on a roll and before you know it you CAN see exactly where you

want to be. It's all about clarifying that vision.

I hope that made sense - like I said, sometimes it's hard to

verbalize. Ang is way better at that than I am... :-)

And I'm in! A karaoke party in Hawaii sounds GREAT!


> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > PERFECT!! Just what I need to hear. This is the only time

> I've

> > > ever

> > > > > felt like I understand how food can fit into a normal day.

> How

> > I

> > > > can

> > > > > not wake up obsessing about where my next meal is coming


> > > (and

> > > > when

> > > > > I was actively a compulsive overeater, that's what I


> > and

> > > > when I

> > > > > was actively a compulsive dieter, that's what I thought --

> > > amazing

> > > > how

> > > > > the two are and were the same!).

> > > > >

> > > > > Thanks Jenn!

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Wonderful - that's really great advice - thankyou.

I had started collecting pictures etc. I have a small folder that

has my " how you kow you want to change " and some notes about what I

do want that I've jotted and some collections of clothes, bodies, etc

that I would like. I will go to the getty images site too and see

what I can find.

I'm sure I have a couple of unflattering photos of me that I can dig

out. I have already pasted my head on Demi 's body - which I

think is quite a fab one for us ladies on the wrong side of 40!

I'm not hugely overweight, so I think I get the motivation to get

down a bit and then just give up - just as says in the first

episode: so my challenge is to keep going. Not only that though, to

have that ease and peace around food (and wine for that matter) and

not feel the compulsion and pull constantly.

Well, I'd love to have a Karaoke meeting - that would be great. There

is so much karaoke in Tokyo (obviously) that I'm not starved for

choice here! Even after I've sung at a gig and been paid, I quite

often go and blow some of what I " ve earned on singing some more and

paying for the pleasure! Not sure when I'll be back in Sydney. Not

for a few months at least - I visit though as that's where family is

and lots of friends, of course.

Thanks again for the advice! I'm going to go and listen to that

dream episode again and see if I've got a little further!


> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > PERFECT!! Just what I need to hear. This is the only time

> I've

> > > ever

> > > > > felt like I understand how food can fit into a normal day.

> How

> > I

> > > > can

> > > > > not wake up obsessing about where my next meal is coming


> > > (and

> > > > when

> > > > > I was actively a compulsive overeater, that's what I


> > and

> > > > when I

> > > > > was actively a compulsive dieter, that's what I thought --

> > > amazing

> > > > how

> > > > > the two are and were the same!).

> > > > >

> > > > > Thanks Jenn!

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Thanks Mel - I'll try this one too. I think I'm fairly visual but I

can't put myself in the picture somehow, or connect it to me, if you

know what I mean. Maybe this will help. I'm certainly going to give

it a try.

Ok sounds like we have a date at some unknown time in the future:

Karaoke in Hawaii. Let's see if we can't turn some heads in our new

bodies!!! Ha!


> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > PERFECT!! Just what I need to hear. This is the only time

> > I've

> > > > ever

> > > > > > felt like I understand how food can fit into a normal


> > How

> > > I

> > > > > can

> > > > > > not wake up obsessing about where my next meal is coming

> from

> > > > (and

> > > > > when

> > > > > > I was actively a compulsive overeater, that's what I

> thought

> > > and

> > > > > when I

> > > > > > was actively a compulsive dieter, that's what I thought --

> > > > amazing

> > > > > how

> > > > > > the two are and were the same!).

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Thanks Jenn!

> > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >


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Good Morning Tracey!

" Usually " puts the podcasts out weekly - however when she is on

vacation or busy with other projects, the program release time gets

pushed back. I find myself checking a couple of times a day to see

if there was a new one at the end of each week. If not, I go back

and listen to one of the programs from the past which may be helpful

to me that week. We have such a rich " library " of shows to choose

from. I do feel like a bit of a junky though when I am waiting for

the new show.

We are glad you are here. It is the best resource I know and has

changed my approach to food and life in amazing ways. A very big

congratulations to you for giving up smoking. I did that too many

years ago and it was so, so hard. The cigarette companies have done

a great job of insuring that it will be difficult by lacing

cigarettes with so many other addictive chemicals. I remember just

feeling so relieved every morning when I could wake up and breathe a

little easier. You have beat the odds - congratulations!

Best. Joan

> Hi Everyone:


> My name is Tracey and I live in Ontario, Canada. I have listened to

> all of

> 's podcasts, and am in the process of going over them again

> from the

> beginning. I quit smoking the beginning of September and put on

> about 15

> pounds, hence my search for some weight loss motivational help.


> Does anyone know if there will be a new one soon? The older ones

> seem to be

> about one a week, but I don't think there has been a new one for a

> couple of

> weeks.


> Tracey




> Sophie --


> I'm listening to about two a day now, yes. But I listen while I

> clean, while I walk my Dog, while I drive -- all different times.


> As for the dream. . . .the way I did this " dream " was two fold. One --

> I remember being in Nice, France a few years ago with my then fiance

> and I had a slammin' body (remember, I did this once before), so

> I " dreamed " that woman, but calmer, more mature, less frantic and NOT

> afraid of losing that body (I remember freaking out over the morning

> pastries with real butter the hotel always sent up with full fat

> yogurt -- now I won't have to freak out over that). I also pictured

> an outfit that I want to wear -- a white bikini with sheer palazzo

> pants, the location -- on that balcony overlooking the beach from our

> room in Nice, and pictured my hair in the breeze, soft French music

> playing, the smell of coffee and croissants they brought us every

> morning, my husband sleeping in while I enjoy the morning, the sounds

> of the street running along the beach just waking up, etc.

> The " external " details helped me find the internal emotions. Peace,

> love, comfort, strength (a calm strength), sexiness, etc.


> To solidify this dream, I found pics on the internet (you can do

> searches of images at www.gettyimages.com -- a marketing resource we

> use in my business) of women that I thought had the bodies, were in

> the environment I wanted to be in, etc. and then I printed them out

> and I've actually taken my head from a picture I love and put it on

> their bodies and have them hanging in my exercise room. Whenever I

> don't want to do that last step-up or plio jump, I just look at them.


> I did the same thing with away from and towards -- having a pic of me

> that someone snapped a few weeks ago (ick) labled " away from " and a

> pic of me that I took when I was at my best labled " towards "


> Now, I envision ME as this image daily.


> Hope that helps!


> And wow -- Sydney, how amazing! And you'll love my friend Mel who is

> posting here now -- she's a singer to, as am I. Maybe we can form

> and " Inside Out Weight Loss " chorus/band one day!!


> Wouldn't that be a fun " towards " goal -- to have 3D meeting somewhere

> (maybe Hawaii at a resort where we showcase our fabulous selves and

> meet ) and have some karaoke time??!!!


> Take care. And while YOU sleep, I promise to send out thoughts of

> your achieving your success with NATURAL SLENDERNESS!! So you'll be

> getting a positive boost of energy and success even while you sleep.


> Thanks!

> Ang



> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > PERFECT!! Just what I need to hear. This is the only time

> I've

> > > ever

> > > > > felt like I understand how food can fit into a normal day.

> How

> > I

> > > > can

> > > > > not wake up obsessing about where my next meal is coming from

> > > (and

> > > > when

> > > > > I was actively a compulsive overeater, that's what I thought

> > and

> > > > when I

> > > > > was actively a compulsive dieter, that's what I thought --

> > > amazing

> > > > how

> > > > > the two are and were the same!).

> > > > >

> > > > > Thanks Jenn!

> > > > >

> > > >

> > >

> >



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Hi Everyone:

My name is Tracey and I live in Ontario, Canada. I have listened to all of

's podcasts, and am in the process of going over them again from the

beginning. I quit smoking the beginning of September and put on about 15

pounds, hence my search for some weight loss motivational help.

Does anyone know if there will be a new one soon? The older ones seem to be

about one a week, but I don't think there has been a new one for a couple of




Sophie --

I'm listening to about two a day now, yes. But I listen while I

clean, while I walk my Dog, while I drive -- all different times.

As for the dream. . . .the way I did this " dream " was two fold. One --

I remember being in Nice, France a few years ago with my then fiance

and I had a slammin' body (remember, I did this once before), so

I " dreamed " that woman, but calmer, more mature, less frantic and NOT

afraid of losing that body (I remember freaking out over the morning

pastries with real butter the hotel always sent up with full fat

yogurt -- now I won't have to freak out over that). I also pictured

an outfit that I want to wear -- a white bikini with sheer palazzo

pants, the location -- on that balcony overlooking the beach from our

room in Nice, and pictured my hair in the breeze, soft French music

playing, the smell of coffee and croissants they brought us every

morning, my husband sleeping in while I enjoy the morning, the sounds

of the street running along the beach just waking up, etc.

The " external " details helped me find the internal emotions. Peace,

love, comfort, strength (a calm strength), sexiness, etc.

To solidify this dream, I found pics on the internet (you can do

searches of images at www.gettyimages.com -- a marketing resource we

use in my business) of women that I thought had the bodies, were in

the environment I wanted to be in, etc. and then I printed them out

and I've actually taken my head from a picture I love and put it on

their bodies and have them hanging in my exercise room. Whenever I

don't want to do that last step-up or plio jump, I just look at them.

I did the same thing with away from and towards -- having a pic of me

that someone snapped a few weeks ago (ick) labled " away from " and a

pic of me that I took when I was at my best labled " towards "

Now, I envision ME as this image daily.

Hope that helps!

And wow -- Sydney, how amazing! And you'll love my friend Mel who is

posting here now -- she's a singer to, as am I. Maybe we can form

and " Inside Out Weight Loss " chorus/band one day!!

Wouldn't that be a fun " towards " goal -- to have 3D meeting somewhere

(maybe Hawaii at a resort where we showcase our fabulous selves and

meet ) and have some karaoke time??!!!

Take care. And while YOU sleep, I promise to send out thoughts of

your achieving your success with NATURAL SLENDERNESS!! So you'll be

getting a positive boost of energy and success even while you sleep.



> > > >

> > > >

> > > > PERFECT!! Just what I need to hear. This is the only time


> > ever

> > > > felt like I understand how food can fit into a normal day.


> I

> > > can

> > > > not wake up obsessing about where my next meal is coming from

> > (and

> > > when

> > > > I was actively a compulsive overeater, that's what I thought

> and

> > > when I

> > > > was actively a compulsive dieter, that's what I thought --

> > amazing

> > > how

> > > > the two are and were the same!).

> > > >

> > > > Thanks Jenn!

> > > >

> > >

> >


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there's a new podcast every week (except when she's on vacation) - the most

recent dates I have are 11.06, 11/13 and 11/27 on my iPod ... you might have to

check your iTunes to see if you've been unsubscribed if you don't have those





To: insideoutweightloss

Sent: Thursday, November 27, 2008 8:34:30 AM


Hi Everyone:

My name is Tracey and I live in Ontario, Canada. I have listened to all of

's podcasts, and am in the process of going over them again from the

beginning. I quit smoking the beginning of September and put on about 15

pounds, hence my search for some weight loss motivational help.

Does anyone know if there will be a new one soon? The older ones seem to be

about one a week, but I don't think there has been a new one for a couple of



[insideoutweightlos s] Re: SUCCESSES PLEASE

Sophie --

I'm listening to about two a day now, yes. But I listen while I

clean, while I walk my Dog, while I drive -- all different times.

As for the dream. . . .the way I did this " dream " was two fold. One --

I remember being in Nice, France a few years ago with my then fiance

and I had a slammin' body (remember, I did this once before), so

I " dreamed " that woman, but calmer, more mature, less frantic and NOT

afraid of losing that body (I remember freaking out over the morning

pastries with real butter the hotel always sent up with full fat

yogurt -- now I won't have to freak out over that). I also pictured

an outfit that I want to wear -- a white bikini with sheer palazzo

pants, the location -- on that balcony overlooking the beach from our

room in Nice, and pictured my hair in the breeze, soft French music

playing, the smell of coffee and croissants they brought us every

morning, my husband sleeping in while I enjoy the morning, the sounds

of the street running along the beach just waking up, etc.

The " external " details helped me find the internal emotions. Peace,

love, comfort, strength (a calm strength), sexiness, etc.

To solidify this dream, I found pics on the internet (you can do

searches of images at www.gettyimages. com -- a marketing resource we

use in my business) of women that I thought had the bodies, were in

the environment I wanted to be in, etc. and then I printed them out

and I've actually taken my head from a picture I love and put it on

their bodies and have them hanging in my exercise room. Whenever I

don't want to do that last step-up or plio jump, I just look at them.

I did the same thing with away from and towards -- having a pic of me

that someone snapped a few weeks ago (ick) labled " away from " and a

pic of me that I took when I was at my best labled " towards "

Now, I envision ME as this image daily.

Hope that helps!

And wow -- Sydney, how amazing! And you'll love my friend Mel who is

posting here now -- she's a singer to, as am I. Maybe we can form

and " Inside Out Weight Loss " chorus/band one day!!

Wouldn't that be a fun " towards " goal -- to have 3D meeting somewhere

(maybe Hawaii at a resort where we showcase our fabulous selves and

meet ) and have some karaoke time??!!!

Take care. And while YOU sleep, I promise to send out thoughts of

your achieving your success with NATURAL SLENDERNESS! ! So you'll be

getting a positive boost of energy and success even while you sleep.



> > > >

> > > >

> > > > PERFECT!! Just what I need to hear. This is the only time


> > ever

> > > > felt like I understand how food can fit into a normal day.


> I

> > > can

> > > > not wake up obsessing about where my next meal is coming from

> > (and

> > > when

> > > > I was actively a compulsive overeater, that's what I thought

> and

> > > when I

> > > > was actively a compulsive dieter, that's what I thought --

> > amazing

> > > how

> > > > the two are and were the same!).

> > > >

> > > > Thanks Jenn!

> > > >

> > >

> >


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