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Welcome to the group Deborah!!

My oldest son was 7 when he was diagnosed with AS and he was also diagnosed with ADHD. He is now 14.

What is going on with your son?


April is Autism Awareness Month!!Become aware of our special kids!!

Excuse Me While I Go Raise Tomorrow's Future.



Just a quick mail to introduce myself as I've just joined the list. My name is Deborah and I have a little boy who is almost 5 with Autism and ADHD. He's on medication, and I'm especially interested in anyone else who has experience similar to mine.

Kind regards


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  • 11 months later...
Guest guest


Well, he's on Concerta, and has been on Ritalin, but we found he had too many ups and downs on Ritalin. Clonodine was also suggested but he's doing well on a high dose of concerta at the moment. We went through sheer hell until last summer with him until he started medication and the dose was right.... he is verbal, but diagnosed as severely autistic...along with the ADHD and dyspraxia, every behaviour you can imagine he did, to the extreme. However now he attends a special school, and he has improved a little with age (though this could be just the medication). Is your son on medication? How's he doing now he's 14? Did things slowly get better or become progressively more difficult as he got older?




Just a quick mail to introduce myself as I've just joined the list. My name is Deborah and I have a little boy who is almost 5 with Autism and ADHD. He's on medication, and I'm especially interested in anyone else who has experience similar to mine.

Kind regards


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  • 3 years later...

Thought I would introduce myself. My name is . I am 29 years

old, 2 kids, a wonderful husband and about 50 extra pounds. I never

had a weight problem until after my 1st child was born. I gained

almost 70 lbs with pregnancy and took off about 30 of it. Now after

having #2 and gaining 60 lbs it is time to get back to exercising and

eating right. I found IOWL in Itunes and started listening. ,

everything you say makes so much sense. I started working out with my

sister and plan sharing things with her that I learn from this. My New

years resolution is it get rid of this 50 lbs by summer. So far I am

down 6. I walk with my sister for about an hour in the morning. I am

also doing Pilates 4 times a week to tone. I look forward to sharing

my success and knowlege with other and also hearing what has worked

for other. Good luck to everyone!

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Hi !

Congrats on losing 6 lbs...you're on your way!

--- melissamocko wrote:

> Thought I would introduce myself. My name is

> . I am 29 years

> old, 2 kids, a wonderful husband and about 50 extra

> pounds. I never

> had a weight problem until after my 1st child was

> born. I gained

> almost 70 lbs with pregnancy and took off about 30

> of it. Now after

> having #2 and gaining 60 lbs it is time to get back

> to exercising and

> eating right. I found IOWL in Itunes and started

> listening. ,

> everything you say makes so much sense. I started

> working out with my

> sister and plan sharing things with her that I learn

> from this. My New

> years resolution is it get rid of this 50 lbs by

> summer. So far I am

> down 6. I walk with my sister for about an hour in

> the morning. I am

> also doing Pilates 4 times a week to tone. I look

> forward to sharing

> my success and knowlege with other and also hearing

> what has worked

> for other. Good luck to everyone!






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Thanks Yolonda!

Re: Hi!

Hi !

Congrats on losing 6 lbs...you're on your way!

--- melissamocko <melissamocko@ yahoo.com> wrote:

> Thought I would introduce myself. My name is

> . I am 29 years

> old, 2 kids, a wonderful husband and about 50 extra

> pounds. I never

> had a weight problem until after my 1st child was

> born. I gained

> almost 70 lbs with pregnancy and took off about 30

> of it. Now after

> having #2 and gaining 60 lbs it is time to get back

> to exercising and

> eating right. I found IOWL in Itunes and started

> listening. ,

> everything you say makes so much sense. I started

> working out with my

> sister and plan sharing things with her that I learn

> from this. My New

> years resolution is it get rid of this 50 lbs by

> summer. So far I am

> down 6. I walk with my sister for about an hour in

> the morning. I am

> also doing Pilates 4 times a week to tone. I look

> forward to sharing

> my success and knowlege with other and also hearing

> what has worked

> for other. Good luck to everyone!




____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _

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