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Re: back from Dr. appt

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Hi , me again, I just replied to one of your's and then saw your

reply to . Yeah, maybe the BM and the spitting are both part of

the TS, from what I was reading about TS.


> Hi ,

> Well I'm glad to know Micah's not the only one. It was difficult to


> He doesn't have BM on his fingers, just BM odor. He has always been


> with BM too.


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Same thing here in my family.  I have one sister and my dad who always like to

point out that she does well with them and that I should ignore it, but

thankfully I have another sister who is totally supportive and sees it and is a

great shoulder to cry on.

Re: Re: back from Dr. appt

I'm sorry to hear your mom's response wasn't more sympathetic to what

you are going through. I have people in my life who think my son's OCD

is in MY head OR that he only does it with us and not them. Like we

are " making " him want to do his compulsions. He spent a few days at my

mother in laws and she said, he doesn't do anything here. Well, he

does, she just doesn't see it.

I just don't think people can understand until they are going through

it too.


> Hi everyone,

> We're back from Dr. appt. We knew Micah had Tourette's, and severe

> OCD, well

> it turns out he also has ADD. The test is done on a scale I think,

> however

> its scored, Micah's score was 98...I believe it only goes to 100.


> No wonder the kid cant read and write anymore...all this is

> happening at

> o



> Another thing, I'm a little down....have been for days. I finally

> told my

> mother about what Micah's going through, with the TS, severe OCD. I

> emailed

> her, I spent hours, writing, trying to put into words how he's

> feeling, we're

> feeling....how hard this is on all of us...etc...


> her response: thanks for the info, we'll pray for his recovery,

> what's he

> want for Christmas.


> that's it, no questions, no I'm sorry Micah is going through this,

> nothing,

> completely void of any compassion or feeling.....ugggg!!


> Micah has developed 2 new...I think tics....maybe OCD....I don't

> know. But

> they are making me crazy. I don't know how to handle them. I'm

> sorry, I know

> this is gross....he is rubbing his butt, then wiping it on walls,

> floor,

> himself, anywhere....he has also started spitting...not at anyone,

> not when he's

> upset, just out of the blue spits, on the floor, on himself, on the

> bed, the

> wall....anywhere! The spitting I think is a tic, the other...I don't

> know what

> to think.



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I would bet that he CAN smell it and the smell is appealing to him.  I don't

mean this in a mocking way.  Odd smells can smell appealing to different

people.  My daughter tells me that she loves the smell of her feet.  She

smells them when she is home, but I told her that it looks funny and she should

make sure she doesn't do this when other people are around.

Re: Re: back from Dr. appt

Hi ,

Well I'm glad to know Micah's not the only one. It was difficult to mention.

He doesn't have BM on his fingers, just BM odor. He has always been fixated

with BM too.

In 5th grade, they wrote books, and all of them had a poop theme. the

teacher finally told him no more body functions!

how old is your son? this started when Micah was 9, but then went away, and

now is recently back. I was so glad to see it go. I don't want to deal with

this again.

the odd thing is that he cant smell it...it just doesn't seem to register in

his brain, so he smells his fingers over and over after rubbing his butt.

sorry, hope that wasn't too gross.

thanks so much for sharing , I feel better.


In a message dated 12/1/2008 3:09:11 P.M. Central Standard Time,

LKnutson@... writes:

I'm a little relieved to have read your email and son's symptoms of the

wiping. while my son doesn't do it to that extreme, he seems to be fixated on

poop. He always talks about it in a variety of topics from making chocolate

pudding, to calling his brothers dodo but, dodo head, or just saying dodo. He

also would wipe himself w/ toilet paper and then put it in the rubbish can

rather than flushing. For a while, he wouldn't pee in the toilet and would pee


a bottle and save it. He was hiding this from us until I came across it under

the bathroom sink. I read up that being obsessed with one's bodily fluids is

one of the top 10 obsessions so I wasn't too concerned. We finally was able

to get him to throw it all away and rewarded him when he did. Then he would

just go outside in the yard to pee. This weekend, he had another

accomplishment and is now peeing in the toilet! Of course we rewarded him for

that as


Best of luck and hang in there!


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Hi ,

Micah also has sensory issues, in fact he was diagnosed with sensory

integration dysfunction when he was 3, long before we knew about the OCD or

Tourette's. But now all the pieces are starting to fit together.

poopy thing....I hope this goes away, soon! he did better last night. he

doesn't have any germ fears, in fact If I didn't make him take a bath or wash

his hands I'm not sure how long he would wait...probably months!

The only thing that did work, was I threatened him with a daily bath, that

way there was no smell to get on his hands. He has eczema, so he only baths

every other day. So I really couldn't do it for very long, as eczema always

turns to impetigo behind his knees. cutting baths to every other day helped

tremendously, hasn't had impetigo since he was around 6 (6 years ago) when we

changed our routine.

smelling fingers.....Dr said it was Olfactory sense, said he couldn't smell

the way we did. If he smelled it at all, it didn't smell the same as it would

to us. be it tic or OCD....not too fond of this one.

In a message dated 12/2/2008 4:42:44 A.M. Central Standard Time,

suddenly17@... writes:

Josiah had all of these poopy loving behaviors too! He constantly had the

smell on his fingers a d always touched his bottom from age 2 to 6. He did some

smearing too. THe last time he smeared, we were working on his sensory

processing disorder and I read that it was related, so I used a two pronged


First, realizing that he could be needing the sensory input, I gave him a

can of shaving cream and told him that if he ever wanted to squish something on

the wall to use the shaving cream on the bathroom tiles. Second, I sort of

used his fear of germs to my advantage and told him that poop has a lot of

germs. It worked and he never did it again.

I am really curious about this peeing outside thing. He did that a lot too!

I came home not too long ago and he was peeing on the front porch, I had a

fit, but he seemed confused as to why I was so upset.

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Thanks so much BJ, that means a lot. and thanks for remembering I have

migraines, I know you support a lot of people and its hard to keep track of each

hone. The migraines are bad right, now, we've had snow, and the good old

hormone bit...not. woke up drench in the morning from night sweats...it was


my sweat smelled like red beans and rice....last nights dinner! :)

I'm so glad things have gotten so much better for you and Josh. And I'm glad

he's found his niche, hopefully there will be one for Micah.

One of Micah's teachers is still frustrating me. The F is still an F , she

wouldn't change it. I asked her if on projects she could try to keep in mind

he has untreated TS, OCD, and ADD. but she hasn't responded. I understand

where the tests are yes and no answers, but with projects....I thought she


be more understanding...so far nothing. I'm thinking of writing that into his

504...but I don't how on earth you'd write give the kid a break...don't

destroy his self worth...he's doing his best!

now I'm 98.99 % we're home schooling next year. but I'm scared, I'm not sure

I'm smart enough.

I'm so grateful for you BJ, and this group, its nice to have a place to cry

or complain. I cant even do that with my husband, not that he wont

listen...but he tries to fix everything....but really I just need him to listen

to me.

18 years of trying to teach him that....no success ;)

Hugs back!

In a message dated 12/2/2008 11:28:06 A.M. Central Standard Time,

BJClosner@... writes:

I used to do that with Josh, , when he was really bad. I would

put my best, positive face on, so as not to freak him out. I didn't

want him to think I was scared, or doubtful. I knew that would really

do a head job on him. He had to believe that I believed it was going

to get better. And actually, I did believe that,. . But, it was just

hard to endure when things were at their worst. Still, a person can

only do that for so long. I had my moments where I would have my

nervous breakdowns, usually daily, in the shower. The only place I

could get completely away, and let some of it out. Then I would pull

myself back together, put my positive, " everything'myself back together, p

face back on, and keep going.

So, I guess this is my clumsy way of saying I understand. And you

don't have to pretend here. You can have your sad face here, because

people understand, they can relate, and they care. I'm glad you are

here and can share here too.

I can only imagine all the stress is contributing to your migraines.




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