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Yep, that was me. HA~! Thanks for the welcome!!!


> > So, I'm thinking Why would I rest? So I popped in Adv #1 when I

> got

> > home. Nearly killed myself but I went into labor at around 1AM

> that

> > night and had my son 6 hours later.

> >


> ,


> Welcome to the group! Hey, didn't you post your pictures over on


> main board? I remember hearing about you doing AL1 and then going

> into labor and having your son :) I think you will love it here!

> It's a great group of people and it's a great place for motivation

> and support! I look forward to hearing more from you :)



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Hey, !!! Team Tae Bo, Baby!!

> In a message dated 7/26/00 1:03:38 AM !!!First Boot!!!,


> writes:


> << I stumbled across this egroup somehow. I don't even know how

but I

> did. I've been doing Tae Bo since February of 1999. I just had


> second child in May and continued to do Tae Bo throughout my

> pregnancy. I am now at the point where I am trying to tone up the

> postpregnancy jiggle. Tomorrow I will have completed my first 21


> challange. I am hoping to stay motivated and fit for the rest of


> life.

> >>


> TBM!!!! Hey Tae Bo Momma!!



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And the kid actually lets me get my workouts in...

> In a message dated 7/26/00 1:25:18 AM !!!First Boot!!!,


> writes:


> << MAN! I was CRAZY!!! >>


> has a taebo baby!!!!



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And if you didn't already read it on the exercise board, I ended day

21 by tweaking my back out. Go figure!!!

> Congrats TBM on the 21DC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


> :)

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I'm from Washington state.

I have all the basic tapes and AdvL 1, 5, 6, 7, 8.

> In a message dated 7/25/2000 9:02:54 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

> dbold72@h... writes:


> << I stumbled across this egroup somehow. I don't even know how

but I

> did. I've been doing Tae Bo since February of 1999. I just had


> second child in May and continued to do Tae Bo throughout my

> pregnancy. I am now at the point where I am trying to tone up the

> postpregnancy jiggle. Tomorrow I will have completed my first 21


> challange. I am hoping to stay motivated and fit for the rest of


> life.


> Welcome, . I started in April 1999, but I didn't have to

work around a

> pregnancy and childbirth! I am impressed that you stuck it out

with taebo.

> You will get tons of motivation and support here, I promise. To

read more

> about each of us, check our web site at

http://taeboon.isportsdot.com/ under

> Meet the Members and Picture Gallery. Where are you from? What

tapes do you

> have?


> Elena

> >>

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Hi Kris...Welcome to the list. There are alot of caring people on this list

and I'm sure someone will help you in some way. Its best to stay active if

you can but sometimes its hard when your in chronic pain. I've been in pain

for many years now. I first had 4 surgeries on my lower back and now have

osteoarthritis there then my right knee which has tendenitis and in my hands

also with tendenitis and just recently in my left shoulder that I have

bursitis...boy enough of the arthritis. I also have high blood pressure but

not on any meds for that yet. I'm also Type II diabetic so that doesn't help

any either. I'm only 35 and I feel like I'm falling apart. That must be fun

redoing the inside of your house. It gives you something to do anyways.


new here

> Hello all, my name is Kris and I just joined your group a couple of days

> ago. I was lurking a little to get a feel of how y'all do things here.

> Well, I guess I should tell you a little about myself. I am 45 and have

> osteoarthritis. I started seeing some symptoms when I was 20, in my


> but things really didn't get fired up until about 6 years ago. I am a CNA

> and I went to work for a home health agency. All of the lifting and


> and taking care of the patients really exacerbated the problem. So


> of the stress, I had to be put on Blood pressure medication and my


> was getting so much worse that I quit my job. I take Vioxx and have been

> taking some Ultram for a while now because of a shoulder injury, due to

> arthritis, of course. I have pain in virtually all of my joints with my

> knees, hands and back being the worst. You know it is really amazing how

> much pain you can live with when you have to. I try to stay active. Some

> days though I just can't and I have a lazy day. We are redoing the inside

> of our house and I am doing most of the work myself. That was my choice.

> So I do some and rest then do some more. It may take a while to get it

> done. Well, I guess I have rambled enough, I just wanted to introduce

> myself.

> Kris





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and I'm sure someone will help you in some way. Its best to stay active if

you can but sometimes its hard when your in chronic pain. I've been in pain

Thanks Tammy. You have already helped me. I thought I was awful young to

have all this, then I hear from you. Bless your heart, I should be trying

to make you feel better. Do you work? I still have one private patient

that I see 5 times a week. It is hard lifting on him but I do it because I

have been seeing him for 6 years and we have become family so I can't leave

him and his family. I am also afraid that if I stopped doing that I would

really go downhill.

What kind of surgeries have you had on your back? My son has had two back


Thanks for the welcome!


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  • 3 weeks later...

In a message dated 08/22/2000 4:04:09 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

cheeena@... writes:

> Question: According to a very cool TB fan website, there is an " old " set of

> AL 1, 2, and 3 and a " new " set. Can anyone explain this? Are the new

> versions

> totally different or remastered or what? I had just done my " new " version



> AL 3 last night and noted that it didn't quite jive with the tape review I

> read of AL3...presumably the " old " version...?!

> cheers,

> --acey

actually the webmaster of that very cool website Amy got her info here LOL

AL1, 2, & 3 are all new and different from the originals as is BL1


who always was fond of the original AL3 and is sorry some folks are going to

miss it

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In a message dated 8/22/00 4:04:12 PM Eastern Daylight Time, cheeena@...



Hello! I decided to join up since I've been pretty addicted to TB for a year

now! I got my first tapes (Studio Advanced and Live Vol.1 Advanced)

bootleg-style off a NYC street vendor! (heh, don't tell!) But now I'm in the

auto-delivery program and just got Vol. 2 and 3 Advanced. >>

Welcome to the group!!! There are new versions of AL 1-3. The are brand new

workouts, not remastered or anything like that. Tell us more about yourself!!!


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<<Welcome to the group!!! There are new versions of AL 1-3. The are brand new

workouts, not remastered or anything like that. Tell us more about yourself!!!

:) >>

I'm 29, NYC, started taking tae kwon do last spring. The studio offered

cardio kickboxing, which was cool, but discontinued it. So I took it to the

home pad! I was never extremely overweight, but was never happy with my body.

Now I'll all buff and stuff! :)

New question: Okay, so there are *new* versions of Vol. 1, 2, and 3...would

anyone happen to have a copy of the *old* Vol.2 and 3, and the new Vol. 1?

I'd love to get them all!


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who always was fond of the original AL3 and is sorry some folks are going to

miss it>>

Damn! I'd gladly pay someone for a dub of original AL2 and 3!


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In a message dated 8/22/2000 5:09:38 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

cheeena@... writes:


I'm 29, NYC, started taking tae kwon do last spring. The studio offered

cardio kickboxing, which was cool, but discontinued it. So I took it to the

home pad! I was never extremely overweight, but was never happy with my


Now I'll all buff and stuff! :)

New question: Okay, so there are *new* versions of Vol. 1, 2, and 3...would

anyone happen to have a copy of the *old* Vol.2 and 3, and the new Vol. 1?

I'd love to get them all!



Welcome, Acey. Sounds like you are a taebo addict like the rest of us! You

can order the " new " AL1 by calling the 1-877-BBTAEBO number. You don't have

to specify that you want the " new " tape (in fact if you do, they probably

won't know what you are talking about).

Elena on the back of the cover

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hi... welcome to the group!! I am about a week new to the group but

not a newbie to Taebo. My husband got the tapes for me a while back

and I did them for a while, but gave up. Now I am back and determined

to keep it going and reach my goal! I am going on day 8 in a row and

feel Great!! Glad you joined us!!! ;-)


> Hello! I decided to join up since I've been pretty addicted to TB

for a year

> now! I got my first tapes (Studio Advanced and Live Vol.1 Advanced)

> bootleg-style off a NYC street vendor! (heh, don't tell!) But now

I'm in the

> auto-delivery program and just got Vol. 2 and 3 Advanced.


> Question: According to a very cool TB fan website, there is

an " old " set of

> AL 1, 2, and 3 and a " new " set. Can anyone explain this? Are the

new versions

> totally different or remastered or what? I had just done my " new "

version of

> AL 3 last night and noted that it didn't quite jive with the tape

review I

> read of AL3...presumably the " old " version...?!

> cheers,

> --acey

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Welcome Acey

You'll find loads of other taeboaddicts here so you're in very good

company. I hope you enjoy the group


> Hello! I decided to join up since I've been pretty addicted to TB

for a year

> now! I got my first tapes (Studio Advanced and Live Vol.1 Advanced)

> bootleg-style off a NYC street vendor! (heh, don't tell!) But now

I'm in the

> auto-delivery program and just got Vol. 2 and 3 Advanced.

> --acey

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Welcome to the group!! Gosh those vendors sell everything.

Who's knockoff Rolex died along time ago ;-)

In a message dated Tue, 22 Aug 2000 4:04:08 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

cheeena@... writes:

<< Hello! I decided to join up since I've been pretty addicted to TB for a year

now! I got my first tapes (Studio Advanced and Live Vol.1 Advanced)

bootleg-style off a NYC street vendor! (heh, don't tell!) But now I'm in the

auto-delivery program and just got Vol. 2 and 3 Advanced.

Question: According to a very cool TB fan website, there is an " old " set of

AL 1, 2, and 3 and a " new " set. Can anyone explain this? Are the new versions

totally different or remastered or what? I had just done my " new " version of

AL 3 last night and noted that it didn't quite jive with the tape review I

read of AL3...presumably the " old " version...?!



As Deb has said: " Fitness is a journey and it begins with the first step. "

Visit our new vault site http://taeboon.isportsdot.com/

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<<I'm 29, NYC, started taking tae kwon do last spring. The studio offered cardio kickboxing, which was cool, but discontinued it. So I took it to the home pad! I was never extremely overweight, but was never happy with my body. Now I'll all buff and stuff! :) >>

Welcome to the group Acey!!


who has tons of stuff to do today... better get crackin'!!

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  • 2 years later...

Glad to have you join us! I am fairly new myself, having just joined

a few days ago and I have already made some good friends!

If there is anything I can do to help you, do not hesitate to ask!I

would be glad to hear about your son. What some of his symptoms are,

etc. Is he hypotonic or does he have seizures?

candi, mother of Skylar Tennessee, age 19 months

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Glad to have you join us! I am fairly new myself, having just joined

a few days ago and I have already made some good friends!

If there is anything I can do to help you, do not hesitate to ask!I

would be glad to hear about your son. What some of his symptoms are,

etc. Is he hypotonic or does he have seizures?

candi, mother of Skylar Tennessee, age 19 months

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Hi Candi, Dillon has hypotonia, it is improving but he is still pretty floppy

at times. He is able to sit briefly, does not always try to catch himself and

would prefer to be lying on his back or as upside down as he can get. A

vestibular thing maybe? He is improving very slowly making gains and I am glad

for that. We had an eeg in August and it did not show any seizure activity. I

guess that does not necessarily mean he will not still develop them. I am

hoping that the longer we are seizure free the better our chances of not ever

having seizures. I do not know much about this disorder and the neuro did not

offer much info either. I guess there is a very wide range of symptoms and of

varying degrees of severity. Does Skylar walk, crawl or talk? Thanks for the

welcome. Harriet

Re: new here

Glad to have you join us! I am fairly new myself, having just joined

a few days ago and I have already made some good friends!

If there is anything I can do to help you, do not hesitate to ask!I

would be glad to hear about your son. What some of his symptoms are,

etc. Is he hypotonic or does he have seizures?

candi, mother of Skylar Tennessee, age 19 months

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Hi Candi, Dillon has hypotonia, it is improving but he is still pretty floppy

at times. He is able to sit briefly, does not always try to catch himself and

would prefer to be lying on his back or as upside down as he can get. A

vestibular thing maybe? He is improving very slowly making gains and I am glad

for that. We had an eeg in August and it did not show any seizure activity. I

guess that does not necessarily mean he will not still develop them. I am

hoping that the longer we are seizure free the better our chances of not ever

having seizures. I do not know much about this disorder and the neuro did not

offer much info either. I guess there is a very wide range of symptoms and of

varying degrees of severity. Does Skylar walk, crawl or talk? Thanks for the

welcome. Harriet

Re: new here

Glad to have you join us! I am fairly new myself, having just joined

a few days ago and I have already made some good friends!

If there is anything I can do to help you, do not hesitate to ask!I

would be glad to hear about your son. What some of his symptoms are,

etc. Is he hypotonic or does he have seizures?

candi, mother of Skylar Tennessee, age 19 months

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  • 1 month later...


Welcome to a group where you will find enormous love, support, and

understanding. Understanding because we have been, and are going

through what you are dealing with. I lost my dad to LBD Sept. 20 of

this year...he was 65 yrs old. Is your husband seeing a neurologist, a

geriatric physician, or any type of specialist? Also, keep in mind

there is a caregivers group for spouses. I am sure we could get their

website information if you are interested. I have obviously not visited

that caregivers group, yet know there are many special and gifted people

that have left here and post in that group. Here, there are tons of

love and support. There is knowledge and helpful hints. I have had

prayers and support throughout my time here from when I joined in

January until my dad passed away and until present. There are hearts

belonging to the members larger than LBD itself. Please ask any

questions, vent, whatever it takes. You are added to my growing prayer

list. Please take care of yourself!!


Des Moines, IA

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Don't know where you are located, but you can get some help for yourself

if nothing else. Find an Alzheimers Association near you! Try Area on

Aging. There are programs that can help. Talk to you minister. Talk to



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Welcome Gail,

You have so much to deal with! If your husband has Alzheimers or Lewy

Body Dementia, he can qualify for a Medical Disability from Social

Security. This will give him more money than if he just retires. (I am

assuming he has paid into it and not had a government job.) They will

even back track the payments. Contact your local social security

office and they will give you a form for your doctor to fill out. It

is not that hard. My husband at the age of 56 developed severe heart

failure and it was not difficult at all to get this benefit.

The second thing I wanted to tell you is there is another group on

Yahoo for spouses only with LBD. I think it is called

LBDcaringspouses. You can check this out.

We have a really great group and such great support. So glad you are

joining us. I am only mentioning the spouse group, because there too

you might be able to get additional support from other spouses.

You did not mention medications. There are many out there that deal

specifically with trying to reduce the hallucinations. Seroquel is one

of the frequent ones for LBD. It is just too hard on the caregiver to

deal with these hallucinations. My mother finally after 7 months is

not hallucinating as much. She also visits with dead family relatives.

One of the hardest things to deal with is her thinking people are

coming to her house for a party or dinner. My Dad has even gone out

and bought food for these fictitious events.

Please keep posting. Glad to have you join us.

> Hi everyone, I am new to this group and I am not even sure if I

belong here. Where do I start? Well 3 years ago my husband was

diagnosed with Early Alzheimer. He is 61 years old and we just found

out yesterday that he may have LBD along with his Alzheimer. He seems

to be hallucinating at least 90% of the time. He sees people all of

the time. There are people that live in our garage and his dad that

has been dead for 20 years is also staying in our little building that

we call our barn. I work outside of the home and have had to go down

to part-time hours because he really should not be left alone. I am

having a hard time getting financial aid to be able to have him in a

daycare and it is so expensive that we can not afford it on our own

and because he is not 62 he is not eligible for any help. Anyway, I

stumbled on your site when I was researching LBD and was looking for

someone that may be in a similar situation so that I could see how

they handle the stress, I am afraid that I am just barely holding on.

I have been trying to do things all on my own because I do not to

bother other people with my problems and I go on with a smile on my

face and make like everything is okay but it is not. I hold

everything in because I am afraid that if I start letting my feelings

out that I will lose it. Well I will not go on any further seeing

this is my first post. I just want to say that my heart goes out to

you all. I have been reading the post from the last couple of days

and all I have to say is God Bless You All!



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I want to thank you all for your warm welcome. I have sent previous email

about unsubscribing because I was getting so many emails that I could not

handle them. But I have found out that I did not need to get the emails and

have changed my account so that I don't get them any more and I can go right

to the site to read the messages.

My husband is on Seroquil and Excelon. I got a call from his doctor today

and we have found that my husbands hallucinations really started about the

time he started taking the Seroquil and we are going to take him off of it

for a while and see if it makes any difference. He also sees relatives that

are no longer with us. His dad has been dead for 20 years and now he is

living in our barn. So my husband is constantly going out and leaving all

of the lights on and our power bills are sky high because of it. I have a

hard time to get him to turn them off because he says that dad is out there.

He actually hallucinates about 90% of the time and is in his own little

world. Always seeing things and people who are not there. He is always

talking to them but he is not afraid at all. I think he likes the

companionship of having them around. He is usually in a good mood but he

does have his bad times but that is only when I try to stop him from doing

things that he should not be doing.

So I take one day at a time and pray that I can get thru another day and

that is how I have been dealing with this terrible disease. I live with my

husband who is now a stranger to me. We used to do everything together and

now I can not even get him to go anywhere. He talks more to his invisible

friends and the cat more than he talks to me and there is absolutely not

emotional feelings from him towards me at all. This is what I miss. We

were always holding hands and sitting together and were very close. Now

there is nothing. I don't think he remembers.

Enough for now, again I want to thank everyone for your help and prayers. I

am not going to post to each of you so I hope that you will read this post

and not think that I am ignoring anyone.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving and know that my prayers are also with you all here.

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