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Cohen: The NotMilk Man

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Thought everyone, especially Sally, would like to see this ditty about

Cohen, the author of " Milk: The Deadly Poison. "

AnimalRights.Net Newsletter

Weeks of Feb. 4, 2002 & Feb. 11, 2002

4. Cohen Goes Off the Deep End, Part I

In mid-January the Center for Consumer Freedom issued a press release that

was the first group I'm aware of to point out that Physicians Committee for

Responsible Medicine had been actively working with Stop Huntingdon Animal

Cruelty. According to the press release,

The ActivistCash.com profile of Physicians Committee for Responsible

Medicine reveals that PCRM's Neal Barnard recently engineered a

letter-writing campaign with Jonas of the violent animal rights group

known as SHAC. Jonas used to be known as Kjonaas, back when he was a

spokesperson for the Animal Liberation Front (ALF), a militant group labeled

terrorists by the FBI.

SHAC is singularly dedicated to dismantling the Huntingdon Life Sciences

company, a UK firm which (like most respectable biologists) recognizes that

most breakthroughs in the study of human diseases come from research using

animals as test subjects. Huntingdon Life Sciences' work includes animal

research to find new treatments and cures for Parkinson's, Alzheimer's,

cancer and epilepsy. SHAC activists have chosen to make their feelings known

by fire-bombing automobiles, smashing windows, assaulting research

employees, and targeting individual investors for round-the-clock harassment

and intimidation.

Since PCRM is joined at the hip with People for the Ethical Treatment of

Animals, including through a dummy nonprofit which the CCF also uncovered,

this raises a lot of questions about both PETA and PCRM.

Of course to Cohen , who really seems to be losing it these days, the

connection between PETA, PCRM, and SHAC is of course that there is a

conspiracy afoot by the dairy industry!

Citing CCF's recent advertising campaign against PETA, Cohen distributed an

e-mail wondering,

*** QUOTE ***

Where do restaurant and tavern operators [which CCF represents] get the

financing for multi-millions of dollars worth of ad revenue? How do

restaurant operators carefully coordinate attacks against Neal Barnard on

the same day the dairy calcium summit begins, and the same day that CBS ran

their biased milk story, sabotaging Neal Barnard by not clearly portraying

the NOTMILK message? How were the dairy industry press release and the CCF

press release posted within an hour of each other? Coincidence? Ha!

Coincidence of this type do not happen.

*** END OF QUOTE ***

No, it could not possibly have been that two groups with strong views about

PCRM happened to release press releases about PCRM on the same day because

PCRM had an upcoming event scheduled. No, it had to be a conspiracy between

CBS, CCF, the dairy industry, and probably the tooth fairy as well.

Cohen continues ranting that,

*** QUOTE ***

This is carefully plotted warfare. The battle lines have been drawn. To

accuse Neal Barnard of being a terrorist is to take advantage of a political

and social climate that equates terrorism with the vilest of anti-American

acts. Neal Barnard merits a Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts, not the label

of terrorist.

*** END OF QUOTE ***

Well, they did give Arafat a Nobel Peace Prize, so maybe one is not out of

the question for Barnard. On the other hand, Cohen is simply lying when he

says that CCF accused Barnard of being a terrorist. Rather, CCF simply noted

that Barnard is actively working with an individual, Jonas who is an

outspoken advocate of violence and, before doing the SHAC gig, was a

spokesman for the Animal Liberation Front.

I'm sure a lot of people would like to hear Barnard's explanation as to why

he's working with Jonas -- for some reason PCRM does not mention that little

tidbit anywhere on its web site as of February 2002.

Of course this is the same Cohen who thinks the diary industry was

being conspiratorial for trying to hold an even last year that didn't

involve animal rights protesters. It is Cohen who is left to babble on about

soldiers and wars.


Center for Consumer Freedom Says Anti-Milk Activists Linked to Animal Rights

Terrorists. Center for Consumer Freedom, Press Release, January 17, 2002.

WAR Declared on NOTMILK Movement. Cohen, E-Mail Communication,

January 21, 2002.

Permanent URL: http://www.animalrights.net/articles/2002/000051.html

All the best,

Byrnes, PhD, RNCP



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