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very nice! thank you for sharing!


> I discovered in my " let it be " holiday, a great site for recipes

> called www.myrecipes.com


> I loved using it because it let me search by all SORTS of categories

> AND, they warehouse virtually all recipes from Cooking Light and

> Southern Living -- two of my favorite sources.


> Great way to enhance the joy of cooking while maintaining healthy

> choices. I mixed a lot of things for my Christmas Menus -- all but

> two from this site!


> Thought I'd put my menus out in case anyone wants to try them


> *********************************


> Christmas Eve Dinner:

> Appetizer: Carrot Soup -- (cooking light via myrecipes.com)so light

> and delish. I put in dollop of greek yogurt and chives before serving

> to up protein and give it tang and panache!


> Herb Encrusted Standing Rib Roast (Publix apron recipes) -- nothing

> light about it, but had small serving, used leftovers in small

> chopped pieces on whole grain crostini with asparagus topped with lo-

> fat cheese and run under broiler for Boxing Day party)


> Twice-baked potatoes (cooking light via myrecipes.com). Recipe made

> too many, so kept the left overs, sliced them into bite-size pieces,

> heated and served as appetizer bites for Boxing Day party!


> Fresh Steamed Asparagus (my favorite green, used leftovers in above

> crostini recipe)


> Fresh Steamed English Peas (hubby's favorite " psuedo " green :-) )


> Orange-Almond Shortbread (personal recipe -- so rich, one piece is

> all you need or want -- rest was served at Boxing Day party)

> *********************************


> Christmas Day Brunch:

> Ham and Gruyere Strata -- lightened with with lo-fat swiss and

> canadian bacon (cooking light via myrecipes.com), will use whole

> grain bread next time -- I think it needs it!


> Personal " ambrosia " recipe (scoop out two oranges to get pulp and

> juice, add 2 chopped bananas, grate one large sour apple in in --

> mix; mash a few raspberries (5-10) and stir in to give pinkish tint

> to the mix, then LIGHTLY fold in more rasperries (rest of container) -

> - made two pretty breakfast cup size servings with two left over)


> Pumpkin bread also from cooking light via myrecipes.com -- added

> dried cranberries instead of raisins for even more antioxidants (much

> left over for Boxing Day party)

> *************************************


> Thought I'd share -- I've rediscovered JOY in cooking and flavors and

> finding BALANCE in mixing recipes -- and where I have something rich,

> I balance with light and fresh and portion appropriately.


> Hubby LOVED IT ALL!!! Hope you will too!


> Ang




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