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Re: Another newbie

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the files are in the yahoo group site, under files ...



Another Newbie

Hiya, I just " stumbled " on these podcasts and I'm loving them!!! I am

starting from the beginning though, so I'm at the start of my journey

with IOWL. My question is, where do I get the worksheets? I've

subscribed through iTunes.

Thanks all, have a great day!

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Heidi

I am a nurse too. I work in Case Management and like you I " know " all

about the nutrition thing. My problem is my mind FIGHTS that knowledge

all the time. Good luck on the journey!!


> Hi! I have just discovered and started listening to the Inside Out

> Weight Loss podcast. I am very excited and eager to get started. I

> will be 40 years old this December and I have never been heavier. I

> am a registered nurse and could possibly be a dietician with all the

> learning, studying and interest in nutrition and health. My entire

> life, starting with my teenage years, I have been an emotional eater

> and restrictive eater. Name a diet, I have been on it. I have

> always enjoyed exercise and belonged to a gym most of my adult life.

> That is not to say I am a regular exerciser however. I used to be.


> Five years ago, I moved from RI to Florida with my husband. This was

> following a second abdominal surgery trying to locate the source of

> carcinoid cancer which was discovered after a ruptured appendix

> (by accident -- the cancer didn't rupture the appendix). Two months

> after moving here, we were given full physical custody of my two

> beautiful stepdaughters. So, in a relatively short amount of time, I

> moved away from my family, got diagnosed with cancer, was gravely ill

> from ruptured appendix, started a new job, in a new area of

> nursing, bought a new house and became an instant fulltime mom to two

> tweens.


> I am blessed with a absolutely fantastic husband, great

> stepdaughters, two adorable dogs, live in paradise and have a

> fantastic job. I am also fifty to sixty pounds heavier than when I

> got married. When I got married, I could have lost 10 pds or more.


> My self image has deteriorated and I am so ashamed of my body I do

> not use the pool if anyone else is home, won't go to the beach with

> my in-laws out of embarrassment (or my husband and the kids if I can

> help it), wear shorts only if absolutely no alternative is available

> or reasonable, don't like to exercise in front of anyone, haven't

> been to a couple of my physicians because I don't want to be weighed

> again and see the number hasn't gone down, forbid my photo to be

> taken and avoid people I haven't see for a while because I don't want

> them to ask what happened to me. I tried to start my own business

> but feel too self conscious to feel confident on sales calls and have

> temporarily abandoned that venue.


> I work a lot of overtime because my family needs the money and I

> probably need to organize my time better to get more physical

> activity a part of my daily activities. The money issue is why I

> also " quit " the gym. I am often tired and depressed about my poor

> self image and hating what I see when I look in the mirror. I miss

> the intimacy I used to have with my husband -- a lot of things

> changed when the girls came to live with us -- I don't think it is

> only the added weight I carry.


> I could write and write but I think I have already probably said too

> much -- sorry. I am so eager to find a support system -- my poor

> husband has heard it before, many times. I look forward to working

> on my insides -- thank you!


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Welcome, Heidi! I resonated with much that you wrote. Although my

life situation isn't identical, I do identify with the inner feelings

that you are coping with. This is where 's podcasts have helped

me the most, so you are IN THE RIGHT PLACE! Yay!!

Before you can begin to experience real change, you really must become

friends with yourself. Would you berate a girlfriend if she were 60

lbs overweight? Of course not. And would you view her as repulsive

and a waste of space? You know that you would not. You would see her

as just as beautiful as ever--just needing to lose weight. So stop

judging yourself harshly. You hurt not only yourself, but your loved

ones who try to validate you. You are missing fun and memorable times

when you remove yourself from the family picture because of your

self-consciousness. These days won't come again, you know?

So dig in to the podcasts, and focus first on loving YOU. You deserve

this journey. You are a wonderful, loving, beautiful, responsible,

amazing person--RIGHT NOW. You won't get better by berating yourself.

Loving yourself is crucial to recovery. Honestly, it will shift

everything from punishment for the crime of getting fat to nurturing

and loving yourself back to health.

I send you loads of affection and fabulous intentions. You are not on

this journey alone--there are hundreds of us joining you here!! And

we support you in your personal journey!



> My self image has deteriorated and I am so ashamed of my body I do

> not use the pool if anyone else is home, won't go to the beach with

> my in-laws out of embarrassment (or my husband and the kids if I can

> help it), wear shorts only if absolutely no alternative is available

> or reasonable, don't like to exercise in front of anyone, haven't

> been to a couple of my physicians because I don't want to be weighed

> again and see the number hasn't gone down, forbid my photo to be

> taken and avoid people I haven't see for a while because I don't want

> them to ask what happened to me. I tried to start my own business

> but feel too self conscious to feel confident on sales calls and have

> temporarily abandoned that venue.

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Your message sure struck a cord with me. I too am a nurse (retired)

moved from my home state in '82 with a new husband who lived on the

East Coast, found a new job and became a stepmother to two teenage

girls. I gained weight over the years and ended up close to 300 pounds

at one point. I did not admit how unhappy or angry I was about a new

place and new job and dealing with teenagers. I never had children of

my own.

Where you and I diverge in the self image piece. I do wear a bathing

suit, I did wear shorts while we lived in Florida. I figure, yes I am

fat, so what.

I hope you can learn to love yourself enough to get out there and be

who you are at whatever size you are without worrying about " what will

people think if I am in a bathing suit. " If you wait until you are a

naturally slim person, you will miss out on so much. It is funny how

we think that if we are covered up people won't know we are fat. Our

loved ones know and they don't care. Try Junonia.com catalog to see

fashionable plus size fitness wear.

I have lost 24 pounds since May listening to the podcasts. They have

really helped me get my head straight. Good luck and keep on keeping on.



> Hi! I have just discovered and started listening to the Inside Out

> Weight Loss podcast. I am very excited and eager to get started. I

> will be 40 years old this December and I have never been heavier. I

> am a registered nurse and could possibly be a dietician with all the

> learning, studying and interest in nutrition and health. My entire

> life, starting with my teenage years, I have been an emotional eater

> and restrictive eater.

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Just wanted to say hello from yet another nurse/inside out weight loss listner!

I am still a new grad RN here in California working med-surg. I gained 30 pounds

in my first year out of school, I have always been a yo-yo dieter so this isn't

new, but I want to break the pattern, lose the extra pounds and figure out how

to do that while maintaining a stressful job... Anyhow just wanted to say you

are definetly not alone out there and to give my support! Take care, Marguerite

Another newbie

Hi! I have just discovered and started listening to the Inside Out

Weight Loss podcast. I am very excited and eager to get started. I

will be 40 years old this December and I have never been heavier. I

am a registered nurse and could possibly be a dietician with all the

learning, studying and interest in nutrition and health. My entire

life, starting with my teenage years, I have been an emotional eater

and restrictive eater. Name a diet, I have been on it. I have

always enjoyed exercise and belonged to a gym most of my adult life.

That is not to say I am a regular exerciser however. I used to be.

Five years ago, I moved from RI to Florida with my husband. This was

following a second abdominal surgery trying to locate the source of

carcinoid cancer which was discovered after a ruptured appendix

(by accident -- the cancer didn't rupture the appendix). Two months

after moving here, we were given full physical custody of my two

beautiful stepdaughters. So, in a relatively short amount of time, I

moved away from my family, got diagnosed with cancer, was gravely ill

from ruptured appendix, started a new job, in a new area of

nursing, bought a new house and became an instant fulltime mom to two


I am blessed with a absolutely fantastic husband, great

stepdaughters, two adorable dogs, live in paradise and have a

fantastic job. I am also fifty to sixty pounds heavier than when I

got married. When I got married, I could have lost 10 pds or more.

My self image has deteriorated and I am so ashamed of my body I do

not use the pool if anyone else is home, won't go to the beach with

my in-laws out of embarrassment (or my husband and the kids if I can

help it), wear shorts only if absolutely no alternative is available

or reasonable, don't like to exercise in front of anyone, haven't

been to a couple of my physicians because I don't want to be weighed

again and see the number hasn't gone down, forbid my photo to be

taken and avoid people I haven't see for a while because I don't want

them to ask what happened to me. I tried to start my own business

but feel too self conscious to feel confident on sales calls and have

temporarily abandoned that venue.

I work a lot of overtime because my family needs the money and I

probably need to organize my time better to get more physical

activity a part of my daily activities. The money issue is why I

also " quit " the gym. I am often tired and depressed about my poor

self image and hating what I see when I look in the mirror. I miss

the intimacy I used to have with my husband -- a lot of things

changed when the girls came to live with us -- I don't think it is

only the added weight I carry.

I could write and write but I think I have already probably said too

much -- sorry. I am so eager to find a support system -- my poor

husband has heard it before, many times. I look forward to working

on my insides -- thank you!

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Thank you all so much for your greetings, comments and support. I

agree with everything everyone has said and already feel like I have

found some real support and wonderful people! The words you have

shared with me I already hold close to my heart and value greatly.

Michele, I started sobbing when I read your reply and the comments

about loving myself and all that goes along with it and all that

occurs when you don't. You hit the nail on the head and that is, has

been and always will be the hardest thing for me to do and I don't

understand why. Everything you said is so true.

Ann, Randy, Marguerite thank you too, for what you wrote. Your words

are exactly correct and what I needed to " hear " and I am so glad I

found this group. I have a lot of work to do and am eager to get

started! I value what you have to say and hope I can be helpful in

some way to all of you!

I couldn't help but smile about all the nurses here!! Again, thank

you and I applaud you all!!! Keep up your successes and great work!

PS - The beach was beautiful and my walk invigorating.

> > My self image has deteriorated and I am so ashamed of my body I


> > not use the pool if anyone else is home, won't go to the beach


> > my in-laws out of embarrassment (or my husband and the kids if I


> > help it), wear shorts only if absolutely no alternative is


> > or reasonable, don't like to exercise in front of anyone, haven't

> > been to a couple of my physicians because I don't want to be


> > again and see the number hasn't gone down, forbid my photo to be

> > taken and avoid people I haven't see for a while because I don't


> > them to ask what happened to me. I tried to start my own


> > but feel too self conscious to feel confident on sales calls and


> > temporarily abandoned that venue.


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Today, I was thinking some more about what you said and you know, I

have to admit, there have been times I actually waited for my

nutritionist neighbor to leave and then would eat something


Today was a great day, I worked on the worksheet and journal, did a

Couch to 5K running workout and ate only wholesome and healthy foods

today. Thanks again for your support!


> Michele made some very good points. Its very important to love


> When you do that, you wont eat unhealthy foods because you love

your body to

> much to do that to it.


> This is a much better response than not wanting someone else to see

you eat

> unhealthy foods. Eventually, that kind of motivation will backlash


> whenever they are not around, you will pig out on all the things

you " can't "

> eat when they are around. If you use outside factors (peoples,


> things) as motivation instead of purely internal ones (love your

body), you

> will only get so far before you resent the outside influence and


> eating unhealthy again. Permanent changes don't come from friends,

> co-workers, skinny clothes, or vacations. Permanent change only

comes from

> inside.


> Randy




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  • 5 months later...
Guest guest

Wow! So many new voices. I am really excited to hear from all of you. We all

come from different backgrounds and experiences, and I am glad you have come to

join us here. Good luck with your journeys, it sounds like each one of you

has/has had some recent hardships, but you can make it through!



> Hi, my name is Sue Anne and I live on Long Island, NY. I am happily married,

married later in life and have no children. I weigh 210 pounds. I've been using

an " unnamed " diet site for a year now and haven't lost weight, though I did

manage to undo some of my bad eating habits for a while.


> Then my 87-year old father went into a decline, and I spent most of my time

for 3 months going from hospital to assisted living to nursing home, and back to

hospital. My father passed away peacefully in his sleep last November. A week

later I had a complete hysterectomy. All the stress has left my eating program

kind of wrecked.


> I'm working to pick up the pieces now. I hope to contribute to the forum and

learn from you all. Talk to you soon.


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