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Re: OCD and learning

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Wow, Id say you and your daughter are very fortunate. Micah hasn't been so

fortunate, the worse the OCD gets, the less he's able to reason....the check

list....was almost written about him. He's also got TS, so he has a double

dose. I guess it shows how different all kids/adults with OCD can be.

In a message dated 11/24/2008 12:15:42 P.M. Central Standard Time,

Jordana120@... writes:

I do agree that having OCD can impact performance because of the compulsions

that interfere with learning or producing assignments, but certainly not on

basic reasoning.? That seems outlandish.

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Youre welcome!

In a message dated 11/24/2008 11:31:31 A.M. Central Standard Time,

lmatheos@... writes:


Thank you! I just order the book Teaching the Tiger. And thanks to

everyone who's offered advice to me this past week, on nutrition, B8,

and on patience. I was wrapped up in what was going on at home and I

never formally said Thank You.

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I am absolutely SHOCKED by this website.? I don't know how, but I want to find

out more about the validity of the points made.? My daughter has pretty bad OCD,

yet she is in the gifted program at school and so was I.? The number one

characteristic that stands out when you meet my daughter is how incredibly

verbal she is and just how really smart she is.? She scored perfectly in every

single subtest of the state Language Arts and Math tests this past spring.? When

my OCD was at its worst, I still did well at an Ivy League school despite

throwing out my notes constantly due to contamination fears and being too afraid

to look at my books a lot of the time.? Several of my friends kids have OCD and

their kids are very good at school as well.?

I do agree that having OCD can impact performance because of the compulsions

that interfere with learning or producing assignments, but certainly not on

basic reasoning.? That seems outlandish.

Re: Re: OCD and learning

Found a great web site about how OCD impacts learning, thought Id share it,

incase no one had.



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The do2learn site is used a lot for those on the autism spectrum. And

those on the spectrum often have obsessive behaviors/needs, strict

rituals, etc. It's a great site for those who need pictures or check

lists, etc.

Just FYI for everyone.

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I tend to agree w/ you about this web site.  My daughter has OCD and no other

issues such as Aspergers or ADD. When OCD was at it's worst she was still a

straight A student.  Reading for her was a nightmare (would re-read over and

over again). She repeatedly erased and rewrote her math. She went to school in

tears everyday for two solid months. What should have been 10 minutes of

homework would take 2 hours...but the basic school work, passing test and so on

were not difficult for her.  She didn't have any 'learning problems' b/c of



Of course not two kids are exactly the same... 

Subject: Re: Re: OCD and learning


Date: Monday, November 24, 2008, 1:13 PM

I am absolutely SHOCKED by this website.? I don't know how, but I want to find

out more about the validity of the points made.? My daughter has pretty bad OCD,

yet she is in the gifted program at school and so was I.? The number one

characteristic that stands out when you meet my daughter is how incredibly

verbal she is and just how really smart she is.? She scored perfectly in every

single subtest of the state Language Arts and Math tests this past spring.? When

my OCD was at its worst, I still did well at an Ivy League school despite

throwing out my notes constantly due to contamination fears and being too afraid

to look at my books a lot of the time.? Several of my friends kids have OCD and

their kids are very good at school as well.?

I do agree that having OCD can impact performance because of the compulsions

that interfere with learning or producing assignments, but certainly not on

basic reasoning.? That seems outlandish.

Re: Re: OCD and learning

Found a great web site about how OCD impacts learning, thought Id share it,

incase no one had.

_http://www.do2learn .com/disabilitie s/diagnosis/ ocd/impactonlear ning.htm_

(http://www.do2learn .com/disabilitie s/diagnosis/ ocd/impactonlear ning.htm)

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Yes, I agree, as TS kids tend to see in black and white. they have trouble

understand puns, etc.

Micah's abstract reasoning is still very limited. Ill give you an example,

recently he asked about war, and who the bad guy was. I told him it depended

on your point of view. If you were from side A, then side B was the bad guy,

if from B then side A was bad. He couldn't grasp this concept, no matter how I

tried, and he will be 12 Jan. He could only think in terms of right or

wrong, black or white. He coudln't understand that both could be right, and both

could be wrong.

We had him tested for learning disabilities, ADD, ADHD, etc....but wont know

until Dec 1 what the results are. He has Tourette's, so that is part of the

problem. They say that TS kids are 2/3 their chronological age, so that would

make him 8.

In a message dated 11/25/2008 7:52:28 A.M. Central Standard Time,

Jordana120@... writes:

It sounds like two things are at work here. The writing sounds like it is

definitely being affected by OCD compulsions. Another issue is that by 4th

grade or higher, there is more abstract reasoning needed to do well in school.

Abstract reasoning is measured by the IQ test and may be an area that Micah

is weak in. The stress of not understanding the work and being able to

perform as well as he has in the past as a result may be causing his symptoms


increase. It sounds like he needs a really good psychoeducational evaluation

to tickle out the different issues.

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and the things you love. Try the new AOL.com




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It sounds like two things are at work here.  The writing sounds like it is

definitely being affected by OCD compulsions.  Another issue is that by 4th

grade or higher, there is more abstract reasoning needed to do well in school.

 Abstract reasoning is measured by the IQ test and may be an area that Micah is

weak in.  The stress of not understanding the work and being able to perform as

well as he has in the past as a result may be causing his symptoms to increase.

 It sounds like he needs a really good psychoeducational evaluation to tickle

out the different issues.

Re: Re: OCD and learning

That's the way it is here. Micah tested normal for intelligence...93. Not

bad, but not great, but still within the normal range. Micah is also very

creative, just not book smart...he really struggles with learning, and to


He loves to write, has been writing books since he was in K. Make that

loved, he stopped writing this year, when the OCD took over his life.

I pulled samples of his handwriting for the school, going back to 2nd grade.

He was writing as you would expect until the end of 4th grade. Then his

writing changed, it became large, disorganized, upper and lower case mixed


ogether. This is when he fist started touching things, but we didn't yet know


was going on.

Now in the 6 grade...there is no longer any space between his words, letters

are large, leaning left and right, on and off the line, its a mess. The OCD

has stolen his desire to write, his imagination is still there, but he wont

write anymore.

It seems, from what I've read so far, the kids that have just OCD (like OCD

isn't enough to deal with) do much better, they are very smart, and excel,

but the kids that have OCD plus something else, they have to work so much

harder just to get by.

Micah studies for hours, and still gets Cs and Ds. But what's odd is that

this is just this year. Up until now, he had been A/B honor roll, he got his

first C at the end of 5th grade. The only changes....TS has gotten worse as has

the OCD. Last year we noticed he was doing some odd things, but it didn't

really send up a red flag, as it didn't interfere with his life, we just

noticed, but didn't know what we were seeing.

All that changed this year, I'm thinking because of puberty. I know puberty

makes TS worse, but I don't know how it impacts OCD. But something has

happened, he's not the same child he was last year, or all the years before.


like someone snuck in, and in the middle of the night.... stole his abilities,

and common

sense, he had them, where'd they go? I'm hoping all is still there,

just buried in confusion, and we will find our creative son again.

Thankfully he's still the same thoughtful caring kid, that part of him

hasn't changed, or gone into hiding.

I'm hoping things will improve with meds for the OCD, and we will get back

to where he had been, able to achieve A/B with hard work.

In a message dated 11/24/2008 9:59:27 P.M. Central Standard Time,

barbnesrallah@... writes:

Hmmmm.... Well this one surely is individual I think. Our son does not

fall into the " highly intelligent " category. Creative yes, and I do

believe there are different forms of intelligence, so I believe our son

has his areas. But when it comes to school we already had LD on board,

so OCD just made it that much harder. Ours is two years behind now,

and we are trying to streamline the process to make it as managable as

possible. This aspect has been a very great challenge.

Our son has said himself that it was nearly impossible for him to

process information when he was at his most ill. Considering that he

has an auditory processing defecit in the first place, this would make


I know others in our=2

0support group who chuckle at the " intelligence "

linked to kids with OCD, not their experience either. Guess we missed

this " helping " in the mix! Wonder if this contributed to what they

called " lack of insight " with our son??? (tongue in cheek)


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, I don't know much at all about TS.  I have not heard that TS kids see

things in black and white or have such learning issues.  I am a learning

specialist, so this is very interesting to me.  I will try to learn more about


The difficulty that Micah is having as you describe it is probably a big reason

for the drop in grades.  It is very frustrating, especially with the current

" No Child Left Behind " law, that currently there is a trend in public education

today to teach in heterogenous classes in regular ed.  Thus, those children who

don't have good abstract reasoning are stuck trying to learn next to children

who can easily grasp such things.  When I was a kid, classes were grouped

homogenously so that the instruction could be tailored to the children's

learning abilities.  

Is Micah receiving any special ed instruction?

Re: Re: OCD and learning

Yes, I agree, as TS kids tend to see in black and white. they have trouble

understand puns, etc.

Micah's abstract reasoning is still very limited. Ill give you an example,

recently he asked about war, and who the bad guy was. I told him it depended

on your point of view. If you were from side A, then side B was the bad20 guy,

if from B then side A was bad. He couldn't grasp this concept, no matter how I

tried, and he will be 12 Jan. He could only think in terms of right or

wrong, black or white. He coudln't understand that both could be right, and both

could be wrong.

We had him tested for learning disabilities, ADD, ADHD, etc....but wont know

until Dec 1 what the results are. He has Tourette's, so that is part of the

problem. They say that TS kids are 2/3 their chronological age, so that would

make him 8.

In a message dated 11/25/2008 7:52:28 A.M. Central Standard Time,

Jordana120@... writes:

It sounds like two things are at work here. The writing sounds like it is

definitely being affected by OCD compulsions. Another issue is that by 4th

grade or higher, there is more abstract reasoning needed to do well in school.

Abstract reasoning is measured by the IQ test and may be an area that Micah

is weak in. The stress of not understanding the work and being able to

perform as well as he has in the past as a result may be causing his symptoms


increase. It sounds like he needs a really good psychoeducational evaluation

to tickle out the different issues.

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Hi, . I'm not real knowledgeable about TS, but wanted to say (in

case you didn't know) black and white thinking can also be OCD. OCD

needs absolutes, often with 100% guarantees, having it be one way or

another. . No gray areas or in-betweens.

Also kids with anxiety disorders are typically less mature than kids

who do not have anxiety disorders. So, it sounds like Micah could get

those two characteristics from both his TS and OCD.

Somehow they seem to catch up though. We've seen that with Josh, time

and again. It takes him longer to get there mentally and emotionally,

but he does.



> Yes, I agree, as TS kids tend to see in black and white. they have


> understand puns, etc.


> Micah's abstract reasoning is still very limited. Ill give you an


> recently he asked about war, and who the bad guy was. I told him it


> on your point of view. If you were from side A, then side B was the

bad guy,

> if from B then side A was bad. He couldn't grasp this concept, no

matter how I

> tried, and he will be 12 Jan. He could only think in terms of right or

> wrong, black or white. He coudln't understand that both could be

right, and both

> could be wrong.


> We had him tested for learning disabilities, ADD, ADHD, etc....but

wont know

> until Dec 1 what the results are. He has Tourette's, so that is part

of the

> problem. They say that TS kids are 2/3 their chronological age, so

that would

> make him 8.





> In a message dated 11/25/2008 7:52:28 A.M. Central Standard Time,

> Jordana120@... writes:


> It sounds like two things are at work here. The writing sounds

like it is

> definitely being affected by OCD compulsions. Another issue is that

by 4th

> grade or higher, there is more abstract reasoning needed to do well

in school.

> Abstract reasoning is measured by the IQ test and may be an area

that Micah

> is weak in. The stress of not understanding the work and being

able to

> perform as well as he has in the past as a result may be causing

his symptoms to

> increase. It sounds like he needs a really good psychoeducational


> to tickle out the different issues.




> **************One site has it all. Your email accounts, your social


> and the things you love. Try the new AOL.com




> %26icid=aolcom40vanity%26ncid=emlcntaolcom00000001)




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My son was the same way until we worked on a couple of things:

1.  Simple kid joke books

2.  Analogies

3.  making inferences


We ordered lots of products from a company called Linguisystems and they have

counselors you can talk to on the phone who can recommend products for your

child based on your needs.  I really like them because if you get something and

it is not what you thought or is not working well, you can return it.  They also

have computer games, board games, etc depending on what skill you are choosing

to work on.

Good luck!

in TN

Subject: Re: Re: OCD and learning


Date: Tuesday, November 25, 2008, 1:57 PM

, I don't know much at all about TS.  I have not heard that TS kids see

things in black and white or have such learning issues.  I am a learning

specialist, so this is very interesting to me.  I will try to learn more about


The difficulty that Micah is having as you describe it is probably a big reason

for the drop in grades.  It is very frustrating, especially with the current " No

Child Left Behind " law, that currently there is a trend in public education

today to teach in heterogenous classes in regular ed.  Thus, those children who

don't have good abstract reasoning are stuck trying to learn next to children

who can easily grasp such things.  When I was a kid, classes were grouped

homogenously so that the instruction could be tailored to the children's

learning abilities.  

Is Micah receiving any special ed instruction?

Re: Re: OCD and learning

Yes, I agree, as TS kids tend to see in black and white. they have trouble

understand puns, etc.

Micah's abstract reasoning is still very limited. Ill give you an example,

recently he asked about war, and who the bad guy was. I told him it depended

on your point of view. If you were from side A, then side B was the bad20 guy,

if from B then side A was bad. He couldn't grasp this concept, no matter how I

tried, and he will be 12 Jan. He could only think in terms of right or

wrong, black or white. He coudln't understand that both could be right, and both

could be wrong.

We had him tested for learning disabilities, ADD, ADHD, etc....but wont know

until Dec 1 what the results are. He has Tourette's, so that is part of the

problem. They say that TS kids are 2/3 their chronological age, so that would

make him 8.

In a message dated 11/25/2008 7:52:28 A.M. Central Standard Time,

Jordana120aol (DOT) com writes:

It sounds like two things are at work here. The writing sounds like it is

definitely being affected by OCD compulsions. Another issue is that by 4th

grade or higher, there is more abstract reasoning needed to do well in school.

Abstract reasoning is measured by the IQ test and may be an area that Micah

is weak in. The stress of not understanding the work and being able to

perform as well as he has in the past as a result may be causing his symptoms to

increase. It sounds like he needs a really good psychoeducational evaluation

to tickle out the different issues.

************ **One site has it all. Your email accounts, y

our social networks,

and the things you love. Try the new AOL.com

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My son was the same way until we worked on a couple of things:

1.  Simple kid joke books

2.  Analogies

3.  making inferences


We ordered lots of products from a company called Linguisystems and they have

counselors you can talk to on the phone who can recommend products for your

child based on your needs.  I really like them because if you get something and

it is not what you thought or is not working well, you can return it.  They also

have computer games, board games, etc depending on what skill you are choosing

to work on.

Good luck!

in TN

Subject: Re: Re: OCD and learning


Date: Tuesday, November 25, 2008, 1:57 PM

, I don't know much at all about TS.  I have not heard that TS kids see

things in black and white or have such learning issues.  I am a learning

specialist, so this is very interesting to me.  I will try to learn more about


The difficulty that Micah is having as you describe it is probably a big reason

for the drop in grades.  It is very frustrating, especially with the current " No

Child Left Behind " law, that currently there is a trend in public education

today to teach in heterogenous classes in regular ed.  Thus, those children who

don't have good abstract reasoning are stuck trying to learn next to children

who can easily grasp such things.  When I was a kid, classes were grouped

homogenously so that the instruction could be tailored to the children's

learning abilities.  

Is Micah receiving any special ed instruction?

Re: Re: OCD and learning

Yes, I agree, as TS kids tend to see in black and white. they have trouble

understand puns, etc.

Micah's abstract reasoning is still very limited. Ill give you an example,

recently he asked about war, and who the bad guy was. I told him it depended

on your point of view. If you were from side A, then side B was the bad20 guy,

if from B then side A was bad. He couldn't grasp this concept, no matter how I

tried, and he will be 12 Jan. He could only think in terms of right or

wrong, black or white. He coudln't understand that both could be right, and both

could be wrong.

We had him tested for learning disabilities, ADD, ADHD, etc....but wont know

until Dec 1 what the results are. He has Tourette's, so that is part of the

problem. They say that TS kids are 2/3 their chronological age, so that would

make him 8.

In a message dated 11/25/2008 7:52:28 A.M. Central Standard Time,

Jordana120aol (DOT) com writes:

It sounds like two things are at work here. The writing sounds like it is

definitely being affected by OCD compulsions. Another issue is that by 4th

grade or higher, there is more abstract reasoning needed to do well in school.

Abstract reasoning is measured by the IQ test and may be an area that Micah

is weak in. The stress of not understanding the work and being able to

perform as well as he has in the past as a result may be causing his symptoms to

increase. It sounds like he needs a really good psychoeducational evaluation

to tickle out the different issues.

************ **One site has it all. Your email accounts, y

our social networks,

and the things you love. Try the new AOL.com

today!(http://pr.atwola. com/promoclk/ 100000075x121296 2939x1200825291/

aol?redir= http://www. aol.com/? optin=new- dp

%26icid=aolcom40van ity%26ncid= emlcntaolcom0000 0001)

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My son was the same way until we worked on a couple of things:

1.  Simple kid joke books

2.  Analogies

3.  making inferences


We ordered lots of products from a company called Linguisystems and they have

counselors you can talk to on the phone who can recommend products for your

child based on your needs.  I really like them because if you get something and

it is not what you thought or is not working well, you can return it.  They also

have computer games, board games, etc depending on what skill you are choosing

to work on.

Good luck!

in TN

Subject: Re: Re: OCD and learning


Date: Tuesday, November 25, 2008, 1:57 PM

, I don't know much at all about TS.  I have not heard that TS kids see

things in black and white or have such learning issues.  I am a learning

specialist, so this is very interesting to me.  I will try to learn more about


The difficulty that Micah is having as you describe it is probably a big reason

for the drop in grades.  It is very frustrating, especially with the current " No

Child Left Behind " law, that currently there is a trend in public education

today to teach in heterogenous classes in regular ed.  Thus, those children who

don't have good abstract reasoning are stuck trying to learn next to children

who can easily grasp such things.  When I was a kid, classes were grouped

homogenously so that the instruction could be tailored to the children's

learning abilities.  

Is Micah receiving any special ed instruction?

Re: Re: OCD and learning

Yes, I agree, as TS kids tend to see in black and white. they have trouble

understand puns, etc.

Micah's abstract reasoning is still very limited. Ill give you an example,

recently he asked about war, and who the bad guy was. I told him it depended

on your point of view. If you were from side A, then side B was the bad20 guy,

if from B then side A was bad. He couldn't grasp this concept, no matter how I

tried, and he will be 12 Jan. He could only think in terms of right or

wrong, black or white. He coudln't understand that both could be right, and both

could be wrong.

We had him tested for learning disabilities, ADD, ADHD, etc....but wont know

until Dec 1 what the results are. He has Tourette's, so that is part of the

problem. They say that TS kids are 2/3 their chronological age, so that would

make him 8.

In a message dated 11/25/2008 7:52:28 A.M. Central Standard Time,

Jordana120aol (DOT) com writes:

It sounds like two things are at work here. The writing sounds like it is

definitely being affected by OCD compulsions. Another issue is that by 4th

grade or higher, there is more abstract reasoning needed to do well in school.

Abstract reasoning is measured by the IQ test and may be an area that Micah

is weak in. The stress of not understanding the work and being able to

perform as well as he has in the past as a result may be causing his symptoms to

increase. It sounds like he needs a really good psychoeducational evaluation

to tickle out the different issues.

************ **One site has it all. Your email accounts, y

our social networks,

and the things you love. Try the new AOL.com

today!(http://pr.atwola. com/promoclk/ 100000075x121296 2939x1200825291/

aol?redir= http://www. aol.com/? optin=new- dp

%26icid=aolcom40van ity%26ncid= emlcntaolcom0000 0001)

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I thought I'd jump in here, glad to see TS talked about here. My six

year old son has TS and OCD PANDAS. I have been going around with the

school on accomodations for a year. In his MFE he tested average

ability. That means he qualifies for no help. I tried to make them

understand that due to his disabilities things are much harder for

him. I read examples from articles of areas he would need more help

in. The team all decided at this time he needs no additional help. He

only gets OT at school once a week under IDEA for his dygraphia and

hyptonia. His tics are much worse now then they were at the beginning

of the year. I believe it is stress related and immune because of

recent strep going around the classroom. His handwriting is horrible

and worse during waxing. I also do private OT once a week for motor


If you find a way to convince the school that his learning is affected

even though his ability is good please let me know. Could someone here

describe the psych educational testing? Lately my son's emotions are

off the chart too. He has so much going on it is really overwhelming!

> >

> > Yes, I agree, as TS kids tend to see in black and white. they have

> trouble

> > understand puns, etc.

> >

> > Micah's abstract reasoning is still very limited. Ill give you an

> example,

> > recently he asked about war, and who the bad guy was. I told him it

> depended

> > on your point of view. If you were from side A, then side B was the

> bad guy,

> > if from B then side A was bad. He couldn't grasp this concept, no

> matter how I

> > tried, and he will be 12 Jan. He could only think in terms of

right or

> > wrong, black or white. He coudln't understand that both could be

> right, and both

> > could be wrong.

> >

> > We had him tested for learning disabilities, ADD, ADHD, etc....but

> wont know

> > until Dec 1 what the results are. He has Tourette's, so that is part

> of the

> > problem. They say that TS kids are 2/3 their chronological age, so

> that would

> > make him 8.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > In a message dated 11/25/2008 7:52:28 A.M. Central Standard Time,

> > Jordana120@ writes:

> >

> > It sounds like two things are at work here. The writing sounds

> like it is

> > definitely being affected by OCD compulsions. Another issue is that

> by 4th

> > grade or higher, there is more abstract reasoning needed to do well

> in school.

> > Abstract reasoning is measured by the IQ test and may be an area

> that Micah

> > is weak in. The stress of not understanding the work and being

> able to

> > perform as well as he has in the past as a result may be causing

> his symptoms to

> > increase. It sounds like he needs a really good psychoeducational

> evaluation

> > to tickle out the different issues.

> >

> >

> >

> > **************One site has it all. Your email accounts, your social

> networks,

> > and the things you love. Try the new AOL.com

> >




> > %26icid=aolcom40vanity%26ncid=emlcntaolcom00000001)

> >

> >

> >

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There is a difference in legal requirements between having to provide services

because a child has special learning needs, thus an IEP, vs a child who needs

accommodations due to a " handicapping condition " , thus a 504 plan.  While the

school may not need to provide special instruction for your son because he is

meeting his potential, they still have to provide accommodations for him with a

504 Plan if you can show that he has a disability that impacts his ability to

benefit from school as other children do.  Have the dr. who diagnosed him write

a letter with the diagnosis and how it can impact on his school day and his

ability to handle assignments which you should use to call for a meeting to make

a 504 plan for your son.  

Re: OCD and learning

I thought I'd jump in here, glad to see TS talked about here. My six

year old son has TS and OCD PANDAS. I have been going around with the

school on accomodations for a year. In his MFE he tested average

ability. That means he qualifies for no help. I tried to make them

understand that due to his disabilities things are much harder for

him. I read examples from articles of areas he would need more help

in. The team all decided at this time he needs no additional he

lp. He

only gets OT at school once a week under IDEA for his dygraphia and

hyptonia. His tics are much worse now then they were at the beginning

of the year. I believe it is stress related and immune because of

recent strep going around the classroom. His handwriting is horrible

and worse during waxing. I also do private OT once a week for motor


If you find a way to convince the school that his learning is affected

even though his ability is good please let me know. Could someone here

describe the psych educational testing? Lately my son's emotions are

off the chart too. He has so much going on it is really overwhelming!

> >

> > Yes, I agree, as TS kids tend to see in black and white. they have

> trouble

> > understand puns, etc.

> >

> > Micah's abstract reasoning is still very limited. Ill give you an

> example,

> > recently he asked about war, and who the bad guy was. I told him it

> depended

> > on your point of view. If you were from side A, then side B was the

> bad guy,

> > if from B then side A was bad. He couldn't grasp this concept, no

> matter how I

> > tried, and he will be 12 Jan. He could only think in terms of

right or

> > wrong, black or white. He coudln't understand that both could be

> right, and both

> > could be wrong.

> >

> > We had him tested for learning disabilities, ADD, ADHD, etc....but

> wont know

> > until Dec 1 what the results are. He has Tourette's, so that is part

> of the

> > problem. They say that TS kids are 2/3 their chronological age, so

> that would

> > make him 8.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > In a message dated 11/25/2008 7:52:28 A.M. Central Standard Time,

> > Jordana120@ writes:

> >

> > It sounds like two things are at work here. The writing sounds

> like it is

> > definitely being affected by OCD compulsions

.. Another issue is that

> by 4th

> > grade or higher, there is more abstract reasoning needed to do well

> in school.

> > Abstract reasoning is measured by the IQ test and may be an area

> that Micah

> > is weak in. The stress of not understanding the work and being

> able to

> > perform as well as he has in the past as a result may be causing

> his symptoms to

> > increase. It sounds like he needs a really good psychoeducational

> evaluation

> > to tickle out the different issues.

> >

> >

> >

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> >




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> >

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