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Dear all,

I'm starting to write to those who write particularly helpful or very

destructive editorials to thank them/protest and give them facts and some

personal testimony.

What do you think?


Re: need a letter writing campaign


This is helpful. I would appreciate if you or D. would expound on n. 1.

Les has already made a comment on this, and the lack of trials to prove the

claim that they work. I need to go back to it.

I tried to find your show on Tomeo's web archive, but am having some

computer trouble.

God bless you, Fr.

After reading multiple letters to the editor praising, protecting or

mischaracterizing contraception, I think itÂ’s time to take a leaf out of

the play book Planned Parenthood used so successfully against Komen.

While not losing sight of the violation of religious liberty the mandate

imposes, much light needs to be shed on the fact that hormonal


1. when used for contraception do not treat any disease.

2 need to be given in doses large enough to suppress normal ovulation

3. have a long list of side effects

4. do not prevent STIÂ’s etc. etc.

5.Explain not only the effectiveness and flexibility of use of NFP in any

reproductive circumstance, but how refraining from intercourse is different

from engaging in it while blocking its normal effect.

6. Explain that intercourse during times of infertility is not incomplete,

as each partner brings what each has to give.

7. Discuss the difference between removing a normal function and restoring

a normal function. Right now there are arguments equating OCÂ’ with Rx for

E.D. While on the face of it theyÂ’re opposites one can question the

appropriateness of trying to bring back youth when itÂ’s goneÂ…

8. Invite promiscuity and subsequent emotional pain

9.Have not decreased unplanned pregnancies or abortions. (See Ross Douthat

in Feb. 19, New York Times The Safe, Legal and Rare Iillusion


usion.html?nl=todaysheadlines & emc=tha212

10. acknowledge possible benefits i.e. decreased endometrial and ovarian CA,

but outnumbered by increase in breast CA, also Cx CA mediated by

promiscuously acquired HPV by one or another partner.

IÂ’ll be interested in your responses.

Hanna Klaus, M.D.

Natural Family Planning Center of Washington, D.C. and Teen STAR Program

4400 East West Highway # 911

Bethesda, MD 20814-4510




Fr. R. Vélez

765 14th Ave, Apt 1

San Francisco, CA 94118

Website: www.newmanbiography.com


Fr. R. Vélez

765 14th Ave, Apt 1

San Francisco, CA 94118

Website: www.newmanbiography.com

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