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Home Tutoring

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Hi Judie,

Sounds like your son, has to be at home............I would contact the

school, (go in person, without your son).........and sit with his guidance

counselor........and explain his inability to function in a school

restrictive setting............and how what normal kids complete in the

several hours in school..........will take your son longer at

home..........with many breaks in-between. Emphasize that your son,

wants to be in school but physically is unable to (don't even go into the

mental aspects)...........don't mention the depression, or any other mental

problems..(next think you know they will be sending out the school

psychologist and getting him classified)........focus on the seizures

etc.............that in itself will make them see the necessity for him to

have home tutoring..........what is a teacher going to do, if he has a

seizure in class?? (if you don't get assistance from the guidance

counselor------then go right to the Principal...........then the

Superintendent of the School.........don't stop until you get your tutors)

Make sure you have a Medical Drs. note.........excusing him from attending

classes as well as physical education class (in the state of NJ this is a

four year mandate in High School)..........The counselor has to see that it

is imperative that he be able to complete his assignments at home. He wants

to get better and return to high school, and be like all the other kids.

He should have tutors in Math and English, definitely, and probably Science

as well...........the other subjects I'm sure he can manage without a

tutor.........Don't feel bad about this, teachers are paid nicely for coming

to a student's house for instruction (keep track of the time and assignments

delivered..........so there is no question as to what was completed (and

what was actually brought to your house). I would also ask for a group

conference with all his teachers...........at the beginning of the school

year.........guidance counselors can arrange this.

Here you have the forum to explain what your son is experiencing, and how

you can best help them in getting the work home. They can also express

how they can best help, sending work home every Friday, to be picked up in

the Guidance office., or through tutors........even giving your work or home

phone numbers...........or allowing them to call you at night.....or before

school starts........what ever will help...

Let the Subject teachers (that aren't tutoring) , know who the tutors are

for your son, so they can put your son's work in their mailboxes, so it gets

to your house.......this may make it so you don't have to go to the school

every week (take it from me, we don't always know who the tutors are for

different students)

This way you will only have to go to school when you need to drop off his

completed work (don't depend on his friends........work may not get to

where it has to be)........ It will be difficult...........I'm

sure...............but he needs to be home, and he needs to complete work

when he is capable to do so.........

If at some point you don't feel he can manage the amt of work coming home.

Then I would talk to your Counselor about a (504) classification.........in

NJ, this gives a student special considerations. I'm not sure what is done

in other states. I'm sure they must have something similar (what state are

you in?)

I can't believe school starts in August.............we don't begin until

September after labor day.............

Let me know if I can be of any other help...............don't waste time,

get into school, find out how many credits he has.........and find out what

he needs to catch up and graduate on time.

Hang in there.........


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  • 3 years later...
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Hi Jodi & Welcome to the PID group.

The members here are very knowledgeable & Very encouraging of each


As far as Home bound(Home Based) schooling..... My Son Blake is 14 &

has been Home bound since 2nd grade. We started him out in a

Private Christian School & The Dr. tried to get teh school

to " Honor " Blake's absent days as the Public school & consider him

Home Based. Well the Head Master REFUSED!!! We still payed the

bill each month although Blake missed 3 months in a row due to being

in the hospital & having surgery. We did keep him up on his school

work & took him in when he was able. He made Straight " A's " We did

understand the reason they could not do the " Home based " if they

were to send a teacher for Blake, they could not afford it.

We hired a teacher who was a teacher in the school, but was out on

maternity leave & was not planning on returning. The school highly

recommended her. She was great!! So, in the process of paying for

the school & paying the teacher, we were running " amok " with

finances. missed 2 payments & we received a Certified Letter

telling us that Blake was being removed form the school & we needed

to tell them in 5 days, what we planned to do for his education.

Home School, Public School or another private school.

Well, decided to go & speak with the Headmaster. he explained

that we have always complied with the school & keep Blake's Grades

up. Well the Headmaster said the Principal... )who by the way has

MS & was not present for most of Blake's 3 yrs. there), told him

that Blake had not turned in any school work in quite some time so

the teacher was " Unfairly " passing Blake with the good grades.

Neither had spoken to his teacher at this point.

Then there was a meeting held that included the teacher, both the

Principal & Headmaster & both Jon & My self. We also took along the

Pediatrician & The Pulmonary Dr. volunteered to attend & we had

letters from the Immunologist. Boy, were those " big Wheeled " folks

in dismay. Blake had actually been to the school, did a major

Science project. he did an Oral Report & took 4 math tests in the

last 3 weeks. We also turned Science, Math History &

Reading " stuff " as well as Blake taking spelling tests & acing

everything!!! He had done all of this with the Teacher we hired &

she turned it all in in time for report card!!!!

We had decided to just put him in the Public School System & The Dr.

immediately placed him on Home bound.

With Home bound, Blake has an IEP(this is Federal 504 is State). We

were able from the get go to " write " our wishes for Blake. What was

expected if he was sick what the teacher would do if she was sick.

We also are able to integrate Speech, Occupational & Physical

Therapy with his IEP. They all come to our home for everything!!!

If it is because of Blake's illness that the teacher does not come,

she will still be paid. If it is due to her issues, she does not

get paid. I can tell you that we have had wonderful teachers for

Blake. One of Blake's teachers was a retired teacher. She got the

taste of home bound a couple of yrs. earlier before she retired, so,

she decided to enroll as a home bound when she retired!!!! She had

taught math in her career days, Blake really thrived with her. But

as all Boys become teens, they seem to NOT want to comply & Blake

was no acceptance!!!!! She could no longer work with him.

The teacher we have now is a Teacher at the Middle School. She

teaches 7-8 grades & also comes to teach Blake. I would never trade

either of these ladies for what they have done for our family. Blake

is still being the contrary Teen & still gives the teacher a run for

her money, but she has taught Blake & loves coming to the house.

We do have in Blake's IEP that he can go to the school to a room

that is there just for Blake. No one uses it except for him. He

does get to check out books in the Library & if we feel he can

handle it, we are allowed to have him attend the very first class of

the day at the school. But he does not go in if any one appears to

be sick, feels sick, has a cough or whatever. If he is scheduled to

come in for the day, the teacher will call us & fill us in as to how

the health of the room is. This has worked really great for Blake.

The only down fall I find is I HAVE to stay with him. He is Autistic

(Asperger's Syndrome) & Because they don't have Shadow's hired in

our school district yet, I have to " Shadow " Blake. I do get paid for

this & they will pay us for bringing Blake to the school. But I

don't get the break I would like to have while he is there. It has

really worked well with this. Some of the students even come to

Blake at teh school & tell him how much they like his History

Knowledge & Geography skills(Blake is obsessed with Books, Maps &

History)They like to hear him read in the class & some tell him that

they like the way he can just read all of the words they have

trouble with!!!! So, yes, he gets a little social skill build up

while he is there(I usually will walk on down the hall just so he

can build these friendships, but they know I am there because Blaek

needs me to be there & they accept it.).

Any way hope this helps some!!

S. Mom to Blake, 14..........CVID with Complete T-Cell

Dysfunction, Asperger's Syndrome, Asthma, GERD, Osteoporosis,

Prothrombin Genetic Defect(Blood Clotting),Integrated Sensory

Delays.....Loves to read, Hates math & is eating me out of my house

& Home.....a growing Teen, gotta love'em!!!!!

I hope this encourages you to keep looking into The Home bound

Tutoring. From what I understand, it is present in all states. It

is a good alternative & our Drs. all have helped us to accomplish

what the needs of Blake are.

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  • 1 year later...
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I am a certified special special education teacher with extensive

experience working with VB ABA. I am interested in working with

children in the home ages 3-15. Please contact me through email if you

are interested. jilltweet4@...

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