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New to group; provider question

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Thank you for all the great guidance and information from the postings.

We are hoping that someone on the list may be aware of a therapist that uses CBT

and ERP for children with OCD in the Central NY (Syracuse) area. I did not

realize how difficult finding the right provider would be. Any suggestions would

be appreciated. Our DD is 10 years old. She is presently with a LCSW who

diagnosed OCD but does not have experience in OCD in children.

Her obsessions are with symmetry and order, germs and obsessive slowness. She

has many bedtime rituals that consume her night time and ours, as we all play a

role. We have seen the emotional outbursts and rage described by others. These

appear when her routine/rituals are disrupted and we play a role in disrupting

them.(IE: our refusal to participate, interrupted her and she now has to start

all over again, etc..) She may cry for hours inconsolably and be very angry that

things are not " just so " , or become verbally aggressive. These episodes involve

her keeping the whole family awake or keeping us from progressing forward in our

day, etc.. I look forward to learning how to help our DD from everyone here.


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