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Thank you for the welcome and the advice. My son was diagnosed with

Aspergers at age 9 and that is what I always thought caused the anxiety, so I

was surprised when she diagnosed OCD. But after I researched it a light bulb

went off. Actually I was relieved because I was really scared that he might have

something even more serious that we could not treat. I am glad to hear things do

get better and treatment does help. Thanks again.


Re: New Member

Hi Krista, welcome to the group!

I have a 15 yr old son (10th grade) who began battling OCD at around

age 11.5; he'd just started 6th grade.

He began having all sorts of compulsions, some pretty weird and not

the typical OCD I'd read about. Anyway, I found this group not long

after, and it's been my very best support through all this!

There was no one near enough experienced in treating OCD, so like you

I read & read and joined this group! Between the research and

suggestions from this group, we somehow managed to live through it


As to your question about therapy and medication - Sometimes if a

child is really suffering, medication is given to help them reach a

reduced point of anxiety/OCD to where they can receive some benefits

from the CBT/ERP therapy. Medication isn't a *must* for OCD, you

just have to decide what's best for your situation. However, many

find a mix of therapy & meds offers the best solution if in the " OCD

is making us all insane!!! can't go about our daily lives!!! "

stage. :)

Sounds like you are off to a really good start with therapy, etc.

With my son, we first tried inositol powder (in the B vitamin family)

and it luckily worked well for . We used it for the first 2+

years and then started on Celexa; he's been on the Celexa a

little over a year.

The thing, as you will read, with medication and even inositol is

that no *one* medication works for everyone, it's an individual

thing, and you need to give each a few weeks trial (8-12) to see how

it'll work and to build up to a good dosage level; so it can be trial

and error for some people until you find the one that works best;

some meds might cause a bit of insomnia or hyperness or

moodiness...or nothing at all except some relief! We were very lucky

in that the inositol worked; and then with Celexa, it's worked well,

no real side effects for except that he gets pretty tired

each p.m. and naps now.

After began having compulsions 24/7 in 6th grade and I began

learning more about OCD, I realized that all those reassurance

questions he'd ask me when younger could be considered part of OCD.

He seemed to grow out of that. But used to ask things many times,

some repeatedly, " will this give me cancer? " or " how long will it

take this -cut/scratch- to heal? " and so on, seemed to be too tuned

into every cut/scratch/blemish and every feeling in his body. Very


I began to limit how many times I would answer or ask him " what did I

say the last time " or just ask him a question back or tell him I had

already answered that (2 or 3x!). Sometimes I would switch answers,

like in " how long will this take to heal? " I might say 7 days, then

next 10 days, then " a month " .... However - didn't have any

huge meltdowns as some kids will over this, he might just get a bit

whiny but would go on his way; then come back later to ask again! ;)

What do you think would happen if you said " yes I am " when he asks if

you're mad at him? or quickly said " no, are you mad at me? " or " no,

now go do... " and tried to redirect him?

Well, it's getting late, long day! Hope something above made a bit

of sense. By the way, is doing very well now. For him, OCD

is still there but manageable, not interfering at least to any extent

that bothers him (or anyone else!).

Glad you've joined us!

single mom, 3 sons

, 15, with OCD, dysgraphia and Aspergers(autism)

, 15, nonidentical twin

Randall, 19

A link for inositol/OCD to read if never heard of it:



> Hi everyone. I just joined your group tonight. I've been reading

> your posts and I am already feeling better. I have a 10 yr old son

> who was diagnosed this yr with OCD. He started worrying more and

> more and saying things that were worrying me so I needed to get him

> help. He worries constantly about getting germs or giving germs, or

Our list archives, bookmarks, files, and chat feature may be accessed at:

http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group// .

Our list advisors are Gail B. , Ed.D., Tamar Chansky, Ph.D., Aureen Pinto

Wagner, Ph.D., and Dan Geller, M.D. Our list moderators are Birkhan,

Castle, Fowler, Kathy Hammes, Joye, Kathy Mac, Gail

Pesses, and Kathy . Subscription issues or suggestions may be

addressed to Louis Harkins, list owner, at louisharkins@... ,

louisharkins@... , louisharkins@... .

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  • 3 months later...

Hi Diane and welcome to the group!!

So sorry to hear about your daughter. But you are doing the right thing and that

is being a good and sweet Mom. She will join a group when she feels ready hun.

If you want to you can print some of our information to send to her, and let her

know that she,you and the whole family is welcome here.

We are a varied group but our main point of being here is to offer support and




dpetersmayer2 wrote:


I do not have hep C but my daughter does and I am in need of support

for myself and am looking for information that might be of help to

her. She was diagnosed in the 1980's and we believe that she

contracted it during the numerous blood transfusions she had at

birth. Though she is still stage 0, she chose to begin Pegasys about

six weeks ago. She is an athlete so physically she is fit and strong--

mentally she is very strong too, and she decided now was the perfect

time to try the cure. It has been a difficult time for her and our

family because two years ago she left the east, where we live and

moved to southern california--it's not a 2 hour drive to her house

anymore, but we do our best to support her by phone when the side

effects hit. I've given her information about coping with

chemotherapy that I read on curezone.com, and some of the techniques

have helped her with the fatigue.

I struggle daily with wanting to call her throughout the day to ask

how she feels, but know that my anxiety has to be kept in check and I

follow her lead in conversations. She is single but has set up a nice

group of people from work and friends who she can call on for help--

but no one in her circle really understands what it means to be

fighting this disease--and it worries me that she feels isolated to a

large degree because of this. I have talked with her about joining a

support group in her area or at least one online but she hasn't yet.

I think talking with other people who know exactly how she feels is

terribly important, but I realize she will have to come to this


I've read a number of posts and it has been helpful to do so. Sorry

for the long email but it feels good to get this off my chest to a

group of people who will understand.

Best to all of you,


It's a pleasure having you join in our conversations. We hope you have found the

support you need with us.

If you are using email for your posts, for easy access to our group, just click

the link-- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Hepatitis_C_Central/

Happy Posting


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I am so sorry about your daughter having hepatitis c , she is doing the right

thing by getting the treatment now instead of waiting . And you are doing a

wonderful job just by being there for her . Having family support is especially

important , although you cant understand what it is to go through she

appreciates you being there for her.And welcome to hep central

new member


I do not have hep C but my daughter does and I am in need of support

for myself and am looking for information that might be of help to

her. She was diagnosed in the 1980's and we believe that she

contracted it during the numerous blood transfusions she had at

birth. Though she is still stage 0, she chose to begin Pegasys about

six weeks ago. She is an athlete so physically she is fit and strong--

mentally she is very strong too, and she decided now was the perfect

time to try the cure. It has been a difficult time for her and our

family because two years ago she left the east, where we live and

moved to southern california--it's not a 2 hour drive to her house

anymore, but we do our best to support her by phone when the side

effects hit. I've given her information about coping with

chemotherapy that I read on curezone.com, and some of the techniques

have helped her with the fatigue.

I struggle daily with wanting to call her throughout the day to ask

how she feels, but know that my anxiety has to be kept in check and I

follow her lead in conversations. She is single but has set up a nice

group of people from work and friends who she can call on for help--

but no one in her circle really understands what it means to be

fighting this disease--and it worries me that she feels isolated to a

large degree because of this. I have talked with her about joining a

support group in her area or at least one online but she hasn't yet.

I think talking with other people who know exactly how she feels is

terribly important, but I realize she will have to come to this


I've read a number of posts and it has been helpful to do so. Sorry

for the long email but it feels good to get this off my chest to a

group of people who will understand.

Best to all of you,


It's a pleasure having you join in our conversations. We hope you have found

the support you need with us.

If you are using email for your posts, for easy access to our group, just

click the link-- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Hepatitis_C_Central/

Happy Posting


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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest guest

Hi Susie and welcome.

Feel free to jump into any discussion. We are all ages, nationalities etc. here. I'm 43 and from Sweden, currently retired.


> I have just joined this forum board today. I am looking for new friendships with members has the same as me, so I need someone understands me as a good friend, I'm 25 and from england in Leicester.> I'm a student studying admin. My hobbies are reading, sending emails, movies, chatting online and music. I have 2 brothers and 4 sisters. I have a rabbit, I also think I will like it here as I've been reading some of the post. Thats all 4 now and if anybody is interested to add me on yahoo, thats fine, its susannah_uk2002> SusieFAM Secret Society is a community based on respect, friendship, support and acceptance. Everyone is valued. Don't forget, all female members of FAM Secret Society may join FAM Ladies' Lodge http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/FAMLadiesLodge/ and all males from Secret Society may join FAM Gentlemen's Guild http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/FAMGentlemensGuild/.

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Thanks for the welcome Inger and glad to be here, in the end I found

a group is for aspergers syndrome, I look most of them are for

parents kids have Autism lol


> Hi Susie and welcome.


> Feel free to jump into any discussion. We are all ages,

nationalities etc. here. I'm 43 and from Sweden, currently retired.


> Inger



> > I have just joined this forum board today. I am looking for new

> friendships with members has the same as me, so I need someone

> understands me as a good friend, I'm 25 and from england in



> > I'm a student studying admin. My hobbies are reading, sending


> movies, chatting online and music. I have 2 brothers and 4 sisters.


> have a rabbit, I also think I will like it here as I've been


> some of the post. Thats all 4 now and if anybody is interested to


> me on yahoo, thats fine, its susannah_uk2002


> > Susie






> FAM Secret Society is a community based on respect, friendship,

support and acceptance. Everyone is valued.


> Don't forget, all female members of FAM Secret Society may join FAM

Ladies' Lodge http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/FAMLadiesLodge/

and all males from Secret Society may join FAM Gentlemen's Guild






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> Thanks for the welcome Inger and glad to be here, in the end I found a

> group is for aspergers syndrome, I look most of them are for parents kids

> have Autism lol.

Right. That's not very helpful, is it? Here we are almost only Aspies;

perhaps just one or two NT parents as well. Though I'm not sure if they read

or participate anymore.

After our group started growing, we created a separate forum for parents &

family members of Aspies.



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Guest guest

Yeh I am in 85 groups anyway and its hard to keep up lol, so at least

I'm in one aspergers group now :)


> > Thanks for the welcome Inger and glad to be here, in the end I

found a

> > group is for aspergers syndrome, I look most of them are for

parents kids

> > have Autism lol.


> Right. That's not very helpful, is it? Here we are almost only


> perhaps just one or two NT parents as well. Though I'm not sure if

they read

> or participate anymore.


> After our group started growing, we created a separate forum for

parents &

> family members of Aspies.

> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/FAMFamilyForum/


> Inger

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Yeh I am in 85 groups anyway and its hard to keep up lol, so at least

I'm in one aspergers group now :)


> > Thanks for the welcome Inger and glad to be here, in the end I

found a

> > group is for aspergers syndrome, I look most of them are for

parents kids

> > have Autism lol.


> Right. That's not very helpful, is it? Here we are almost only


> perhaps just one or two NT parents as well. Though I'm not sure if

they read

> or participate anymore.


> After our group started growing, we created a separate forum for

parents &

> family members of Aspies.

> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/FAMFamilyForum/


> Inger

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Guest guest

Yeh I am in 85 groups anyway and its hard to keep up lol, so at least

I'm in one aspergers group now :)


> > Thanks for the welcome Inger and glad to be here, in the end I

found a

> > group is for aspergers syndrome, I look most of them are for

parents kids

> > have Autism lol.


> Right. That's not very helpful, is it? Here we are almost only


> perhaps just one or two NT parents as well. Though I'm not sure if

they read

> or participate anymore.


> After our group started growing, we created a separate forum for

parents &

> family members of Aspies.

> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/FAMFamilyForum/


> Inger

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Wow! I would not be able to keep up with 85 groups; that is an

amazing acomplishment.


> Yeh I am in 85 groups anyway and its hard to keep up lol, so at


> I'm in one aspergers group now :)


> Susie

> > > Thanks for the welcome Inger and glad to be here, in the end I

> found a

> > > group is for aspergers syndrome, I look most of them are for

> parents kids

> > > have Autism lol.

> >

> > Right. That's not very helpful, is it? Here we are almost only

> Aspies;

> > perhaps just one or two NT parents as well. Though I'm not sure


> they read

> > or participate anymore.

> >

> > After our group started growing, we created a separate forum for

> parents &

> > family members of Aspies.

> > http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/FAMFamilyForum/

> >

> > Inger

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I don't post in all 85 anyway lol, coz its hard to keep up with all

of them.




> Wow! I would not be able to keep up with 85 groups; that is an

> amazing acomplishment.





> >

> > Yeh I am in 85 groups anyway and its hard to keep up lol, so at

> least

> > I'm in one aspergers group now :)

> >

> > Susie

> > > > Thanks for the welcome Inger and glad to be here, in the end


> > found a

> > > > group is for aspergers syndrome, I look most of them are for

> > parents kids

> > > > have Autism lol.

> > >

> > > Right. That's not very helpful, is it? Here we are almost only

> > Aspies;

> > > perhaps just one or two NT parents as well. Though I'm not sure

> if

> > they read

> > > or participate anymore.

> > >

> > > After our group started growing, we created a separate forum


> > parents &

> > > family members of Aspies.

> > > http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/FAMFamilyForum/

> > >

> > > Inger

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Thanks for the welcome and Nice to meet you. My rabbit is black and white and has ears up. His name is Percy.

Susienah wrote:>I have a rabbit, >A rabbit! Yay! I have a pet rabbit too. I just loooooooove my bunny. What does your bunny look like? An ears up or ears down bunny? How old? Color? Breed? What's the name? My bunny is phine, about 5 years old, black and a mini lop. She's free in the house with a litter box. She's bossy too. She chases my cat who is twice her size! Poor kitty. and the zoo.p.s. welcome to the list.

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It is so cute to see that your exitement suddenly has you hopping around like a little bunny yourself : )


nah wrote:>I have a rabbit, >A rabbit! Yay! I have a pet rabbit too. I just loooooooove my bunny. What does your bunny look like? An ears up or ears down bunny? How old? Color? Breed? What's the name? My bunny is phine, about 5 years old, black and a mini lop. She's free in the house with a litter box. She's bossy too. She chases my cat who is twice her size! Poor kitty. and the zoo.p.s. welcome to the list.FAM Secret Society is a community based on respect, friendship, support and acceptance. Everyone is valued. Don't forget, all female members of FAM Secret Society may join FAM Ladies' Lodge http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/FAMLadiesLodge/ and all males from Secret Society may join FAM Gentlemen's Guild http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/FAMGentlemensGuild/.

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Guest guest

It is so cute to see that your exitement suddenly has you hopping around like a little bunny yourself : )


nah wrote:>I have a rabbit, >A rabbit! Yay! I have a pet rabbit too. I just loooooooove my bunny. What does your bunny look like? An ears up or ears down bunny? How old? Color? Breed? What's the name? My bunny is phine, about 5 years old, black and a mini lop. She's free in the house with a litter box. She's bossy too. She chases my cat who is twice her size! Poor kitty. and the zoo.p.s. welcome to the list.FAM Secret Society is a community based on respect, friendship, support and acceptance. Everyone is valued. Don't forget, all female members of FAM Secret Society may join FAM Ladies' Lodge http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/FAMLadiesLodge/ and all males from Secret Society may join FAM Gentlemen's Guild http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/FAMGentlemensGuild/.

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> I resent, but if you still can't get it, I'll send to your email

address if

> you want it ...let me know -lesinaz@a... .

Les, I'd like to see your letter also. Thanks.

Doug French

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yes...what is the letter?

Re: New Member

> I resent, but if you still can't get it, I'll send to your email address if > you want it ...let me know -lesinaz@a... .Les, I'd like to see your letter also. Thanks. Doug French

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest

Does Lioness mean that you're a fellow Leo (I'm a triple Leo)



> Hello, I am here by invitation. Thanks to the kind mod of this group

> that invited me btw^^ Um, let's see I'm 20, but will be 21 in two

> months, and didn't know I had Asperger's til I was 19 in January 2004.

> I really love to draw and it's how I express myself,


> Um.....anything else you wanna know feel free to ask cuz I'm not good

> at including everything =P

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Welcome aboard

I am Opie, I am 21 will be 22 July 4 I have been officially dianosed

with A.S. since late February of this year. My fiancé belongs

to this group as well and she is 19. We have been together almost a

year now.

once again welcome aboard and best wishes


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> Good to meet you! Welcome to the forum!

> e


> ________________________________


> From: kristynlioness

> Sent: Thu 4/7/2005 9:13 PM

> To: FAMSecretSociety

> Subject: New Member



> Hello, I am here by invitation. Thanks to the kind mod of this group

> that invited me btw^^ Um, let's see I'm 20, but will be 21 in two

> months, and didn't know I had Asperger's til I was 19 in January 2004.

> I really love to draw and it's how I express myself,


> Um.....anything else you wanna know feel free to ask cuz I'm not good

> at including everything =P


> FAM Secret Society is a community based on respect, friendship, support and

acceptance. Everyone is valued.


> Don't forget, there are links to other FAM sites on the Links page in the

folder marked " Other FAM Sites. "


> ________________________________



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> Good to meet you! Welcome to the forum!

> e


> ________________________________


> From: kristynlioness

> Sent: Thu 4/7/2005 9:13 PM

> To: FAMSecretSociety

> Subject: New Member



> Hello, I am here by invitation. Thanks to the kind mod of this group

> that invited me btw^^ Um, let's see I'm 20, but will be 21 in two

> months, and didn't know I had Asperger's til I was 19 in January 2004.

> I really love to draw and it's how I express myself,


> Um.....anything else you wanna know feel free to ask cuz I'm not good

> at including everything =P


> FAM Secret Society is a community based on respect, friendship, support and

acceptance. Everyone is valued.


> Don't forget, there are links to other FAM sites on the Links page in the

folder marked " Other FAM Sites. "


> ________________________________



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> Good to meet you! Welcome to the forum!

> e


> ________________________________


> From: kristynlioness

> Sent: Thu 4/7/2005 9:13 PM

> To: FAMSecretSociety

> Subject: New Member



> Hello, I am here by invitation. Thanks to the kind mod of this group

> that invited me btw^^ Um, let's see I'm 20, but will be 21 in two

> months, and didn't know I had Asperger's til I was 19 in January 2004.

> I really love to draw and it's how I express myself,


> Um.....anything else you wanna know feel free to ask cuz I'm not good

> at including everything =P


> FAM Secret Society is a community based on respect, friendship, support and

acceptance. Everyone is valued.


> Don't forget, there are links to other FAM sites on the Links page in the

folder marked " Other FAM Sites. "


> ________________________________



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Is he by any chance a fennec fox?


> Thank you, good to meet you too^^ I have another friend named Raeth and I

> thought you were him at first X3



> Raeth wrote:

> Welcome!!



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Is he by any chance a fennec fox?


> Thank you, good to meet you too^^ I have another friend named Raeth and I

> thought you were him at first X3



> Raeth wrote:

> Welcome!!



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Is he by any chance a fennec fox?


> Thank you, good to meet you too^^ I have another friend named Raeth and I

> thought you were him at first X3



> Raeth wrote:

> Welcome!!



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Why yes he is^^Raeth wrote:

Is he by any chance a fennec fox?> > Thank you, good to meet you too^^ I have another friend named Raeth and I> thought you were him at first X3> > > Raeth wrote: > Welcome!!> > FAM Secret Society is a community based on respect, friendship, support and acceptance. Everyone is valued. Don't forget, there are links to other FAM sites on the Links page in the folder marked "Other FAM Sites." __________________________________________________

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