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Re: Hello, everyone.

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Have you read Ultimate Weight loss Solution by Dr Phil ?

Subject: Hello, everyone.

To: insideoutweightloss

Date: Saturday, August 16, 2008, 6:33 PM

I'm in Dallas, Texas. I'm 41 and, until 3-4 years ago had

managed to maintain a 40-lb. weight loss from my late 20s (achieved

largely through fasting, which my 41-year-old body will not tolerate).

For about 3 years, I've been trying everything I can think of to get

back to where I was just 5 years ago, but still I slowly gain.

I just discovered 's amazing podcast about a week ago and have

been burning through the episodes like crazy. I'm worried about

withdrawal when I get caught up! At her encouragement, I've done a lot

of introspection and believe I've hit upon a significant failure of

motivation that I hadn't pinpointed before.

I had noticed that it's when I'm unhappy that I don't seem to have a

problem staying thin, and it's when I'm happy that I gain weight. What

I couldn't understand was why. Yesterday, it hit me: I associate being

happy with feeling indulged. So naturally, now that my life is on a

good track and I'm married to a wonderful man, I think everything in

my life should be plentiful - including food!

All I need to do is slightly reprogram myself to associate happiness

with thinness. So here goes! I hope to both give and get encouragement


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Do you ever feel like there is no middle ground with this weight loss cycle? I

am ether eating perfectly and exercising every day or I am stuffing my face.

When and how do we end this cycle for good.?


Subject: Re: Hello, everyone.

To: insideoutweightloss

Date: Sunday, August 17, 2008, 9:09 AM

Nope. I'm kind of a delinquent when it comes to reading self-help

books. :)


> Have you read Ultimate Weight loss Solution by Dr Phil ?

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It sounds like there are still some triggers that need to be identified. You

should focus on identifying those triggers to end the " stuffing face "


As far as middle ground, well I think as time goes by you will notice that

your pig out sessions become smaller and are filled with healthier foods.

Thats is what I have noticed. Pigging out on a bag of potato chips is bad.

Pigging out of a bag of carrot sticks, not as bad.


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When I find out, I'll let you know. :) But I think the point

frequently drives home is that you have to stop expecting perfection

of yourself and learn to acknowledge not only your small victories but

your big ones, too. That way, one small slip doesn't make you

think, " Oh, well, I've blown it now, might as well enjoy myself. "

It's hard for a perfectionist, but it's one of my main approaches to

weight loss.


> Do you ever feel like there is no middle ground with this weight

loss cycle? I am ether eating perfectly and exercising every day or I

am stuffing my face. When and how do we end this cycle for good.?



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I did before I did the 3 mp3s I bought from -- they nipped that

in the bud!

try em'


> >

> > Have you read Ultimate Weight loss Solution by Dr Phil ?




















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