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Re: Re: Dennis

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Hi Kathleen,

Thanks for your humorous viewpoint to some of my comments. It truely brought a

warm smile to my face and it helped make me realize that many others are right

here feeling the same things I am feeling. Obviously, we are all busy and the

LBD complexities we are each part of cerrtainly exacerbates the condition.

Good to hear that your dad has gained a little weight and you haven't :o) thats

awesome. I just started to see the ends of my toes again and it feels good,

wondered where they were for a while.

Take care,


Re: Dennis

Hi all! It is so amazing to me that everytime I read these posts I

find so much in common with so many. I too am like Dennis and trying

to redefine (the pattern of my life it seems) I feel so guilty

working ... but know that there are too many things that wouldn't

happen if I didn't (for example. I work in a community college so my

daughter's semester bill for 15 credit hours is less than $500 for a

semester) which wouldn't happen if I didn't work there. Two days ago

I too had two pregnant children .. today I have three. Two daughters

in law and one daughter (not the one in college). I have a husband

with two jobs and arthritis, etc etc. I keep forgetting to look at

what I do and only worry about all I don't do ... not sure if that is

the sign of an over achiever or under achiever. Ah well ... I don't

post nearly as often as I would like.

Question. I notice that one side of dad's face gets redder than the

other -- sort of looks like " heat " or " chapped " . Anyone else with

this symptom?

Dad (78) just came to live with me here in IL the first of Sept so we

had to find all new docs and have new appts,etc. Just got his blood

work back and found that the theophylline he was taking for emphesyma

wasn't doing him any good ... he was only getting the side effects and

none of the benefits, so he's off that. He was told to drop his

sellegeline so now all he is taking is carb/levo 25/100 and seroquell


It's just like Shirley said .. at noon he's acting like he's 65 ...

and I think OH WOW! He's healed! and that evening I think this surely

must be the end. I panic my way though the night ... and we live to

battle another day.

He thrashes about at night and yells a lot ... Sandie said it's

hallucinations in his sleep which certainly makes sense. Is there

anything I should be doing to keep him safe? I don't have side rails

on the bed yet .. fearful that would only add to the things for him to

bash into ... any suggestions?

Basically, my life sucks! < oh my gosh! you're ON the roof, nothing

is broke .. you still HAVE a wife ... and daughters and a son! I must

be missing something here .... where's the sucky part? (Just kidding

... I know what you mean ... honest!)

Being 53 and a little short for my weight <--- cute! I never quite

saw myself that way before ... I'm a little short for my weight too.

The good news is since dad's been here he's gained 6 pounds (and I

haven't) Gives him a little " wiggle room " for the bad times coming

up. :-( / :-)

Cleared the cobwebs out a little.<--- I keep thinking of drinking to

clear the cobwebs ... your way is a little more constructive.

Actually, I've taken up watercolors. Cheap and easy clean up! I'll

send you all some pics if I ever do anything worth recognizing.

Also, am still trying to work on getting these e-mails into into

working shape for perusal by new people. Soon!


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Hi Kathleen,

Thanks for your humorous viewpoint to some of my comments. It truely brought a

warm smile to my face and it helped make me realize that many others are right

here feeling the same things I am feeling. Obviously, we are all busy and the

LBD complexities we are each part of cerrtainly exacerbates the condition.

Good to hear that your dad has gained a little weight and you haven't :o) thats

awesome. I just started to see the ends of my toes again and it feels good,

wondered where they were for a while.

Take care,


Re: Dennis

Hi all! It is so amazing to me that everytime I read these posts I

find so much in common with so many. I too am like Dennis and trying

to redefine (the pattern of my life it seems) I feel so guilty

working ... but know that there are too many things that wouldn't

happen if I didn't (for example. I work in a community college so my

daughter's semester bill for 15 credit hours is less than $500 for a

semester) which wouldn't happen if I didn't work there. Two days ago

I too had two pregnant children .. today I have three. Two daughters

in law and one daughter (not the one in college). I have a husband

with two jobs and arthritis, etc etc. I keep forgetting to look at

what I do and only worry about all I don't do ... not sure if that is

the sign of an over achiever or under achiever. Ah well ... I don't

post nearly as often as I would like.

Question. I notice that one side of dad's face gets redder than the

other -- sort of looks like " heat " or " chapped " . Anyone else with

this symptom?

Dad (78) just came to live with me here in IL the first of Sept so we

had to find all new docs and have new appts,etc. Just got his blood

work back and found that the theophylline he was taking for emphesyma

wasn't doing him any good ... he was only getting the side effects and

none of the benefits, so he's off that. He was told to drop his

sellegeline so now all he is taking is carb/levo 25/100 and seroquell


It's just like Shirley said .. at noon he's acting like he's 65 ...

and I think OH WOW! He's healed! and that evening I think this surely

must be the end. I panic my way though the night ... and we live to

battle another day.

He thrashes about at night and yells a lot ... Sandie said it's

hallucinations in his sleep which certainly makes sense. Is there

anything I should be doing to keep him safe? I don't have side rails

on the bed yet .. fearful that would only add to the things for him to

bash into ... any suggestions?

Basically, my life sucks! < oh my gosh! you're ON the roof, nothing

is broke .. you still HAVE a wife ... and daughters and a son! I must

be missing something here .... where's the sucky part? (Just kidding

... I know what you mean ... honest!)

Being 53 and a little short for my weight <--- cute! I never quite

saw myself that way before ... I'm a little short for my weight too.

The good news is since dad's been here he's gained 6 pounds (and I

haven't) Gives him a little " wiggle room " for the bad times coming

up. :-( / :-)

Cleared the cobwebs out a little.<--- I keep thinking of drinking to

clear the cobwebs ... your way is a little more constructive.

Actually, I've taken up watercolors. Cheap and easy clean up! I'll

send you all some pics if I ever do anything worth recognizing.

Also, am still trying to work on getting these e-mails into into

working shape for perusal by new people. Soon!


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  • 5 years later...
Guest guest

How are you doing, Dennis? I don't recall, did you mention,

if you've had a biopsy, or what your Geneotype is?

Have you, or will you start treatment?

I do recall you said your were diagnosed in 1999.

When you click to "reply" to a post" if you start

at the very top of the page, it will make it easier

for everyone to follow..



Subject: Re: You found the letter!To: Hepatitis_C_Central Date: Monday, August 4, 2008, 11:40 PM

> > From: D J <dmj71149yahoo (DOT) com>> Subject: [Hepatitis_C_ Central] (unknown)> To: Hepatitis_C_ Central@yahoogro ups.com> Date: Saturday, August 2, 2008, 2:59 PM> > > > > > > > > > > > > > Love and peace,> Dennis >

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