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Re: help!

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Kody has been sick since birth. We had a family doctor, she was very good

except that she just kept treating the symptoms without looking further. She

also treated me like a hypochondriac, as if I was somehow responsible.

Finally, I had enough...actually, I should say I was extremely sleep deprived

and desperate since Kody was coughing so hard all night everynight that he

would throw up (this went on for a good 6 months) and I decided a

pediatrician instead of family doc would definitely be a good idea. At this

same time, Kody had just turned 2, his ear drum ruptured and a trip to the

same doctor's office, but with the other doctor on call, Kody started his

coughing fit right there in the office. Needless to say, they were scrambling

to give him a nebulizer treatment right there. Found out Kody had

asthma...silly me, I thought that was the end of the questions! So, I found a

pediatrician in my area that specialized in pediatric asthma. While we

struggled to get his asthma under control, we were in every month or two for

an infection of some sort. Finally, last spring, it was suggested that we get

Kody's first pneumovac (sp?) shot. Which later blood work showed he didn't

respond to it at all. So, many more infections later (at this point every 3-4

weeks) we did a second pneumovac, new tubes (titanium ones, apparently he is

allergic to plastic), catscans of sinuses, and surprise...no response to the

second pneumovac. This last Christmas, Kody got really sick. Kept running a

fever, and the antibiotics weren't clearing up his sinuses. He was miserable.

We were literally in the doctor's office 3 times a week with something new.

We did a third pneumovac, while we were waiting for the results (which again

he had no response and his numbers were even lower), he got the osteomyelitis

in his left knee. Now, he has been on antibiotics, some IV, some oral, since

Christmas. Nonstop. We tried going off oral ones, but less then a week went

by and his sinuses were totally occluded again. We have seen a ped.

immunologist, however, she just doesn't have the experience needed to find

the answers Kody needs. Next month we see an adult pulmonary immunologist

here in Grand Rapids that has agreed to see Kody. Hope he has answers, but,

realistically, our pediatrician says that the best we can hope for with this

new immuno is a few more pieces to the puzzle. But our insurance says we have

to see everyone we can " in network " first before it will give the okay to see

someone out of state. I am pushing for Rainbow Babies Children's Hospital in

Cleveland, Ohio. Right now Kody is doing okay. He still has the yucky nose,

and he has started coughing at night again so I know the asthma is starting

to act up again, but with the 4 prescriptions he is on, he is able to get

down and go play. Which I love to see! Probably WAY more than you wanted to

know...sorry. Seems there is no simple story with Kody! I couldn't even begin

to count the number of ear infections, sinus infections, lung infections,

even infections in his mouth and eyes, and now his bones. He is getting worse

in the aspect that the infections are coming closer together and worse in

severity also, the antibiotics really aren't doing anything for him. I know

when we stop this round of antibiotics, he will just be sick again in less

then a week. My doctor is trying to move things as fast as he can, however,

the wait just for results to blood tests seems to take forever, and then you

add in all the specialists that Kody sees and their tests....I am pushing

hard to have ALL tests and their results in by the end of the summer. Kody

has missed 56 days of school this year. Not to mention the fact that he needs

to be treated properly medically for obvious reasons! I hope that your search

for diagnosis goes much faster!!

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mrs. schmidt (Kody's mom)

Not more than i wanted to knwo! What a difficult road, esp. the dr. who

was suspicious of you. We have had significant suspicions from drs. and

family alike, but currently everyone acknowleges, though no one has

understanding yet, of imune deficiencies. Welsey and myself both get

sick (me just more acutley sick, maybe it's the same with him, and we

just havent figured it out yet) within days of going of anitbiotics, and

i cant' tell you the number of times we've heard the lecture about too

many antibiotics from medical personnel and anyone else that cares to

give input, which is more than we would like to hear from, of course!!

our problems have not been so significant as yours. I'm sorry to hear of

ins. difficulties, that is such a frustrating thing to have to pour time

and energy into..How old is Kody? Do you help him with his studies at

home? I've homeschooled, and we're just in K with Wes, so it has been

easy to stay on top of it. I've wondered how we'll fare next year...

You mentioned being in GR--i went to WMU, and had occasion a few tiems to

be in GR--that was in the early 80's, but i remember it as a very

pleasant city. We used to joke among my campus fellowshiip that GR had

the highest # of christians per square inch than anywhere else in the

nation! I'm in so. CA now, came out for grad school, and met the man

of my dreams...

I wil pray for quick resolution for at least the diagnossi for Kody.. i

know the waiting with illness is the toughest thing. warmly, maurita

(mom to Wesley, ANdrew, )



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  • 8 years later...

Anyone out there with a Mac? I can't save mine-it just opens as an MP3 file

that I can't




> Thanks! I had to step away from the computer for a bit after a frustrating

attempt at

actually downloading them, but after that, was able to actually download them (I

had to

right click to save to my computer) so now I have them saved and backed up!


again, Marguerite




> [insideoutweightlos s] help!


> Hi guys, I just purchased 's mp3 sessions but I cannot figure

> out how to download them so that I can put them on my ipod or save

> them into my i-tunes library... all I seem to be able to do is play

> them from the quicktime player on the mind for body website. This

> seems strange, it would be nice to take them with me sometimes I like

> to go sit down at the river and listen to the podcasts and had thought

> I would be able to do the same with these. Did anyone else have this

> problem? Thanks, Marguerite

> (PS I ordered the intuitive eating book and look forward to its

> arrival!)



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  • 1 month later...

HI there,

Have you bought 's tree guided journeys? THey really helped me...I can

say that even during the of the most difficult days in my life - I am eating

like a thin person. I have listened and listend and still listen!

I highly recommend them!!!!

Congratulations on the 5##!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Glad your'e here with us!!!


On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 10:14 AM, mckennabriar wrote:


> i have an event that I am going to in 3 weeks and so for the last 3 weeks I

> have been

> diligently working on eating less and exercising more (and i have lost 5

> pounds!!!) but now

> I'm losing my motivation. even though the event is getting closer, its like

> I feel " comfortable "

> with only 5 pounds even though my goal was 10. I really want to lose 5 more

> in the next 3

> weeks. its hard because these are the last few pounds that I just cant seem

> to shed!!!

> thoughts? tips? how do you stay motivated?




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