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Thank you for the welcome Sue.I keep wondering if I am doing

something that is making my asthma worse.We had a pet, but he died

like a month ago, so I don't have the dander around anymore.I tend

to avoid most of my known allergen triggers(except dust hehe), and

I'm not over-physical.My mom said when I was a kid, I used to wheeze

alot during exertion and have trouble breathing, but she never

associated it with asthma, or anything else(tho she did make me sit

down alot).I also had alot of infections, and was sick a bit as a


Thank you for the those good suggestions.I have been waiting so

long to be able to talk with others who have this disease.I'm the

only one I know around here with it.


> Day,

> Welcome. Sorry to hear you are severe with this disease. I would

> start by going through the archives of this group and also


> out asthmastory.com as you have not had asthma since birth

> apparently.

> Good luck and ask any questions.

> Sue.

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Thank you for the welcome Sue.I keep wondering if I am doing

something that is making my asthma worse.We had a pet, but he died

like a month ago, so I don't have the dander around anymore.I tend

to avoid most of my known allergen triggers(except dust hehe), and

I'm not over-physical.My mom said when I was a kid, I used to wheeze

alot during exertion and have trouble breathing, but she never

associated it with asthma, or anything else(tho she did make me sit

down alot).I also had alot of infections, and was sick a bit as a


Thank you for the those good suggestions.I have been waiting so

long to be able to talk with others who have this disease.I'm the

only one I know around here with it.


> Day,

> Welcome. Sorry to hear you are severe with this disease. I would

> start by going through the archives of this group and also


> out asthmastory.com as you have not had asthma since birth

> apparently.

> Good luck and ask any questions.

> Sue.

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Re: Introduction

Hi Daystar: The Docs tell you this or that but just because they say its this way or that way does not mean its so. In my experience they are wrong more then right and in my situation i see more different ones then the same ones every time I go to the VA teaching hospital. Some are very intelligent, like the one I saw yesterday. Some are old school old dog wont learn anything new quacks.

Each have a different opinion and diagnosis. I'd be dead and buried if I listen to them long ago. It sounds like you have some severe allergy to your specigfic location. Where do you live in what geographical location. If told it represents certain things effecting groups in certain areas. I live in the Mountains of N.C. we have lots high mold and fungus in the air along with rag weed etc. I never had Asthma till moving here and its the last thing to fix now as i'm getting better on all other fronts to the astoundessment of the docs, all but my asthma. All along I said it was the fungus like mold that grows on oak trees bark causing it. It makes my lungs burn.

I think Arnes got something on athletes foot desenex.


Going to spray my feet today while breathing in the mist. If I get better I will shout it from the roof tops. I've ingested it as a youth and I had zero reaction from it when I got athelettes foot. So i think i'll give it a try! Even if the Hens here don't hear it. Stay posted!


Hello Matt,I am on .5 mg/2 ml of pulmicort respules every 12 hours, via nebulizer.My old doc told me to use my machine every 2-3 hours(it gets that bad).However I do have some days where's its more spaced out to every 4-6 hours.My doctor gave me a referral, and I will be making an appointment soon.My last visit with an asthma specialist was about 3 years ago.I learned that I have some lung damage, etc.Daystar> --hi > how are you doing. what dose of pulmicort are you taking, and how > often are you using your svn machine.> are you seeing an asthma specialist.

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Re: Introduction

Hi Daystar: The Docs tell you this or that but just because they say its this way or that way does not mean its so. In my experience they are wrong more then right and in my situation i see more different ones then the same ones every time I go to the VA teaching hospital. Some are very intelligent, like the one I saw yesterday. Some are old school old dog wont learn anything new quacks.

Each have a different opinion and diagnosis. I'd be dead and buried if I listen to them long ago. It sounds like you have some severe allergy to your specigfic location. Where do you live in what geographical location. If told it represents certain things effecting groups in certain areas. I live in the Mountains of N.C. we have lots high mold and fungus in the air along with rag weed etc. I never had Asthma till moving here and its the last thing to fix now as i'm getting better on all other fronts to the astoundessment of the docs, all but my asthma. All along I said it was the fungus like mold that grows on oak trees bark causing it. It makes my lungs burn.

I think Arnes got something on athletes foot desenex.


Going to spray my feet today while breathing in the mist. If I get better I will shout it from the roof tops. I've ingested it as a youth and I had zero reaction from it when I got athelettes foot. So i think i'll give it a try! Even if the Hens here don't hear it. Stay posted!


Hello Matt,I am on .5 mg/2 ml of pulmicort respules every 12 hours, via nebulizer.My old doc told me to use my machine every 2-3 hours(it gets that bad).However I do have some days where's its more spaced out to every 4-6 hours.My doctor gave me a referral, and I will be making an appointment soon.My last visit with an asthma specialist was about 3 years ago.I learned that I have some lung damage, etc.Daystar> --hi > how are you doing. what dose of pulmicort are you taking, and how > often are you using your svn machine.> are you seeing an asthma specialist.

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Re: Introduction

Hi Daystar: Ever try Alove Leaf Extract? It kills all sorts of bad stuff. go to www.botanicchoice.com There in search type olive leaf. Do a search on www.google.com on olive lreaf. Read Dr. Morton s book on it you'll find excerpts to on your search. You sound high allegery to me. Sounds like something in the air your breathing in, in your location. Get tested for fungus and molds. Get house checked for BLACK mold a real killer to lungs. Do a search on all these and symptoms. Who knows Arnes cure might work for you to? If you really want to get well think positive in that direction and start eliminating things that might be causing your condition. AS for me I"M GETTING WELL PERIOD!

Old Roosters never die young!



The combivent is my rescue inhaler(which sometimes does not work), and the albuterol goes in my nebulizer.I too think I am on way too much medicine.I only listed the ones for asthma hehe.I went off the theophylline, as after 4 days, it was having no affect, and was making me jittery all the time.I haven't told my doctor yet.I also tend to get too many antibiotics, I think.I just finished a course this week, and I feel sick as a dog.Ear ache, body aches, weird stuff coming out the nose, sorry for the graph.Yet I know in another month, I will be back on more antibiotics.Thats and prednisone has been my stay out of the hospital free cards hehe, when it gets real bad.Day> Yeouch that is a bunch, just for asthma. Why both Combivent and> Albuterol? Albuterol is already in the Combivent. Why did you stop the> theophylline? Have you discussed that with your doctors?

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Re: Introduction

Hi Daystar: Ever try Alove Leaf Extract? It kills all sorts of bad stuff. go to www.botanicchoice.com There in search type olive leaf. Do a search on www.google.com on olive lreaf. Read Dr. Morton s book on it you'll find excerpts to on your search. You sound high allegery to me. Sounds like something in the air your breathing in, in your location. Get tested for fungus and molds. Get house checked for BLACK mold a real killer to lungs. Do a search on all these and symptoms. Who knows Arnes cure might work for you to? If you really want to get well think positive in that direction and start eliminating things that might be causing your condition. AS for me I"M GETTING WELL PERIOD!

Old Roosters never die young!



The combivent is my rescue inhaler(which sometimes does not work), and the albuterol goes in my nebulizer.I too think I am on way too much medicine.I only listed the ones for asthma hehe.I went off the theophylline, as after 4 days, it was having no affect, and was making me jittery all the time.I haven't told my doctor yet.I also tend to get too many antibiotics, I think.I just finished a course this week, and I feel sick as a dog.Ear ache, body aches, weird stuff coming out the nose, sorry for the graph.Yet I know in another month, I will be back on more antibiotics.Thats and prednisone has been my stay out of the hospital free cards hehe, when it gets real bad.Day> Yeouch that is a bunch, just for asthma. Why both Combivent and> Albuterol? Albuterol is already in the Combivent. Why did you stop the> theophylline? Have you discussed that with your doctors?

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Re: Introduction

Hi Day: Welcome aboard. I be Walt the terrible. Wink. Hope we can help ya here.


--hi how are you doing. what dose of pulmicort are you taking, and how often are you using your svn machine.are you seeing an asthma specialist.matt- In asthma , "daystarlounge" <daystarlounge@y...> wrote:> Hello everyone.I am a 24 year old woman who has dealt with asthma > for the last 8 years.My asthma is severe, and I use a nebulizer > several times a day.I use the medicines severent, pulmicort > respules, accolate, nexium(reflux affects my asthma), zyrtec for > allergies, combivent, albuterol, and I'm supposed to use > theophylline, but after 4 days I stopped.I look forward to learning > more about each of you, and also how to manage my illness.> Day

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Re: Introduction

Hi Day: Welcome aboard. I be Walt the terrible. Wink. Hope we can help ya here.


--hi how are you doing. what dose of pulmicort are you taking, and how often are you using your svn machine.are you seeing an asthma specialist.matt- In asthma , "daystarlounge" <daystarlounge@y...> wrote:> Hello everyone.I am a 24 year old woman who has dealt with asthma > for the last 8 years.My asthma is severe, and I use a nebulizer > several times a day.I use the medicines severent, pulmicort > respules, accolate, nexium(reflux affects my asthma), zyrtec for > allergies, combivent, albuterol, and I'm supposed to use > theophylline, but after 4 days I stopped.I look forward to learning > more about each of you, and also how to manage my illness.> Day

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Theophylline daily, on top of the other meds is a tough regiment, but I

prefer it over prednisone..

I am sure your Doc does not want you to stay on theophylline for a long

time, for it needs to be monitored.

Because I so detest prednisone and what it does to me, when I feel that

my daily regiment of serevent and pulmicort is not enough, I take

theophylline in the morning, it usually works to give me the boost I

need to pull out of a episode that otherwise could land me in the

ER.100mg. sometime broken in half is enough to do so.

Can't take it at night neither, most people can't.


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Hi walt!I'm a very highly allergic person.I have allergies to

dust mites, horses, feathers, ragweed, grasses, several types of

trees, cats, dogs, shellfish, some antibiotics and some other

stuff.I hated those tests when I got them done years ago, and I'm

not looking to do them again hehe.Even though I will have to with

the new specialist.

When I don't take my zyrtec, within 24 hours I develop welts on

my back, arms and stomach, as well as severe itching, sneezing, and

sinus trouble.Our old building had a ton of mold, carpet everywhere,

poor ventilation, and asbestos.We were renters so we really couldn't

do much besides complain or move.The past two years when I was

there, my asthma got very bad.

I am trying to be positive about what is going on with my body.It

can get better, and hopefully the steps I will be taking, will get

it there.Would you happen to know anything about a good diet for

asthmatics?I want to lose some weight and exercise(might help, who

knows hehe), and I would really love something that is low on dairy

products, and wheat(severe allergy to whole wheat(possibly white

flour too) products).



> Re: Introduction


> Hi Daystar: Ever try Alove Leaf Extract? It kills all sorts of

bad stuff. go to www.botanicchoice.com There in search type olive

leaf. Do a search on www.google.com on olive lreaf. Read Dr. Morton

s book on it you'll find excerpts to on your search. You sound

high allegery to me. Sounds like something in the air your breathing

in, in your location. Get tested for fungus and molds. Get house

checked for BLACK mold a real killer to lungs. Do a search on all

these and symptoms. Who knows Arnes cure might work for you to? If

you really want to get well think positive in that direction and

start eliminating things that might be causing your condition. AS


> Old Roosters never die young!


> Walt



> Walt

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I hate theophylline hehe, but I probably didn't give it a fair

chance.My doc hasn't asked for any tests yet, though I would have

been on it about a month by now.Once I restart taking it, should I

call him for tests?Also how do I restart it?Should I wait until I am

well again, or start now?For me, I found pred(with a z pack when

needed) helps more, but makes me feel weird, and has horrible side



> Day,

> Theophylline daily, on top of the other meds is a tough regiment,

but I

> prefer it over prednisone..

> I am sure your Doc does not want you to stay on theophylline for a


> time, for it needs to be monitored.

> Because I so detest prednisone and what it does to me, when I feel


> my daily regiment of serevent and pulmicort is not enough, I take

> theophylline in the morning, it usually works to give me the boost


> need to pull out of a episode that otherwise could land me in the

> ER.100mg. sometime broken in half is enough to do so.

> Can't take it at night neither, most people can't.

> C-M

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Re: Introduction> > Hi Daystar: The Docs tell you this or that but just because they say its this way or that way does not mean its so. In my experience they are wrong more then right and in my situation i see more different ones then the same ones every time I go to the VA teaching hospital. Some are very intelligent, like the one I saw yesterday. Some are old school old dog wont learn anything new quacks.> Each have a different opinion and diagnosis. I'd be dead and buried if I listen to them long ago. It sounds like you have some severe allergy to your specigfic location. Where do you live in what geographical location. If told it represents certain things effecting groups in certain areas. I live in the Mountains of N.C. we have lots high mold and fungus in the air along with rag weed etc. I never had Asthma till moving here and its the last thing to fix now as i'm getting better on all other fronts to the astoundessment of the docs, all but my asthma. All along I said it was the fungus like mold that grows on oak trees bark causing it. It makes my lungs burn. > > I think Arnes got something on athletes foot desenex. > ]> Going to spray my feet today while breathing in the mist. If I get better I will shout it from the roof tops. I've ingested it as a youth and I had zero reaction from it when I got athelettes foot. So i think i'll give it a try! Even if the Hens here don't hear it. Stay posted!> > Walt

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Re: Introduction> > Hi Daystar: The Docs tell you this or that but just because they say its this way or that way does not mean its so. In my experience they are wrong more then right and in my situation i see more different ones then the same ones every time I go to the VA teaching hospital. Some are very intelligent, like the one I saw yesterday. Some are old school old dog wont learn anything new quacks.> Each have a different opinion and diagnosis. I'd be dead and buried if I listen to them long ago. It sounds like you have some severe allergy to your specigfic location. Where do you live in what geographical location. If told it represents certain things effecting groups in certain areas. I live in the Mountains of N.C. we have lots high mold and fungus in the air along with rag weed etc. I never had Asthma till moving here and its the last thing to fix now as i'm getting better on all other fronts to the astoundessment of the docs, all but my asthma. All along I said it was the fungus like mold that grows on oak trees bark causing it. It makes my lungs burn. > > I think Arnes got something on athletes foot desenex. > ]> Going to spray my feet today while breathing in the mist. If I get better I will shout it from the roof tops. I've ingested it as a youth and I had zero reaction from it when I got athelettes foot. So i think i'll give it a try! Even if the Hens here don't hear it. Stay posted!> > Walt

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Anyone with pets have any other suggestions for Day?

I would suggest going to the pet store...and buying the product to remove the dander from your pets.....and getting a good brush and brush them at least twice weekly OUTSIDE so the loose hair doesnt float in your home....I also suggest bathing them often as well!

I have heard great things about the Febreeze allergen reducer spray....I have bought some but havent used it.....My sons allergist seems to believe that none of those products work well.....


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Anyone with pets have any other suggestions for Day?

I would suggest going to the pet store...and buying the product to remove the dander from your pets.....and getting a good brush and brush them at least twice weekly OUTSIDE so the loose hair doesnt float in your home....I also suggest bathing them often as well!

I have heard great things about the Febreeze allergen reducer spray....I have bought some but havent used it.....My sons allergist seems to believe that none of those products work well.....


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi ,

Welcome!! So glad to have you here. I really enjoyed your

introduction - I too am trying to " rebuild " or " recreate " my life -

its been slow, but I do think I've made some progress.

I'd like to ask a favor - if you have any information or could direct

me to websites on a New Thought Church I'd sure appreciate it. I'm

currently seeking a church. I've read information on the Unitarian

Universalist Church and found one near me and will probably give that

a try, but was also wondering about the New Thought Church. You can

send it to me at RareBreeeze@...

Thanks so much and once again, Welcome!


> Hi y'all,


> I'm . I just joined the group and I have been reading past

> posts most of this morning. I have been involved with New Thought

> for 20 years. I remember being amazed after I attended my

> first " church service " at a New Thought church that there was

> actually an organized group that held beliefs as similar to my own

> independent ones. I am particularly interested in the power of

> affirmations.


> I am here to offer info, help, and support where I can, as well as


> learn. I am also here for a little support and listening. One of

> these days I'll write out my whole deal. Suffice to say, I am


> out of a bad period in my life, and I want to " rebuild " on solid

> Positive Thinking/New Thought principles.


> I am 42, divorced, and have an 11 yr old son who is with me half


> time. I work in HR in the Hospital Services industry. I volunteer

> for different things at my church, most recently facilitating a


> Group Ministry around the book by Dr. Wayne Muller " How Then Shall


> Live. " I am also a minister ordained in the St. Christian

> Church in 1997.


> I look forward to getting to know y'all.


> Peace,


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Hi ,

Welcome!! So glad to have you here. I really enjoyed your

introduction - I too am trying to " rebuild " or " recreate " my life -

its been slow, but I do think I've made some progress.

I'd like to ask a favor - if you have any information or could direct

me to websites on a New Thought Church I'd sure appreciate it. I'm

currently seeking a church. I've read information on the Unitarian

Universalist Church and found one near me and will probably give that

a try, but was also wondering about the New Thought Church. You can

send it to me at RareBreeeze@...

Thanks so much and once again, Welcome!


> Hi y'all,


> I'm . I just joined the group and I have been reading past

> posts most of this morning. I have been involved with New Thought

> for 20 years. I remember being amazed after I attended my

> first " church service " at a New Thought church that there was

> actually an organized group that held beliefs as similar to my own

> independent ones. I am particularly interested in the power of

> affirmations.


> I am here to offer info, help, and support where I can, as well as


> learn. I am also here for a little support and listening. One of

> these days I'll write out my whole deal. Suffice to say, I am


> out of a bad period in my life, and I want to " rebuild " on solid

> Positive Thinking/New Thought principles.


> I am 42, divorced, and have an 11 yr old son who is with me half


> time. I work in HR in the Hospital Services industry. I volunteer

> for different things at my church, most recently facilitating a


> Group Ministry around the book by Dr. Wayne Muller " How Then Shall


> Live. " I am also a minister ordained in the St. Christian

> Church in 1997.


> I look forward to getting to know y'all.


> Peace,


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Hi ,

Welcome!! So glad to have you here. I really enjoyed your

introduction - I too am trying to " rebuild " or " recreate " my life -

its been slow, but I do think I've made some progress.

I'd like to ask a favor - if you have any information or could direct

me to websites on a New Thought Church I'd sure appreciate it. I'm

currently seeking a church. I've read information on the Unitarian

Universalist Church and found one near me and will probably give that

a try, but was also wondering about the New Thought Church. You can

send it to me at RareBreeeze@...

Thanks so much and once again, Welcome!


> Hi y'all,


> I'm . I just joined the group and I have been reading past

> posts most of this morning. I have been involved with New Thought

> for 20 years. I remember being amazed after I attended my

> first " church service " at a New Thought church that there was

> actually an organized group that held beliefs as similar to my own

> independent ones. I am particularly interested in the power of

> affirmations.


> I am here to offer info, help, and support where I can, as well as


> learn. I am also here for a little support and listening. One of

> these days I'll write out my whole deal. Suffice to say, I am


> out of a bad period in my life, and I want to " rebuild " on solid

> Positive Thinking/New Thought principles.


> I am 42, divorced, and have an 11 yr old son who is with me half


> time. I work in HR in the Hospital Services industry. I volunteer

> for different things at my church, most recently facilitating a


> Group Ministry around the book by Dr. Wayne Muller " How Then Shall


> Live. " I am also a minister ordained in the St. Christian

> Church in 1997.


> I look forward to getting to know y'all.


> Peace,


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Thanks so much !!

Great information!!! I got your private email and will write you back just

as soon as I get a chance to slow down long enough to write an intelligent


Hope you're having a great week.


In a message dated 11/20/03 8:29:36 AM Central Standard Time,

csurf88@... writes:

> http://cornerstone.wwwhubs.com/listsites.htm <-----A terrific resource.

> (, I also emailed you off-board.)


> Peace,



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Thanks so much !!

Great information!!! I got your private email and will write you back just

as soon as I get a chance to slow down long enough to write an intelligent


Hope you're having a great week.


In a message dated 11/20/03 8:29:36 AM Central Standard Time,

csurf88@... writes:

> http://cornerstone.wwwhubs.com/listsites.htm <-----A terrific resource.

> (, I also emailed you off-board.)


> Peace,



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Thanks so much !!

Great information!!! I got your private email and will write you back just

as soon as I get a chance to slow down long enough to write an intelligent


Hope you're having a great week.


In a message dated 11/20/03 8:29:36 AM Central Standard Time,

csurf88@... writes:

> http://cornerstone.wwwhubs.com/listsites.htm <-----A terrific resource.

> (, I also emailed you off-board.)


> Peace,



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Welcome to Affirmations! I know, I'm about a week late, and I

apologize. But, I'm very happy to have you here! Sounds like you have a lot

going for you! Hugs, PJ

wrote:Hi y'all,

I'm . I just joined the group and I have been reading past

posts most of this morning. I have been involved with New Thought

for 20 years. I remember being amazed after I attended my

first " church service " at a New Thought church that there was

actually an organized group that held beliefs as similar to my own

independent ones. I am particularly interested in the power of


I am here to offer info, help, and support where I can, as well as to

learn. I am also here for a little support and listening. One of

these days I'll write out my whole deal. Suffice to say, I am coming

out of a bad period in my life, and I want to " rebuild " on solid

Positive Thinking/New Thought principles.

I am 42, divorced, and have an 11 yr old son who is with me half the

time. I work in HR in the Hospital Services industry. I volunteer

for different things at my church, most recently facilitating a Small

Group Ministry around the book by Dr. Wayne Muller " How Then Shall We

Live. " I am also a minister ordained in the St. Christian

Church in 1997.

I look forward to getting to know y'all.


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Hi ~

Welcome! This is a wonderful group ~ You'll find lots of inspiration here!



Hi y'all,

I'm . I just joined the group and I have been reading past

posts most of this morning. I have been involved with New Thought

for 20 years. I remember being amazed after I attended my

first " church service " at a New Thought church that there was

actually an organized group that held beliefs as similar to my own

independent ones. I am particularly interested in the power of


I am here to offer info, help, and support where I can, as well as to

learn. I am also here for a little support and listening. One of

these days I'll write out my whole deal. Suffice to say, I am coming

out of a bad period in my life, and I want to " rebuild " on solid

Positive Thinking/New Thought principles.

I am 42, divorced, and have an 11 yr old son who is with me half the

time. I work in HR in the Hospital Services industry. I volunteer

for different things at my church, most recently facilitating a Small

Group Ministry around the book by Dr. Wayne Muller " How Then Shall We

Live. " I am also a minister ordained in the St. Christian

Church in 1997.

I look forward to getting to know y'all.


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