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Hi ~

Welcome! This is a wonderful group ~ You'll find lots of inspiration here!



Hi y'all,

I'm . I just joined the group and I have been reading past

posts most of this morning. I have been involved with New Thought

for 20 years. I remember being amazed after I attended my

first " church service " at a New Thought church that there was

actually an organized group that held beliefs as similar to my own

independent ones. I am particularly interested in the power of


I am here to offer info, help, and support where I can, as well as to

learn. I am also here for a little support and listening. One of

these days I'll write out my whole deal. Suffice to say, I am coming

out of a bad period in my life, and I want to " rebuild " on solid

Positive Thinking/New Thought principles.

I am 42, divorced, and have an 11 yr old son who is with me half the

time. I work in HR in the Hospital Services industry. I volunteer

for different things at my church, most recently facilitating a Small

Group Ministry around the book by Dr. Wayne Muller " How Then Shall We

Live. " I am also a minister ordained in the St. Christian

Church in 1997.

I look forward to getting to know y'all.


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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

Dear Angie,

I(we) know exactly how you feel.I am always being urged to be

around things that I know set my asthma in a talespin.These include

spending the whole day at dusty,spore-filled outdoor flea

markets,being in the boat all day when the lake is turning over and

is green as pea soup , petting the family and friends dogs and cats

as they always come to me first, and spending time in smokey

restaurants, where the smoke from that section filters over to the

non-smoking area.I have to pass on alot of things too. I cannot be

at anything that lasts all day under these conditions. It is

isolating, but I just cannot bear to face a life of continual bad

asthma days and nights.

I hope others in this group will be able to console you

better.Anyway, I know exactly how you feel.



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Thanks for sharing your experience Anastasia. I'm glad to hear I'm

not the only one. At first, I too, would subject myself, but like you

said, I got sick of dealing with bad asthma attacks and struggling to

get it under control. This has been the first winter where I'm not

having regular asthma attacks and I think it's because I'm not

subjecting my lungs to as much so my asthma has been easier to keep

under control. I just don't understand why people can't be more

empathetic to us.

Take care,


> Dear Angie,

> I(we) know exactly how you feel.I am always being urged to be

> around things that I know set my asthma in a talespin.These include

> spending the whole day at dusty,spore-filled outdoor flea

> markets,being in the boat all day when the lake is turning over and

> is green as pea soup , petting the family and friends dogs and cats

> as they always come to me first, and spending time in smokey

> restaurants, where the smoke from that section filters over to the

> non-smoking area.I have to pass on alot of things too. I cannot be

> at anything that lasts all day under these conditions. It is

> isolating, but I just cannot bear to face a life of continual bad

> asthma days and nights.

> I hope others in this group will be able to console you

> better.Anyway, I know exactly how you feel.

> Sincerely,

> Anastasia

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  • 7 months later...

Welcome !

The short version:

1. RDI is awesome!

2. Dietary changes make incredible differences in many kids,

including my daughter. We're GFCFSF and we limit things like eggs,

corn and tomatoes.

I've got to get three children ready for school. Hopefully, I'll be

back later to go into detail.

PennY (with a Y) in Michigan


> 1. RDI: Has anyone tried this? >

> 2. Has anyone had success with any of the special diets

particularly those that target yeast related problems. >

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Welcome !

The short version:

1. RDI is awesome!

2. Dietary changes make incredible differences in many kids,

including my daughter. We're GFCFSF and we limit things like eggs,

corn and tomatoes.

I've got to get three children ready for school. Hopefully, I'll be

back later to go into detail.

PennY (with a Y) in Michigan


> 1. RDI: Has anyone tried this? >

> 2. Has anyone had success with any of the special diets

particularly those that target yeast related problems. >

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Welcome !

The short version:

1. RDI is awesome!

2. Dietary changes make incredible differences in many kids,

including my daughter. We're GFCFSF and we limit things like eggs,

corn and tomatoes.

I've got to get three children ready for school. Hopefully, I'll be

back later to go into detail.

PennY (with a Y) in Michigan


> 1. RDI: Has anyone tried this? >

> 2. Has anyone had success with any of the special diets

particularly those that target yeast related problems. >

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Hi ,

Welcome to the list! I am an ABA therapist, I join these lists to

help give advice and share experiences from the many children I have

worked with.

Unfortunately, there is not any RDI training in the Atlanta area on

a regular basis yet, so I don't have much to tell you about that.

One of my client's parents went to a workshop and said it was great,

but so far have not incorporated any of what they learned into his

schedule. They did tell me it supposed to be very complimentary to

an ABA program.

Obviously, I think ABA is the best treatment for autism, or I

wouldn't be doing it! ABA is the only therapy with data and

statistics to back it up, and the only " proven effective " treatment.

This is not to say that other methods aren't just as valid or

important, but there is not as much as far as proof. Personally, I

use a combination of Lovaas style ABA and Floortime with my clients,

and (just to brag a little) they are ALL doing great!

As fat as dietary intervention, the GFCF diet works wonders for many

kids. My own son has a milk allergy, and although he is NT and

developing normally, I saw an improvement in him when we stopped

milk about a month ago. He's 14 months and started speaking in

sentences around the same time he started having normal BMs.I have

seen a lot of kids who made immediate leaps when they began the

diet, and others that were more gradual, and not noticable until the

first time they were tested with a forbidden food, and went of the

wall stimming or something. It doesn't work for every kid, but it is

safe to try and non invasive, and work enough times that I think it

is worth trying. It sounds a lot harder than it is once you get the

hang of it!

If you have any questions, feel free to email me!



> Hi!


> I'm new to this list and what to introduce my self. I have a

> daughter who is 39 months old and is currently being evaluated for

> autism. I also have a nearly 23 month old son who is still not

> talking at all, but otherwise appears to be developing normally.


> I'm fairly sure that that autism is the dx my duaghter will end up

> with. She is very delayed in speech/social and plays


> by making collections of things. She isn't however particularly

> routinized or resistant to change. I am currently exploring the

> possibilities for treatment for Emma and am particularly


> in hearing from anyone who has had personal experience with the

> following treatments/issues. Currently Emma gets private speech

> therapy 2x week.


> 1. RDI: Has anyone tried this? What do you think? I live very


> an agency that has certified RDI consultant and just reading the

> materials, it seems like something Emma might benefit from. Emma

> seems to learn non-social/language things fairly easily; for


> she recognizes most of the letters of the alphabet just from


> books and t.v. shows, I haven't drilled her in it or anything.


> than anything, she needs to develop relationships with people


> is what RDI focuses on.


> 2. Has anyone had success with any of the special diets


> those that target yeast related problems. Emma has lots of


> with vaginal yeast infections and I am wondering if this could be

> indicative of a systemic problem with yeast.


> Any other info you think would be useful, I would welcome.


> Thanks,




> 2.

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In a message dated 11/14/04 11:32:45 AM Central Standard Time,

skydanse@... writes:


I live in Utah, fly hang gliders, work as a massage therapist up in Park

City and I enjoy my raw milk frequently 'cause I just luvvvvv my raw milk! I am

basically a consumer of milk. It's a little difficult getting raw milk in

Utah, but I now live near a goat dairy farm (a little pricey but that's okay)

plus I belong to a coop to get cow's milk as well.


Welcome Lori, Sounds like you have a fun life. I am glad you found a source

for raw milk. I am with you there on luvvvvving raw milk. I thought I found

a local source for raw milk but it tasted terrible. I am accustomed to

jersey milk and this was brown swiss and it was (like I said) terrible. They


it so I guess thats what counts. So today we go on our 3 hour trip one way to

get the wonderfullllll jersey milk. You will love our group.

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  • 1 month later...

Welcome Sonya. I live in Edmonton and co-lead the WAPF Chapter with Kathy Charpentier from Castor.

Have you been in touch with Adler who is the Chapter Leader in Vancouver and maybe even BC? I don't have her number handy, however if you go to the WAP site, her info is there.

vsp Sonya wrote:

Hello everyone.My name is Sonya McLeod, my e-mail address is thebestcolours@..., and Ilive in Vancouver, BC, Canada. I am very interested in becoming a consumerof raw milk, and although I have never tried it, I've heard that it's muchhealthier than pasteurized milk. I first heard about raw milk from the book"Nourishing Traditions" by Sally Fallon, and I plan to read more books onthe subject such as "The Milk Book," "The Untold Story of Milk," etc. I amparticularly concerned about my two young daughters aged 4 months and 21months, who I think would benefit enormously from the consumption of rawmilk products. Unfortunately, raw milk sales/purchase is illegal in Canada,but cow-sharing is legal (I'm not that familiar with the concept ofcow-sharing). I definitely support the legalization of raw milk products,but in the meantime,

am interested in obtaining milk via cow-sharing.I look forward to learning a lot from all of you and am excited aboutjoining this group.Cheers.-SonyaPLEASE BE KIND AND TRIM YOUR POSTS WHEN REPLYING!Visit our Raw Dairy Files for a wealth of information!http://groups.yahoo.com/group/RawDairy/files/ S. Pritchard (VSP)__________________________________________________

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  • 4 weeks later...

At 01:37 PM 1/13/05 -0800, you wrote:


> Hi,


> My name's ; I live in Arlington, VA (across the

> Potomac River from Washington, DC)


> I'm please to have run across this web site -- all my

> friends and neighbors think I'm nuts.


Greetings and welcome, , from another local (andria) nutjob. :-D


Dairy Angel

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi sharon this is of me Sondra a old past friend from e lists. it is

much fast in time to know you baby is of 3 now.


In Autism_in_Girls , Sharon Tuffley <tuffley@p...>


> Hi All

> I just joined this group and wanted to send an introduction.

> I am Sharon (39) and my hubby is Danny (44) and we live in New

Zealand with our two girl who will be 13 in april and who

is 3 later this month.

> is on the autism spectrum.

> wont go into the long and tiring process of getting diagnosis here

as only got a few minutes at computer at the moment..but she has had

constipation on and off most of her life and is not fully bowel

trained..she wears regular underwear but we have episodes of soiling

sometimes up to 10 times a day sometimes only once .so am interested

to know if anyone else has this with their child.

> But mainly I joined to see how you all cope with your daughters

reaching puberty and such..she is developing breasts and pubic hair

so guess she will get periods soon but whenever we try to talk to

her about it all she goes all on the defense and says she not

interested or she would rather die or just puts hands on ears and

starts making loud noises so she cant hear what we are saying. I

think the thought of blood terrifies her as she is terrified of


> anyway that is all for now till i get to know you all and see what

sorts of things you chat about on here :)


> Regards

> Sharon

> NZ


> ----------


> No virus found in this outgoing message.

> Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.

> Version: 7.0.300 / Virus Database: 265.8.2 - Release Date:





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Hi sharon this is of me Sondra a old past friend from e lists. it is

much fast in time to know you baby is of 3 now.


In Autism_in_Girls , Sharon Tuffley <tuffley@p...>


> Hi All

> I just joined this group and wanted to send an introduction.

> I am Sharon (39) and my hubby is Danny (44) and we live in New

Zealand with our two girl who will be 13 in april and who

is 3 later this month.

> is on the autism spectrum.

> wont go into the long and tiring process of getting diagnosis here

as only got a few minutes at computer at the moment..but she has had

constipation on and off most of her life and is not fully bowel

trained..she wears regular underwear but we have episodes of soiling

sometimes up to 10 times a day sometimes only once .so am interested

to know if anyone else has this with their child.

> But mainly I joined to see how you all cope with your daughters

reaching puberty and such..she is developing breasts and pubic hair

so guess she will get periods soon but whenever we try to talk to

her about it all she goes all on the defense and says she not

interested or she would rather die or just puts hands on ears and

starts making loud noises so she cant hear what we are saying. I

think the thought of blood terrifies her as she is terrified of


> anyway that is all for now till i get to know you all and see what

sorts of things you chat about on here :)


> Regards

> Sharon

> NZ


> ----------


> No virus found in this outgoing message.

> Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.

> Version: 7.0.300 / Virus Database: 265.8.2 - Release Date:





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Hi sharon this is of me Sondra a old past friend from e lists. it is

much fast in time to know you baby is of 3 now.


In Autism_in_Girls , Sharon Tuffley <tuffley@p...>


> Hi All

> I just joined this group and wanted to send an introduction.

> I am Sharon (39) and my hubby is Danny (44) and we live in New

Zealand with our two girl who will be 13 in april and who

is 3 later this month.

> is on the autism spectrum.

> wont go into the long and tiring process of getting diagnosis here

as only got a few minutes at computer at the moment..but she has had

constipation on and off most of her life and is not fully bowel

trained..she wears regular underwear but we have episodes of soiling

sometimes up to 10 times a day sometimes only once .so am interested

to know if anyone else has this with their child.

> But mainly I joined to see how you all cope with your daughters

reaching puberty and such..she is developing breasts and pubic hair

so guess she will get periods soon but whenever we try to talk to

her about it all she goes all on the defense and says she not

interested or she would rather die or just puts hands on ears and

starts making loud noises so she cant hear what we are saying. I

think the thought of blood terrifies her as she is terrified of


> anyway that is all for now till i get to know you all and see what

sorts of things you chat about on here :)


> Regards

> Sharon

> NZ


> ----------


> No virus found in this outgoing message.

> Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.

> Version: 7.0.300 / Virus Database: 265.8.2 - Release Date:





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oh yes i remember you Sondra :) I somehow lost track of you..prob in a computer

crash or something lost your email address and I left a few lists when I had

..how are you ?


Hi sharon this is of me Sondra a old past friend from e lists. it is

much fast in time to know you baby is of 3 now.


In Autism_in_Girls , Sharon Tuffley <tuffley@p...>


> Hi All

> I just joined this group and wanted to send an introduction.

> I am Sharon (39) and my hubby is Danny (44) and we live in New

Zealand with our two girl who will be 13 in april and who

is 3 later this month.

> is on the autism spectrum.

> wont go into the long and tiring process of getting diagnosis here

as only got a few minutes at computer at the moment..but she has had

constipation on and off most of her life and is not fully bowel

trained..she wears regular underwear but we have episodes of soiling

sometimes up to 10 times a day sometimes only once .so am interested

to know if anyone else has this with their child.

> But mainly I joined to see how you all cope with your daughters

reaching puberty and such..she is developing breasts and pubic hair

so guess she will get periods soon but whenever we try to talk to

her about it all she goes all on the defense and says she not

interested or she would rather die or just puts hands on ears and

starts making loud noises so she cant hear what we are saying. I

think the thought of blood terrifies her as she is terrified of


> anyway that is all for now till i get to know you all and see what

sorts of things you chat about on here :)


> Regards

> Sharon

> NZ


> ----------


> No virus found in this outgoing message.

> Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.

> Version: 7.0.300 / Virus Database: 265.8.2 - Release Date:





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oh yes i remember you Sondra :) I somehow lost track of you..prob in a computer

crash or something lost your email address and I left a few lists when I had

..how are you ?


Hi sharon this is of me Sondra a old past friend from e lists. it is

much fast in time to know you baby is of 3 now.


In Autism_in_Girls , Sharon Tuffley <tuffley@p...>


> Hi All

> I just joined this group and wanted to send an introduction.

> I am Sharon (39) and my hubby is Danny (44) and we live in New

Zealand with our two girl who will be 13 in april and who

is 3 later this month.

> is on the autism spectrum.

> wont go into the long and tiring process of getting diagnosis here

as only got a few minutes at computer at the moment..but she has had

constipation on and off most of her life and is not fully bowel

trained..she wears regular underwear but we have episodes of soiling

sometimes up to 10 times a day sometimes only once .so am interested

to know if anyone else has this with their child.

> But mainly I joined to see how you all cope with your daughters

reaching puberty and such..she is developing breasts and pubic hair

so guess she will get periods soon but whenever we try to talk to

her about it all she goes all on the defense and says she not

interested or she would rather die or just puts hands on ears and

starts making loud noises so she cant hear what we are saying. I

think the thought of blood terrifies her as she is terrified of


> anyway that is all for now till i get to know you all and see what

sorts of things you chat about on here :)


> Regards

> Sharon

> NZ


> ----------


> No virus found in this outgoing message.

> Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.

> Version: 7.0.300 / Virus Database: 265.8.2 - Release Date:





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oh yes i remember you Sondra :) I somehow lost track of you..prob in a computer

crash or something lost your email address and I left a few lists when I had

..how are you ?


Hi sharon this is of me Sondra a old past friend from e lists. it is

much fast in time to know you baby is of 3 now.


In Autism_in_Girls , Sharon Tuffley <tuffley@p...>


> Hi All

> I just joined this group and wanted to send an introduction.

> I am Sharon (39) and my hubby is Danny (44) and we live in New

Zealand with our two girl who will be 13 in april and who

is 3 later this month.

> is on the autism spectrum.

> wont go into the long and tiring process of getting diagnosis here

as only got a few minutes at computer at the moment..but she has had

constipation on and off most of her life and is not fully bowel

trained..she wears regular underwear but we have episodes of soiling

sometimes up to 10 times a day sometimes only once .so am interested

to know if anyone else has this with their child.

> But mainly I joined to see how you all cope with your daughters

reaching puberty and such..she is developing breasts and pubic hair

so guess she will get periods soon but whenever we try to talk to

her about it all she goes all on the defense and says she not

interested or she would rather die or just puts hands on ears and

starts making loud noises so she cant hear what we are saying. I

think the thought of blood terrifies her as she is terrified of


> anyway that is all for now till i get to know you all and see what

sorts of things you chat about on here :)


> Regards

> Sharon

> NZ


> ----------


> No virus found in this outgoing message.

> Checked by AVG Anti-Virus.

> Version: 7.0.300 / Virus Database: 265.8.2 - Release Date:





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Hi Pat,

> i became aware of 'RAW MILK' by

> coming across the website: realmilk.com.

Yeah, I really love that website!

I'm new to raw milk also, but I wanted to say welcome to you. By the way, while


waiting on setting up a raw milk program close to you, be sure and check out the

raw milk

from Organic Pastures. They have delicious raw dairy products:


Check 'em out cause you'll find interesting info there too.


raw dairy newbie

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Hi Pat,

> i became aware of 'RAW MILK' by

> coming across the website: realmilk.com.

Yeah, I really love that website!

I'm new to raw milk also, but I wanted to say welcome to you. By the way, while


waiting on setting up a raw milk program close to you, be sure and check out the

raw milk

from Organic Pastures. They have delicious raw dairy products:


Check 'em out cause you'll find interesting info there too.


raw dairy newbie

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Welcome. I know there are people looking for good goat milk so you shouldn't have a problem with drumming up some customers from this list.

Sounds like you have happy goats and clean milk. Good luck with your little dairy.




My name is Dween Muse, I live in Summit, Mississippi and subscribed with scootter@... as my email address.

I am a farmer that produces raw goat milk. Mississippi allows raw milk sales from the farm only. And I qualify under the law as there are never more then 9 goats whose milk goes into the production tank.

My goats are milked with a machine, and the milk bottled in new gallon milk jugs per Mississippi law.

My goats are raised without antibiotics, and are healthy.

Dween Musewww.musemark.com SW MississippiPLEASE BE KIND AND TRIM YOUR POSTS WHEN REPLYING!Visit our Raw Dairy Files for a wealth of information!http://groups.yahoo.com/group/RawDairy/files/

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And I thought the group was helping really quickly. Well, maybe soon she will have more people to drink the great milk I'm sure her goats give.


Re: Introduction

> See, I told you Dween (LOL).>Dear Tinybabe I told Dween about this group and he allready knew that I wanted some milk. PLEASE BE KIND AND TRIM YOUR POSTS WHEN REPLYING!Visit our Raw Dairy Files for a wealth of information!http://groups.yahoo.com/group/RawDairy/files/

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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

Hi Alice!

Welcome to the group. Great that your daughter has sibs to show her the

way. Mine is an only child and I worry constantly about who will help her

when we're gone (Mom & Dad). I always said that the blessings of sibs for

an autistic kid is that chances are good that one of the sibs will look

after them when you're gone.




My name is Alice Gould and I am new to the group. I have an 11 year old

daughter who has Autism. We have known for years she had severe problems,


she was just recently diagnosed. She had been diagnosed previously with


adhd and multi learning disabilitiess.

The good news has been that even with the incorrect lables, she has thrived.

It is a blessing for us to have the diagnosis, because my hubby and I now

have a clearer path to travel and moreway to help her!

Dani is my daughter's name. She has four older sibs who adore her and help

her in every way they can. That is a blessing too!

I just wanted to " claim my seat " here in the group and say hello to all of


Blessings and Light,


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In a message dated 4/8/2005 1:40:16 PM Central Daylight Time,

ds2400@... writes:

I always said that the blessings of sibs for

an autistic kid is that chances are good that one of the sibs will look

after them when you're gone.

yep, i feel this way too...all of my kids have autism...and the thought of my

husband and me being gone some day just terrifies me....

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  • 2 months later...
Guest guest

Hi Jeanette,

Welcome! Boy, I thought we had it tough... it always

puts things in perspective when we meet people with

far greater challenges than we have.


--- Jeanette wrote:

> Hello all,

> My name is Jeanette. My husband and I are

> parent's of 6 children. 5

> of our children are labeled autistic. I am glad to

> have found this

> group.

> Our oldest is 14 and the youngest is 4. Only our

> 7 year old

> daughter is unaffected.

> Thanks for letting us join.

> Jeanette





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Guest guest

Welcome. Are you Jeanette and O'Donnell who live in Austin? I have read

so much about your family and can relate to having a t.v. for every member in

the house. I have a 6 year old son who has autism and my family has been a

member of this group for 1 1/2 years and it's been a blessing to be able to

learn and participate everyday. There are some extremely wise and knowledgeable

people on this list. I have learned so much from them and have made some friends

in the process.

Reece - Houston, TX


Hello all,

My name is Jeanette. My husband and I are parent's of 6 children. 5

of our children are labeled autistic. I am glad to have found this


Our oldest is 14 and the youngest is 4. Only our 7 year old

daughter is unaffected.

Thanks for letting us join.


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