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The Law of Attraction

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I know I've left several comments today but I just have one more topic

I have something to say about. I hope it comes out making as much

sense as it does in my head. ;)

Today it dawned on me just how powerful the Law of Attraction is! I

have a friend who is always having bad things happen to her and I've

always secretly thought she brings most of it upon herself. The more I

listen to talk about it the more I believe it to be true.

This friend (who is also one of the co-workers unhappy about me making

changes) is always negative and it seems like a million negative things

have come into her life in the past couple of years that I've known

her. From things like a cracked windshield (today) to tripping down the

stairs & breaking her foot, then breaking the other foot a few months

later; very disturbed or disgustingly gross boys chasing after her and

nearly stalking her to major health problems; car accidents, family

troubles, problems with work... you name it. Somehow she turns one

small problem (annoying as it may be) into several bigger problems and

pretty soon her entire life has a major catastrophe in every possible

area. Talk about drama! Based on the comments she makes to me her life

seems to actually be manifesting her thoughts and her attitude and I

must say it can be exhausting being her friend! (Though don't get me

wrong. We have our fun moments too!)

Now maybe I'm wrong about this but I also believe that sometimes things

truly are beyond a person's control. Heaven knows we've all had our

share of bad things that in our lives and I don't necessarily think we

were seeking all of those negative things. However I definitely can see

the role that the law of attraction can play in a person's life...

including my own!

I have other friends who seem to have everything going for them and

they are truly quality people who I am so grateful to have in my life.

They're the ones who support me instead of put me down for my healthy

efforts. They're the friends who inspire me to be a better person; the

ones I've remained friends with for several years. It just proves to me

that positive people achieve positive results no matter what aspect of

life it's in!

Understanding the effect this can have on my life a little better than

I used to is certainly good motivation for me to work on being a little

more positive and thankful for all of my many blessings. I know I've

got loads more to discover on this fascinating subject but for a brief

moment it's making more sense than it ever has for me! I hope my

rumblings made some sense to you too! :)


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I too believe in the law of attraction Esther & as you have explained

about your friend I too have seen it in others as well as in myself.

From both perspectives actually... attracting bad as well as

attracting good.

It's hard to be around people when you can see they are bringing it

on themselves, but when you have a strong connection to them it is

also hard to let them go. I always try & see the positive in what

they are saying. Yes, they will sometimes say... do you ALWAYS see

the positive. I smile & reply with, I try, it's so much more fun!

I also believe that we are here on a journey & there are some things

we have to learn while we are here. I have had things happen

repeatedly to me getting more & more intense as they happened when I

didn't resolve it or learn what I needed to from it. I guess you

could say that is also attracting more to you. I believe some things

happen to allow us to resolve past issues from within & if we don't

confront those issues or find a way to deal with them they get

stronger until we do. It's different then the law of attraction, I

think it's completely seperate & sometimes I think we mistake them

for eachother. I really think when we are in now & present to deal

with the things we need to deal with it makes the law of attraction

easier & makes dealing with our issues & learning for our future


As Tinkerbell says... Think happy thoughts! ;)

Health & Happiness to all, Pamela

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I don't know about whether I believe in the laws of attraction

(although I am busy visualizing how my life will be if I get the job I

applied for!), but I do firmly believe that your attitude shapes your

response to events in your life as well as the response of others to

you! I heard something once -- the luck of the Irish is really their

ability to see how much worse things could have been, and to be happy

that things didn't turn out that way. So, your dog gets hit by a car,

isn't it lucky they didn't suffer; someone dies after a long illness,

isn't it good that their suffering has ended. It sound kind of wierd,

but it makes sense to me. If something bad happens, I try to find the

lesson in it. It makes what happened a little easier to bear. Then,

people respond to your attitude -- if I can appreciate the lessons,

then others don't feel overwhelmed by negativity coming from me. So, I

don't know if you attract good or bad things to you, but a negative

attitude makes you focus on the negative in your life and not remember

the positive, so it seems like more bad things happen. And vice versa.


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Is this the source of " misery loves company? " I'm finding I have to

severely limit the time I spend with certain people. I'm too

empathetic and it takes days for me to restore my energy.

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