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Hello everyone (mass email),

Well, Monday went in for his surgery (Baclofen Pump placement) at 7:45am.

I was strung tighter than a banjo wire all morning. At just before 9 am, I got

to put on the old scrubs (to keep out the outside dirt;o) and take back to

the OR for his surgery. They can't give him any pre-meds to sedate him because

he is allergic to the stuff so I took him back and held him while they gave him

the happy gas. About 2 hours later he was out of surgery and into the recovery

room. He had a bit of trouble getting his oxygen levels up so they kept him on

oxygen. We finally went up to his room and they put him on a nasel canula for

oxygen which he stayed on until Wednesday morning to keep his oxygen sats up.

The reason they were low was because he was hurting a bit and not taking full

breaths and he was on morphine for pain which lowers oxygen levels in some


Anyhow, he did really well Monday and Tuesday (as the doctor said) he was in a

bit more pain, but we controlled it with the morphine. He slept very well

Monday night but Tuesday night I had to hold him all night (my arms still hurt

:o). Wednesday morning at 4 am he had his last dose of Morphine and then went

to Percocet, which he came home on. He did get to come home Wednesday about

noon. Needless to say, he was a real pain in the rear because he wanted to do

everything he did before surgery and he isn't allowed because we need to limit

twisting and stuff until the wounds heal.

But he is home, and he is doing great. His biggest problem is that he hasn't

figured out that if he keeps twisting around it will keep hurting. But I think

he is close to understanding that. He crawled all over today (slowly), and is

eating well. The next 2-3 weeks is our main concern. IF he doesn't have any

problems in that time (infection, cathater coming out, etc...) then we should be

out of the woods.

On another note...I am quite proud of the hubby...he held down the fort like a

pro while I was up at the hospital with . I came home to a clean

house...even the laundry had been washed...not folded, but washed...so half the

battle was won, hahahahaha!!!

The girls handled the situation with flying colors...Mandy's first request when

she saw was " I want to see 's guts! " Go figure what a 4 year old

will come up with. But they have been great. They know not to make laugh

too much or he will hurt.

Girl Scouting is going pretty well. I finally got all the girls registered last

Sunday before going into the hospital with Monday. We now have 17 girls

in our troop and I have 3 co-leaders (including my hubby :o). We are pretty

excited about what the year will bring and of course we are going to get a taste

of it all full force on October 27th (17 girl slumber party at our house...are

we nuts or what!!!!).

Well, I had better get now. I have to go to a class on Outdoor Living Skills

tomorrow at 8 am so that our troop can do things outside. Worst part...Its

going to be raining.....I HATE RAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chat with you all later.

P.S> Thanks to all of you who sent get well wishes in the hospital. He

enjoyed seeing the child life worker (young pretty girl) come into the room to

deliver them all>>>>my little flirt!!!!

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