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Re: Tonni

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Here's what I have


anti-HCV RIBA 3.0 SIA positive

Bands Present c100p/5-1-1p c33c c22p NS5


Hep C RNA, PCR Quant 853621 reference range = negative IU/ml

CO2 (bicarbonate) resul t - 26 reference range 21-33 mmol/L

RBC result 4.15L


all other hemotology and chemisty results showed within normal range

That's all I have. No one has explained. Saw GI doc. Told him I had no time to be sick. He said ok, see ya in 6 months. Tonni Brende Wife, Mother, Grandma too WORRY ABOUT NOTHING...PRAY ABOUT EVERYTHING. I would rather walk with God in the dark, then to walk alone in the light. athan, PVL, ACC, Unknown Leukodystrophy- He can't sit alone, who wants to. He can't stand alone, who needs to. He can't speak our language, but is more understood than most. He can melt anger with a smile. He can quiet a loud room without speaking. And he can teach every single one of us that the little things are what are important. He is our gift and we are forever grateful.

Re: [HepatitisCSupportG roupForDummies] why treat

how do you know what your chance of clearing is...i only know that i am 5000 over treat/don't treat??????? ??

Tonni Brende Wife, Mother, Grandma too

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if I had that VL, I would ask for a genotype and I would ask if I was a

candidate for tx. But that’s me. If you told your doc you

weren’t interested in tx, he wouldn’t have run the other tests.

This is totally your decision and we are just telling you why we decided to go

ahead with tx. If you don’t think it fits in with your lifestyle

and you think being sicker later on down the road is better for you, then that’s

your personal decision. I know one (only one) woman with a high viral in

her 60’s who never treated and her main symptom is severe fatigue.

She lives with it because it’s just her & her husband. On the

other hand, I know many people who are healthy & happy because tx worked

and many others who are doing OK, sick, disabled or dead because it didn’t.



Here's what I have


anti-HCV RIBA 3.0 SIA positive

Bands Present c100p/5-1-1p

c33c c22p NS5


Hep C RNA, PCR Quant 853621 reference

range = negative IU/ml

CO2 (bicarbonate) resul t - 26

reference range 21-33 mmol/L

RBC result 4.15L


all other hemotology and chemisty results showed

within normal range

That's all I have. No one has explained. Saw GI doc.

Told him I had no time to be sick. He said ok, see ya in 6 months.

Tonni Brende Wife, Mother, Grandma too

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still up to you what you decide, but I’m glad that we made you take a new

look at your situation. I think a new doc with another opinion is a great

idea. We’re here for you and we’ll be praying for you, honey.

Janet Re: why treat

Thanks for the straight talk.Gods frying pan along the

side of my head is usually what it takes for me...thanks for hitting me

hard and straight.

You gave me a lot to think about; numerous people

have since I posted.

It's just I was devastated, went to doc, requested

what tests I found I needed...but no one wanted to treat me, no one acted like

it was any big deal at all. They never even ran all the tests that researching

said I should get. I know my load (853621), my red cell count was low

(4.15), and my ALT was high (44). All I know is that at 800,000 treatment is an

option, but anything 1 number over, it is recommended. But the doc didn't even

talk about nothing. I talked, he said ok see ya in 6 months. I was very happy

that all I had to do was remove my razor and toothbrush from arms reach...after

the week of awaiting the kids negative test results.

No one medically seemed to think it was a big deal, so

I fugure I shouldn't either.

Then I read all you and horro stories of treatments,

etc...and I'm thinkin no way I wanna live like that.

But, I love my kids. I do not want them to see me

sick, but with the fatigue and wierd pains I'v had lately, I made a

appointment with a different general doc. I won't tell them anything until I

get there, and see what this one says. Now, being not too eager, I set it for

March...gives me plenty of time to build up the nerve, but also for things to

turn around with my special needs son and his recent issue.

Again, thank you Janet for being as straight forward

as I needed.


Brende Wife, Mother, Grandma too


I would rather walk with God in the dark, then to walk alone in the light.

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