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Ascities/Marc..New here too

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Hi Marc,

I too am new and awaiting what to do next from the

HepC Doctor. Blood work should be in 1/3. Not sure I

want to hear the results as every freakin thing I have

heard so far is bad. I so far know I have HepC with

cirrhosis and ascities. They took out 10 quarts of

fluid last week and put me on Lasix and Aldactone. So

far 1 week later the fluid is staying away. I have

also radically changed my diet to eliminate as much

salt as possible, no sugar or iron foods and fresh

unprocessed liver friendly foods. I also have an

appointment with a alternative Doctor as I REALLY want

off the water pills which don't do any good for the


So hopefully I will find out what geno type, stage of

liver disease and if I can do TX on 1/3. So far CAT

scan says its bad. I am 53 and until 3 months ago

thought I was in perfect health. Did not drink, do

drugs or anything that could have given me this HepC.

They say I could have had it for 30 years " sigh " If

not for the Ascities I never would have known.

One good thing is all my other organs are in great

shape :)

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Hi ,

If you have Cirrhosis then you are stage 4, then it is A, B, C. I never knew other than Cirrhosis.

Ask what you platelet count is, your RBC and WBC's are. You sound like you are pretty informed, that's great. When I was where you are at now They would not biopsy me or treat. That was a while ago and things change radically.

Good luck to you, whatever alternative's you try be sure to keep that fluid out of your belly, that really puts a strain on all your other organs.

Ascities/Marc..New here too

Hi Marc,I too am new and awaiting what to do next from theHepC Doctor. Blood work should be in 1/3. Not sure Iwant to hear the results as every freakin thing I haveheard so far is bad. I so far know I have HepC withcirrhosis and ascities. They took out 10 quarts offluid last week and put me on Lasix and Aldactone. Sofar 1 week later the fluid is staying away. I havealso radically changed my diet to eliminate as muchsalt as possible, no sugar or iron foods and freshunprocessed liver friendly foods. I also have anappointment with a alternative Doctor as I REALLY wantoff the water pills which don't do any good for theliver.So hopefully I will find out what geno type, stage ofliver disease and if I can do TX on 1/3. So far CATscan says its bad. I am 53 and until 3 months agothought I was in perfect health. Did not drink, dodrugs or anything that could have given me this HepC.They say I could have had it for 30 years "sigh" Ifnot for the Ascities I never would have known.One good thing is all my other organs are in greatshape :)

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