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This a POEM... Iay be too long for here, just let me know. I wrote it last night

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Hello xxxxxx,

This may be the strangest reply you have ever received...

I don't know why it was inspired by you,

you are a complete opposite of which I write.

anyway, I felt it only fitting that I let you know about it.


It's almost 3:00 o'clock in the morning,

It comes the same time, without change..

I still don't know why I'm surprised..

Ha! I act as if it's strange!!.

Maybe it's the pills I take,

to calm the Dragon, thats in me....

Could be thirty years he's slept,

but He's awake and called Hep C.

Thirty years of laying low,

WHERE? maybe in my arm?

and now he's reared his ugly head,

and causin' major harm.

Is the blame... on Uncle Sam,

for giving all a shot?

to protect the soldiers from disease,

if by a bullet they were shot....

I wonder if it has anything..

to do with my family tree,

or when sex & drugs & rock & roll,

was in abundance and for free!

Could it have been the Dentist?

did he practice....sterility....?

Come to think of it,

I'm not 100% sure

about dermatology....

What about the time I cut myself,

while saving a bleeding boy?

I just couldn't let him hang there,

He was someones Pride and Joy.

The culprit matters not to me......

for now it is awake,

It comes to kill us silently,

how many will it take?

There is no vaccine...nor sure-cure,

There's no magic pill..... you see?

Now we must unlock the door,

Which one of us holds the key?

Yes,I'd love to meet you, a movie....did you say?

that would just FINE with me,

but we may not be able to stay....

Sometimes I get so tired so quick,

and feeling mighty ill...

when it happens, I'm never warned,

and it can't be stopped with a pill.....

This particular Dragon....

is really quite complex...

It affects almost every part of our body,

as if our cells were under a hex!

Later it gets liver and mind,

and you get 'encephalotomy'...

causing much forgetfullness,

in what you do and see.

Sometimes I can't remember,

what I've said or done,

as a young man who was 'bulletproof'......

I used to call that 'FUN.'

WoW!! now it's almost 4:00 a.m.

How did it get so late?

I guess that what I'm feeling,

comes down to Love and Hate.

Thank you for the offer,

to go and see a flik...

right now I probably shouldn't go...

It's always hard to admit I'm sick....

The Dragon, it will raise its head,

just so I will know,....

he's still here and lurking...

so don't plan on a picture show.

But one thing I can count on,

and on this we can be sure..

For our all children yet to be,

we have to find a cure!


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