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Follow up on the Health Care petition

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Hello all,

Over the years many parents have asked how to get there behavior specialist or

behavior analyst to be able to receive funding so that they can consult at the

home for their child with Autism, Developmental Disabilities, ADHD or ODD. Now

the time has come to include payment for this group into the comprehensive

health care reform bill. This bill provides for direct medicare funding for both

children and adults in medicare...It will ensure that children do not loose

there behavior specialist or behavior analyst as they transition to the adult

world. For some this will make the difference between independant living or

living in an instution (including prison).

Today we face the challenge of getting behavior analysts and specialists to

become providers in the healthcare legislation. We are currently in the process

of educating congress on the need to do this. The inclusion of behavior analysts

and behavior specialists in the health care bill will help ensure that more

states seek to license behavior analysts and that money is directly available

for behavior analysts/specialist in conducting treatment through medicare.

Medicare will follw these recepiants through adulthood for consultation if

needed in group homes, etc... This bill also makes funds available for tutition

remission, recruitment dollars, and training.

Please sign the below petition




P.S. Please pass to others who might be interested.

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