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Re: Re: Monday

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Ooh, you guys - now I've got an earworm, hearing that tune over and over. Out,

out, I say!!! LOL!

---- wrote:

> But you will find me TRYING, all of the time...






> >

> > Monday Monday, can't trust that day,

> >

> >

> >

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I wanted to start somethin', I guess it worked.


Re: Re: Monday

Ooh, you guys - now I've got an earworm, hearing that tune over and over. Out,

out, I say!!! LOL!

---- < berrywell%40yahoo.com > wrote:

> But you will find me TRYING, all of the time...






> >

> > Monday Monday, can't trust that day,

> >

> >

> >

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Ya think : - )? (Fortunately, I got over it pretty quickly so no detrimental

effects, LOL).


From: sproutpeople [mailto:sproutpeople ] On

Behalf Of Ernest Willingham

Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 12:21 PM

To: sproutpeople

Subject: Re: Re: Monday

I wanted to start somethin', I guess it worked.


Re: Re: Monday

Ooh, you guys - now I've got an earworm, hearing that tune over and over. Out,

out, I say!!! LOL!

---- < berrywell%40yahoo.com > wrote:

> But you will find me TRYING, all of the time...






> >

> > Monday Monday, can't trust that day,

> >

> >

> >

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Except that I can'tget Mama Cass out of my mind!


Re: Re: Monday

Ooh, you guys - now I've got an earworm, hearing that tune over and over. Out,

out, I say!!! LOL!

---- < berrywell%40yahoo.com > wrote:

> But you will find me TRYING, all of the time...






> >

> > Monday Monday, can't trust that day,

> >

> >

> >

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Imma gonna smack ALL of you! As it is, my daughter is in a French competition

tomorrow, and has been rehearsing a song in French for a month....and has that

song stuck in my head...just about the time I get IT gone, she either starts

crooning it again, or YOU PEOPLE throw something else in to the mix! Now, I am

hearing Duke of Earl...in FRENCH!! Bahhhhh! I need some Tom Petty!

Sent from my iPad

On Mar 12, 2012, at 7:57 PM, " Ernest Willingham "



> I can hear it now. Also play it on you tube.

> One of my all time favorites. My wife keeps looking funny at me as I break out

in the songs, for no reason.

> ew


> Re: Monday


> I have always used " Duke of Earl " as a torture song. Lucy


> > > > >

> > > > > Monday Monday, can't trust that day,

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > >

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I havent seen the latest...but will go look!

Sent from my iPad

> Duk d'Earle!!!! lol


> Melody.

> P.S. , did you see my new sunnies video. I want your imput.



> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Monday Monday, can't trust that day,

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

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Well, that's a lot to get out of your mind (sorry, couldn't resist)


From: sproutpeople [mailto:sproutpeople ] On

Behalf Of Ernest Willingham

Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 6:28 PM

To: sproutpeople

Subject: RE: Re: Monday

Except that I can'tget Mama Cass out of my mind!


Re: Re: Monday

Ooh, you guys - now I've got an earworm, hearing that tune over and over. Out,

out, I say!!! LOL!

---- < berrywell%40yahoo.com > wrote:

> But you will find me TRYING, all of the time...






> >

> > Monday Monday, can't trust that day,

> >

> >

> >

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Rosoli and Ailes (sounds like) just came on and so the Irish high stepping music

came on that reminds one of St. s' Day.  I'd love to see some Highland

dancers.  Guess i'll have to find a video or something.


Carolyn Wilkerson



To: " sproutpeople " <sproutpeople >

Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 10:54 PM

Subject: Re: Re: Monday


Me too, ! But it's a good tune...



To: sproutpeople


Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 8:34 AM

Subject: Re: Re: Monday


Ooh, you guys - now I've got an earworm, hearing that tune over and over. Out,

out, I say!!! LOL!

---- wrote:

> But you will find me TRYING, all of the time...






> >

> > Monday Monday, can't trust that day,

> >

> >

> >

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Melody, I've been wanting to know how this is pronounced since I first saw it

written. Finally looked it up on:

https://www.google.com/search?q=define%3Acoir & ie=utf-8 & oe=utf-8 & aq=t & rls=org.moz\

illa:en-US:official & client=firefox-a

You can click the button to hear it pronounced and it sounds to me like: coyer,

with the emphasis on coy, and the -er kind of slurred into at the end of the

word. Check it out! So now we know!



To: sproutpeople

Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 5:35 PM

Subject: Re: Monday


All I know is I can't wait until I get to go to Home Depot BY MYSELF. I'll have

a ball.Do they sell sprouting stuff? I really was only there for 5 minutes when

I got the Coir. And I'm still calling this stuff

CWAA!!! How is it supposed to be called? CORE??

See, I speak French and when I see something spelled COIR, automatically my

brain says CWAA!!!!



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My lighting at night depends on whether or not my aerogardens are on the go.

Right now, they arent planted, so it is full on dark at night. When I have my

hydroponics and aerogardens going, my house looks like Fort Knox, lol.

Sent from my iPad

> I'll mist them before I go to bed. I put little humidity domes on them when I

go to sleep.


> What do you do when you go to sleep. The lights are off, or do you have

indirect lighting all the time. That's a question I've never asked.


> Thanks much

> Mel



> > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > Monday Monday, can't trust that day,

> > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > >

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Melody, I don't mist my sunnies. When the coir around the edge of the plate

begins to look dry (or when the sunnies begin to wilt, which almost never

happens b/c I keep an eye on them), I put about 2 oz of water in a small glass

and dribble it around the edge of the plate and then back and forth over the

interior until the water runs out. Works beautifully.


ps...Mine sit on my kitchen counter all the time. They are not directly in front

of the kitchen window (east-facing), nor directly beneath the kitchen skylight

(4x4'). No artificial light after lights-out at our house!


To: sproutpeople

Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 7:25 PM

Subject: Re: Monday


I'll mist them before I go to bed. I put little humidity domes on them when I go

to sleep.

What do you do when you go to sleep. The lights are off, or do you have indirect

lighting all the time. That's a question I've never asked.

Thanks much


> > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > Monday Monday, can't trust that day,

> > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > >

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It's always that way. Even in your sprouters. Some grow faster than others. With

sunnies, that's a good thing. Cut them off as they get big enough and the slower

ones will fill in and then cut them


Re: Monday


> All I know is I can't wait until I get to go to Home Depot BY MYSELF. I'll

have a ball.Do they sell sprouting stuff? I really was only there for 5 minutes

when I got the Coir. And I'm still calling this stuff


> CWAA!!! How is it supposed to be called? CORE??


> See, I speak French and when I see something spelled COIR, automatically my

brain says CWAA!!!!


> lol


> Melody






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While my wife's at work, I listen to You Tube and play hearts on the computer.

What a wonderful waste of time.


RE: Re: Monday

Yep, one of my faves too! I love the music of the 50's and 60's, especially doo

wop!! If I get started on listening to these songs on YouTube, it's hard to tear

me away - one song leads to another, leads to another, etc., etc., rinse and



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Is Earthbox the box you put together with 2 large bins and the lids and tomato

cages and plants are in dirt but below that there is water.There are some

special clips that are needed. I bought the bins which were expensive, but had

trouble finding the right tomato cages and also the clips that were needed. It

was expensive. Was a great idea though if you can find the parts. The bins re

really strong ones.




To: sproutpeople

Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 6:27 PM

Subject: Re: Monday



Okay, will do. I shall let you know what I think.

Thanks much



> Earthbox.com also has videos and a forum. It would be interesting to know how

many people belong to this forum and the earthbox forum. I do and learn from

both. Lucy


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I have a friend that has twelve EarthBoxes. She has had them for 5 years. She's

very happy with them. She grows tomatoes every year. I'll ask her for some hints

and pass them along.


Re: Monday

Okay, will do. I shall let you know what I think.

Thanks much



> Earthbox.com also has videos and a forum. It would be interesting to know how

many people belong to this forum and the earthbox forum. I do and learn from

both. Lucy


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I finished my first batch of alfalfa sprouts - all eaten.  I have some 3 seed

salad in the sprouter and they are just starting and I hope it comes out okay. 


Do you ever notice the bottom of a try feeling a bit slick?  After someone

saying something about salmonella, I notice every little thing.  I haven't used

distilled water. I do have some in the house.  Should I do that?  I bought a

distiller once but for drinking it was time-consuming.  Where we were we had

nitrates in the water from farmers using fertilizers.  I have no idea here but

there they warned babies and pregnant and old people from time to time that

water had high nitrates.  That was in Ohio.  I now usually drink spring water

from bottles.

Carolyn Wilkerson



To: sproutpeople

Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 2:36 PM

Subject: Re: Monday


They look like overachievers to me, Mel.



> I know me, I'll NEVER pronounce it Core. lol


> And I have a question. I just made a video of my sunnies. Why are some TALLER

than the others.


> Take a look





> Melody

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Earth boxes might be a good deal in comparison to the Earthtainers as you don't

have to do anything.  The big storage bins are around $20 or 25 I think and you

need 2 of them for each one.  They are much larger than the earth bins I

think.  You can check them on the internet.  There were some videos on how to

make them.  If you have the materials, it isn't hard to make from the looks of


Carolyn Wilkerson



To: sproutpeople

Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 7:45 PM

Subject: Re: Re: Monday


I have a friend that has twelve EarthBoxes. She has had them for 5 years. She's

very happy with them. She grows tomatoes every year. I'll ask her for some hints

and pass them along.


Re: Monday

Okay, will do. I shall let you know what I think.

Thanks much



> Earthbox.com also has videos and a forum. It would be interesting to know how

many people belong to this forum and the earthbox forum. I do and learn from

both. Lucy


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Does it also have the benefit of having a citrus or grapefruit smell?  I used

to find some orange cleaner (antibacterial) at and Harry's, but haven't

been able to find it online at their store.  I found it in GA at an outlet

there.   I love the citrus smell as it smells so clean. 

Carolyn Wilkerson



To: sproutpeople

Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 9:19 PM

Subject: Re: Monday


You get GSE at any health food store. It is VERY concentrated-super stuff. We

don't use any type of medications in our house, but use GSE as a natural

antibiotic, when needed. It is antiviral, antifungal, antibiotic, wound

cleaner, santizer, etc. Can be taken internally or used for other things. I

was able to clean a HUGE mold problem behind the wall in my bathroom with

it-good stuff to have on hand for many things. I use Nutribiotic brand. I mix

a few drops in a spray bottle full of water and use it as my main household


> > >

> > > I know me, I'll NEVER pronounce it Core. lol

> > >

> > > And I have a question. I just made a video of my sunnies. Why are some

TALLER than the others.

> > >

> > > Take a look

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Melody

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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They sure make them look nice.  The one on sale for $29.95  is sold out.  But

the other one has the fertilizer they recommend to get those results.  That is

not too bad.  I have seen them in brochures and when you buy 6 or 10 they are



Carolyn Wilkerson



To: sproutpeople

Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 9:14 AM

Subject: Re: Monday


Mel-go to HSN.COM and type " earthbox " in the search-you should be able to watch

a video of it online. I have several, and I think you would love them!

> >

> > It's always that way. Even in your sprouters. Some grow faster than others.

With sunnies, that's a good thing. Cut them off as they get big enough and the

slower ones will fill in and then cut them

> > ew

> >


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I don't use their fertilizers, ESPECIALLY on edibles..no telling what is in

them-growth enhancers, etc. I little liquid kelp will do the same thing,

without the worry of whats in there.

Sent from my iPad

On Mar 13, 2012, at 10:00 PM, Carolyn Wilkerson


> They sure make them look nice. The one on sale for $29.95 is sold out. But

the other one has the fertilizer they recommend to get those results. That is

not too bad. I have seen them in brochures and when you buy 6 or 10 they are




> Carolyn Wilkerson





> ________________________________


> To: sproutpeople

> Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 9:14 AM

> Subject: Re: Monday






> Mel-go to HSN.COM and type " earthbox " in the search-you should be able to

watch a video of it online. I have several, and I think you would love them!





> > >

> > > It's always that way. Even in your sprouters. Some grow faster than

others. With sunnies, that's a good thing. Cut them off as they get big enough

and the slower ones will fill in and then cut them

> > > ew

> > >

> >



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i fill a jar with orange peels stuffed full then add vinegar... put lid on & put

under the sink for a few weeks..smells soo good & is an environmentally friendly





To: " sproutpeople " <sproutpeople >

Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 8:27 PM

Subject: Re: Re: Monday


Does it also have the benefit of having a citrus or grapefruit smell?  I used

to find some orange cleaner (antibacterial) at and Harry's, but haven't

been able to find it online at their store.  I found it in GA at an outlet

there.   I love the citrus smell as it smells so clean. 

Carolyn Wilkerson



To: sproutpeople

Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 9:19 PM

Subject: Re: Monday


You get GSE at any health food store. It is VERY concentrated-super stuff. We

don't use any type of medications in our house, but use GSE as a natural

antibiotic, when needed. It is antiviral, antifungal, antibiotic, wound

cleaner, santizer, etc. Can be taken internally or used for other things. I

was able to clean a HUGE mold problem behind the wall in my bathroom with

it-good stuff to have on hand for many things. I use Nutribiotic brand. I mix

a few drops in a spray bottle full of water and use it as my main household


> > >

> > > I know me, I'll NEVER pronounce it Core. lol

> > >

> > > And I have a question. I just made a video of my sunnies. Why are some

TALLER than the others.

> > >

> > > Take a look

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Melody

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Sounds good.  It would give a good orange smell and also be vinegar which is

good for cleaning.

Carolyn Wilkerson



To: " sproutpeople " <sproutpeople >

Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 10:15 PM

Subject: Re: Re: Monday


i fill a jar with orange peels stuffed full then add vinegar... put lid on & put

under the sink for a few weeks..smells soo good & is an environmentally friendly





To: " sproutpeople " <sproutpeople >

Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 8:27 PM

Subject: Re: Re: Monday


Does it also have the benefit of having a citrus or grapefruit smell?  I used

to find some orange cleaner (antibacterial) at and Harry's, but haven't

been able to find it online at their store.  I found it in GA at an outlet

there.   I love the citrus smell as it smells so clean. 

Carolyn Wilkerson



To: sproutpeople

Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 9:19 PM

Subject: Re: Monday


You get GSE at any health food store. It is VERY concentrated-super stuff. We

don't use any type of medications in our house, but use GSE as a natural

antibiotic, when needed. It is antiviral, antifungal, antibiotic, wound

cleaner, santizer, etc. Can be taken internally or used for other things. I

was able to clean a HUGE mold problem behind the wall in my bathroom with

it-good stuff to have on hand for many things. I use Nutribiotic brand. I mix

a few drops in a spray bottle full of water and use it as my main household


> > >

> > > I know me, I'll NEVER pronounce it Core. lol

> > >

> > > And I have a question. I just made a video of my sunnies. Why are some

TALLER than the others.

> > >

> > > Take a look

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Melody

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Me too, Melody and ! I have 3 and I love them more all the time. Two are

for seasonal veggies and one is currently home to my plumeria plants! Lucky me,

huh? Mel, you might find them at Home Depot, but more likely you would see the

boxes on wheels, I think they're called City Pickers. I have two of them also

and they are great. I especially like the wheels part!



To: sproutpeople

Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 6:14 AM

Subject: Re: Monday


Mel-go to HSN.COM and type " earthbox " in the search-you should be able to watch

a video of it online. I have several, and I think you would love them!

> >

> > It's always that way. Even in your sprouters. Some grow faster than others.

With sunnies, that's a good thing. Cut them off as they get big enough and the

slower ones will fill in and then cut them

> > ew

> >


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HSN showed them on wheels.  What are the price of the City Pickers at Home

Depot.  I usually go to Lowes because it is more average person friendly here

but there are some Home Depots around.

Carolyn Wilkerson


To: " sproutpeople " <sproutpeople >

Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2012 2:30 AM

Subject: Re: Re: Monday


Me too, Melody and ! I have 3 and I love them more all the time. Two are

for seasonal veggies and one is currently home to my plumeria plants! Lucky me,

huh? Mel, you might find them at Home Depot, but more likely you would see the

boxes on wheels, I think they're called City Pickers. I have two of them also

and they are great. I especially like the wheels part!



To: sproutpeople

Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 6:14 AM

Subject: Re: Monday


Mel-go to HSN.COM and type " earthbox " in the search-you should be able to watch

a video of it online. I have several, and I think you would love them!

> >

> > It's always that way. Even in your sprouters. Some grow faster than others.

With sunnies, that's a good thing. Cut them off as they get big enough and the

slower ones will fill in and then cut them

> > ew

> >


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I'm sorry, Carolyn. I don't remember the price of the City Pickers, but I do

know that they were on sale early in the season last year, but I missed the sale

and paid full price. You can look it up at www.homedepot.com 



To: " sproutpeople " <sproutpeople >

Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2012 12:28 AM

Subject: Re: Re: Monday


HSN showed them on wheels.  What are the price of the City Pickers at Home

Depot.  I usually go to Lowes because it is more average person friendly here

but there are some Home Depots around.

Carolyn Wilkerson


To: " sproutpeople " <sproutpeople >

Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2012 2:30 AM

Subject: Re: Re: Monday


Me too, Melody and ! I have 3 and I love them more all the time. Two are

for seasonal veggies and one is currently home to my plumeria plants! Lucky me,

huh? Mel, you might find them at Home Depot, but more likely you would see the

boxes on wheels, I think they're called City Pickers. I have two of them also

and they are great. I especially like the wheels part!



To: sproutpeople

Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 6:14 AM

Subject: Re: Monday


Mel-go to HSN.COM and type " earthbox " in the search-you should be able to watch

a video of it online. I have several, and I think you would love them!

> >

> > It's always that way. Even in your sprouters. Some grow faster than others.

With sunnies, that's a good thing. Cut them off as they get big enough and the

slower ones will fill in and then cut them

> > ew

> >


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