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In a message dated 5/27/99 1:02:05 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

fivem@... writes:

<< thanks again for inviting me to join your group, i hope i can be of help to

you as im sure you will be to me.


Welcome, Mic.

You have had a tough time. You will really like it here. The people are

caring, supportive, informative, and listen to venting and provide shoulders

to cry on.

BTW, for others who need the assistance of the pilots, is there an address or

phone # we can call?

{{{and pain-free wishes}}}


" In the little decisions of life, use your mind; in the big decisions of

life, use your heart. " [author unknown]

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In a message dated 5/27/99 1:02:05 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

fivem@... writes:

<< thanks again for inviting me to join your group, i hope i can be of help to

you as im sure you will be to me.


Welcome, Mic.

You have had a tough time. You will really like it here. The people are

caring, supportive, informative, and listen to venting and provide shoulders

to cry on.

BTW, for others who need the assistance of the pilots, is there an address or

phone # we can call?

{{{and pain-free wishes}}}


" In the little decisions of life, use your mind; in the big decisions of

life, use your heart. " [author unknown]

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hi carol

thanks for the welcome!!! airlifeline's phone number is 1- they

also have a website too.... http://www.airlifeline.org/ they are

based out in california but they fly all over the usa...usually they will

fly up to 1000 miles for one trip. there are also some pilots that are

willing to fly in canada....i had to fill out 2 forms and fax it back to

airlifeline, then my doc had to fill out 2 sheets...1 of medical necessity

and the 2nd one was for financial need...once these papers arrived in

airlifeline's office i was approved within 5 minutes.


At 01:13 AM 5/27/99 EDT, you wrote:

>From: MsVVarrior@...


>In a message dated 5/27/99 1:02:05 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

>fivem@... writes:


><< thanks again for inviting me to join your group, i hope i can be of

help to

> you as im sure you will be to me.

> >>

>Welcome, Mic.


>You have had a tough time. You will really like it here. The people are

>caring, supportive, informative, and listen to venting and provide shoulders

>to cry on.


>BTW, for others who need the assistance of the pilots, is there an address


>phone # we can call?


>{{{and pain-free wishes}}}


> " In the little decisions of life, use your mind; in the big decisions of

>life, use your heart. " [author unknown]



>Give back to your community through " Grow to Give. "


>See homepage for details.


>Know someone who could profit from our list? Send our direct sign-up URL:

http://www.onelist.com/subscribe.cgi/chronic_pain, or write us at:

chronic_pain @onelist.com



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Hi Mic,

You said you had minor compared to some of our problems...I would think yours

is a good match. Hang in there. Nice to meet you.


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In a message dated 5/27/99 12:53:01 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

fivem@... writes:

<< airlifeline's phone number is 1- they

also have a website too.... http://www.airlifeline.org/ >>


Thanks for the info. Would you mind if I sent this to another group I am in.

Some of the folks in that group are in need of this service.

{{{and pain-free wishes}}}


" In the little decisions of life, use your mind; in the big decisions of

life, use your heart. " [author unknown]

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Welcome, Mic!

Re: new member introduction



> hi carol


> thanks for the welcome!!! airlifeline's phone number is 1-

they also have a website too.... http://www.airlifeline.org/ they are

> based out in california but they fly all over the usa...usually they will

> fly up to 1000 miles for one trip. there are also some pilots that are

> willing to fly in canada....i had to fill out 2 forms and fax it back to

> airlifeline, then my doc had to fill out 2 sheets...1 of medical necessity

> and the 2nd one was for financial need...once these papers arrived in

> airlifeline's office i was approved within 5 minutes.


> mic








> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> Give back to your community through " Grow to Give. "

> http://www.ONElist.com See homepage for details.

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> Know someone who could profit from our list? Send our direct sign-up URL:

http://www.onelist.com/subscribe.cgi/chronic_pain, or write us at:

chronic_pain @onelist.com


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You have been thru about 5 lifetimes' worth of stuff!! My sympathies, and

also congrats that you have a good doc now. You will find much much help

and support on this list--the folks are great, and have helped me so

much--btw, thanks guys! My thoughts and prayers are with you as you prepare

for those surgeries. Dpo keep in touch with us! Kay

new member introduction



> hi


> i received an invitation to join this group today, i had been following


> abc news reports on the chronic pain segments for world news tonight with

> peter jennings. i had posted a few responses on their message board. and

> today i received this invitation to join your group. thank you! we all

> need all the support that we can get lol....this is somewhat long and

> involved...its been a really bad past 2 years for me and my family...and i

> havent even begun the worst part of my situation lol...you'll understand

> more as you read



> im mic (margaret), i live in michigan....im married (18 years) to a

> wonderful guy

> named marty....im 37 and i have 3 girls ..marcy 18 who is about to


> even if it kills ME...megan who is 13, and mandy is 11.....


> i have lots of little (they really arent little but compared to what im

> currently going thru...they are) med problems like fms/cfids, mps,

> colitis, hypothyroidism, goiter, high blood pressure, high cholestral,

> menopause, raynauds, rsd, gerd, arthritis, costachrondritis, rls,


> morton's neuroma right foot, chrondamalcia sp? both knees, neurogenic

> bladder, pitting edema, dislocated rib(s) from the spine.



> spinal headaches, ddd, sciatia nerve bilaterally, spondylolthesis of L4-L5

> and L5-S1, there is one thing or another wrong with my whole cervical area

> from C2-C7, like.... C2-C3 instablity C2 root syndrome, C2 neuro framinal

> stenosis, C2-C4 facet syndrome, C4-C7 facet syndrome, neuro framinal

> stenosis C3-C4, C5-C6 and C6-C7 radiculopathy, carpal tunnel bilaterally,

> ulnar nerve entrapment bilaterally, thoracic outlet syndrome bilaterally,

> small vessel disease left arm, possible rotator cuff tear?? left shoulder,

> T10 hemangioma (basically a blood tumor on my spine),


> ..and then some MAJOR med problems..that have taken me to maryland this

> year to be treated by doc h...who is the BEST doc i have ever gone

> to.....he has found soooo much damage.....what happened was ...2 years ago

> i was working at a burger king as an assistant manager...and my boss had

> tripled ordered all of our products cuz we were going to open a brand new

> kiddies playground...so he thought we were going to be beyond busy that

> weekend....well that nite i was doing inventory and i had 144 lbs of


> french fries fall onto my back/neck/shoulders/head etc.....initially i was

> treated for a whiplash injury and spent the next 2 months in pt.....my


> doc wouldnt listen to me when i kept telling him that i was falling down

> all the time....it took me a year and my hubby going to the docs with

> me..to convince this idiot to start doing some tests on me.....the initial

> xrays at the er and the pt is the only treatment that i recieved for this

> accident....a year later my doc finally ordered xrays, ct and mri's for

> me.....he wrote in his/my records that it was all in my

> head..the great somazation disorder.....well 9 days after he wrote that in

> my records...the reports from the xrays etc started coming back.....my


> was broken in 2 places and it was instable...scheduled a spinal fusion at

> L5-S1 in july 98....had it done..worked great until my puter chair turned

> on me lolol....i went to go sit in it....and i unbalanced it i

> guess....well i flew out of it and landed 3 feet away from the

> chair.....then more problems started again....i started falling again..


> and in this 2 year time period......no doc has ever performed any tests on

> my cervical area....until doc h!!!! and now....tentatively i'll need 7

> surgeries to correct the damage done by the french fries!!! my lumbar


> is instable again . i will need L2-S1 totally replaced/fixed etc...i need

> a whole new spine lolol


> so that is where im at right now....i will be going to mensana on june 2nd

> and 3rd to schedule my first set of surgeries, then i will be going back

> on july 5th and 6th to meet with the surgeon for my lumbar spine..


> so i cant walk that well... roflmao....so marty on most days

> tells me to " sit in THAT chair and DONT MOVE " ...most days i do just

> that....and other days i dont listen to him...and i fall....i know its for

> my own protection...but somtimes i just have to get up and do something ya

> know? basically now tho im using my wheelchair inside my house to prevent

> the falls...for the most part it is working....so that is me in a nut

> shell..ive probably forgotten a few things..but i think you get the


> lolol


> currently im fighting workmens comp cuz they closed my case illegally on


> 6 months after the accident with the french fries. i have a trial date of

> june 14th to try to get my case reopened. this, i dont have to tell you

> guys, has been really hard on my family...my husband was diagnosed with MS

> last year...he is only 37 too...so he is working his butt off to try to

> keep us afloat, and its taken its toll on him physically...


> i should tell ya that i fly out to maryland to see doc h thru the

> airlifeline program...its where the pilots donate their time, money and

> airplanes to fly needy patients to their doctor appts...without this

> service i would still be suffering, and without the proper dx's of what is

> all wrong with me...


> thanks again for inviting me to join your group, i hope i can be of help


> you as im sure you will be to me.


> mic



> p.s. i still eat french fries...somedays tho i totally hate them lol



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> ONElist: bringing the world together.

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> Join a new list today!

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> Know someone who could profit from our list? Send our direct sign-up URL:

http://www.onelist.com/subscribe.cgi/chronic_pain, or write us at:

chronic_pain @onelist.com


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first thank you to all the members who welcomed me today....what i meant

was the first 2 lists of my med problems were small compared to the last

list of my med problems...i was talking about my lumbar spine having to be

totally replaced/fixed...im not even sure if they can do anything for me at

this point...there is a lot of damage down there....

believe me....i know there are a lot more people out there who have it a

lot worse than i do....and i would never try to minimize another persons



At 07:57 PM 5/27/99 EDT, you wrote:

>From: MadMad4JC@...


>Hi Mic,

>You said you had minor compared to some of our problems...I would think


>is a good match. Hang in there. Nice to meet you.




>Campaign 2000 is here!


>Discuss your thoughts; get informed at ONElist. See our homepage.


>Know someone who could profit from our list? Send our direct sign-up URL:

http://www.onelist.com/subscribe.cgi/chronic_pain, or write us at:

chronic_pain @onelist.com



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Welcome to the list! I am so sorry to hear about your many problems.

You must be a special person to have all of that pain and still be as

pleasant as you appear to be from your posts! Keep us posted on your

situation. We really do want to hear what you need to share.

Ray in Virginia

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hI mIC,

At 12:59 AM 5/27/99 -0400, you wrote:

>i have lots of little (they really arent little but compared to what im

>currently going thru...they are) med problems like

I have been trying to catch up on our list posts since I needed to

just crawl into my cave for most of the past 2 weeks. You certainly have a

striking list of medical problems. Some of the rest of us do too (perhaps

not as extensive). I think that when patients like us go to a doctor, a

significant reason for poor treatment is the many docs are not prepared to

address more than one or so problems. They seemingly fail to understand

that were complex, multiply severely diagnosed patients, and can have not

only a number of severe active problems, but also a number of degenerative


In short, there is a tendency of many docs to view virtually all

patients as acute, needing brief treatments. We are chronic, needing

long-term treatments and often multiple kinds. It is great that you

none-the-less located docs who can treat you. Although your list is

complex, virtually everything, or most everything can be treated.

I noted in another post of yours that you were asking about

replacing part of your spine. I have a wonderful neurosurgeon who would

have liked to have done that for me, but it is not yet possible. But they

can treat the breakage, damage & degenerative changes piece by piece, and

in some cases, many at once.

I have serious degeneration & damage all over my spine. My

neurosurgeon did a very long operation on my whole lumbar spine called a

cauda equina decompression, where about 7-8 inches of spine were actually

rebuild, arthritic stuff, damaged discs, etc. where removed, and clear

channels were made where nerves exit the spine so they would no longer be

compressed. He told me that I could need more similar operations during the

course of my life, and he was prepared to do them.

The cost of this non-traditional surgery must have been

incredible, but it was paid for mostly out of research funds. Also, it was

billed out as a basic laminectomy so the hospital could be paid my room


There is incredible technology out there. To get the best of it I

think you need an orthopedist, neurologist & neurosurgeon who can work


I worked in rehabilitation most of my life, and interestingly, a

plain old local hospital in a rural area was able to do much the same

things for a patient of mine once I got the doctors involved, which was not

difficult in that situation.

I and all of us will be in your corner.


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  • 3 months later...
  • 5 years later...
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Hi Peggy-

My mom's family (all from the south) are Sanfords. :) Welcome to the

list. There's great info posted here everyday, so enjoy!


Peggy Sanford wrote:

> ... I live in Three Forks, Montana....

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Hi Peggy-

My mom's family (all from the south) are Sanfords. :) Welcome to the

list. There's great info posted here everyday, so enjoy!


Peggy Sanford wrote:

> ... I live in Three Forks, Montana....

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Peggy, where did you get your heifer from? Congratulations!!!


New Member Introduction

Good Morning List,

I am Peggy and I live in Three Forks, Montana. I have had dairy goats for 26 years, and I am getting my dream of a jersey in May. I am so looking forward to learning from this list about milk and all the benifits, as well as what a cow share is.

Peggy Sanford

PLEASE BE KIND AND TRIM YOUR POSTS WHEN REPLYING!Visit our Raw Dairy Files for a wealth of information!http://groups.yahoo.com/group/RawDairy/files/Archive search: http://onibasu.com

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Welcome, Peggy! Wow, 26 years? You are so lucky! Have you been

drinking it that long, too? Check our files section for examples of

cow share contracts...


> Good Morning List,

> I am Peggy and I live in Three Forks, Montana. I have had

dairy goats for 26 years, and I am getting my dream of a jersey in

May. I am so looking forward to learning from this list about milk

and all the benifits, as well as what a cow share is.

> Peggy Sanford

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  • 2 years later...

Hello, I joined this group because my husband has just been

diagnosed with Hepatitis C. His doctor has referred him to a

specialist. I don't know when his appointment is because he won't

tell me, and he refuses to let me go with him. He won't let me bring

up the subject at all. If I do, he gets furious with me, and says I

am causing him stress, and he doesn't need that.

I have been reading as much as I can about this, and I know I am

going to need personal support so I can help him through this. He

won't let me say anything to anyone, so I have to keep it all bottled

up inside of me.

He's probably had this for sometime now. He is a recovering

alcoholic/addict who has been alcohol/drug free for over 20 years.

He's also very health conscious, works out regularly, takes vitamins,

etc. I am praying that this fact has a positive impact on his


I don't think he's read anything about the treatment, so I don't

think he's aware of how intense it will be. I am praying he decides

we should tell our families what's going on so they can be supportive


I just know I love him, and I'll do whatever it takes to help him

through this. I don't know how to help him if he continues to keep

me in the dark about everything.

Help please.....I just need to be able to talk to someone about all

of this.



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I to am a spouse with a hubby that has Hep C and

know a little about what your going through.

Give your husband a little time, it sounds like he is

in denial about the Hep, when my hubby was first

diagnosed, he was told it was fatal, and that scared

him bad, later learning about it, he learned that there is

hope in clearing the virus, which means that he will always

have the virus but, there is a chance he can make it go dormant

you need to tell your husband that this disease not only affects him

it also affects you, and that you both need to work at this together

as for now,, forget about telling anybody else,, that may come later

with my hubby, he did not want to tell anyone else, he was afraid

of the reactions that others would have, that they would reject us

which can be the case,, most people don't know enough about

Hep C to understand about it, and think that the only people that

get Hep C are drug abusers and alcoholics, which is NOT the case

my hubby got his from a tatoo. you need to stand your ground on

getting him to realize you need to be in this too, that he is causing you

stress that in turn causes him more stress. you really need to do this

before he gets on treatment, because treatment will make this harder

for both you,, I'd say you will have a harder time than him, because you

will have to deal with all the erratic behavier that goes with it.

my hubby just finished his second time on treatment 3 1/2 months ago and we

are waiting to see if he is still clear. The first time around, he

responded, but relapsed after he finished treatment

my prayers are with you

Hello, I joined this group because my husband has just been diagnosed with Hepatitis C. His doctor has referred him to a specialist. I don't know when his appointment is because he won't tell me, and he refuses to let me go with him. He won't let me bring up the subject at all. If I do, he gets furious with me, and says I am causing him stress, and he doesn't need that.I have been reading as much as I can about this, and I know I am going to need personal support so I can help him through this. He won't let me say anything to anyone, so I have to keep it all bottled up inside of me.He's probably had this for sometime now. He is a recovering alcoholic/addict who has been alcohol/drug free for over 20 years. He's also very health conscious, works out regularly, takes vitamins, etc. I am praying that this fact has a positive impact on his treatment. I don't think he's read anything about the treatment, so I don't think he's aware of how intense it will be. I am praying he decides we should tell our families what's going on so they can be supportive also.I just know I love him, and I'll do whatever it takes to help him through this. I don't know how to help him if he continues to keep me in the dark about everything. Help please.....I just need to be able to talk to someone about all of this.ThanksFEM

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HI. welcome, u have for sure came to the right place for suport. Iam not sure how he feels but I was very pissed being a good boy for 20yr;s WOW AND now this. at least that's how i felt. my poor husband didn't know from one day to the next how to aproch to me.All i know is learn all u can and we r here for both of you, Trust me he's going to need you. water lots and lots of water.hope to chat with you on chat night.fem41353 wrote: Hello, I joined this group because my husband has

just been diagnosed with Hepatitis C. His doctor has referred him to a specialist. I don't know when his appointment is because he won't tell me, and he refuses to let me go with him. He won't let me bring up the subject at all. If I do, he gets furious with me, and says I am causing him stress, and he doesn't need that.I have been reading as much as I can about this, and I know I am going to need personal support so I can help him through this. He won't let me say anything to anyone, so I have to keep it all bottled up inside of me.He's probably had this for sometime now. He is a recovering alcoholic/addict who has been alcohol/drug free for over 20 years. He's also very health conscious, works out regularly, takes vitamins, etc. I am praying that this fact has a positive impact on his treatment. I don't think he's read anything about the treatment, so I don't think he's aware of how intense it

will be. I am praying he decides we should tell our families what's going on so they can be supportive also.I just know I love him, and I'll do whatever it takes to help him through this. I don't know how to help him if he continues to keep me in the dark about everything. Help please.....I just need to be able to talk to someone about all of this.ThanksFEMLINDA

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Fem My boyfriend was diagnosed w/ HEPC, so I am a caregiver myself. Jeff is in is 7th week. And let me tell you, this site is wonderful, I'm more of a reader and just occationally reach out for help and when I do, they are all wonderful. I read all the emails everyday and have learned so much. Use them as your support system, it's wonderful. Be very patient w/ ur husband, he will come around, it's hard. If you don't have patience, get it...u'll need it and don't take things personally...Just be strong and vent to the group if you don't have family or friends...I do use the group. My family and friends just don't know what to do. Just learn about it and keep in touch...Knowledge is power...it will help your husband. Somebody suggested talking to the doctor yourself, great idea... I've been in touch w/ the

nurses, they are wonderful. Welcome and be strong. Gfem41353 wrote: Hello, I joined this group because my husband has just been diagnosed with Hepatitis C. His doctor has referred him to a specialist. I don't know when his appointment is because he won't tell me, and he refuses to let me go with him. He won't let me bring up the subject at all. If I do, he gets furious with me, and says I am causing him stress, and he doesn't need

that.I have been reading as much as I can about this, and I know I am going to need personal support so I can help him through this. He won't let me say anything to anyone, so I have to keep it all bottled up inside of me.He's probably had this for sometime now. He is a recovering alcoholic/addict who has been alcohol/drug free for over 20 years. He's also very health conscious, works out regularly, takes vitamins, etc. I am praying that this fact has a positive impact on his treatment. I don't think he's read anything about the treatment, so I don't think he's aware of how intense it will be. I am praying he decides we should tell our families what's going on so they can be supportive also.I just know I love him, and I'll do whatever it takes to help him through this. I don't know how to help him if he continues to keep me in the dark about everything. Help please.....I just need to be

able to talk to someone about all of this.ThanksFEM

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