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Re: Test Results

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I made a few of the "discoveries" back before I was ever diagnosed around 16, 17 yrs ago, with a theme of "something is happening to me, I'm going crazy", etc....It was through an old Merck Manual that I had just bought, and I was initially researching my then crummy x husband's back problems and my children's nutrition. Then I turned to the page that had Thyroid in big letters and was seeing myself all over the pages. Through those first yrs, I begged 4 different doctors to test me for this and would get laughed out of their offices and given everything from 4 different tranquilizers to 3 different antidepressants. This is when I was in a HYPERthyroid stage, losing weight, at a height of 5'6" tall, down to 113 lbs, waking up with my heart pounding, free floating anxiety, running around a track 5 miles every day, like an anorexic. Yes, my crummy marriage did have something to do with bringing me to this point, but I'm sure there were many other factors involved-----living in a poisoned environment on the Tx Gulf Coast (industrial chemicals and xenoestrogens), NO progesterone, estrogen dominance, extreme emotional stress since I could ever remember, plus, more than likely, the chromosomes involved with Hashimoto's (I have two daughters who also have Hashi's). Combine all these things, and you've got a disaster waiting to happen (nutrition also, to boot). Everything I had learned was in the mainstream medical aura, so it wasn't until I went to the internet and started to roam around there, that I saw that there was a whole different world, when it came to this disease. It wasn't until I came to these groups (out of desperation), that the riddle slowly began to be solved. I still think there is a whole bunch that none of us knows, but will be discovered in the future. Thank God every day for these groups!!!!

Re: test results

I usually am a research buff when it comes to everyone elses health and when it comes to my own it seems like I just do not have the time or energy left to do it! So for that I thank everyone on this board, I didn't even think of looking up a thyroid group until I was looking up some of the horse groups on yahoo and decided to give thyroid a search..LOL

Ok ok I know enough rambling and saying nothing.

Thank you for the info. Jan.

Ben Thank you for the very informational email.

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I made a few of the "discoveries" back before I was ever diagnosed around 16, 17 yrs ago, with a theme of "something is happening to me, I'm going crazy", etc....It was through an old Merck Manual that I had just bought, and I was initially researching my then crummy x husband's back problems and my children's nutrition. Then I turned to the page that had Thyroid in big letters and was seeing myself all over the pages. Through those first yrs, I begged 4 different doctors to test me for this and would get laughed out of their offices and given everything from 4 different tranquilizers to 3 different antidepressants. This is when I was in a HYPERthyroid stage, losing weight, at a height of 5'6" tall, down to 113 lbs, waking up with my heart pounding, free floating anxiety, running around a track 5 miles every day, like an anorexic. Yes, my crummy marriage did have something to do with bringing me to this point, but I'm sure there were many other factors involved-----living in a poisoned environment on the Tx Gulf Coast (industrial chemicals and xenoestrogens), NO progesterone, estrogen dominance, extreme emotional stress since I could ever remember, plus, more than likely, the chromosomes involved with Hashimoto's (I have two daughters who also have Hashi's). Combine all these things, and you've got a disaster waiting to happen (nutrition also, to boot). Everything I had learned was in the mainstream medical aura, so it wasn't until I went to the internet and started to roam around there, that I saw that there was a whole different world, when it came to this disease. It wasn't until I came to these groups (out of desperation), that the riddle slowly began to be solved. I still think there is a whole bunch that none of us knows, but will be discovered in the future. Thank God every day for these groups!!!!

Re: test results

I usually am a research buff when it comes to everyone elses health and when it comes to my own it seems like I just do not have the time or energy left to do it! So for that I thank everyone on this board, I didn't even think of looking up a thyroid group until I was looking up some of the horse groups on yahoo and decided to give thyroid a search..LOL

Ok ok I know enough rambling and saying nothing.

Thank you for the info. Jan.

Ben Thank you for the very informational email.

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  • 6 months later...

Gail.......I have never heard of that condition before..?? Good luck with

your treatment...I will definitely be keeping you in my prayers and




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  • 3 years later...

Hi Sara,

Welcome to the group.. IM glad you finally decided to say 'something',, lol

Yes, some people actually do go into spontaneous remission and you should be very happy because treatment is not easy... I would feel just as you do and want a retest and you should have one,, just to be sure.. You will always test pos for the virus but if you are in remission, you wont have viral load.. but you will always need to have to rechecked yearly at least for the next 5 years or so.. IF you remain in remission for that long, you probably wont have to worry about it anymore unless you do something that might cause you to reinfect yourself,, or you start drinking which can reactivate the viral replication.. Do you know which test your doc did? Many use a test that checks the viral load down to 600 iu/ml or 50 iu/ml. The lowest one you can get I believe tests down to 2-5 iu/ml.. thats the one I always ask to have done and its called the Heptimax.. it has to be sent out to a special lab for results and it typically takes about a


Congrats tho on being undetectible.. that is great news!Jackie

Subject: Test ResultsTo: hepatitis_c_central Date: Monday, August 25, 2008, 3:13 PM

Hi everyone. My name is Sara and I am 24. I've been lurking around for awhile since I was diagnosed four years ago. A few years ago I was denied tx by my insurance and I haven't done anything about it since. Over the last few years, my levels had been around 15,000, and slowly going up. I slacked for awhile and finally got my levels checked last week. According to my results for the HCV Qualitative (I believe) it says that it is not detected? My doctor says that if I had done tx, this is the result we would be looking for. Can this happen? What exactly does this mean? I wanted to do a retest but my insurance won't pay for it until next year, and she thinks I don't need to. I want to make sure these are really my lab results!So I guess I am just confused. I known it is still there, but can my levels go up again? I cannot get into my gastro for awhile so I figured you guys would be the best to talk to. Thanks!*~Sara~*Mom to Sammy33

weeker due to severe eclampsiaNow a healthy 5 year old!

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That makes me wonder if you are one of the rare few that spontaneously clear after the initial infection , which would make you an acute hep c patient and not chronic which is great news for you sweety

Test Results

Hi everyone. My name is Sara and I am 24. I've been lurking around for awhile since I was diagnosed four years ago. A few years ago I was denied tx by my insurance and I haven't done anything about it since. Over the last few years, my levels had been around 15,000, and slowly going up. I slacked for awhile and finally got my levels checked last week. According to my results for the HCV Qualitative (I believe) it says that it is not detected? My doctor says that if I had done tx, this is the result we would be looking for. Can this happen? What exactly does this mean? I wanted to do a retest but my insurance won't pay for it until next year, and she thinks I don't need to. I want to make sure these are really my lab results!So I guess I am just confused. I known it is still there, but can my levels go up again? I cannot get into my gastro for awhile so I figured you guys would be the best to talk to. Thanks!*~Sara~*Mom to Sammy33 weeker due to severe eclampsiaNow a healthy 5 year old!

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P.S. Mom to Jessie born at 24 weeks 1lb 4oz now she is 16 and straight A student ,lol I also had a 33 weeker she is now 18

Test Results

Hi everyone. My name is Sara and I am 24. I've been lurking around for awhile since I was diagnosed four years ago. A few years ago I was denied tx by my insurance and I haven't done anything about it since. Over the last few years, my levels had been around 15,000, and slowly going up. I slacked for awhile and finally got my levels checked last week. According to my results for the HCV Qualitative (I believe) it says that it is not detected? My doctor says that if I had done tx, this is the result we would be looking for. Can this happen? What exactly does this mean? I wanted to do a retest but my insurance won't pay for it until next year, and she thinks I don't need to. I want to make sure these are really my lab results!So I guess I am just confused. I known it is still there, but can my levels go up again? I cannot get into my gastro for awhile so I figured you guys would be the best to talk to. Thanks!*~Sara~*Mom to Sammy33 weeker due to severe eclampsiaNow a healthy 5 year old!

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thats what I think too LizJackie

Subject: Re: Test ResultsTo: Hepatitis_C_Central Date: Tuesday, August 26, 2008, 12:07 AM

That makes me wonder if you are one of the rare few that spontaneously clear after the initial infection , which would make you an acute hep c patient and not chronic which is great news for you sweety

[Hepatitis_C_ Central] Test Results

Hi everyone. My name is Sara and I am 24. I've been lurking around for awhile since I was diagnosed four years ago. A few years ago I was denied tx by my insurance and I haven't done anything about it since. Over the last few years, my levels had been around 15,000, and slowly going up. I slacked for awhile and finally got my levels checked last week. According to my results for the HCV Qualitative (I believe) it says that it is not detected? My doctor says that if I had done tx, this is the result we would be looking for. Can this happen? What exactly does this mean? I wanted to do a retest but my insurance won't pay for it until next year, and she thinks I don't need to. I want to make sure these are really my lab results!So I guess I am just confused. I known it is still there, but can my levels go up again? I cannot get into my gastro for awhile so I figured you guys would be the best to talk to. Thanks!*~Sara~*Mom to Sammy33

weeker due to severe eclampsiaNow a healthy 5 year old!

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