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Re; Just need to rant.. -- Hey Dee

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Honey 1st calm down I know it's hard and you are totally stressed out right now and tx makes it worse. We would be too. No really haven't heard anyone else with those symptoms while on tx especially with draining infected open sores. Is it draining clear fluids mixed with blood like fluids or is it colorful - yellows - greens ???? It's so hard at times just being online sight unseen with

members. I don't know if going to the ER would be your best bet unless it was a true emergency or you needed to be admitted. Your Dr would have and should have by now. They would run some tests or look at it and say yep you got a bad infection going on see a specialist cause your Dr has already tried all the antibiotics on you it's resistant and not our medical specialty here in the ER having HCV and while on tx. If it is not a true emergency and a person can wait or be seen at a Dr's office they

usually will not admit or call in a Specialists on call for it. Yep you would end up with a huge bill if not covered by insurance. If it was me I would make an appt with my Dr face to face and see what other options I had or send me to a Specialists that would have the answers and be honest how serious it was for me how it is affecting me and my life and job. What is it - what type of infection - is it from my HCV and tx - is it resistant to all the different types of antibiotics we have tried - could another type of medical specialist help me - what about a referral and consult ??? Honey hoping and praying it all goes good for you and soon. Hang In There !!!!!!!!!!! Deb Hi everyone. I just need to

rant a little. I am still dealing withthese sores on my body. They just don't seem to go away.I have been tothe dr's 4 times and been on 3 different antibiotics. Whatever I haveeither hep related or not they are clearly bigger then the antibiotics.I am so frustrated. They are painful and I have been off work now 3times for them. I have no fmla time left and it will be just a matterof time before they give me the boot. My doctor seems to think I havesome bug but is confused as to what to do.I am at a loss. I believe mynext step will be to go to the emergency room and let them preformevery test they can think of and worry about the big bills later. Btwthese sores seem to drain pus and blood and stay open sores Does anyonehere in the group have anything similar going on with them. I have 7weeks of treatment left, but it seems that I am feeling my spleen againand just seem to have no energy. Any one with any answers? If

notthanks for just letting me vent. In fact I am more then venting at thispoint I am wickedly nuts at this point. Deanna

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