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Dear Lee,

Well you shoulndn't be thinking of suicide as things will get better.

Put it this way you are only on prednisolone and nothing else.

There are people in this group who would give an arm and a leg to be in your



rheumatic HELP!

> Dear All,


> I have had RA for 11 years (with periods of remission and a two and a

> half year drug nightmare. I'm on 5 mg of prednisone...just started,

> not long term... and nothing else right now. I'm very afraid of drugs

> after what they did to me before). It's more severe than it's ever

> been in the last six months for reasons I don't entirely understand

> as I've been watching my diet and drink lots of water and try so hard

> to do the right thing. I want to try the antibiotics but am

> terrified of the Herxheimer effect as I am truly at the end of my

> rope right now and MORE pain and incapacity for what might be several

> months is more than I could bear mentally I think. The prospect of

> seeing no improvement for as long as two years is a frightening

> thought also, as contemplating the joint damage that's going on

> during that time in addition to what I already have means that I may

> not be walking no matter what... :( I feel so trapped and hopeless

> and am ashamed to say that I contemplate suicide on a fairly regular

> basis these days. I would really appreciate some

> advice/encouragement...


> Thanks,


> Lee



> P.S. Am I the only one whose joints move about painlessly when

> pressured? The clicks and pops in my hips and knees! Scare the life

> out of me...little buggers...



> To unsubscribe, email: rheumatic-unsubscribeegroups




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Lee....we all understand how you feel, but try to think positive and keep

telling yourself it WILL get better. First of all, you won't necessarily get

a herx from starting the antibiotics and if you do, it might not be one you

can't handle. I never herxed at all, but just recently, my dr adjusted the

minocin and put me on zithromax also. After a few days, I felt I was going

thru a herx (had new pain and stiffness) and when I went for my next app't

and told him, he said I should have called, because there's something he

could have given me to ease it quite a bit. He also said 1 tblsp of flaxseed

oil daily helps with a herx (I think the group will verify that).

The main point is that when you start the AP, you will mentally know you are

working towards a positive health improvement, and hopefully remission. Time

goes by the same, whatever we do, so even if it's two, three or five years,

where will you be if you don't give it a shot. Believe me, there are plenty

in this group who have been where you are.....draw strength from the people

here..they're wonderful and so


Good Luck to you Lee

Judy (Keels)

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Lee, Not everyone gets worse before they get better. I felt better in some

areas within a few weeks, and only had a slight worsening (which felt pretty

bad at that point, as I was not in good shape already) but it was bearable

as a lot of the fatigue and sleep problems improved first, and consequently

the depressive feelings. The pain was a lot easier to take under those

circumstances. And after several months, I reached a period of

near-remission which lasted a good while before reaching a partial setback.

I'm still back a bit from the best point I achieved, but lots better than

before the antibiotics.

Some people start to feel better right away, and you may be one of the

lucky ones. Please try and not borrow trouble from tomorrow, believe

me--with this illness, you have enough trouble if you take it on a Zen

basis, one day at a time.

And please, don't even *think* of ending your life, That is a decision

you can not take back, and those who love you will be forever affected by

it. There is a lot to live for, you just need to get some help with the

pain and depression. See your doctor ASAP for some help in that department,

and lean on the strength to be found here. You won't be sorry in a few

months that you stuck it out. If you just cannot shake the suicidal

feelings, Go To The ER or Local clinic, please! Antidepressant

side-effects s***, in my humble opinion, but not as much as losing someone

you love. Take good care of yourself, and try to stay in the NOW, and make

plans for a better tomorrow. Sending best wishes and prayers for you

tonight, Liz G.

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Dear Lee,

Janine in this group was at the point of contemplating suicide when she joined

us. You can read her story at rheumatic.org/janine.htm. While most people take

a long time to see significant results, many start to see small improvements

much earlier than that.

Janine started on the antibiotics and gradually got better. You can do the same.

The herxheimer effect can be minimised by starting at a very low dose the way

Dr. Brown advised. You take only about 50mg minocycline or doxycycline on Mon

Wed and Fri the first week and see how you feel. If you get a reaction, stay

on that dose for a while. If all OK, you can gradually increase the dose by

50mg per week until you're on 100-200mg on Mon Wed and Fri. If at any point

you feel you don't want to increase, then just stay on the dose you've reached.

Stay on the 5mg prednisone for now and don't try to reduce the dose. Much later

on, when you don't have pain, you can gradually taper off.

Lee, there is hope here for you as there has been for so many people. Do you

have a doctor to prescribe the antibiotic for you? We maintain a list if you

need help with this. Hope to hear back from you soon. You have nothing to lose

and everything to gain by using the antibiotics.

I'm in Adelaide - where in Australia are you?


>I have had RA for 11 years (with periods of remission and a two and a

>half year drug nightmare. I'm on 5 mg of prednisone...just started,

>not long term... and nothing else right now. I'm very afraid of drugs

>after what they did to me before). It's more severe than it's ever

>been in the last six months for reasons I don't entirely understand

>as I've been watching my diet and drink lots of water and try so hard

>to do the right thing. I want to try the antibiotics but am

>terrified of the Herxheimer effect as I am truly at the end of my

>rope right now and MORE pain and incapacity for what might be several

>months is more than I could bear mentally I think. The prospect of

>seeing no improvement for as long as two years is a frightening

>thought also, as contemplating the joint damage that's going on

>during that time in addition to what I already have means that I may

>not be walking no matter what... :( I feel so trapped and hopeless

>and am ashamed to say that I contemplate suicide on a fairly regular

>basis these days. I would really appreciate some








>P.S. Am I the only one whose joints move about painlessly when

>pressured? The clicks and pops in my hips and knees! Scare the life

>out of me...little buggers...



>To unsubscribe, email: rheumatic-unsubscribeegroups




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Dear Lee,

Although I have had a horrible herx on Biaxin, I didn't have any on Mino

(after the first couple of weeks with a terrible, frightening headache at

times...the pharmacist said it would go away and it did.).

I got so much better in just three months, I was riding my bicycle again

instead of hurting in every single joint and suffering terribly.

I have felt pretty hopeless before and lately because of increased

damage, an unsympathetic doctor who doesn't believe in chronic pain, and

fear for the future. But suicide is not a way out because they really are

making progress with this new B cell stuff and other things. You should

definitely go on the minocycline, I think, and also see your doctor for a

referral to a pain clinic and perhaps some antidepressants to get you over

this period. They can really help as thoughts of suicide are very, very

dangerous and a sure sign of clinical depression.

Good luck and hang in with us,



P.S. Are you are boy or a girl?

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Dear Lee,

Don't give up! We've all been scared and frightened. If you do the minocin

very gradually, you should be just fine. And any pain you have will be part

of getting better, not from disease progression. Please see a therapist to

talk, and also get some antidepressants. Celexa is a good one because it's

safe with a lot of other drugs. This will give you the spirit to go

forward, and we're all here to support you too. Please let us know how

you're doing.


rheumatic HELP!

> Dear All,


> I have had RA for 11 years (with periods of remission and a two and a

> half year drug nightmare. I'm on 5 mg of prednisone...just started,

> not long term... and nothing else right now. I'm very afraid of drugs

> after what they did to me before). It's more severe than it's ever

> been in the last six months for reasons I don't entirely understand

> as I've been watching my diet and drink lots of water and try so hard

> to do the right thing. I want to try the antibiotics but am

> terrified of the Herxheimer effect as I am truly at the end of my

> rope right now and MORE pain and incapacity for what might be several

> months is more than I could bear mentally I think. The prospect of

> seeing no improvement for as long as two years is a frightening

> thought also, as contemplating the joint damage that's going on

> during that time in addition to what I already have means that I may

> not be walking no matter what... :( I feel so trapped and hopeless

> and am ashamed to say that I contemplate suicide on a fairly regular

> basis these days. I would really appreciate some

> advice/encouragement...


> Thanks,


> Lee



> P.S. Am I the only one whose joints move about painlessly when

> pressured? The clicks and pops in my hips and knees! Scare the life

> out of me...little buggers...



> To unsubscribe, email: rheumatic-unsubscribeegroups




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  • 7 months later...
Guest guest

on 7/7/01 7:03 AM, hpumom2@... at hpumom2@... wrote:

> Group:

> deleted my name from the support group list about 10 days

> ago. In order to write the group I have had to JUMP THROUGH HOOPS!

> I had to sign up as HPUMOM2 (instead of 1) and also instead of

> AOL.COM I have to use .com. I am not receving my messages when

> I click on READ. I have to go to .Groups and read them in a

> different format.


> Will someone please tell me how to fix this problem- I have writen

> , Chris/, called AOL --- but have not heard from them

> yet! I want to use my old name and also be able to have the message

> as regular posts- not go to .groups to have to get them.


> Anyone else have this happen to them?


I'm not sure why this has happened, but you can edit your settings with

for the rheumatic list. If you haven't tried this yet, maybe this will


Go to <rheumatic>

Near the top right of that page will be a link called [Edit My Membership]

Punch that link, and a page will come up with various options you can set.

You can specify that you receive mail or not here. The problem with the

address is that it doesn't deliver e-mail to your e-mail program,

you have to read it on the web.

You can also add other e-mail addresses to use with , I don't

know if they will let you use the old one now or not, because it is used

with the other profile. I would try that first. If it doesn't work, does AOL

let you have any more free e-mail addresses? You could get an additional AOL

address. I'm sure or will help when they get time, if you

don't want another AOL address.

Good luck.


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Hi Carol,

Is your real email HPUMOM1@... or HUPMOM2@.... Your subscription name

to the group has to be the same as your real email in order for you to get group

mail in your own mailbox.

I've deleted the old account and subscribed you again as HPUMOM1@... as

I remember that is your real email. Several people have had trouble sending

group mail via rheumatic so send to the group using


which seems still to work better.



> deleted my name from the support group list about 10 days

>ago. In order to write the group I have had to JUMP THROUGH HOOPS!

>I had to sign up as HPUMOM2 (instead of 1) and also instead of

>AOL.COM I have to use .com. I am not receving my messages when

>I click on READ. I have to go to .Groups and read them in a

>different format.


> Will someone please tell me how to fix this problem- I have writen

>, Chris/, called AOL --- but have not heard from them

>yet! I want to use my old name and also be able to have the message

>as regular posts- not go to .groups to have to get them.


> Anyone else have this happen to them?







>To unsubscribe, email: rheumatic-unsubscribeegroups




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I just now wrote to to assist Judy Keels as she has not been getting her group emails for a couple weeks now - she was told they were being "bounced". Hope someone can help both of you (???)


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Guest guest

Hi group,

I think groups is having some problems as a couple of people have had their

emails bounced, for no reason I can see. I'll check Judy's subscription and

see if I can fix it.



><HTML><FONT FACE=arial,helvetica><BODY BGCOLOR= " #c0c0c0 " ><FONT COLOR= " #800080 "

SIZE=3 FACE= " Stewardson " LANG= " 0 " >I just now wrote to to assist Judy Keels

as she has not been getting

><BR>her group emails for a couple weeks now - she was told they were being

><BR> " bounced " .  Hope someone can help both of you (???)






>To unsubscribe, email: rheumatic-unsubscribeegroups<BR>






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  • 1 month later...

Dear Dee,

Have a look at www.hacres.com Many people have cured themselves of all

different types of cancers with this diet. Malkmus had a large bowel

cancer 26 years ago and he went on this diet. His cancer was completely gone

in less than a year. If your friend decides to go on it tell her she will

need to have her vitamin B12 levels checked every couple of months. Some

people have a problem with this and others don't. I hope this helps. Tell

her that we are praying for her.

Rosemary Trudeau.


rheumatic HELP!

> Hi All,


> A friend of a friend is 5 months pregnant and just discovered she has a

> cancerous tumor in her uterus. Obviously she cannot persue conventional

> treatment since she does not want to harm the baby. If anybody has any


> or knowledge in this area please e-mail me at ljdsll@.... This poor


> is beside herself with worry. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


> in advance.


> Dee



> To unsubscribe, email: rheumatic-unsubscribeegroups




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  • 2 months later...

> I am new to this group. My eight and half year old son is autistic.


> just did an hair analysis for him at Doctor's Data Inc. Now the


> comes. His mercury result is in the reference range. But other toxic

> elements results like lead, antimony, alluminum, Uranium, Nickel,

> silver, tin are all above reference range. His sodium, potassium and

> Lithium are 10 times higher than the normal range. Does anybody know

> how to interpret those test result? Many appreciate for your help.

You will find information on how to do this in the " counting rules "

file if it was a 'hair element profile.'

If it was a 'toxic element screen' you get to clip more hair and do

a hair element profile.


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At 10:02 PM 11/6/2001 -0000, you wrote:

>I am new to this group. My eight and half year old son is autistic. I

>just did an hair analysis for him at Doctor's Data Inc. Now the report

>comes. His mercury result is in the reference range. But other toxic

>elements results like lead, antimony, alluminum, Uranium, Nickel,

>silver, tin are all above reference range. His sodium, potassium and

>Lithium are 10 times higher than the normal range. Does anybody know

>how to interpret those test result? Many appreciate for your help.


Dear lilitsao@...,

The fact that your child's mercury reading on this test is " normal "

is NOT SIGNIFICANT. Many people who ARE mercury toxic have " normal "

level of mercury in their hair. It is not a problem with the lab.

Mercury is very well stored by some body tissues (e.g. brain) so it

is not circulating about in the body. Right after exposure it is

circulating about for a bit, but then it is stored off (doing lots

of damage) but NOT circulating, so it doesn't show up in hair.

You can have plenty of stored mercury and be very toxic and have

normal level in hair.

Please do not write me this off. If you were to go back through

the archive of this list, there are doxens of posts like yours and

like mine. This is very important, even though it is terribly

easy to be decieved into thinking " all is well " . It is very

important that you not misread the mercury value as " okay " .

You shuold read it as " unknown " . I realize this may seem


Go here:


and read about how to tell if your child is mercury toxic.

Finally, to answer the question that you DID ask, yes, the

rest of those toxic elements do matter a great deal. I can't

say as I've memorized the " ill effects " of each one (I haven't).

Lead I know is very damaging. DMSA will remove lead (as well

as mercury). Parents have reported on quite a range of

toxic elements being excreted (based on urine tests) using

DMSA. Also, once mercury is removed, some toxic elements

MAY come down on their own (this is speculative on my part,

based on what Andy has said about disturbed mineral transport--

which affects BOTH nutritive and toxic elements).



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Please see the counting rules.


On Wed, 07 November 2001, Moria Merriweather wrote:


> <html><body>

> <tt>

> At 10:02 PM 11/6/2001 -0000, you wrote:<BR>

> & gt;I am new to this group. My eight and half year old son is autistic. I <BR>

> & gt;just did an hair analysis for him at Doctor's Data Inc. Now the report


> & gt;comes. His mercury result is in the reference range. But other toxic <BR>

> & gt;elements results like lead, antimony, alluminum, Uranium, Nickel, <BR>

> & gt;silver, tin are all above reference range. His sodium, potassium and <BR>

> & gt;Lithium are 10 times higher than the normal range. Does anybody know <BR>

> & gt;how to interpret those test result? Many appreciate for your help.<BR>

> & gt;<BR>

> <BR>

> Dear lilitsao@...,<BR>

> <BR>

> The fact that your child's mercury reading on this test is

& quot;normal & quot;<BR>

> is NOT SIGNIFICANT. & nbsp; Many people who ARE mercury toxic have

& quot;normal & quot;<BR>

> level of mercury in their hair. & nbsp; It is not a problem with the lab.<BR>

> Mercury is very well stored by some body tissues (e.g. brain) so it<BR>

> is not circulating about in the body. & nbsp; Right after exposure it is<BR>

> circulating about for a bit, but then it is stored off (doing lots<BR>

> of damage) but NOT circulating, so it doesn't show up in hair.<BR>

> You can have plenty of stored mercury and be very toxic and have<BR>

> normal level in hair.<BR>

> <BR>

> Please do not write me this off. & nbsp; If you were to go back through<BR>

> the archive of this list, there are doxens of posts like yours and <BR>

> like mine. & nbsp; This is very important, even though it is terribly <BR>

> easy to be decieved into thinking & quot;all is well & quot;. & nbsp; It is very


> important that you not misread the mercury value as & quot;okay & quot;.<BR>

> You shuold read it as & quot;unknown & quot;. & nbsp; I realize this may seem<BR>

> confusing.<BR>

> <BR>

> Go here:<BR>

> <a

href= " /files/Counting%2BRules " >http:\

///group/ /files/Counting%2BRules</a><BR>

> and read about how to tell if your child is mercury toxic.<BR>

> <BR>

> Finally, to answer the question that you DID ask, yes, the<BR>

> rest of those toxic elements do matter a great deal. & nbsp; I can't <BR>

> say as I've memorized the & quot;ill effects & quot; of each one (I haven't).<BR>

> Lead I know is very damaging. & nbsp; DMSA will remove lead (as well<BR>

> as mercury). & nbsp; Parents have reported on quite a range of<BR>

> toxic elements being excreted (based on urine tests) using<BR>

> DMSA. & nbsp; Also, once mercury is removed, some toxic elements<BR>

> MAY come down on their own (this is speculative on my part,<BR>

> based on what Andy has said about disturbed mineral transport--<BR>

> which affects BOTH nutritive and toxic elements).<BR>

> <BR>

> best,<BR>

> Moria<BR>

> <BR>

> <BR>

> <BR>

> </tt>


> <br>


> <!-- |**|begin egp html banner|**| -->


> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2>

> <tr bgcolor=#FFFFCC>

> <td align=center><font size= " -1 " color=#003399><b>


> </tr>

> <tr bgcolor=#FFFFFF>

> <td align=center width=470><a

href= " http://rd./M=210672.1513963.3091383.1442549/D=egroupweb/S=1705061\

616:HM/A=655209/R=0/*http://www.prostateinfo.com/piyb " ><img

src= " http://us.a1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/a/as/astrazeneca/b3.gif " width= " 468 "

height= " 60 " border= " 0 " ></a></td>

> </tr>

> <tr><td><img alt= " " width=1 height=1

src= " http://us.adserver./l?M=210672.1513963.3091383.1442549/D=egroupmai\

l/S=1705061616:HM/A=655209/rand=433529271 " ></td></tr>

> </table>


> <!-- |**|end egp html banner|**| -->



> <br>

> <tt>

> =======================================================<BR>


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In addition to what Moria answered...remember that DMSA is approved for

chelating lead from children. It also removes mercury. So since your child is

above the reference range in lead, you may have just found a good way to get

your doctor to prescribe DMSA and your insurance to cover it...


Re: [ ] help!

At 10:02 PM 11/6/2001 -0000, you wrote:

>I am new to this group. My eight and half year old son is autistic. I

>just did an hair analysis for him at Doctor's Data Inc. Now the report

>comes. His mercury result is in the reference range. But other toxic

>elements results like lead, antimony, alluminum, Uranium, Nickel,

>silver, tin are all above reference range. His sodium, potassium and

>Lithium are 10 times higher than the normal range. Does anybody know

>how to interpret those test result? Many appreciate for your help.


Dear lilitsao@...,

The fact that your child's mercury reading on this test is " normal "

is NOT SIGNIFICANT. Many people who ARE mercury toxic have " normal "

level of mercury in their hair. It is not a problem with the lab.

Mercury is very well stored by some body tissues (e.g. brain) so it

is not circulating about in the body. Right after exposure it is

circulating about for a bit, but then it is stored off (doing lots

of damage) but NOT circulating, so it doesn't show up in hair.

You can have plenty of stored mercury and be very toxic and have

normal level in hair.

Please do not write me this off. If you were to go back through

the archive of this list, there are doxens of posts like yours and

like mine. This is very important, even though it is terribly

easy to be decieved into thinking " all is well " . It is very

important that you not misread the mercury value as " okay " .

You shuold read it as " unknown " . I realize this may seem


Go here:


and read about how to tell if your child is mercury toxic.

Finally, to answer the question that you DID ask, yes, the

rest of those toxic elements do matter a great deal. I can't

say as I've memorized the " ill effects " of each one (I haven't).

Lead I know is very damaging. DMSA will remove lead (as well

as mercury). Parents have reported on quite a range of

toxic elements being excreted (based on urine tests) using

DMSA. Also, once mercury is removed, some toxic elements

MAY come down on their own (this is speculative on my part,

based on what Andy has said about disturbed mineral transport--

which affects BOTH nutritive and toxic elements).



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[ ] Re: help!


> > I am new to this group. My eight and half year old son is autistic.

> I

> > just did an hair analysis for him at Doctor's Data Inc. Now the

> report

> > comes. His mercury result is in the reference range. But other toxic

> > elements results like lead, antimony, alluminum, Uranium, Nickel,

> > silver, tin are all above reference range. His sodium, potassium and

> > Lithium are 10 times higher than the normal range. Does anybody know

> > how to interpret those test result? Many appreciate for your help.


> You will find information on how to do this in the " counting rules "

> file if it was a 'hair element profile.'

> If it was a 'toxic element screen' you get to clip more hair and do

> a hair element profile.


> Andy



> =======================================================


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  • 3 months later...

I have read that a B12 deficiency may cause these symptoms as well as an underactive thyroid.




rheumatic Help!

Has anyone ever heard of 's disease? Or something like that. A dear

friend has Lupus but today she has to have some tests on her heart. Feet

have been tingling and spot under her toenail. Any ideas?


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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest


I've been taking flax, 2-3 tablesoons with yogurt and fruit - over a

month now - no problems. One thing for you to check - is the oil fresh,

any smell of rancidity and that could be causing your stomach ailments.

the oil I use " Barleans " has the date of press printed on the side, a

date of several weeks ago, so I'm assured it's fresh.

On Monday, May 20, 2002, at 06:03 AM, Bradley, Roneice wrote:

> Hi All,


> OK, here's the prob...a little more than a week ago I started mixing 1

> teaspoon each,  flax seed oil and plain yogurt and I've been taking it

> twice

> a day.  By last Wednesday I was sick, sick, sick with stabbing, lower

> abdomen pains, pains in my temples and fatigue.  Thursday and Friday I

> stayed in bed and rested for the most part.  Late, Saturday afternoon I

> developed a sore throat and runny nose, which I still have.  However,

> the

> stomach and head thing was completely gone by Sunday!  Here's the rub; I

> know you take the flax seed oil when you Herx but it seemed to cause a

> Herx

> in me.  If anyone can explain this, I would be most grateful.


> Thanks, Roneice




>                     Confidentiality Notice

> This message is being sent by or on behalf of a lawyer.  It is intended

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> This communication may contain information that is proprietary,

> privileged or confidential or otherwise legally exempt from

> disclosure.  If you are not the named addressee, you are not authorized

> to read, print, retain, copy or disseminate this message or any part of

> it.  If you have received this message in error, please notify the

> sender immediately by e-mail and delete all copies of the message.






> To unsubscribe, email: rheumatic-unsubscribeegroups




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Guest guest

It is wonderful that your tenacity has gotten you

to a solution. This group is wonderful. My son has had

great results with chelation. Without the people that have

helped us along, there is no way we could have done all of this.

There are many resources at your fingertips now. Good luck to you.

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I wish I were in your shoes! You are on the right track. How old is your

son now? If I had known what I know now...my eight year old would probably

have much better chances in life. So keep plugging. Read the archives and

try not to get overwhelmed! You're doing all the right things for your son.

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Guest guest

Hello Haven,

> I am new to this group. We began believeng our son was poisoned

> after rceiving four vaccinations at age 15 months with each

> containing thimerasol (wish we'd known then what we know now). He

> may have shown some toxicity before, but whenever I voiced concerns

> about things, I was always treated like a hysterical, over-reacting

> mother.


> The day after the fifteen month shots, our son quit


> became very quiet and began exhibiting other signs of autism.


> The

> doctor just kept telling me " Let's wait until he's two. Don't

> worry. " Before the age of two we saw another doctor who told us


> our son's loss of speech was significant and from there we have been

> to see different clinicians. All with the same result:autism.

> Whenever we voiced our concern about the vaccinations, we were put

> off. Our doctors would not order hair testing and when we tried to

> get a urine test, we were treated horribly and were unable to obtain

> the test.

:( !!!!! aaagggghhhhhhhhh

> Almost fifteen months later I found a doctor willing to

> order whatever test I wanted. We ordered the hair test, and after

> more research realized that the mercury would probably not show up


> so much time has passed.

I'm sure you will find this of great interest:


In particular read the part about why mercury does NOT show up

in hair tests (usually).

> We received the results today, and though

> the mercury did not show up in the high range, our son is toxic for

> Aluminum, Antimony, Arsenic, Bismuth, Cadmium, lead, molybdenum,

> Boron (3.0 is high. Our son's is 85.26), lithium, and vanadium. We

> tried to get an appointment with Dr. Holmes, but she cannot see us

> until March.

yep, that is the usual situation with Dr. Amy. I think it used to

be " only " 6 months, now it is more 9 or 10 months....

> Our new doctor says that we can't wait that long. We

> have an appointment with Dr. Block in a little over a week, and she

> will do the urine test for mercury.

Read the file above about hair test interpretation and see what

you think. You can also read here [below] about " challenge " tests

and why they can be dangerous as well as not useful (or at least

that is Andy's opinion):


Look for the sections on " determining toxicity " .

> We will do a liver panel this

> coming Tuesday. We are devastated!

:( I'm sure it is the start of better things, but I also

see that probably does not help you right now.

> Any information you can give us

> about Dr. Block, chelation etc... would be greatly appreciated.

You can read whatever interests you in ANDY_INDEX (URL above)--

I recommend you just see what looks interesting and start reading.

And the FAQ if you have not read that already:



some more about Andy's protocol, if you want:




> also had a food panel done and he is allergic to almost everything!

> We started him on the gf/cf diet in addition to eliminating the


> he is most allergic to. We cannot imagine ANY other way he could

> have become this toxic other than the vaccinations. Please help us.

Well, I would help if I knew how. I don't know what SORT of help

is needed. But, ANDY_INDEX will get you pretty far. If you want

hope and inspiration, here is a collection of hope and inspiration:


Keep reading.

> This is all so new to us.

yes, well, that won't last too long. You have reached " the right

place " IMO. I hope that you find that is so. In fact, if you find

it is NOT so, you can probably ask for whatever other help would

be more to your liking, and people will refer you. Not every

question is answered when asked, but there really

is a huge wealth of experience here........ keep asking. keep

reading. keep asking. keep reading. and so on.

> Thank you,

sure thing.


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--- Dear Haven,

Your son's story sounds like a " carbon copy " of mine(and many

others here I am sure) My son is 11, fell into Autism after 15 month

vaccines, diagnosed at age 22 months..regained some speech, lost ALL

of it at age 3 immediately after a TETANUS shot. He has not spoken

since. Like you, I wish I had known then what I know now...this

group is a GODSEND! Study Andy's " counting rules " in he files

section...and I believe you will find that your son is indeed mercury

toxic. You will get the help you need for your son here.

Godspeed!!! Lindy


In @y..., " shygirl75158 " <horses@n...> wrote:

> Dear list mates,


> I am new to this group. We began believeng our son was poisoned

> after rceiving four vaccinations at age 15 months with each

> containing thimerasol (wish we'd known then what we know now). He

> may have shown some toxicity before, but whenever I voiced concerns

> about things, I was always treated like a hysterical, over-reacting

> mother. The day after the fifteen month shots, our son quit


> became very quiet and began exhibiting other signs of autism. The

> doctor just kept telling me " Let's wait until he's two. Don't

> worry. " Before the age of two we saw another doctor who told us


> our son's loss of speech was significant and from there we have


> to see different clinicians. All with the same result:autism.

> Whenever we voiced our concern about the vaccinations, we were put

> off. Our doctors would not order hair testing and when we tried to

> get a urine test, we were treated horribly and were unable to


> the test. Almost fifteen months later I found a doctor willing to

> order whatever test I wanted. We ordered the hair test, and after

> more research realized that the mercury would probably not show up


> so much time has passed. We received the results today, and though

> the mercury did not show up in the high range, our son is toxic for

> Aluminum, Antimony, Arsenic, Bismuth, Cadmium, lead, molybdenum,

> Boron (3.0 is high. Our son's is 85.26), lithium, and vanadium. We

> tried to get an appointment with Dr. Holmes, but she cannot see us

> until March. Our new doctor says that we can't wait that long. We

> have an appointment with Dr. Block in a little over a week, and she

> will do the urine test for mercury. We will do a liver panel this

> coming Tuesday. We are devastated! Any information you can give


> about Dr. Block, chelation etc... would be greatly appreciated. We

> also had a food panel done and he is allergic to almost


> We started him on the gf/cf diet in addition to eliminating the


> he is most allergic to. We cannot imagine ANY other way he could

> have become this toxic other than the vaccinations. Please help


> This is all so new to us.


> Thank you,


> Haven

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Dr. Block is a very good doctor so you're in good hands. I know many people

who have been happy with her treatment of their children. The only negatives

I've heard about her was from two people who felt she didn't listen very well

and got kind of stuck on her own protocols rather than individualizing.

These people did not see her for chelation but rather for wholistic ADHD

treatments. She just recently started handling metals toxic patients about a

year or so ago -- used to refer them to Dr. Hansen, who we used for my son's

chelation. However, from what I understand, she seems to be handling it very

well and is careful with her patients.

While you're waiting to see her, look at everything your child is exposed to.

Do web searches on all the metals he showed high in to find possible

sources. Read all labels carefully and eliminate as many sources as

possible. With the high boron, I'd suspect a multi-mineral supplement but

there may be other sources as well.


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  • 7 months later...


we still deal with the running away in stores and running in the street,

Lindsey is 6 too. she getting much better though.

She cannot undo her car seat thankfully. Do you still use the shoulder strap

or just put the seat belt over her and the seat? With the shoulder strap on

Lindsey does not have the strength to undo it.

The only thing I can think of his a positive reinforcement give her something

if she stays in her car seat. Maybe a quarter or some candy. I'm just

thinking here. I know that doesn't always work either, Lindsey can me very

impulsive and she gets a " i don't care " attitude.

good luck!


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oH sUZI mY HEART GOES OUT TO YOU My son used to do this also and nothing

seemed to work i did all the things you mentioned. He hasnt done it a awile

now unless he is ina rage but it has even slowed down then. I dont have any

advice we too couldnt figure out what to do it finially sorta went away by


God Bless and HUgs

Amy mom to




Elissa, 10 normal private school

Danny DH

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