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has already responded to your email, but let me add my two cents


Of course the rheumy saw no change in the arthritis from her perspective.

What your daughter is experiencing is entirely normal. The die-off of

these organisms (from the antibiotics) can cause a temporary increase in

labs, and often an increase in joint pain - often stirring up pain in places

not experienced before starting the antibiotics. This is a good sign.

The disease itself causes anemia. Some of these organisms (mycoplasma

specifically) need iron and rob it from the body. Once the toxic load is

reduced, the anemia should correct itself. You might put her on a good

multi-vitamin/mineral supplement.

If your daughter had an elevated strep titer (the ASO test), then she needs

the amoxicillin until that is eliminated. Strep is difficult to get rid of

so once labs return to normal, she needs to be monitored for a time.

The c. reactive protein test is a better indicator of inflammation than the

SED rate; however, unless the rheumy has a specific reason for doing so, I

wouldn't worry about testing often. When taking the more toxic conventional

meds like methotrexate, Plaquenil, Imuran, Arava, Celebrex, etc., frequent

labs are necessary, but if your daughter is on the safer antibiotics it

isn't that important.

What is important is that she is eating a healthy diet, taking appropriate

supplements (vitamins, minerals, EFA's such as cod liver oil, flaxseed oil,

etc., drinking lots of water and having two or three good bowel movements a

day. BTW, the essential fatty acids reduce inflammation. Also, don't

forget to have her on a good probiotic to replace the good bacteria in the

gut being destroyed by the antibiotics.

It is important to keep the body in an alkaline state to keep pain and

inflammation to a minimum. You might find a good chart that lists the

alkaline/acid content of foods and then feed your daughter a diet 80%

alkaline/20% acid. It might even be beneficial to go 90% alkaline/10% acid

for a time.

Any infection can cause a rise in the SED rate.


rheumatic HELP!

> Ok, so I had a really bad day today. I was so excited last night because

> today I had an appointment with 's rheumy. I thought that she would

see what

> I have seen changing...heat in joints markedly decreased, swelling


> energy increased. Well, she did not. 's sed rate was 46 up over 15


> three months ago. is more anemic than ever and her heart murmur

> (probably due to low iron) was bigger than ever too. Rheumy was ok w/ me


> methotrexate a month ago (with no flares may I add) but said that the


> looked just as bad as it did three months ago. Lots of fluid (some joints


> looking better though) and I damn near lost it. She agreed to try


> rather than the amoxicillian but insisted that I needed to get a second

> opinion. We have an appointment in Rochester, NY on friday. Ok, so I have

a few

> questions...

> 1. Can the sed rate be increasing during the first several months of AP?

> 2. Can a cold or other infection increase the sed rate? I think so, should


> have the bloodwork redone when 's cold is gone?

> 3. Can a cold cause anemia to worsen?

> 4. What tests might be useful to request to be rerun at the new doc's



> I feel like I've been punched in the stomach...sobbed all day. I am so

> overwhelmed with each of my children's diseases that I just cannot think

and only

> have 3 days to prepare for a new doctor. Any insight/direction would be




> Gloria


> " A dream is in the mind of the believer, and in the hands of the doer "

> " You are not given a dream, without being given the power to make it come

> true. "






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I am so sorry to hear that her doc appt went badly. But, do not let

that eat at you. Carry on and try the new doc. Is this doc an AP doc

or just her regular rheumatologist? I know it is sooo hard to see your

child suffer. My son was diagnosed w/ type I diabetes (2 shots every

day) when he was 22 months old. I still cry over it sometimes. I know

what he is in for because I am also a type I diabetic since age 4. I am

now taking him to a homeopathic pediatric doctor. She is trying

homeopathic remedies to get his little pancreas jump-started since it

has only been 1 1/2 years. Some herbs help repair beta cells in the

pancreas, even though that theory is unacceptable to allopathic

(regular, mainstream medicine) doctors. I am trying everything I can to

help him without hurting him. And that is all that you can do. And you

are doing a great job! You took the initiative to look for an

alternative to mainstream treatment.

I really can't help with any words of wisdom regarding her present

condition, but I am sure that someone here can. and Ethel are

really experienced with AP and Geoff is really smart and knows about

healthy diet, etc. And if she is feeling better, that is a great sign.

That is excellent that her swelling is down. It just calls to mind what

I heard about losing weight...don't look at the scale, if your jeans are

looser then you are doing well. I just wanted you to know that you are

doing a great job of holding it together, and if you needed one day just

to grieve....then by all means.

Best wishes on Friday!


rheumatic HELP!

Ok, so I had a really bad day today. I was so excited last night because

today I had an appointment with 's rheumy. I thought that she

would see what

I have seen changing...heat in joints markedly decreased, swelling


energy increased. Well, she did not. 's sed rate was 46 up over 15


three months ago. is more anemic than ever and her heart murmur

(probably due to low iron) was bigger than ever too. Rheumy was ok w/ me


methotrexate a month ago (with no flares may I add) but said that the


looked just as bad as it did three months ago. Lots of fluid (some

joints ARE

looking better though) and I damn near lost it. She agreed to try


rather than the amoxicillian but insisted that I needed to get a second

opinion. We have an appointment in Rochester, NY on friday. Ok, so I

have a few


1. Can the sed rate be increasing during the first several months of AP?

2. Can a cold or other infection increase the sed rate? I think so,

should I

have the bloodwork redone when 's cold is gone?

3. Can a cold cause anemia to worsen?

4. What tests might be useful to request to be rerun at the new doc's


I feel like I've been punched in the stomach...sobbed all day. I am so

overwhelmed with each of my children's diseases that I just cannot think

and only

have 3 days to prepare for a new doctor. Any insight/direction would be




" A dream is in the mind of the believer, and in the hands of the doer "

" You are not given a dream, without being given the power to make it


true. "

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Hi Gloria! Geoff here.

You asked:

" 1. Can the sed rate be increasing during the first several

months of AP? |--| 2. Can a cold or other infection increase

the sed rate? I think so, should I have the bloodwork

redone when 's cold is gone? |--| 3. Can a cold cause

anemia to worsen? |--| 4. What tests might be useful to

request to be rerun at the new doc's office? "

I am no doctor, my ideas and opinions are mine alone and worth less than a

wooden nickle; I can express them but that does not mean you should agree

with nor adopt them. That said, here is MO:

1. Yes. sed rate (sedementation rate) is a measure of the " thickness "

of the blood. It can increase for any number of reasons. As strange as it

may sound to those of us accustomed to needing some sort of exotic

techno-chemical aid for everything, the very FIRST thing to do when the sed

rate is high is to drink lots of clean, filtered water and keep drinking it.

And while you're at drinking it, cut out soda pops, coffee, etc. IOW,

increase water intake, substantially. We have toilets for a reason, they

are not for decoration. Make them your friends. ;-)

2. Many things can increase sed rates. When the sed rate is very high

it can be " felt " by the patient and " seen " by others -- they get sluggish,

lethargic, sleepy, low energy, difficulty getting about, etc. The blood can

thicken so much that it will not carry adequate oxygen, etc. When the sed

rate drops we feel AND appear more energetic, less lethargic, and more

enthusiastic. I don't have money for extra labs myself, and no insurance,

so I tend to get them only when there is no reasonable alternative. If it

were me I'd increase water drastically and watch for 1-2 days, then

re-evaluate based on how she's feeling. Get plenty of sleep too.

3. Depends -- " cold " is a catch-all that gets stamped onto any number of

viral infections. Many diseases present " cold-like " symptoms.

4. Not a clue, since the tests are generally confirmatory not


You might try keeping a journal and actually measuring the joints, etc.,

instead of just eyeballing it. This way you would know what is going on.

In the journal you should also keep impressions, i.e., seemed to feel

better, less complaining, more energy to play outside, etc.



soli Deo gloria

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  • 5 months later...


This is very common, it'll continue to happen until her body temp

adjusts. You can take her band off through out the day and wipe her

head and the inside of the band with a towel. What is she dressed in

for bed? All she needs is a onesie. It'll get better it just takes


I'd wipe her and her band with a towel, dress her in lighter pjs

(onesie) and put her band back on her. It's really important to

comply with the 23 hours a day, everyday.

--- In Plagiocephaly , " Tami " <stressed_out_2day@y...>


> SOMEONE! Please help me out. Kenna was asleep tonight, had been

> asleep for over an hour, when she woke crying. I went and checked


> her and she was MAJORILY overheated from the helmet.


> Her face was beet red (not from crying since I went in there within

> 2 minutes of her crying), her body was extremely clammy, and her

> face was dripping in sweat. I'm not talking a little sweat. It

> looked like she had just been gotten out of the shower and hadn't

> dried off.


> I removed the helmet and her hair is SOAKED. I don't know what to

> do. We don't have a/c (don't need it in MI.) and I had a fan on in

> her bedroom and the window open. We're in an unusually humid spell

> right now, but it's supposed to break tomorrow. Normally this heat

> wouldn't be an issue.


> I'm so confused if I should just leave the helmet off until

> tomorrow. She doesn't sleep on her back anymore, so she isn't

> putting pressure on the flat spot of her head. She also wore it the

> entire day today.


> This week was our phasing in period, but I didn't do the hour on,

> hour off. I left it on since she did so well. I only removed it to

> check for red spots.




> Tami

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you did the right thing. I hope that tonight is better. Did she have

a fever this morning?

Take care,


Colin F. 11 mos.

StarBand 6/29 (8 wks)

Buffalo, NY

--- In Plagiocephaly , " Tami " <stressed_out_2day@y...>


> SOMEONE! Please help me out. Kenna was asleep tonight, had been

> asleep for over an hour, when she woke crying. I went and checked


> her and she was MAJORILY overheated from the helmet.


> Her face was beet red (not from crying since I went in there within

> 2 minutes of her crying), her body was extremely clammy, and her

> face was dripping in sweat. I'm not talking a little sweat. It

> looked like she had just been gotten out of the shower and hadn't

> dried off.


> I removed the helmet and her hair is SOAKED. I don't know what to

> do. We don't have a/c (don't need it in MI.) and I had a fan on in

> her bedroom and the window open. We're in an unusually humid spell

> right now, but it's supposed to break tomorrow. Normally this heat

> wouldn't be an issue.


> I'm so confused if I should just leave the helmet off until

> tomorrow. She doesn't sleep on her back anymore, so she isn't

> putting pressure on the flat spot of her head. She also wore it the

> entire day today.


> This week was our phasing in period, but I didn't do the hour on,

> hour off. I left it on since she did so well. I only removed it to

> check for red spots.




> Tami

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  • 11 months later...
Guest guest

At cranial tech we were told the first couple of days that if when we did skin checks if it was red to leave it off until the redness went away completly and then to replace it. I guess this is the same advice for everyone. Our son has had his since last Thursday and he ddin't really have any redness until this morning and one side is staying red for about 6 hours. WE were told even today to wait until it goes away completly and then put it back on.

Caden- Mild/MOderate PLagio

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Ok, that's kinda what i thought. I thought the clinician said to do skin checks every 3-4 hours and then wait till the redness fades (if there is any) and then replace it.....

I guess I'll call tomorrow to be sure but that make sense to me.

Thanks so much!

ManonAPuh@... wrote:

At cranial tech we were told the first couple of days that if when we did skin checks if it was red to leave it off until the redness went away completly and then to replace it. I guess this is the same advice for everyone. Our son has had his since last Thursday and he ddin't really have any redness until this morning and one side is staying red for about 6 hours. WE were told even today to wait until it goes away completly and then put it back on.

Caden- Mild/MOderate PLagio__________________________________________________

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  • 1 month later...

So sorry to hear that your foot is hurting so much, . Maybe you should

have an x-ray just to be safe (and to avoid having to go in again).

If I lived near you, I'd give you a ride to your appointment, but aren't you

in Canada?

Vent anytime.

Not an MD

I'll tell you where to go!

Mayo Clinic in Rochester


s Hopkins Medicine


[ ] Help!

> Hello.


> I swear, if it isn't one thing going wrong around here...it's

> another. I tripped over the cat in the dark a few nights ago and my

> foot was sore instantly. Nothing major....just hobbled back to bed.

> Now, since I started a flare today, I can't put any weight on my foot

> this afternoon. I was limping this morning, now it's become so much

> worse. I go to my doctor tomorrow afternoon, and he might send me

> for an x-ray. Not sure what he'll do.


> I am a total wreck here. I have kids to take care of, my boyfriend

> is gone to a meeting until 10:30pm, I have to take care of two young

> girls tomorrow morning, and the parkade where my doc is located is

> closed for renovations. I have to park and walk a couple of blocks

> (provided I can even get a spot!). To top it off....I don't know how

> the heck I am supposed to walk up the stairs/ramp to the building,

> make my way to the elevator, then walk down the long hallway to the

> office. I have crutches, but I don't have the strength in my

> hands/wrists/elbows to use them.


> I am so sorry to vent here, but there is nobody else around that

> would understand. I hope and pray that this isn't a stress

> fracture. What worries me most is that it's only the one foot I hurt

> a few days ago, and the other foot is no worse/stiff than usual.

> It's odd to have this much pain located in one area. When my RA

> flares, I get it all over - both sides.


> Thanks for listening....just needed to get it off my chest.



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Hi ! It makes me feel better to hear someone else whine,so

please do all you want.Check with you're insurance co.and see if they

will cover renting a Hover Round or what ever you call those electric

thingys. Hope you feel better soon!!-Tammy-

> Hello.


> I swear, if it isn't one thing going wrong around here...it's

> another. I tripped over the cat in the dark a few nights ago and


> foot was sore instantly. Nothing major....just hobbled back to


> Now, since I started a flare today, I can't put any weight on my


> this afternoon. I was limping this morning, now it's become so


> worse. I go to my doctor tomorrow afternoon, and he might send me

> for an x-ray. Not sure what he'll do.


> I am a total wreck here. I have kids to take care of, my boyfriend

> is gone to a meeting until 10:30pm, I have to take care of two


> girls tomorrow morning, and the parkade where my doc is located is

> closed for renovations. I have to park and walk a couple of blocks

> (provided I can even get a spot!). To top it off....I don't know


> the heck I am supposed to walk up the stairs/ramp to the building,

> make my way to the elevator, then walk down the long hallway to the

> office. I have crutches, but I don't have the strength in my

> hands/wrists/elbows to use them.


> I am so sorry to vent here, but there is nobody else around that

> would understand. I hope and pray that this isn't a stress

> fracture. What worries me most is that it's only the one foot I


> a few days ago, and the other foot is no worse/stiff than usual.

> It's odd to have this much pain located in one area. When my RA

> flares, I get it all over - both sides.


> Thanks for listening....just needed to get it off my chest.



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yes, its not just me. lol. Cassy

> > Hello.

> >

> > I swear, if it isn't one thing going wrong around here...it's

> > another. I tripped over the cat in the dark a few nights ago


> my

> > foot was sore instantly. Nothing major....just hobbled back to

> bed.

> > Now, since I started a flare today, I can't put any weight on my

> foot

> > this afternoon. I was limping this morning, now it's become so

> much

> > worse. I go to my doctor tomorrow afternoon, and he might send


> > for an x-ray. Not sure what he'll do.

> >

> > I am a total wreck here. I have kids to take care of, my


> > is gone to a meeting until 10:30pm, I have to take care of two

> young

> > girls tomorrow morning, and the parkade where my doc is located


> > closed for renovations. I have to park and walk a couple of


> > (provided I can even get a spot!). To top it off....I don't


> how

> > the heck I am supposed to walk up the stairs/ramp to the


> > make my way to the elevator, then walk down the long hallway to


> > office. I have crutches, but I don't have the strength in my

> > hands/wrists/elbows to use them.

> >

> > I am so sorry to vent here, but there is nobody else around that

> > would understand. I hope and pray that this isn't a stress

> > fracture. What worries me most is that it's only the one foot I

> hurt

> > a few days ago, and the other foot is no worse/stiff than


> > It's odd to have this much pain located in one area. When my RA

> > flares, I get it all over - both sides.

> >

> > Thanks for listening....just needed to get it off my chest.

> >

> >

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So sorry you have hurt your foot. I hope everything is

ok and it isn't a stress fracture. Let us know what

the Dr. says. Hope you feel better soon.


--- ltlmisscrankypants

<ltlmisscrankypants@...> wrote:

> Hello.


> I swear, if it isn't one thing going wrong around

> here...it's

> another. I tripped over the cat in the dark a few

> nights ago and my

> foot was sore instantly. Nothing major....just

> hobbled back to bed.

> Now, since I started a flare today, I can't put any

> weight on my foot

> this afternoon. I was limping this morning, now

> it's become so much

> worse. I go to my doctor tomorrow afternoon, and he

> might send me

> for an x-ray. Not sure what he'll do.


> I am a total wreck here. I have kids to take care

> of, my boyfriend

> is gone to a meeting until 10:30pm, I have to take

> care of two young

> girls tomorrow morning, and the parkade where my doc

> is located is

> closed for renovations. I have to park and walk a

> couple of blocks

> (provided I can even get a spot!). To top it

> off....I don't know how

> the heck I am supposed to walk up the stairs/ramp to

> the building,

> make my way to the elevator, then walk down the long

> hallway to the

> office. I have crutches, but I don't have the

> strength in my

> hands/wrists/elbows to use them.


> I am so sorry to vent here, but there is nobody else

> around that

> would understand. I hope and pray that this isn't a

> stress

> fracture. What worries me most is that it's only

> the one foot I hurt

> a few days ago, and the other foot is no worse/stiff

> than usual.

> It's odd to have this much pain located in one area.

> When my RA

> flares, I get it all over - both sides.


> Thanks for listening....just needed to get it off my

> chest.








- PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005


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  • 2 months later...


I've not had this happen and think that you should call your doctor


They may want to see you or be able to give you some advise.


On Nov 16, 2005, at 3:10 PM, ltlmisscrankypants wrote:

> Hello.


> Was taken off all my RA meds about 3 weeks ago, because I had a

> Neurological reaction - (lost my vision, right leg went numb). I

> immediately flared in all my joints as a reaction. The only thing

> I am

> able to have is my pain meds. I finally get my MRI on Friday, and

> once

> results come back, I might be able to resume my medications.


> I have a huge problem today. A few hours after falling asleep last

> night,

> I woke up because my right hand joints were locked in the fist

> position.

> I have had this before, but it has always gone back to normal after

> waking, and running it under warm water and slowly working at it.

> Today, no such luck. My hand is seized up, and it's been 12.5

> hours. I

> cannot get it to open, only a few of the fingers will slightly loosen.


> I was at my GP's office yesterday morning and saw my Rheumy

> yesterday afternoon. I won't be able to get in to see either for a

> while.

> Has this happened to members before? If so, how long can it last???


> I cannot take Predisone because it may make the MRI results invalid

> by taking down inflammation which had caused the Neurological

> problem.


> It has taken me forever to 2 finger type this, so I will just be

> reading and

> not replying to posts right away.


> Any and all info appreciated!




> PS - The last time I posted asking members to pray for me to get an

> MRI quickly, I got a call the very same day with a date.







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  • 1 month later...


I haven't heard of this happening before . . . I would

get hold of Dr. Feng. She is probably still available

by phone . .

Perhaps the internal stitches disolved too soon, or

have come undone.



--- ktitko <ktitko@...> wrote:

> I have a new development. My left breast is suddenly

> dropping. I'm

> going to have my husband take a picture of it

> tonight, but it looks

> like my lift may be failing on that side. Has anyone

> else ever had

> this?? It looks wrong, to say the least. It's like

> my tissue is slowly

> traveling downward under the breast line and

> creating a new lump

> there. HELP! What should I do? I guess I can contact

> Dr. Fengs office,

> but it being the holidays I don't expect much.







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I did put a call in, but of course had to leave a message. I have

been wearing a sport bra today hoping to hold myself together,

literally! It seems to be helping it tighten up a bit. I'm just

wondering if anyone else has had anything like this so I have an

idea of what's going on and what to expect. Thanks Rogene!


> > I have a new development. My left breast is suddenly

> > dropping. I'm

> > going to have my husband take a picture of it

> > tonight, but it looks

> > like my lift may be failing on that side. Has anyone

> > else ever had

> > this?? It looks wrong, to say the least. It's like

> > my tissue is slowly

> > traveling downward under the breast line and

> > creating a new lump

> > there. HELP! What should I do? I guess I can contact

> > Dr. Fengs office,

> > but it being the holidays I don't expect much.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >


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  • 3 weeks later...

Adam just got his band on Tuesday. He, too, has slept throught the night since he was two months. He was totally fine with the helmet till he went to sleep. He was up every two hours crying. We have been reading the posts and expected it but it was awful. (My husband is sick with the flu and I just got over a stomach virus). We went in and rubbed him, assuring him that it was ok and to go back to sleep with a gentle compassionate voice. He'd settle down and then start up again 2 hours later.

I was wiped out on Wednesday.

Wednesday night was bad, but not nearly as bad.

Last night he almost slept through!

Don't take the helmet off for the crying. You will only reinforce that if he cries the helmet will come off. It will get better. Just read the posts.


mom of adam 7 month old

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Adam just got his band on Tuesday. He, too, has slept throught the night since he was two months. He was totally fine with the helmet till he went to sleep. He was up every two hours crying. We have been reading the posts and expected it but it was awful. (My husband is sick with the flu and I just got over a stomach virus). We went in and rubbed him, assuring him that it was ok and to go back to sleep with a gentle compassionate voice. He'd settle down and then start up again 2 hours later.

I was wiped out on Wednesday.

Wednesday night was bad, but not nearly as bad.

Last night he almost slept through!

Don't take the helmet off for the crying. You will only reinforce that if he cries the helmet will come off. It will get better. Just read the posts.


mom of adam 7 month old

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> >

> > 's first night with the band was aweful! He has been sleeping

> > through the night since 2 months old for 12 hours without a peep.

> He

> > got up 8 times hysterical crying last night! We had to rock him to

> > sleep for the first time and by 3 am I was exhausted so I took it

> off.

> > He has been sleeping since. He usually gets up about 6 but it's

> 7:10

> > am and he still is sleeping! Is there a way to make them more

> > comfortable while sleeping? He didn't feel hot. I have him in light

> > pj's, no socks, and a cool mist humidifer in his room. He didn't

> feel

> > sweaty when I took off the band. I think one of the problems is

> the

> > way he learned o fall asleep is by rubbing his face and now there is

> > this big helmet in the way. He also has eczema and I'm wondering if

> > he's more itchy?? Can I continue to put aquaphor underneath the

> band?

> > I love how I had no questions at the office and now a Million! How

> > about a rolled blanket underneath his shoulders? Please tell me

> this

> > gets better!

> >

> > Carol

> >


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> >

> > 's first night with the band was aweful! He has been sleeping

> > through the night since 2 months old for 12 hours without a peep.

> He

> > got up 8 times hysterical crying last night! We had to rock him to

> > sleep for the first time and by 3 am I was exhausted so I took it

> off.

> > He has been sleeping since. He usually gets up about 6 but it's

> 7:10

> > am and he still is sleeping! Is there a way to make them more

> > comfortable while sleeping? He didn't feel hot. I have him in light

> > pj's, no socks, and a cool mist humidifer in his room. He didn't

> feel

> > sweaty when I took off the band. I think one of the problems is

> the

> > way he learned o fall asleep is by rubbing his face and now there is

> > this big helmet in the way. He also has eczema and I'm wondering if

> > he's more itchy?? Can I continue to put aquaphor underneath the

> band?

> > I love how I had no questions at the office and now a Million! How

> > about a rolled blanket underneath his shoulders? Please tell me

> this

> > gets better!

> >

> > Carol

> >


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It may just take some time for him to get used to. Ian's first week

of the band was filled with him waking at night. He also was

sleeping 11-12 hrs before the band. The good news is that he

adjusted after about 1 week, and we didn't have any more sleep

issues throughout the whole banded time. :)

It will get better!

Mom to 2 1/2, and Ian 7 mo. DOC grad 12/30/05


> 's first night with the band was aweful! He has been sleeping

> through the night since 2 months old for 12 hours without a peep.


> got up 8 times hysterical crying last night! We had to rock him to

> sleep for the first time and by 3 am I was exhausted so I took it


> He has been sleeping since. He usually gets up about 6 but it's


> am and he still is sleeping! Is there a way to make them more

> comfortable while sleeping? He didn't feel hot. I have him in


> pj's, no socks, and a cool mist humidifer in his room. He didn't


> sweaty when I took off the band. I think one of the problems is


> way he learned o fall asleep is by rubbing his face and now there


> this big helmet in the way. He also has eczema and I'm wondering


> he's more itchy?? Can I continue to put aquaphor underneath the


> I love how I had no questions at the office and now a Million!


> about a rolled blanket underneath his shoulders? Please tell me


> gets better!


> Carol


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It may just take some time for him to get used to. Ian's first week

of the band was filled with him waking at night. He also was

sleeping 11-12 hrs before the band. The good news is that he

adjusted after about 1 week, and we didn't have any more sleep

issues throughout the whole banded time. :)

It will get better!

Mom to 2 1/2, and Ian 7 mo. DOC grad 12/30/05


> 's first night with the band was aweful! He has been sleeping

> through the night since 2 months old for 12 hours without a peep.


> got up 8 times hysterical crying last night! We had to rock him to

> sleep for the first time and by 3 am I was exhausted so I took it


> He has been sleeping since. He usually gets up about 6 but it's


> am and he still is sleeping! Is there a way to make them more

> comfortable while sleeping? He didn't feel hot. I have him in


> pj's, no socks, and a cool mist humidifer in his room. He didn't


> sweaty when I took off the band. I think one of the problems is


> way he learned o fall asleep is by rubbing his face and now there


> this big helmet in the way. He also has eczema and I'm wondering


> he's more itchy?? Can I continue to put aquaphor underneath the


> I love how I had no questions at the office and now a Million!


> about a rolled blanket underneath his shoulders? Please tell me


> gets better!


> Carol


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You can always call with your questions.

If you changed his whole bedtime routine that might have thrown him

off. I didn't change the sleepers my kids wore. I just didn't get

ones with collars. I know if I didn't cover Cece's feet she would

never sleep. She's like me. Needs her piggies covered to sleep!

Do you think it's possible he was too cold? I don't know where you

live, but it was colder here last night.

Mom to Dane 4 yo and Cece 12 mo (DOC Grads)


> 's first night with the band was aweful! He has been sleeping

> through the night since 2 months old for 12 hours without a peep.


> got up 8 times hysterical crying last night! We had to rock him to

> sleep for the first time and by 3 am I was exhausted so I took it


> He has been sleeping since. He usually gets up about 6 but it's


> am and he still is sleeping! Is there a way to make them more

> comfortable while sleeping? He didn't feel hot. I have him in


> pj's, no socks, and a cool mist humidifer in his room. He didn't


> sweaty when I took off the band. I think one of the problems is


> way he learned o fall asleep is by rubbing his face and now there


> this big helmet in the way. He also has eczema and I'm wondering


> he's more itchy?? Can I continue to put aquaphor underneath the


> I love how I had no questions at the office and now a Million!


> about a rolled blanket underneath his shoulders? Please tell me


> gets better!


> Carol


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You can always call with your questions.

If you changed his whole bedtime routine that might have thrown him

off. I didn't change the sleepers my kids wore. I just didn't get

ones with collars. I know if I didn't cover Cece's feet she would

never sleep. She's like me. Needs her piggies covered to sleep!

Do you think it's possible he was too cold? I don't know where you

live, but it was colder here last night.

Mom to Dane 4 yo and Cece 12 mo (DOC Grads)


> 's first night with the band was aweful! He has been sleeping

> through the night since 2 months old for 12 hours without a peep.


> got up 8 times hysterical crying last night! We had to rock him to

> sleep for the first time and by 3 am I was exhausted so I took it


> He has been sleeping since. He usually gets up about 6 but it's


> am and he still is sleeping! Is there a way to make them more

> comfortable while sleeping? He didn't feel hot. I have him in


> pj's, no socks, and a cool mist humidifer in his room. He didn't


> sweaty when I took off the band. I think one of the problems is


> way he learned o fall asleep is by rubbing his face and now there


> this big helmet in the way. He also has eczema and I'm wondering


> he's more itchy?? Can I continue to put aquaphor underneath the


> I love how I had no questions at the office and now a Million!


> about a rolled blanket underneath his shoulders? Please tell me


> gets better!


> Carol


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> >

> > 's first night with the band was aweful! He has been sleeping

> > through the night since 2 months old for 12 hours without a peep.

> He

> > got up 8 times hysterical crying last night! We had to rock him to

> > sleep for the first time and by 3 am I was exhausted so I took it

> off.

> > He has been sleeping since. He usually gets up about 6 but it's

> 7:10

> > am and he still is sleeping! Is there a way to make them more

> > comfortable while sleeping? He didn't feel hot. I have him in

> light

> > pj's, no socks, and a cool mist humidifer in his room. He didn't

> feel

> > sweaty when I took off the band. I think one of the problems is

> the

> > way he learned o fall asleep is by rubbing his face and now there

> is

> > this big helmet in the way. He also has eczema and I'm wondering

> if

> > he's more itchy?? Can I continue to put aquaphor underneath the

> band?

> > I love how I had no questions at the office and now a Million!

> How

> > about a rolled blanket underneath his shoulders? Please tell me

> this

> > gets better!

> >

> > Carol

> >


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> >

> > 's first night with the band was aweful! He has been sleeping

> > through the night since 2 months old for 12 hours without a peep.

> He

> > got up 8 times hysterical crying last night! We had to rock him to

> > sleep for the first time and by 3 am I was exhausted so I took it

> off.

> > He has been sleeping since. He usually gets up about 6 but it's

> 7:10

> > am and he still is sleeping! Is there a way to make them more

> > comfortable while sleeping? He didn't feel hot. I have him in

> light

> > pj's, no socks, and a cool mist humidifer in his room. He didn't

> feel

> > sweaty when I took off the band. I think one of the problems is

> the

> > way he learned o fall asleep is by rubbing his face and now there

> is

> > this big helmet in the way. He also has eczema and I'm wondering

> if

> > he's more itchy?? Can I continue to put aquaphor underneath the

> band?

> > I love how I had no questions at the office and now a Million!

> How

> > about a rolled blanket underneath his shoulders? Please tell me

> this

> > gets better!

> >

> > Carol

> >


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>Thanks Terry!

> Adam just got his band on Tuesday. He, too, has slept throught the


> since he was two months. He was totally fine with the helmet till he

went to

> sleep. He was up every two hours crying. We have been reading the

posts and

> expected it but it was awful. (My husband is sick with the flu and I

just got over a

> stomach virus). We went in and rubbed him, assuring him that it was

ok and to

> go back to sleep with a gentle compassionate voice. He'd settle down

and then

> start up again 2 hours later.


> I was wiped out on Wednesday.


> Wednesday night was bad, but not nearly as bad.


> Last night he almost slept through!


> Don't take the helmet off for the crying. You will only reinforce

that if he

> cries the helmet will come off. It will get better. Just read the posts.


> Terry

> mom of adam 7 month old


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