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the 'table' at the end. if you want to jump straight there.


500-600 YEARS AGO people had little else to do with their time, and so teaching

fell upon on of their duties. As time changed, so did the social responsibility

of the people within a given culture or society.  Soon we paid people to teach

our children for us, and then formed 'normal' schools to turn out teachers who

would spout a party line and keep culture and society the way it had always


BUT TIME CHANGE --we now need only ask refinements, or if information is true or

not.  There is a LOT of bad information floating around - most of what we hear

in so-called 'controversy' -- but study after study show that people will

believe what they will, in the face of overwhelming 'facts',  So much more can

be learned if a class reads their assignment THEN asks questions than if they

simply ask what pops into their heat.

While other studies show that a child (or adult) is MOST receptive to an answer

given when a question is asked sometimes the background is not there to answer

it properly.  Thus many teachers will say 'wait until next year when you are

studying X and ask your question " .  A crime, unless the privilege of asking

questions has become an excuse for not doing or finishing a lesson.  I ALWAYS

tried to answer a question when asked.  Simply because the answer will stick

better then, than at any other time. 

However I have noticed that this list is filled with ignorant questions - that

is, questions which have an answer, but the person was simply too lazy to find

out - easier to ask a question than look up the answer -- I was the kid in class

who ALWAYS carried three almanacs and had his face buried in a set of

encyclopedias since no piece of information ever sits alone. It's one reason why

my answers are SOOOOO BORING TO read through and make so many so very angry -

because I have no way of knowing what a person knows or doesn't and it is not

always apparent in the question. 

If you read an answer from me you might have to wade through some very simple

things, stuff EVERY First Grader knows! --- You also might have to wade through

stuff that you either think is not related, or is far beyond your understanding

- so it SEEMS off topic.  AND boring.  I was once kicked off a list of Wolf

Xross Dogs when I had one I had to get adopted or fostered or it would be put

down.  I mentioned that I'd often have to wade into a fight with a new comer

and with arms and fists and feet flying 'kick ass and take names'.  

I became Attila the Hun within a day.  And while I pretty much let my dogs have

the run of the house and surrounding country side -- there's an Alpha male and

an alpha and Beta female and I won't have them challenged as it upsets the

entire structure of the pack or team - I always come down on their side -- and

with 12-20 wolf crosses going for it - a dog could very well be hurt int he

ritual display of 'hen pecking'.  Especially an out of clan and out of group

new dog.  So it needs protecting.  I was thrown out for animal cruelly.  THEN

I realized that I had working dogs - dogs upon whom my life depended when I was

out i the 'way back' so I had WORKING dogs -- and each team needed a leader and

an enforcer - suffice it to say that teams need to be 'balanced' among skill

sets.  Suffice it to say that without a weapon other than a fist and boot,

there is VERY little harm one person can do to a team or a pack or a clan of

dogs.  So kicking a dog is

symbolic if you don't kick to hurt -- and throwing a dog is also a symbolic act

if you don't throw to hurt or harm.  But it takes a certain kind of trust and

courage to go into snarling teeth and the guttural sounds of a snapping,

rolling, jumping, lunging wolf pack in the middle of a 'fight', even a 'ritual'

fight since 'ritual' can turn to 'real' in the blink of an eye.  And I have a

few scars to prove it.  But it goes with the territory -- and at the end of the

day -- we all sleep together -- for warmth and for 'bonding'. 

I'd found my way into -- not a group of wolf xross rescuers which they claimed,

but a group who adopted out no dogs I saw nor were they fostering any Xrosses at

all, --- not any that I saw or heard about.  They knew of NO

rescue/shelter/fostering group other than theirs (60+ member).  I had found my

way into the " Look at my cutie doggie-pie! " group -- NOT a working sled dog let

alone a Wolf Xross group.  It's my fault I didn't pickup on it sooner.  but I

had a VERY abused Xross who was terrified of male (people) dog aggressive, and

bitch friendly, a female (human) careful to overly careful and I was over my

head and needed help - FAST. Because what was going on was beyond any search I

could do - Wolves need special lisences by county and then by state, they cannot

advertize in some counties and some state prohibit it.  Some can be 'no kill'

others must adopt inside of 72 hours or the wolf xross is put down -- by the

country.  I'd  called 50 of our

58 counties in two days- and that left 9 states I had the time and money to

drive to and I had not even finished ONE sate -- and two other states would NOT

give out the information over the phone, but would mail it -- express was the

best they could do - AND they would trust me for the fees (I must have had some

good story line going, wish I could remember it!) Other states did not release

that information to out- of stateters-- others simply were not answering their

phones and getting a state to return a phone call out of state is nearly

impossible.  And of course this Xross had no papers - so possession, even by a

city pound, was illegal unless they put it down within 24 hours -- I've read the

animal law books! - so I needed help!  and Got kicked out because I said swat

the dog -- or 'wade in and kick them apart before someone gets hurt'.

out like an LGBT in the Castro! --

BUT I'd done my home work.  here is some I did after I answered someone

yesterday - from a computer that's about to die --accepts less than 20 WPM when

I do 100-120 WPM - drops letters, spaces, well here let me type a line or two

really fast:

Teh qic kbronw of jupm so ver teh qui ck row nofx. A quic move tof enem gunbo

swi jepordze si x gunbo s - Waft ing Zephy rsvex eJmbo

1 the quick borwn fox etc.

2. A quick movement of the enemy will jeopardize six gunboats 

3 Wafting Zephyrs vexed jumbo.

So -- with those two things in mind- 1) we have progressed beyond needing our

neighbors for answers to questions which we can find ourselves,but need advice

on what we've read - the 'advanced' or 'confusing' or 'conflicting' answers even

when we don't want to heart them-- like those women who didn't care a hoot about

adopting-fostering-or rescuing ANY dog they did not own, they just wanted to

feel good about themselves. and 2) groups are for support when you can't find

help other places -- I need to point this out here NOT to point at an

individual, but because an OBVIOUS answerable questions was asked of the entire

group- in such a way that it appears that NO research was ever done! -- I have

no one I dislike on this list at all -- though the same is not said of me, and I

really hope this does not add one or two more to the list of people who dislike

me - but being a teacher I HAVE to point out that part of YOUR JOB AS AN ADULT


not waste time of others answering what can be found else where -- my answer

took well over 4 hours, close to 5 to write since my computer is about to die in

the -- well at the VERY end of my third doctorate where if I start an analysis

of data I might as well go to bed for a day since he key-board is off line, as

is the web (duh) - so I can't even be learning fun stuff -- so I spent 4 hours

of what I considered valuable time answering a question which it dawned on me

later was absolutely STUPID for me to answer since she had more than ONE MILLION

answers in front of her.  I used only Google, because most people still use it

-- Dogpile will return about 40% more sites with nearly NO advertizing - so I

just thought I'd toss these numbers out for people to ponder the next time they

ask a question about how long will a carrot get if you left it in the ground:

(but the person got 4-5 HOURS of my time when THIS

EXISTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  In

college we call this lazy.  Or selfishly using someones time.  That IS a

criticism, but I am CERTAIN that the person asking had never been to college,

may not have finished high school, an has certainly never thought of such things

as a 'waste of other peoples resources' -- " it's only a question " - yes, UNTIL

someone answers it - THEN it becomes part of their time, their energy, and their

resources.  Then it's not yours any more, it becomes THEIRS - and THEIR ENERGY,



-- BUT -- WHEN ALL the education you need to do BEFORE answering a question is

before you - for the time it takes to read -- it becomes selfish:  " here, read

this book then summarize it for me in words that I can understand, and in less

than a page' - it's giving YOUR responsibility to others and then letting go -

after all YOUR

time is vastly MORE important than the  time of others -- after all - all I

have to do is run a small ranch/farm and play with some dogs -- now up to 7 -

and finish the doctoral project that will make me a killing if it works out -=

and help the teachers of children, and thus the children, any place on earth --

from the deserts of Afghanistan to the grass land of Zaire -- from the mud-huts

of the Arrow People to the urchin in the street in the CITY OF LIGHTS! --  ALL

will benefit AT THE APPROPRIATE CULTURAL LEVEL -- because we are less than a

decade away from bio-photon computers!

So - I know you did not know you were doing what you were doing, and I don't

expect it to stop overnight -- as long standing behaviors have a long extinction

time -- but the next time you ask a silly (or even stupid or ignorant) question

- you'll think as you hit the 'enter' button -- " Was that a stupid question? and

you'll know in five minutes if it was or wasn't! - after all I question the data

I get off of the 'open web' with great frequency and more that a lot of

skeptical bordering on the obscenely incredulous and so need clarification

--since what any freshman learns his first semester is outdated by the second

semester of his junior year things change so fast  -- even meta-cognition -

" learning how to learn " -- has changed in the last 3-4 years about 5 MAJOR

times. so even *I* need help to keep a lot of the 'open web' straight in my

head: is it  or is it no longer true that. .  . .  the moon has LAKES and

OCEANS of subterranean (well sub

lunar) water?  I simply don't know any more -- I'd guess 'large lakes' but I'd

ask someone I trusted to tell me for certain -- just as I am waiting for the


ANSWERED IN A WEEK, much less a day or less.  And why would I trust someone I

suspect would use 'fresh strawberries' when they come in as THE MOST


from 'organic' strawberries, not the ones filled with one of the bromides used

to fumigate the soil and which is considered 'organic' if used X or Y days

before planting -- just like Glyphosate - absolutely and without question 

'organic' in all 50 states 'if used according to directions'. but you all know

that.  or can in .18 seconds and have

6, 240, 000 'articles' to read to find out. 

So-- here we go -- and I own the problem since I taught k-post grad, and at

every level above 5th grade 10 years old) PRESUMED a sudent would START the

process when all we had was a library open for adults 8-12, and for kids 4-8 M-F

( but Mrs. Kelley would let you in if you raddled the door knob anytime after

2:30)  and 10-6 on Sat.

ABOUT AVOCADOS IN GENERAL: (first number is number of hits using the phrase::

1,  060, 000 web articles on how to grow Avocado  Seeds

1,  967, 000     "         "          "       "    "    

  "            "         Pits

      255, 000    "         "         "       "   

"       "           "         trees

      284, 000    "          "         "       "    

"       "           "         trees from pits

      118, 000    "          "         "       "    

"       "           "         trees from seeds

69, 400, 000    "          "         "       "    

"       "           "         sees to sprout

  4, 3 90,000    "         "        "      "     "      "

         "        pits to sprout 

then I switched the order: how to get pits, seeds to sprout

4, 390, 000 articles on  How do you get avocado pits to sprout

3, 490. 000  articles on How do you get avocado seeds to sprout

For those of you who are not sure how many seeds are in an avocado pit,

you are not alone - remember the only stupid question is on which is not


8, 250, 000 How many seeds are in an avocado pit?

2, 330, 000 How many pits are in an avocado seed?

Now this one seems to be FAR more difficult than others, esp if you are looking

for the seeds:

2,  580, 000 Where do you find Avocado pits?

12, 200, 000 Whee do you find Avocado seeds?

                     How do you get an avocado

1, 890, 000  -- pit

9, 220, 000  -- seed [ed. apparenlty it's FAR more difficult from a seed than a



350, 000 -- pit?

876, 000 -- seed?


                      HOW MANY AVOCADO'S WILL GROW FROM A

3, 650, 000  -- seed?

4. 340, 000 --  pit?

                       CAN YOU GROW AN AVOCADO TREE FROM A

227, 000 -- seed.

  17, 200 -- pit

                        HOW LONG WILL IT TAKE TO GROW AN


     445, 000 -- pit?

1, 150, 000 -- seed?

                         IS IT EASY TO GROW AN AVOCADO


2, 240, 000 -- seed?

     859, 000 -- pit?

                           CAN YOU GROW AN AVOCADO


  17, 200 -- pit

227, 000 -- seed

                             GESTATION PERIOD OF AN


1, 860, 000 -- pit.

2, 300. 000 -- seed

                              LATENCY PERIOD OF AN


709, 000 -- seed

322, 000 -- pit

                               GERMINATION PERIOD


139, 000 -- pit

140, 000 -- seed

                                SPROUTING PERIOD


2, 100, 000 -- seed

1, 940. 000 -- pit


Dream Well. Travel Well.  May you Walk Your Path in Beauty.

" Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known. " Carl Sagan.



>To: sproutpeople

>Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2012 12:34 PM

>Subject: RE: Re: Need some input on watering my sunnies





>Well that's what we are here for Melody. I just love hearing about your

sprouting adventures. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have even started.




>> To: sproutpeople

>> From: eliz7212@...

>> Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2012 13:38:35 +0000

>> Subject: Re: Need some input on watering my sunnies


>> Yeah, that's why (I forget who), but someone said " Never mist " . But I only

dunk them in the pan of water for a minute, then (from now on), I'll mist from

the top.


>> But I have to tell you what happened this morning (and I know EXACTLY how you

felt when you stood in front of the garden club and no one cared).


>> When I go out for breakfast I bring a little tub of sprouts and put them on

my egg sandwich. They all know I sprout. Been doing this for year. I rarely talk

about sprouting because they are NOT into it and they eat bacon eggs, sausage

and home fries in one meal for breakfast. So why on earth would I ever talk

about sprouting (unless someone approaches me and says " Oh, what are those

little things you are putting on your sandwich).


>> So this morning I decided to bring in the little mason jar filled with the

soaked sunflower seeds and the colander container (with the roots) to show them

what happens when you take a seed and see what happens in 5 or 6 days from

putting them in the sun.


>> Well!!! it went over like a lead balloon. Everyone was sitting down and I

said " I have something to show you guys " . And I took out the little mason jar

with the soaked sunflowers.





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Re: Need some input on watering my sunnies


>> Yeah, that's why (I forget who), but someone said " Never mist " . But I only

dunk them in the pan of water for a minute, then (from now on), I'll mist from

the top.


>> But I have to tell you what happened this morning (and I know EXACTLY how

you felt when you stood in front of the garden club and no one cared).


>> When I go out for breakfast I bring a little tub of sprouts and put them on

my egg sandwich. They all know I sprout. Been doing this for year. I rarely talk

about sprouting because they are NOT into it and they eat bacon eggs, sausage

and home fries in one meal for breakfast. So why on earth would I ever talk

about sprouting (unless someone approaches me and says " Oh, what are those

little things you are putting on your sandwich).


>> So this morning I decided to bring in the little mason jar filled with the

soaked sunflower seeds and the colander container (with the roots) to show them

what happens when you take a seed and see what happens in 5 or 6 days from

putting them in the sun.


>> Well!!! it went over like a lead balloon. Everyone was sitting down and I

said " I have something to show you guys " . And I took out the little mason jar

with the soaked sunflowers.





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That's it. You guys will never learn. What did I say about sticking to the

subject at hand?

I thought you guys would be mature enough to keep the subjects appropriate and

the general emotional status filed under " Intellectual communications " . I guess

I was wrong.

I'll never, ever join up with another chat room ever again. That's three out of

three chat rooms that have failed utterly to maintain the rules of this room.

Grow up. Use the delete key. Stop acting like children. You're supposed to be

open-minded with a little give and take.

And some of you guys -- you have way too much free time on your hands. HOW MANY

MESSAGES DO YOU WRITE EVERY DAY? Some are reaching 20-30 and higher. Get a


Boy, it's time to get back home to the Great White North and see how Mama Moose

is doing. She's preggers, you know.







> THE POINT OF THE POINT OF THE TREE CALLED LIFE (TO paraphrase ee cummings) is

the 'table' at the end. if you want to jump straight there.


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The problem with teaching is that with the wars in Greece and Rome, etc. they

captured and took very intelligent peoople, like Socrates, as prisoners and took

them to teach their children.  They were slaves.  That is why teaching

salaries have been low and uneducated people don't wish to pay teachers any more

than they do.  It has been an " honorable " profession for women is another

reason.  But it also requires more and more education as that is demanded.  I

am pleased with my public school background and with that of my kids.  But we

were taught education is important by a mother who didn't get a whole lot of

it.  If someone would pay for my tuition, I might be a perpetual student but in

college.  I went to school most of my life until about 15 years ago.  There is

one bad thing about Florida, or good thing about Ohio.  In Ohio, seniors could

take college classes at public universities free of charge on an audit basis,

meaning no grade or

credit by only paying for books, the activity fee and any matrials.  No

tuition.  They haven't learned that concept in FL, maybe because so many active

seniors.  There are some classes at library but some of them are at a cost. 

So no school now for me other than a cooking class from time to time.

Carolyn Wilkerson


To: sproutpeople

Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2012 6:21 PM





Re: Need some input on watering my sunnies


>> Yeah, that's why (I forget who), but someone said " Never mist " . But I only

dunk them in the pan of water for a minute, then (from now on), I'll mist from

the top.


>> But I have to tell you what happened this morning (and I know EXACTLY how you

felt when you stood in front of the garden club and no one cared).


>> When I go out for breakfast I bring a little tub of sprouts and put them on

my egg sandwich. They all know I sprout. Been doing this for year. I rarely talk

about sprouting because they are NOT into it and they eat bacon eggs, sausage

and home fries in one meal for breakfast. So why on earth would I ever talk

about sprouting (unless someone approaches me and says " Oh, what are those

little things you are putting on your sandwich).


>> So this morning I decided to bring in the little mason jar filled with the

soaked sunflower seeds and the colander container (with the roots) to show them

what happens when you take a seed and see what happens in 5 or 6 days from

putting them in the sun.


>> Well!!! it went over like a lead balloon. Everyone was sitting down and I

said " I have something to show you guys " . And I took out the little mason jar

with the soaked sunflowers.





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Sorry but sometimes when I see something weird I can't seem not to say

something.  I guess I thought that relationships were build built too.  I have

sure been learning a lot about sprouts which I do appreciate and it is very time

consuming to look at each and if they are totally off the wall then if they help

me get to know people, I ignore it or do respond.  That has not been the basis

of the majority of the back and forth on here.

Carolyn Wilkerson


To: sproutpeople

Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2012 6:39 PM




That's it. You guys will never learn. What did I say about sticking to the

subject at hand?

I thought you guys would be mature enough to keep the subjects appropriate and

the general emotional status filed under " Intellectual communications " . I guess

I was wrong.

I'll never, ever join up with another chat room ever again. That's three out of

three chat rooms that have failed utterly to maintain the rules of this room.

Grow up. Use the delete key. Stop acting like children. You're supposed to be

open-minded with a little give and take.

And some of you guys -- you have way too much free time on your hands. HOW MANY

MESSAGES DO YOU WRITE EVERY DAY? Some are reaching 20-30 and higher. Get a life.

Boy, it's time to get back home to the Great White North and see how Mama Moose

is doing. She's preggers, you know.







> THE POINT OF THE POINT OF THE TREE CALLED LIFE (TO paraphrase ee cummings) is

the 'table' at the end. if you want to jump straight there.


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