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Therapy Dogs

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Monday, August 4, 2008

Therapy Dogs

Researcher Explores New Ways To Aid Autistic Patients

by Beth Dunham

Illustrating her research, USC occupational therapist Olga

plays a video of a severely autistic young boy and his parents: The

boy avoids eye contact and ignores questions - both signs of the

socially debilitating effects of the brain development disorder.

But in the next video plays - of the same boy playing fetch

with a trained therapy dog - the child giggles wildly as the dog

returns a thrown tennis ball. Somehow, the dog has managed to make a

connection with the youngster, and the simple, but priceless,

interaction brings his parents to tears.

, research assistant professor in USC's Division of

Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, is investigating the

social benefits of therapy animals for autistic children, funded, in

part, by a 2008 Individual Award from USC's H. Zumberge Faculty

Research and Innovation Fund of $23,000. For her project, " Animal

Assisted Therapy as Socially Assistive Technology: Implications for

Autism, " will analyze more than 65 hours of video she has

collected since beginning her research into animal-assisted autism

therapy in 2003. The videos, chronicling sessions with five autistic

children from 3-14 years old, document breakthroughs in the

children's social interaction skills, increases in attention levels

and improvements in family relationships.

" We want to articulate what's going on in these interactions, "

said. " We've collected very compelling data. "

The Zumberge award targets newer faculty to help them launch their

research careers, according to the grant website. 's project

mentor is Maja Mataric, professor of computer science and

neuroscience and senior associate dean for research at the USC

Viterbi School of Engineering. Mataric's research delves into the use

of robotics for socially assistive purposes, including rehabilitation.

" People used to think that rehabilitation was just for achieving

physical goals, " said, " but it can also help someone improve

socially. "

, who arrived at USC in 2005 and has been researching autism

and communication since 1997, said that a walk in the park several

years ago with her border collie led her to explore animal therapy

for autistic patients. After fetching a Frisbee, her dog dropped the

disc at the feet of a little girl nearby, who picked it up and gave

it a toss. Her tearful father approached , explaining that his

daughter was autistic, and such interaction was very rare. He offered

to buy the dog " at any sum. "

" I never forgot that moment, " said.

hypothesizes that interactions with well-trained therapy

dogs - which are predictable and very rewarding social partners -

help autistic children practice social interaction and fill gaps in

social behaviors that didn't develop earlier in childhood. In the

future, she hopes to study the results of adding animal therapy to

existing clinical programs for people with autism.

" Dogs could be like a catalyst in a chemical reaction, " she said.

Article courtesy of USC HSC Weekly.

page 21, 8/4/2008

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