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Re: Favorite classical peice?

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This is one of my favorites. I've heard better versions but with this one you see the person playing.

There are a couple of other pieces of his that I like but couldn't pick them out from the list since it has been a while.

There there is this:

I also like a Medieval hymn, though how they could sing it boggles the mind. It is featured in the movie Excalibur, but try finding the exact song. It is featured as a background track in this song, you can hear it at 2:22 to 2:50

Mostly though I've been listening to more modern music lately, some of it pretty heavy.

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I found a couple of more by Bach. Still can't find the one that I really liked. What I need to do is find my old CD and look up the title.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzhtUR2u6Xo & feature=related

Here is just the Prelude.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INNheFiXatY & feature=related

I had never heard this piece before, but I like it. You can also see very well the organist playing. Must have the brain of an octopus.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUjK0hcsTAcNew MapQuest Local shows what's happening at your destination. Dining, Movies, Events, News more. Try it out!

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I like Beach Boy songs. They're my favorite group. I suppose my favorite song they did is Little Deuce Coupe; but I also like 409, Shut Down, Surfin' U.S.A., and Fun, Fun, Fun pretty good too. I think I've got every song you'll likely hear on the radio on an album.

God bless, Irelan

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Here are a couple of other versions of the same thing:

I like this one:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UZ-gTdR3oTQ & feature=related

This one has it's own charm, though it's fuzzy at the start. Kinda dig

the snare drums.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-tEgzGnzojc & feature=related


There are certain peices of music I cannot get out of my head because I

like them so much.

This is one:

It a rare piece by Carl Orff called Gassenhauer.

What sort of classical peices do you like?


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"I think I've got every song you'll likely hear on the radio on an album."

And do you have Midnight In Chicago's "Countdown to Midnight" CD with songs written by Elyse and I and sung by Elyse with my voice added into three songs?

They are in online stores everywhere and they raise funds for autism.

Some of them are played on the radio.


I even painted the album cover.


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All cool choices .

This is another one of my favorites:

Hoedown by Arron Copeland

Unfortunately, in the US, it is most often associated with beef

commercials even though it is a REAL and legitimate classical piece. :


This is one of my favorites. I've heard better versions but with this

one you see the person playing.


There are a couple of other pieces of his that I like but couldn't

pick them out from the list since it has been a while.

There there is this:


I also like a Medieval hymn, though how they could sing it boggles

the mind.

It is featured in the movie Excalibur, but try finding the exact

song. It is featured as a background track in this song, you can

hear it at 2:22 to 2:50


Mostly though I've been listening to more modern music lately, some

of it pretty heavy.

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That's an interesting take on it.

I like the version Mae does (link below).New MapQuest Local shows what's happening at your destination. Dining, Movies, Events, News more. Try it out!

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Finally found that medieval choral piece by itself. This clip is from the 1981 movie Excalibur. I think it is called Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pylGJO6I30M & feature=related

This one is more complete from the soundtrack, though it does have some distortions.

Not everyone shares this taste in music. I went to a boarding high school and my senior year a really harsh and strange thunderstorm came up shortly after lights out. Because I was an officer, I could stay up a bit longer. I put the Toccata and Fugue on the CD player and stood there at my window watching the storm. I didn't have it up very loud, but evidently it could be heard out on the hall. I looked over my shoulder at one point and saw the door cracked open, to snap shut quickly when I looked. A moment later there was a knock and one of the company officers asked me if I would either stop playing the CD or use headphones because I as creeping a lot of the guys out, not the least my suite-mate. They really would have freak if I had actually put on my rain cape like I had thought about doing. That was a black, rubberized cape with a collar and was a little over knee length. Looked pretty cool but if you slipped you tended to go down hard.

Here's another Beethoven piece that I like, the first movement of it anyway.


And a very nice video/score combination using Holst's "Mars" composition from his Planets collection. He is reputed to have said that he actually became frightened while writing this piece.

Just listening to links you put up - someone else on here like the classical track I do :-)New MapQuest Local shows what's happening at your destination. Dining, Movies, Events, News more. Try it out!

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I listened to that piece, I've heard it before and do like it. I like

Tocatta And Fugue in D Minor (I quite like classical pieces in D

Minor). I like the version Mae does (link below).


I also like Vivaldi's stuff.


> There are certain peices of music I cannot get out of my head

because I

> like them so much.


> This is one:




> It a rare piece by Carl Orff called Gassenhauer.


> What sort of classical peices do you like?



> Administrator


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Are the Beach Boy songs considered classical music? I've rewritten a couple of them so that I can sing them to that Kim Hill I was talking about earlier. For instance, instead of singing Help Me, Rhonda, I like to sing Help Me, Kim Hill. I love the part where I sing Help me, , get her out of my heart. I also like to do Barbara Ann to her name too. I sing it Kim Kim Kim Kim . I hope she lets me sing one of those to her eventually.God bless, Irelan

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Just listening to links you put up - someone else on here like the

classical track I do :-)

The last link you put up was an interesting one, I quite liked it.

Medieval chants, do you mean Gregorian(sp?) chants?, I've got some of

them somewhere - very peaceful sounding.


> That's an interesting take on it.





> In a message dated 10/11/2008 1:45:44 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,

> julie.stevenson16@... writes:


> I like the version Mae does (link below).


> **************New MapQuest Local shows what's happening at your


> Dining, Movies, Events, News & more. Try it out

> (http://local.mapquest.com/?ncid=emlcntnew00000002)


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One of those reminded me of this guy. One of my high school teachers was really fond of him.


This one is very quiet for some reason, but it made a great accompaniment when I went sailing with some folks in high school.


Okay maybe I getting a tad silly now, but I found these remixes of 'Moonlight Sonata' the second link is quite a funky one and the last one is just kind of odd.New MapQuest Local shows what's happening at your destination. Dining, Movies, Events, News more. Try it out!

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I'd forgotton about this piece, 'Moonlight Sonato' sounds nice on

guitar - I've always found this a very peacful piece.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kS8eVFq1ZdU & feature=related


> I found a couple of more by Bach. Still can't find the one that I


> liked. What I need to do is find my old CD and look up the title.


> _http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzhtUR2u6Xo & feature=related_

> (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzhtUR2u6Xo & feature=related)


> Here is just the Prelude.


> _

& feature=related_

> (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INNheFiXatY & feature=related)


> I had never heard this piece before, but I like it. You can also

see very

> well the organist playing. Must have the brain of an octopus.


> _http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUjK0hcsTAc_

> (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUjK0hcsTAc)

> **************New MapQuest Local shows what's happening at your


> Dining, Movies, Events, News & more. Try it out

> (http://local.mapquest.com/?ncid=emlcntnew00000002)


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Okay maybe I getting a tad silly now, but I found these remixes

of 'Moonlight Sonata' the second link is quite a funky one and the last

one is just kind of odd. I don't tend to watch the videos really, just

have the music playing whilst I on this forum. I do have quite varied

musical tastes though, wouldn't mind finding a metal version of

Moonlight Sonata.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxYu1kKzY64 & feature=related

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNdKDwKfISA & feature=related

and okay just for fun also found this Pika Pikachu techno mix;

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sSxn17HyqSM & feature=related

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Of course Bach cantata & fugue, and nearly all, vr.:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ykspJldcKIg & feature=related

I love opera: This is fron an comic opera elixir d'amore (love elixir)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?um=1 & ie=UTF-8 & v=fVzBUR_hzEQ & o= & q=furtiva+lacrima & rl\

z= & sa=X & eurl=http%3A%2F%2Fvideo.google.es%2Fvideosearch%3Fsource%3Dig

Il trovatore, tre gyspy chour:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jh_H-rnIvSI & feature=related

Amor brujo (fire dance):

tosca from puccini: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zqB9OhjstrA & feature=related

Norma from Bellini:

Medieval music & ritual or spiritual music

Al mohacin callin muslims to pray:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSt0yRxhWrE & feature=related

But I'm aprehensive from other music, disco, salsa, some jazz. I love

bass, organ, low frecuency sonunds. I love carnatic music, tibetan

mantras, ethnic music. Varsana

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> There are certain peices of music I cannot get out of my head

because I

> like them so much.


> This is one:




> It a rare piece by Carl Orff called Gassenhauer.


> What sort of classical peices do you like?



> Administrator


I took piano lessons throughout most of my childhood, and later a

little violin, and I'm grateful for the exposure to various kinds of

music. I'd have to say that Baroque is my favorite era. Musically, I

like J.S. Bach's " Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring. " Interestingly, at the

end of the (yes, somewhat inane) movie, " The 40-year-old Virgin, "

when the cast is all dancing around, this piece is played on, if I

remember correctly, an electric organ, at a fast tempo, and it is

very rapturous sounding.

Speaking of Baroque, many years ago I sang in the choir for two

different performances of " Handel's Messiah, " and years later I

bought it on CD. Every once in a while I pop it in and sing with it.

I have most of the alto parts memorized, at least the ones for pieces

I actually sang in for performances (they skipped some parts during

the performances).

I know of so many people who just love Mozart. He was " okay " in my

opinion, but he wasn't Bach, or Vivaldi, or Mendelssohn, for that

matter. The Baroque era just has a special kind of magic for me, I


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Welcome from me too.


> Welcome to the forum, Nora and thanks for the interesting links to

> music you enjoy. I'm sure that others will check them out and enjoy

> them as well.


> Raven


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Catharine wrote: " ... <snip> ... I know of so many people who just

love Mozart. He was " okay " in my opinion, but he wasn't Bach, or

Vivaldi, or Mendelssohn, for that matter ... <snip> ... "

Thank you for writing that. Whenever I say I am not a Mozart fan,

people look at me like I just said something unconscionable.

I don't much care for Mozart because, while he was brilliant, he was

a 'surface' composer. He was a 'pop star' for his time. He lived

hard, played hard, did everything to excess, and devoted as little time

as it took to make enough money to continue the cycle.

Imagine what he could have accomplished had he settled down and

actually devoted full days on a regular basis to composing instead of

only composing when the bank account neared the zero balance.


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>> Are the Beach Boy songs considered classical music? I've rewritten a couple of them so that I can sing them to that Kim Hill I was talking about earlier. For instance, instead of singing Help Me, Rhonda, I like to sing Help Me, Kim Hill. I love the part where I sing Help me, , get her out of my heart. I also like to do Barbara Ann to her name too. I sing it Kim Kim Kim Kim . I hope she lets me sing one of those to her eventually.> God bless, Irelan>

I think what you're thinking of may be "classic," not "classical."

According to this Wikipedia article (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classical_period_(music), the Classical period of music was from the year 1750 to 1810. However, it also notes that the term "classical music" can be used in a more general way to describe European music dating back to the 9th century. This would include other periods such as the Baroque and Romantic periods.

On the other hand, "classic" music is a more modern phenomenon, like "classic rock" or "classic pop." Basically it's music that has endured in popularity despite being a few decades old. That's where your Beach Boys would fit in.

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> I don't much care for Mozart because, while he was brilliant, he was

> a 'surface' composer. He was a 'pop star' for his time. He lived

> hard, played hard, did everything to excess, and devoted as little


> as it took to make enough money to continue the cycle.


> Imagine what he could have accomplished had he settled down and

> actually devoted full days on a regular basis to composing instead of

> only composing when the bank account neared the zero balance.


> Raven


Yep, living life on the edge....not a good thing. Sounds as if he had

bursts of creativity but was out of control otherwise.

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  • 1 month later...


> There are certain peices of music I cannot get out of my head because


> like them so much.



> Administrator


vivaldi four seasons

moonlinght sonata

norwegian wood (beatles)

queen- bohemian rhapsody

and a score of irish songs I only know pieces of

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