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A Field That Interprets the Language of Genes - Genetic Counselor

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A Field That Interprets the Language of Genes

http://www.nytimes.com/2007/12/09/jobs/09starts.html?_r=1 & oref=slogin

By Barbara Whitaker

A young woman finds that she has a defective gene that increases her

chances of breast cancer. A man must decide whether to be tested for

the gene that causes Huntington's disease, a debilitating

neurological disorder.

Platt, who majored in English, became a genetic counselor

after doing research on medical ethics.

These days, patients who face hereditary risks like these are more

likely to confer at some point with a genetic counselor, who can

explain their condition and suggest courses of action.

Genetics, the study of inherited traits in families, has advanced

rapidly with the completion of the Human Genome Project, which

mapped the information in human chromosomes, and with a greater

understanding of DNA. More than 1,000 genetic tests are now

available to help identify potential medical problems in humans.

Genetic counselors once focused primarily on prenatal and pediatric

problems. But recent scientific advances have created demand for

those who advise patients on conditions that can emerge in

adulthood, including cancer, Alzheimer's and heart disease.

" Genetics is becoming the next wave of science, " said Barbara

Petterson, who has been a genetic counselor for 23 years and is now

in private practice in Bend, Ore.

" For those who understand the nuances of genetics, there will be

plenty of job opportunities. We need to educate people who can

interpret that information for the public in many different arenas. "

Ms. Petterson said that when she entered the field, she spent most

of her time counseling pregnant women who were considering

amniocentesis, a procedure to identify genetic abnormalities in

fetuses. Most jobs at that time were with university medical

centers, and the number of people practicing in the field was in the


According to the National Society of Genetic Counselors, some 3,000

people are now practicing in the field, and there are more than 25

graduate training programs. The society itself has more than 2,550

members. Beyond being hired by university medical centers, genetic

counselors are sought by doctors in private practice, research

facilities and diagnostic laboratories. There are also jobs for them

in the public health arena.

" It seems like there are almost more jobs than there are people to

fill them, " said Trepanier, the society's president-elect and

co-director of the Genetic Counseling Program at Wayne State

University in Detroit. " In Detroit, it sometimes takes months and

months to fill jobs, and most of our students have jobs well before

they graduate. "

Genetic counselors are an intriguing mix of scientist, adviser and


Platt, who graduated last June from the genetic counseling

program at the University of California, Irvine, had received a

degree in English but became interested in genetic counseling after

taking courses in medical ethics.

" I ended up doing a senior project on the ethics of genetic

technology, and I discovered genetic counseling, " said Ms. Platt,

who works on a research project at the Center for Mitochondrial

Medicine, based on the Irvine campus. " It seemed like a great place

where I could interact with people and also continue learning for

the rest of my career. "

Her work involves both gathering data from families and explaining

complex information to them. She is now working on a study that

examines diabetes in Chinese families.

While genetic counselors were once generalists, most specialize in

certain disorders these days because the science is changing

rapidly, Ms. Platt said.

The work can be challenging: by the time people meet with a genetic

counselor, they may have received devastating news requiring hard

decisions or intricate planning.

" It's really a communication job, and much of the news is not good

news, " said Keiles, director of genetic services at Ambry

Genetics, a genetic testing company in Aliso Viejo, Calif., that he

helped create.

" Generally people who go into this field are people who want to help

people, " he added. " One way to figure this out is to do some kind of

work in a crisis situation working with the homeless or manning a

suicide hot line. "

The society's Web site also provides a jobs board and links to

educational information.

Genetic counselors typically have undergraduate degrees in fields

like biology, psychology, nursing or genetics, and go on to complete

a two-year master's program in genetic counseling. Many also pursue

certification through the American Board of Genetic Counseling. Two

states, Utah and Oklahoma, currently require licensing in the field,

and four others have passed legislation to do so.

Ann P. , a professor and director of the genetic counseling

program at the University of California, Irvine, said surveys by the

genetic counselors society have found that job satisfaction was high

regarding opportunities in the field, but less so in terms of salary.

According to the society's 2006 survey of members, the average

salary of a genetic counselor was $58,975, up 9 percent from 2004,

when it was $53,377.

" What we do is labor intensive, " Professor said. " There's an

awful lot of legwork that one can't bill or recover because

insurance doesn't cover it. The personal rewards are great, but it

is frustrating to get the message: `See more patients and do it

quicker.' "

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