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Re: Illinois governor arrested for trying to 'sell' Ob...

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In a message dated 12/9/2008 4:40:40 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, no_reply writes:

P.S. The Illinois governor if pressed, will probably sell out anyone with whom he was illegally involved with to save his own skin. Let's hope he does. Although if it comes to that, and if Biden winds up as President, that would be even more scary.AdministratorMake your life easier with all your friends, email, and favorite sites in one place. Try it now.

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Sorry about the blank post: a little hiccup on the internet.

I noticed this series of articles this morning on Drudge. Also, there is more heat for Rezko (sp.).

It would have been really nice if the press had done all this background work BEFORE the damn election. You know if this had been McCain or Ron the media would have been screaming it from the rooftops 24/7 and wall to wall.

It will be interesting to see how all this plays out. But, remember the old Chinese curse: may you live in interesting times.


A former Illinois bank official, now claiming whistleblower status, says bank officials replaced a loan reappraisal that he prepared for a Chicago property that was purchased by the wife of now-convicted felon Tony Rezko, part of which was later sold to next-door neighbor Barack Obama.

In a complaint filed Thursday in the Circuit Court of Cook County, J. Connor said that his reappraisal of Rita Rezko's property was replaced with a higher one and that he was fired when he questioned the document.

Mr. Connor, a real estate and commercial credit analyst at the Mutual Bank Corp. in Chicago, also noted in the complaint that the bank received a grand jury subpoena in October 2006 requiring it to produce information concerning Mrs. Rezko's purchase, including the bank's files on the property.



In a message dated 12/9/2008 4:40:40 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, no_reply writes:

P.S. The Illinois governor if pressed, will probably sell out anyone with whom he was illegally involved with to save his own skin. Let's hope he does. Although if it comes to that, and if Biden winds up as President, that would be even more scary.AdministratorMake your life easier with all your friends, email, and favorite sites in one place. Try it now.

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This is the attitude that worries me now that he has been elected. If it is determined that he was involved, attempting to try him would cause a lot problems on the street.

Chicago isn't the only place with this kind of elected official. Milawakee, Detroit, many others. Even here in this fairly small town, a Democrat running for city council broke just about every regulation there was, like not living in the ward he wanted to represent (he didn't even live in the city), running a crooked funeral home, and other things. Still, he was easily elected, though shortly after was removed from office and I think ended up in prison.

In a message dated 12/9/2008 5:49:39 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, no_reply writes:

Some folks on the street interviewed by local TV and radio reporters said it made them want to vote for Obama more because clearly "The Man" was just trying to flatten Obama before he could get a chance at the Presidency.

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"It would have been really nice if the press had done all this background work BEFORE the damn election. You know if this had been McCain or Ron the media would have been screaming it from the rooftops 24/7 and wall to wall. "

They DID do it.

Regarding this for example:

"A former Illinois bank official, now claiming whistleblower status, says bank officials replaced a loan reappraisal that he prepared for a Chicago property that was purchased by the wife of now-convicted felon Tony Rezko, part of which was later sold to next-door neighbor Barack Obama. "

This was well-publicized when the news broke in the local press and mentioned casually on the national level, but the national press -which tends to lean Democrat- didn't make a big deal out of it.

Some folks on the street interviewed by local TV and radio reporters said it made them want to vote for Obama more because clearly "The Man" was just trying to flatten Obama before he could get a chance at the Presidency.


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In FAMSecretSociety , VISIGOTH@... wrote:

"This is the attitude that worries me now that he has been elected. If it is determined that he was involved, attempting to try him would cause a lot problems on the street."

Most people do not understand the significance of this whole thing. Lets remember what the article said:

"Among those being considered for the Senate post: U.S. Representatives Jr., Danny , Jan Schakowsky and Gutierrez; Illinois Senate president Emil and Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs Director Tammy Duckworth."

Three of those people are African American, one hispanic.

"The affidavit outlined a Nov. 10 call between Blagojevich, his wife, his chief of staff - , who also was arrested Tuesday - and a group of advisers in which allegedly suggested working out an agreement with the Service Employees International Union."

"Under the plan, Blagojevich would appoint a new senator who would be helpful to the president-elect and in turn get a job as head of Change to Win, a group formed by the union. The union would get an unspecified favour from Obama later."

If people believe this is all some trumped up thing by "The Man" then there are bound to be race riots, and if any of those considered for the post are found to be involved in these dealings, then "The Man" will be suppressing them too.

"Nothing in the court papers suggested Obama had any part in the discussion. In fact, Blagojevich allegedly said in the same conversation that Obama most likely would not appoint him as secretary of health and human services or to an ambassadorship because of the negative publicity that has surrounded the governor for three years."

Yet it had been reported in the past that Obama was indeed considering appointing Blagojevich at one time.

Very telling.

Now consider this: We have a real estate crash, a stock market that is still going down, a down-turing economy, and the one man who has promised to solve all of this may wind up getting caught up in this whole corruption probe. If Obama goes down in history as the first African American President that never was, there will be serious troubles in the US in terms of rioting me thinks.


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