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I have mentioned before that I started my quest that lead to a

diagnosis of CMT because of a > 2 year problem with numbness and

burning pain starting at the tip of my tongue on the left that

gradually goes to my entire left face, eye, ear and inside my throat

at its worst. It waxes and wanes and has been met with puzzled looks

from every neurologist and my family doc. It came on suddenly one

day and inspired a trip to the ER with a rush to the CT scanner with

negative results.

Several months later I had abdominal surgery and woke up with

profound numbness of my lips on the right side this time. That

prompted a boat load of blood work and an MRI. All negative,

resolved in about 4 days.

I have just lived with this until I had a blockage of my salivary

duct on the left causing swelling, etc. I thought " finally something

has declared itself " . Well no one thought much of that but it did

lead to a nerve conduction study and then genetic testing positive

for CMT.

About 2 weeks ago the face thing really flared big time. I felt like

someone has split my face in two with a steel plate right through

the tongue and sinuses. I went back to the ER. No help. Lots of

shrugs and " I don't knows " .

About 1 week ago I started getting stabbing pains in my ear along

with painful swallowing on the left, like when you are comming down

with a cold, but only one sided. That got better but then in the

shower I noticed the left side of my scalp feels bruised. Throughout

that day my scalp, left posterior neck and upper shoulder felt like

a bad sunburn. I kept expecting to feel a bumpy rash but in the

mirror, totally normal. This has gradually progressed to a very

tender (to the touch -- like a bad bruise) spot at the base of my

skull on the left and prickly pain like my hair is being constantly

pulled from that spot in an arc over my ear that at times feels like

it goes all the way down onto the forehead. The back of the neck

still feels sunburnt.

I asked my husband to look at my scalp and he sees a rash. Last

night it hurt too bad to sleep. I can't put my left side of my head

on the pillow. I got up at 3 this morning and took Excedrine

Migraine (I don't have anything stronger) and sat up. It brought the

pain from about 8/10 to about 4/10 but within a couple of hours it

is back to the same and too soon to take more. The worse the pain is

the more my face pain is exacerbated.

My question (and thank you if you've read this far) is: could this

be shingles? Are there any connections between shingles and CMT?

Does anyone have any ideas on the 2+ years of face pain and

numbness? I can't believe shingles would explain that, it should run

its course within 5 weeks at most. I am also healthy otherwise and

only 44 so even shingles is a stretch. Thanks in advance for any


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Hi Holli,

Has anyone mentioned an Acoustic Neuroma? Just a thought, or guess

really, from what you describe in your post. If it is Shingles/or

Postherpetic Neuralgia I would think some of the anti-viral

medications would help. Advice? Sure, get in the face of the BEST

Neurologist and don't leave until you've got answers. And just

throwing this out to you, could this be stress-induced, or some sort

of Migraine-related 'explosions'?

This sounds awful, whatever it is. I know Migraine pain and that alone

has sent me crawling to bed for a few days. I hope you can get some

answers soon and start feeling better.


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Have you shown your Dr the rash? Usually my Dr's

interests perk up if there is something visible like a


not to get off topic on this either but I want to make

sure everyone is aware of MRSA. otherwise known as

resistant staph infection. Its not uncommon but I had

no idea what it looked like until my son and husband

contracted it. It resembles spider bites and impetigo.

We just happened to be at someone's house that had

lots of spiders and nearly discounted it until I saw

the pus (sorry for being gross) but I had never seen

so much in my life and once upon a time ago I did

study nursing,what a mess it was and it takes

forever to clear! It doesn't sound like this is what

you have but I wanted to mention it. Memphis keeps

telling its residents we don't have a problem when its

actually just under reported.

Anyway I don't know if I helped any! I hope you do

feel better though!!!

Lenore in Memphis

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Hello. I may be totally going out on a limb here, but were you ever tested for

Lyme disease? A lot of your symptoms are similar to those of lyme. Especially

the face numbness and the rash. What did the rash look like? I may be totally

off here but just thought that I would put in my two cents.

I too have chronic lyme along with CMT. Just a thought. Look up Bells Palsy.


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