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Strength training of neck muscles relieves chronic pain

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Strength training of neck muscles relieves chronic pain


Neck pain has been steadily increasing over the past two decades and

is now second to back pain, the most common musculoskeletal

disorder. Women are more likely than men to suffer from persistent

neck pain, in particular those who engage in repetitive tasks such

as working at a computer keyboard. Previous studies have shown

conflicting results as to whether or not exercise can effectively

treat neck pain, but there has not been enough high-quality research

in this area to draw firm conclusions. A new study on women with

neck pain published in the January issue of Arthritis Care &

Research (http://www.interscience.wiley.com/journal/arthritiscare)

found that specific strength training exercises led to significant

prolonged relief of neck muscle pain, while general fitness training

resulted in only a small amount of pain reduction.

Led by Gisela Sjøgaard and Lars L. Andersen of the National Research

Centre for the Working Environment in Copenhagen, Denmark,

researchers conducted a randomized controlled trial for which they

recruited 94 women from seven workplaces in Copenhagen between

September 2005 and March 2006. The work tasks performed by the women

consisted of assembly line work and office work, with 79 percent of

the participants using a keyboard for more than three-quarters of

their working time. Participants first answered a questionnaire

about their pain and then underwent a clinical exam to confirm a

diagnosis of trapezius myalgia (muscle pain in the trapezius muscle,

which extends along the back of the neck). Participants were

assigned to three intervention groups: those who did supervised

specific strength training (SST) exercises for the neck and shoulder

muscles, those who did high-intensity general fitness training (GFT)

on a bicycle ergometer, and a control group that received health

counseling but no physical training. Both exercise groups worked out

for 20 minutes three times a week for 10 weeks.

The results showed that the GFT group showed a small decrease in

neck muscle pain only immediately after exercise, while the SST

group showed a marked decrease in pain over a prolonged training

period and with a lasting effect after the training ended. " Thus

specific strength training locally of the neck and shoulder muscles

is the most beneficial treatment in women with chronic neck muscle

pain, " the authors state.

The study also showed that the reduction in pain occurred gradually

in the SST group, with trapezius muscle pain gradually decreasing as

muscle strength increased. Although the GFT decreased the pain only

temporarily, the authors note that even minor decreases in pain may

be enough motivation to overcome barriers to exercise, and the

resulting increase in fitness may benefit overall long-term health.

The authors state that the marked reduction in pain in the SST group

is of " major clinical importance. " They conclude: " Based on the

present results, supervised high-intensity dynamic strength training

of the painful muscle 3 times a week for 20 minutes should be

recommended in the treatment of trapezius myalgia. "

Article: " Effect of Two Contrasting Types of Physical Exercise on

Chronic Neck Muscle Pain, " Lars L. Andersen, Kjær,

Søgaard, Lone Hansen, Ann I. Kryger, Gisela Sjøgaard, Arthritis Care

& Research, January 2008; 59:1; pp. 84-91.

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