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Body Language: Making an exercise plan that fits neuropathy

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Body Language: Making an exercise plan that fits neuropathy

By Buch


Q. I have been told I have peripheral neuropathy. What kind of exercising can I

do? — Wanda , Lititz

A. " Peripheral neuropathy is damage to the peripheral nerves.

Peripheral nerves are the nerves that connect your spinal cord to

the rest of your body, " Wisconsin registered nurse and freelance

writer Debra Wood says.

According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and

Stroke, " Causes of acquired peripheral neuropathy include physical

injury or trauma to a nerve (often from repetitive motion or

pressure from a cast or crutches), tumors, toxins (exposure to

poisons), autoimmune responses (such as lupus and rheumatoid

arthritis), nutritional deficiencies (especially vitamin B),

alcoholism, and vascular and metabolic disorders (such as

diabetes). " Peripheral neuropathy can also be due to genetics.

The Neuropathy Association reports that over 20 million Americans

have this disease, causing failed or disrupted communication and

stimulation via those nerves to the muscles, skin, joints and

internal organs. This causes numbness, pain, weakness and poor

coordination. It is important to contact a neurologist for diagnosis

and treatment as soon as symptoms are noticed to avoid or slow

permanent damage.

The staff at the Mayo Clinic recommends the following steps to treat

this disease:

See your physician for medication and pain relievers, including

lidocaine patches and possible antidepressants.

Eat a healthy diet. Be sure to include B-12 food sources (meats,

fish, eggs, low-fat dairy and specially fortified cereals) to a diet

rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains. B-12 supplements may be

required if you are a vegetarian.

Take care of your hands and feet. Check every day for blisters, cuts

and calluses. Do not wear tight shoes or socks.

Exercise. Consistent and regular exercise can relieve pain and will

also keep weight under control, which will relieve pressure on the

feet and improves circulation to the extremities.

Reduce or eliminate alcohol consumption, which adversely affects


Quit smoking. Smoking also adversely affects circulation.

Massage hands and feet daily. Massage not only improves circulation

but also stimulates the nerves and can temporarily relieve pain.

Avoid prolonged pressure on hands and feet. Be careful with crossing

your legs, standing for great lengths of time or leaning on your

elbows for too long. This can make your current situation worse and

cause new damage to the nerves.

As for exercise specifics, the Cochrane Library, an independent

database of medical research, reports, " There is some evidence that

strengthening exercise improves muscle strength in peripheral

neuropathy. "

Most of the research on strength training for neuropathy is tested

on those suffering from diabetes. Regardless, the research results

have been consistent. Those who participated in the resistance-

training program improved muscle strength, reduced blood pressure

and increased their " good " (HDL) cholesterol. Also, improvements in

being able to perform basic daily activities — such as walking to

and from their cars — were also reported.

Other suggestions are walking a little bit each day (followed by

massaging the feet), water-exercise classes, yoga or other

stretching regimens, tai chi and/or qigong, Pilates and exercising

on a stationary bike. Always start slowly and increase speed or

intensity of any exercise cautiously. Squeezing a soft ball has been

found to be helpful for the hands; positive effects of warm baths

and acupuncture have also been mentioned.

Sources: www.neuropathy.org

or neurologyreviews

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