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Re: Citicoline

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I do not wear AFOs. I have had a pair that I hated. I threw them away. I do

wear a ankle (muller) brace. I have horrible balance and drop foot. I have had

two surgeries, fusions etc. I would have more freedom if I would wear an AFO. My

hands tested 9's last time I tested the squeeze thing. That was after several

months of vitamin C. Before the vitamin C I was a 2 in the left hand and a 5 in

the right. My husband tested a 150, the doctor was a 135 on the squeeze thing.

They can beat me in a thumb war, then again most people can beat me in a thumb


I feel sooo good today!

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Hi Joann,

I have an over all feeling of more strength. My knees quit cracking and I can my

toes better then before. Before vitamin C they wouldn't move at all. After

vitamin C I could move them a little and now much more. That happened on day 3.

I can lift my drop foot up a little using the muscle on the top of my foot. I

can hold both legs up in the air for a long time. Even putting my socks on is

easier. My balance seems better. I walked in a crowd at a buffet. Usually I get

waited on.

I have hope. My son Spencer is also doing great. My two younger kids have no

idea what Citicoline is for but they are taking it. (I told them it was to make

their skin look good). The real test will be if they notice any difference in

the way that they feel. I have noticed that Adam is playing the guitar more than

usual without complaining about his hands. It seems like he is walking a little

easier without his AFOs. Without AFOs he really can't walk, he kinda drags his

feet. The last few days he has stopped dragging and his lifting his feet up. I

just ordered another 8 bottles. Time will tell with this one.

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Can you let me know exactly how this is working for you. You wrote that you

thought your balance was better. Any more information you can give me would be

great as I am willing to try something so simple and inexpensive.


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Hi .

Could you tell us what dose you are taking and how long it

was until you started to see a difference?

I have been taking 750-1000mg/day for almost 3 weeks. I started with

1000mg, which is 4 pills (2 twice a day) but dropped it to 3 pills a

day because for one, I kept forgetting to take it twice and for

another, I find that the outer coating of the capsule sticks in my

throat. I drink and drink and it still feels like it's there until I

eat something to push it down. I hate eating something just before

bed so am just doing 3 in the morning. (I have had a history of some

swallowing issues related to esoph. motility from years of reflux).

So far I have seen zero difference. On Friday, my daughter wanted to

show me a new excercise for abs and since then I've been walking on

legs like jelly, being very careful not to injure myself doing

something stupid like stepping off a curb. My ankle is swollen and

I'm not sure why.

I have not given up on it, though. I think it would take a minimum of

6 weeks to form enough new myelin to be clinically effective so I'm

going to just keep taking it for now.

Just FYI so you can all compare my progress or lack of, to yourselves

or other reports: My CMT is relatively mild. I have weakness in the

ankles and legs (L>R, due to numerous injuries). I have had 4 ankle

surgeries on the L. So far no need for AFOs but think mild foot drop

is probably why I injure myself. In the last 2 years I've noticed a

dramatic decrease of feeling in my hands, coupled with increased

weakness and neuropathic pain. I also have numbness/parasthesias on

the Left side of my face.


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Hi Holli,

I am taking 2 or 3 capsules a day. My capsules are 250 mgs.

Don't give up it took 3 months in the study to show improvements.

Last night I walked 20 mins on my treadmill without any problem. I usually force

myself to do 15 and feel like dying when I get off. I can actually see muscle in

my calves. I really don't know what to think about all of this. I am afraid to

jinx it.

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I'm not sure if it was you asking aboutthe ankle supports, but, I was

giving out information on them and I think that is the best thing for

us to share ideas like this



> I ordered from thehealthsuperstore.com

> _Jarrow Formulas Citicoline For Brain Metabolism_

> (http://www.healthsuperstore.com/p-jarrow-citicoline.htm)


> I take 3 a day.


> I have been taking it for 3 weeks. I think it gave me a headache

for a few days. I was also pretty tired for a few days. I am doing

amazing now. I want everyone to give this product a try. I have such

hope now for me as well as for my children and CMT friends.















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Fun weekend,

Sunday night I walked .40 mile on my treadmill in 23 minutes. I had the speed

on 1.1. That was super fast, really far and very long for me. I could have done

more but I was afraid to push it. My endurance is changing rapidly.

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Hi ,

I think I am beginning to see a difference. It is very subtle

so I can't be sure I'm putting the credit in the right place. Last

weekend I spent putting together a day-bed from Ikea. It was a lot of

getting down on the floor, kneeling, getting up, lifting pieces, using a screw

driver (I have a battery powered one for most of the work).

Normally, I would be a wreck for the rest of the week, doing my monster walk and

worrying that I was going to cause a major injury by tripping on a 2mm high

crack or something as silly. My hands would be numb, wrists weak, I'd be shaking

while holding a glass. I did feel weaker when done and still do, but not too

bad. My walking is no worse than usual, my hands are not numb, holding a glass

is fine. The bed looks really great and I can actually enjoy it. This is how I

was about 10 years ago.

So, hopefully that is something that I can attribute to Citicoline. I

will keep it up and see if there continues to be positive change. I've been

taking it for just about a month now.


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I think this is a positive citicoline difference.

I have been able to bounce back pretty fast. After I walk on my treadmill I am

back to feeling normal after minutes not hours like usual. I have had my drop

foot brace on twice in 3 weeks. I just don't get worn out like I had been. I

have a lot more feeling in my feet. That makes standing in the shower a lot

easier. I think the 10 year mark could be on track for me also. I would like to


back to where I was 20 years ago when I didn't have drop foot.

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I just ordered it today from the co. you mentioned. It turns out it's on

backorder but I am glad to have gotten the order placed. This seems to be the

best price for this Citicoline to help our feet and legs. I am so glad you're

walking better! Good to hear!


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Holli and ,

I just got mine in the mail yesterday. Is it ok to take all 3 capsules at once

or is it better to spread out twice a day? I am anxious to see if after 6-8

weeks if I notice a difference. I sure can use that! I did buy a 3 month supply.


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So am I ...your emails about this is so interesting to me.

Geri Minnesota

Re: Citicoline

Holli and ,

I just got mine in the mail yesterday. Is it ok to take all 3 capsules at once

or is it better to spread out twice a day? I am anxious to see if after 6-8

weeks if I notice a difference. I sure can use that! I did buy a 3 month supply.


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Keep posting...for us! Is their any side effects?


Re: Re: Citicoline

Hey Jackie, I sent for some Citicoline too,l et's keep posting so we can check

and see how we are feeling.



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I just started with the Citicoline. I never took anything for my feet or to help

but if this helps the nerves to help us walk better, then I will try it. I just

bought 2 bottles and if it will help for just the forty days, then it will be

good. According to , it takes at least a month to work. I will try it for

the two bottles anyway and keep all posted. Let me know how it works for you



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Hi Jackie,

I take all three of mine in the morning (750 mg total). I do so because

I want to make sure I eat something afterwards to push it down as I

seem to have a hard time swallowing these. I think it's the outer coat,

it sticks when wet. Just try wetting your finger and touching one.

Sticks right to it. I suppose I could make sure to take it with dinner,

but this works better for my routine (I forget otherwise). may be

right though, maybe I'm just peeing away much of it.

I wasn't going to post about it until some more time had passed because

for a while I was feeling encouraged. This week has been really hard

though. I feel like the time change (daylight savings time for those of

you who don't have to deal with it) just slammed me. It's only an hour,

I deal with that easily when traveling but I'm soooo tired. I ache

everywhere. My arms are both feeling like rubber and weak. Have had the

sensation of ants on the hands and feet all week (I looked, they're not

really there). I'm having fasciculations in my calves and on my face.

All this on my 5-6th week taking the Citcoline. I'm a bit depressed.

Maybe I'll try dividing the dose, hopefully I'll remember.


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