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Re: weekend update

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WTG Faye! Excellent job on the exercise! I have tried knitting, my mother in

law tried to teach me..but I dont think she had enough patience to teach me

and I didnt have enough to learn..so that thought went away LOL I hope you

have a wonderful time in new hampshire and I hope you meet all your goals

today! Good luck!

weekend update



> Hi All

> This weekend I got in one exercise session. I did a

> video yesterday. That really was an accomplishment!! I was sleepy and

> achey, but I pushed myself to move this bod!!!

> Went to an elegant birthday party on Saturday night at a very nice

> restaurant. It was quite the meal and I indulged in all of it!!

> Also yesterday, I re visited my attempt to learn knitting. I have put

> the knitting project aside for many months, but took a lesson

> yesterday!! My goal with knitting is to have it be a relaxing

> activity. This weekend will be going with my partner for a day long

> outing( to New Hampshire) to visit her friend (Her friend and other

> guests are alcoholics, so ther will be hours of hanging around ,

> drinking!). It will help a lot if I have knitting to turn to.

> Today's goals:

> strength training session with weights

> lots of water

> three meals and three portion controlled snacks

> no binge eating tonight after teaching.


> Your support helps!!!!

> Faye







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Great job on doing that tape, I am so proud of you! Oh the birthday sounded wonderful I am glad you enjoyed yourself. Good luck with the knitting....the thought of it makes me leave the room screaming. Hi my name is Lee Ann and I am craft challenged.

Joyfully,Lee Ann

One Fat Chick, 3 Kids and Jerryhttp://onefatchick.blogspot.com/

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OUCH, my head hurts just reading this. Hope you are feeling much much better! I'm the type of person that won't take meds unless all else fails. My stomach upsets easily by too much medication.

Hang in there!

On Apr 12, 2005 7:11 AM, Jase4567@... <Jase4567@...> wrote:

Well, Friday had an incredible headache but swore I would not let it get to me. So I did have to take a migrane pill and a quick 30 min nap to let it work. Hubby came home and decided to go for a walk in a state park. This has never ever happened mind you. Came home and felt ready for bed. LOL So went to bed early.

Saturday morning woke up with the nasty headache again. I took many pills trying not to take a migrane pill. I did some yard work thinking it would help take my mind off of it. Took a 2 hr nap. Woke up still had it. All this time I am thinking it is sinus and I am also taking allergy meds.

Sunday morning woke up even worse. Now I am scared. Hubby thought I had taken to many meds. I was dry mouthed so I drank a glass of water. He said take your temp maybe with your sinus problems there is an infection and it is worse do to the blockage. I didn't make it threw the 5 min and I was in the bathroom throwing. Ate a little and went back to bed. Slept for another 3 hrs. Got up and had to go to my moms 65th get together still with a dull headache. So what have I learned. Dont overlap meds. Dont asssume anything. WE believe now it was a combo of 3 things going on. My sinus's being blocked, a migrane, and my period headache I usually get because Monday I started lightly flowing 3 days early.

Yesterday was ok I did get to exercise. Today I have a sinus pressure thing going on but hope it will relieve itself.

So sorry if I missed anything but when i get like that i dont go online.

NH... Mom to Abby Liz 10/94 Anne 7/99

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--Thanks for replying, -

WTG Faye! Excellent job on the exercise!

Monday was a bust: my two activities were teaching and eating!


I have tried knitting, my mother in

> law tried to teach me..but I dont think she had enough patience to

teach me

> and I didnt have enough to learn..so that thought went away LOL


: this is about the fourth time in two years that I take

private knitting lessons at a yarn store, work on the same piece ( a

crime to call it a scarf!) Then I put it away and do no knitting for

months. I really hope that this time I master it enough to really

knit as a pleassurable activity!

I hope you

> have a wonderful time in new hampshire and I hope you meet all your


> today! Good luck!




As I said, didn't do well on goals on Monday, but I'm still here

today on this board!!!!.

As for New Hampshire, if I come with knitting to do, I think I'll do



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> Great job on doing that tape, I am so proud of you!


Thanks LeeAnn : )

Oh the birthday sounded wonderful I am glad you enjoyed yourself.


eating rotisserie prepared steak didn't hurt!!!


Good luck with the knitting....the thought of it makes me leave the

room screaming. Hi my name is Lee Ann and I am craft challenged.



Me too, Lee Ann about being craft challenged. I am DETERMINED to

master this skill!!!!


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> : I sure hope you are feeling better!!

And exercising while feeling bad, Good for you!!!!



> Yesterday was ok I did get to exercise. Today I have a sinus

pressure thing

> going on but hope it will relieve itself.



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Oh , I so feel for you! I have had 1 horrible migraine in my life and a second one that was not near as bad. I was like you the second time didn't want to take the med (I only had one sample left) but finally I just couldn't take it and did (that stuff is nasty!). You need to take care of you and be careful with the meds you take. I hope that you are feeling much better now hun, sending big Cyber Hugs to you!

Joyfully,Lee Ann

One Fat Chick, 3 Kids and Jerryhttp://onefatchick.blogspot.com/

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In a message dated 4/15/05 8:17:10 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, susang@... writes:

Didyour ENT give you some nasal spray to keep those sinuses clear? I started

I am on rhinocort AND saline solutions.

NH... Mom to Abby Liz 10/94 Anne 7/99

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> This weekend I got in one exercise session. I did a > video yesterday. That really was an accomplishment!! I was sleepy and > achey, but I pushed myself to move this bod!!!

Congrats on doing what you didn't want to do!

It's now a week later, and I'm sure you've gotten up and sweat a bit more and feel a bit better!

Keep up the good work!

Sue in NJ

who's been sweating, but unfortunately not from exercise this week

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>So what have I learned. Dont overlap meds. Dont asssume anything.


Sounds like you had a perfectly lousy weekend! This allergy season is pretty

bad so far, thanks to that really wet winter we had on the East coast. Did

your ENT give you some nasal spray to keep those sinuses clear? I started my

steroid spray a few weeks ago and it helps a lot. Henry just started his

last week.

And that's on top of the asthma meds.

I'm only slightly dizzy, the kid isn't dizzy but is still coughing up a

storm for over a week now. The ony time he has relief is when he's in the

car with the air conditioner on or in the student center, the only place on

campus that's air conditioned right now.

Sue in NJ

who doesn't go anywhere without her Puffs Plus tissues this week

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i am glad you made the best of the weekend and did well with your unexpected guest. today is a good day for you to stay home do to the marathon. My eldest brother has run it 3 times. big day in boston and a baseball game as well.

NH... Mom to Abby Liz 10/94 Anne 7/99

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  • 3 months later...

Do you mean gluggy type congestion? I don't get that except with

bacterial lung infections (ie bronchitis), but get me in a house

with more than one cat and a lack of vacuuming and I can't breath

after a couple of hours... wheezing and panicking all ova da place.

Glad it's finally letting up, anyhow. Yay! :)


> Today, back to the straight and narrow, and back to the workouts as

the lung congestion is letting up. My doc says it's allergies???

But I've never heard of allergies leading to lung congestion, have

you guys??


> Grace




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  • 2 years later...

Doctor told me to eat more greens. So I went to the store and bought some

pistachio ice cream. Found a nice Irish pub with green beer and desserts. Boy

was I happy.


Meddle not in the affairs of dragons for you are crunchy and good

With ketchup!

************************************** See what's new at http://www.aol.com

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Hey girlfriend,

I want the name of your doctor, cos I figure if it works for food, then it

should work for drinks as well. So, under doctors order, I'm going to change

my drinking habits to only liquids that are bright colours, merlot is such a

great red, midori, bloody mary's, all those wonderfully brightly coloured

pre mixed vodka drinks, the list is endless. No more bland colourless H2O or

white milk, and all on doctors orders.

I think I've died and gone to heaven,



-- Weekend update

Yesterday I went to the doctor for my yearly physical. My blood pressure

was high; my cholesterol was high; I'd gained some weight, and I didn't

feel so hot. My doctor said that eating right doesn't have to be

complicated and it would solve my physical problems. He said " Just think

in colors; fill your plate with bright colors -- greens, yellows, reds,

etc. " I went right home and ate an entire bowl of M & Ms, and, sure

enough, I felt better!

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  • 6 months later...
Guest guest

Hey ,

Great to hear how well things are going - except for the possible broken foot -

you poor thing. Glad you are still able to keep such a great attitude.

Let us know how you make out with your foot.


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I recovered super fast. I was off my feet for 1 painful day. Now I am

swollen but able to move around better then ever. I was worried that I would be

down a few weeks.

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Glad to hear it!

Re: weekend update

I recovered super fast. I was off my feet for 1 painful day.

Now I am

swollen but able to move around better then ever. I was worried that I would be

down a few weeks.

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