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Sleep disorder

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I've only taken Valium once...two years ago my dermatologist wanted to

remove squamous/basal cell carcinoma from my ear. He Rx me Valium and told

me to take 5 mg an hour before my scheduled appt. I took tablet after

calling taxi...by time I got to office....I was so relaxed; they could have

taken my whole ear off.

OTC Valerian root (VR) is so innocuous. When I decided to try VR I went

out and bought 4-5 different brands to evaluate: Nature's Resource (NR),

etc....I didn't get past NR as combined with benadryl it worked so well for

me and NR is relatively inexpensive: $4.99 for bottle of 100 whole herb

capsules or 60 standardized extract and Walgreen's puts there entire line of

NR on sale 5-x/yr...Buy one/get one free.

I seem to absorb VR very fast through my gut, for when I supplement with

one or more capsules at various piss calls, I'm back asleep fast; however

taking VR 1-2 hours before bedtime...I don't fall asleep until I'm ready to.

Good luck,

Just my experiences....

OR eon

Re: Sleep disorder

Thanks for the input, Oreon

Last night was the first night I was on 5g of Androgel (from 10g) and

I had a Restoril pill and a melantonin. I did get 5 hours of sleep,

but woke up at 4:30. I guess that is better than the nights before.

I was told that too much DHT may overstimulate the Central Nervous

System. That is a good idea to keep Valarian by the bed, if I wake

up. I am always afraid that if I take something during the night I

will be groggy the next day. But Valarian may be mild enough for

that not to occur.

> Recently I've seen several posts about sleep disorders and TRT.


> For years I've had sleep disorder Tylenol PM worked very well for

me but the

> negative a aspect was acetaminophen as an active ingredient and

according to

> Shipppen, page, 211, this Is one on a list of drugs that:


> " inhibit the P450 phase I system, resulting in increased


> levels " .


> I tried Sonata and Ambien without acceptable affects for me.



> Tylenol's Simply Sleep " worked well...this contains benadryl, 25


> caplet. They are a little pricey!


> I buy Member's Mark brand benadryl at Sam's Club a bottle of 400


> for $3.22. I've bought Wal-Mart's Equate brand but it doesn't come

in bulk

> so a little more expensive.


> I buy Nature's Resources Valerian capsules from


> extract and whole herb. A few times /year Walgreen's puts their

entire line

> of Nature's Resource supplements on sale, buy one and get one

free. I stock

> up then Even not on sale I found Walgreen's prices for Valerian


> expensive than Kroger's.


> My Regimen: each night one-two hours before I intend going to bed,

I take

> two benadryl caplets, a Valerian standardized extract and a whole


> capsules. Going to sleep is non issue. On bedside table I put

out several

> Valerian whole herb capsules....I may take one or more at piss



> I sleep very well and inexpensively.


> Just my experiences...


> OR eon

> GayMan

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  • 11 months later...

hi Hillen,

Some practical thing to do which may help your insomnia would be

buying a Camembert or Brie cheese made from raw milk accompanied by

raw milk kefir or berries or raw honey or a blend of citrus

juice/carrot juice 1:1. The cheese has to be ripe and creamy looking

as cheese in the step two in the link I am sending you. I recommend

you do not refrigerate it, just keep it in a fresh and clean place

(25 celsius). Refrigeration kills the charm of the cheese, unless

you do not plan to eat it in days.

Camembert cheese is a mineral and enzyme rich food. The minerals

come from the milk solids being concentrated 10 times to make this

cheese and the enzymes from the maduration time aprox 4 weeks. This

blend; bacteria, enzymes and minerals, in my opinion, are a insomnia


200 to 300 grams at evening may do the effect. 100 might!

By the way, only raw milk cheeses can receive the fromage fermier

AOC label which is the highest quality label for a cheese in




I had an intense detoxifying episode lasting one year when I started

a powerful detoxifying and healing diet consisting of living

spirulina, raw meat, raw dairy, raw eggs and raw liver and living

fermented stuff, I could not sleep during the night for the entire

year, every day. Instead, I used to sleep during the morning after

six a.m. to noon, every day, incredible! Also, I have been suffering

from chronic insomnia since childhood.

Vinny Pinto*** recommend me ingesting calcium and magnesium

supplements and trace minerals for my insomnia. His recommendation

was vague since he did not detailed which supplements and in which

way I should take them****. So I had to experiment with myself.

I started with coral calcium, followed by some kind of calcium

clays, followed by chewable calcium carbonate and clays. All worked

relieving my long lasting insomnia, I haven't had that crazy

insomnia ever since. However, the high dose of this mineral

supplements can easily lead to constipation in a lot of people like

myself, that is why is highly recommended not to follow this mineral

supplementation unless it is accompanied by long fermented foods or


*** someone I would recommend for these cases in which one cannot go

to the medical doctor in town nor go to visit grandma , Vinny

consults by telephone or even e-mail. He come up with this powerful

relieve for insomnia for me. **** he will surely give you more

details for your specific case if you consult him. I did not consult

him, that tip was just his commentary. I have no interest in

recommending Vinny, he is not my relative nor my friend. In my

opinion, he has a lot of knowledge in these issues dealing with

healing realm, the energy realm, etc, specially insomnia, healing,

detoxing, EMF, and energies. Also in my opinion, he is " highly "

spiritually " advanced " I recommend him because I intuit he could

help you, though no guarantees.

The long fermented stuff is the problem. It is hard finding in the

market those foods. All the fermented stuff I have used for this

issue are homemade, and their fermentation times start at 9 days to

one month or even more. And yet, starting good probiotic supplements

might cause even more or even tougher cleansing/detox reactions.


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  • 3 years later...
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I have been experiencing jerking while asleep. I will wake myself or my husband

during these episodes. At times it happens to my legs then it will switch to my

upper extremities. I just spent three days in the hospital being tested for

seizures. My reults were negative. Now the neuorologist wants me to do a sleep

study. Has anyone else experienced this? I need some help with this. I am

exhausted the following day.

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Hi ,

I too have twitching. My husband says my feet and lower legs twitch every 1-2

seconds, constantly. He frequently massages my feet and the twitching tells him

when I've fallen asleep!

The sleep study is a great idea. I've done it as well. They put sensors on

your legs, so any leg movement will be recorded and your doctor can diagnose and

discuss the results with you. If you are exhausted the next day, the sleep

study will help them identify exactly why and then offer help to you.

As a sidenote, many with CMT have Restless Leg Syndrome. I've not been

diagnosed with this, but I've heard others mention that there are medications

that can help. There is also a homepathic remedy of putting a bar of Dove soap

under your sheets! It calms the legs. I'm not sure how it works, but those who

use it swear by it. It's certainly an inexpensive thing to try. Who knows, it

may help you!

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Correction: The recommended soap is Ivory (not Dove or any deodorant soap).

It's placed between the bottom sheet and the mattress at the foot of the bed. A

second bar may be used up by the pillow. Needs to be changed every 3-4 months.

I have not tried it, just heard of others doing it. Example...



Restless Leg Syndrome is a neurological disorder typically described by

complaints of unpleasant sensations in the legs and an uncontrollable urge to

move them for relief.

Symptons include sensations such as burning, creepy-crawly, prickly, tingling,

twitching, tugging and feeling like insects are crawling inside the legs.

Symptoms worsen at night, especially when one is trying to rest or sleep.

Repetitive jerking of the legs during sleep or sitting for extended periods of


Symptoms get better when moving the legs.


There is not a single cause that has been identified yet.

These are the current believed causes;

Family history accounts for approximately 50 percent of restless leg syndrome,

suggesting a genetic form of the disorder.

People with low iron levels, anemia. Correcting these levels, patients may see a

reduction in symptons.

Low levels of vitamin B.

Chronic diseases such as Parkinson's, kidney failure, peripheral neuropath, and

diabetes are also associated with Restless Leg Syndrome.

Certain pergnant women experience Restless Leg Syndrome in their last trimester.

In most cases these symptons disappear after delivery.

Too muc caffeine, tobacco, or alcohol may trigger symptons.


Visit your physician explaining your symptons. Your physician should review your

medical history, noting if your family has a history of having Restless Leg


A full physical exam should be your next step.

Have your iron and vitamin B levels checked.

An overnight stay at a sleep study lab can yield valuable information.


There are a growing number of children being diagnosed with restless leg

syndrome. Most children complain about painful legs at night which most parents

dismiss as growing pains, but in fact could be restless leg syndrome.

Some children can not sit still during the day which physicians' diagnose as

hyperactivity when in reality could be restless leg syndrome.

Some studies suggest that an iron deficiency in these children is the cause.

Adding a natural iron supplement and some lifestyle changes such as limited

caffeine and simple sugars might help also.

restless leg syndrome remedies There are several types of remedies for restless

leg syndrome.


My simple and favor one is a bar of Ivory soap tucked until the sheets at the

foot of your bed. Yes, that right, just a simple bar of soap will do the trick.

I had read about this trick years ago and told a couple friends with Restless

Leg Syndrome about it. They tried it and are very happy with their results.

I do not have Restless Leg Syndrome - I have nerve damge to the legs and arms,

but I decided to try this bar of soap trick to see if it would help with the


After about 3 or 4 nights I noticed I could lay in bed and sleep, actually sleep

without pain. I put one bar of soap at the foot of my bed, down in the corner so

I don't hit it and the other one under my pillow in the corner.

After approximately 3 to 4 months, you may notice some of the pain returning,

simply replace the bar of soap and you will be pain free again.

This is the cheapest treatment that I know of. Give it a try, you will be


If you have a child with growing pains, try the bar of soap until their sheets

and see if the complains stop, hopefully they will.

There are other lifestyle changes that you can do to help;

Decreased use of caffeine, tobacco, alcohol and chcolate.

Some physicians suggest taking iron, foliate, and magnesium to correct any

deficiencies in the body.

Taking a hot bat, or putting an ice pack or heating pad can relieve some of the


Having your legs massaged.

Regular moderate exercise such as walking every day.

Practicing yoga can help with your flexibility and cirulation.

Deep breating exercises can also help with ciruclation


Calcium - Builds and maintains bones and teeth. Helps regulate heart rhythm,

promotes restfull sleep and helps maintain proper nerve and muscle function,

along with maintaining normal blood pressure.

Chamomile - Contains apigenin which is responsible for the calming anti-anxiety


Magnesium - Regulates the heart by maintaining normal heart rhythm, converts

blood sugar into energy, and promotes deep sleep.

Melatonin - A hormone produced by humans in the pineal gland. It synchronizes

daily and seasonal rhythms including the sleep wake cycle. Melatonin has been

found to alleviate sleep disorders and boost the immune system.

Niacin - Has shown sleep and relaxation benefits in scientific studies.

Valerian - Used for thousands of years as a tranquilizer and sedative for

disorders such as restlessness, anxiety, has amino acid to help your leg muscles



Most physicians suggest a variety of medications such as dopaminergics, opioids,

or benzodiazepines.

Some side effects include drowsiness, dizziness, tremors, back pain, dry mouth

constipation or an upset stomach. Check with your physician to see if these

types of medications will work for you.

The most recognized prescription drug for Restless Leg Syndrome is Requip. This

medication does work well for most people and should be discussed with your


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Hello ,

You must have a great husband! How many husbands would massage their wives feet

until they fall asleep? Not many... Does he have a brother? LOL

Have a great day!


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