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Re: Never quit

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This was such an encouraging post.. thank you..

I have really tried to keep going and not give up. sometimes when other

things factor in like the bipolar part of me, it just gets to be too much

though. medicaid can be such jerks at times.. people don't understand what

we are dealing with and can be judgmental... i am so used to being busy

and active and it is hard to slow that down...

i have always tried to have a couple of theme songs to keep me going. one

is tom petty---'i won't back down!' and the other is . i 'm not sure her

name but the song says, 'if you have the chance to dance.. dance...'...

i just keep hanging on.. sometimes i just have to drop back and punt and

that is kind of where i am now. you folks are meeting me at this level

right now.. i appreciate the words of positivity that i am hearing and

hope that i will be out of this rut when i can do the same for you in




> Hi - In my opinion...Never quit. I have had this disease for 6 years

> now. I have had some really bad times where I just cried but I kept

> shuffling (literally) along. My saving grace was my Rheumatoligist.

> He is my hero. So I say to you, get a good aggressive doctor who

> wants to keep you pain free. That is his goal. I was only 34 when he

> first diagnosed me and he swore we would get this disease under

> control. We have tried many different drugs and combination of

> things. He has fought my insurance company for me to make sure they

> cover my treatments. I am now on Remicaid IV therapy every 8 weeks

> along with a weekly low dose of methotrexate. He monitors me very

> closely and makes sure I am not in pain or having flare ups. I do

> have them occaisionally but not like before. I changed my diet to

> natural foods. I have lost weight (something I could never do while

> on those darn steroids). And I have been going to the gym 5 days a

> week for the last 18 months. I work full time and go to school at

> night. I have taken my life back. I rule my disease, it does not

> rule me. So, please do not give up no matter how tired and in pain

> you are and do not be afraid to demand that your doctor aggresively

> treat this disease. Sorry for being so long winded. I wish you all

> the best, Heidi



" People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but

people will never forget how you made them feel. " ~~~~~~~ Maya Angelou


EMAIL: juliette@...

PERSONAL HOMEPAGE PAGE http://members.tripod.com/~LizK


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