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Re: governor's appointments

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Amen--I agree on all points of the 2nd and 3rd paragraph of your e-mail.

Well put!! Now, the 1st paragraph made me laugh out loud!!!!! Good to know

they know me by name--I think????


Jeff Sell

Hitt * * Sell

4309 Yoakum Boulevard

2nd Floor

Houston, Texas 77006





Vaccine Injury Alliance


governor's appointments

I called up Amy Erban and insunuated that the governor was dragging his feet

because they'd misappropriated the money for something else. She called me

back with this snow job that " they were working as fast as they could, and

actually they've only received 2 dozen applications for appointment, most of

which they had to drum up themselves. " I specifically asked about Jeff's

application and she said that she had only just received it--so at least you

know that they know you Jeff!

Everyone just has to keep in mind that November is election time. I think

it would be wise for each of us to visit the state and U.S. reps. We need

to pointedly ask where the U.S. reps stand on IDEA funding and

reauthorization--making it clear that this is a make or break issue for this

campaign, especially because Texas does such a pathetic job in funding even

basic services. We also need to raise the awareness of state legislators

about the situation of families and that our numbers are growing and that

their indifference will cost them their seat.

Applying the NIH of 1 in 250 to the Texas population of 0 - 4, I came up

with 10,000 kids in just the 0 - 4 age range. That's not the kids currently

in school, that's not adults. That's just 0 - 4. That's a lot of folks who

can be motivated to vote on this issue alone.

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" 10,000 kids in just the 0 - 4 age range "

Assuming this number is right, let's run some election numbers.

1998 Governor's race - 3.8 million votes cast.

8/15 poll shows ahead 53-40, or 13%, with 7% undecided or other. That

translates into 490,000 votes. Current trends are trending up,

down, so actual margin in November should be something less than that.

Now: 10,000 kids in the 0-4 age range alone may be extrapolated into 45,000

kids under the age of 18 - may be a little high given the increasing

diagnoses numbers in recent years. Add in some ADD/ADHD or other similar

diagnoses that share our concerns, let's say 40,000 kids. That's 70 -

75,000 voting age parents (again lose a few for divorced out of state, or

deceased and for multiples in the same family). Plus grandparents. Plus

relatives. Plus friends and coworkers influenced by these parent's lobbying.

Some would vote for a particular candidate regardless, so would not be part

of voting block - don't know how many. But run out the numbers and that's a

good sized block of votes.

I'm not saying that we are organized enough as a group to make this a

pivotal campaign issue, and I fully know the tenuous nature of grass roots

politics, particularly single issue pulls. What I am saying is that, given

organization and will, we can make the leaders of this state pay attention

to our kids.


governor's appointments

I called up Amy Erban and insunuated that the governor was dragging his feet

because they'd misappropriated the money for something else. She called me

back with this snow job that " they were working as fast as they could, and

actually they've only received 2 dozen applications for appointment, most of

which they had to drum up themselves. " I specifically asked about Jeff's

application and she said that she had only just received it--so at least you

know that they know you Jeff!

Everyone just has to keep in mind that November is election time. I think

it would be wise for each of us to visit the state and U.S. reps. We need

to pointedly ask where the U.S. reps stand on IDEA funding and

reauthorization--making it clear that this is a make or break issue for this

campaign, especially because Texas does such a pathetic job in funding even

basic services. We also need to raise the awareness of state legislators

about the situation of families and that our numbers are growing and that

their indifference will cost them their seat.

Applying the NIH of 1 in 250 to the Texas population of 0 - 4, I came up

with 10,000 kids in just the 0 - 4 age range. That's not the kids currently

in school, that's not adults. That's just 0 - 4. That's a lot of folks who

can be motivated to vote on this issue alone.

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I agree that a grassroots cross disability approach would proove much more

effective and if any one has any ideas on how to start such a thing, let me

know. My experience has been that the entire disability community is highly

fractured because of 'fears of association'.

Learning Disabilities, considered 'high incidence disorders' qualify for

SPecial education services but LD is generally broken out of special

education because LD implies no cognitive impairment and the parents don't

like their kids lumped in w/ the autistic, MR or BD kids. However, I have

seem many 'severly LD' kids that are actually high MR, but parents do not

want to say the 'MR' word and stigmatize their kid. This same scenario plays

out for " low incidence disorders " of MR and autism. Folks with kids w./

autism rather have the autism label than the MR label because w/ autism

there is hope of normal cognition " if you can just find the right way to

reach it " . I remember saying happily when my son was 4, " well at least it is

not MR " - I really have to laugh at that now - many days I would gladly take

a MR kid that did not build routines, obsess, tantrum, ask the same question

a hundred times, etc. The group that most relates to folks w. kids w. autism

are those whose kids have severe ADHD, some type of behaviorally manifested

disorder such as Bi-polar, OCD,or Tourettes. The folks w/ ortho. impairments

do not want to be lumped w/ any person w/ developmental disabilities. And on

it goes...

Off the top of my head I cannot even think of an across the board disability

association....So, how does one even start????

governor's appointments

I called up Amy Erban and insunuated that the governor was dragging his feet

because they'd misappropriated the money for something else. She called me

back with this snow job that " they were working as fast as they could, and

actually they've only received 2 dozen applications for appointment, most of

which they had to drum up themselves. " I specifically asked about Jeff's

application and she said that she had only just received it--so at least you

know that they know you Jeff!

Everyone just has to keep in mind that November is election time. I think

it would be wise for each of us to visit the state and U.S. reps. We need

to pointedly ask where the U.S. reps stand on IDEA funding and

reauthorization--making it clear that this is a make or break issue for this

campaign, especially because Texas does such a pathetic job in funding even

basic services. We also need to raise the awareness of state legislators

about the situation of families and that our numbers are growing and that

their indifference will cost them their seat.

Applying the NIH of 1 in 250 to the Texas population of 0 - 4, I came up

with 10,000 kids in just the 0 - 4 age range. That's not the kids currently

in school, that's not adults. That's just 0 - 4. That's a lot of folks who

can be motivated to vote on this issue alone.

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At the Federal level we (ASA) work hand in hand with the CCD (The

Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities). This group is made up of almost

every disability organization you can think of

(http://www.c-c-d.org/members.htm) and we try to focus on areas where we are

in agreement, rather than perseverant on issues that divide our respective

memberships when it comes to influencing Federal Disability policies.

Perhaps a " Texas CCD " is needed? It warrants some thought. Does a

lobbying group like this already exist? ly, if one does, I am not

aware of it.

My best.


Jeff Sell

Autism Society of America--1st Vice President

Chairman--ASA's Gov't Relations Committee


(Houston Office)




governor's appointments

I called up Amy Erban and insunuated that the governor was dragging his feet

because they'd misappropriated the money for something else. She called me

back with this snow job that " they were working as fast as they could, and

actually they've only received 2 dozen applications for appointment, most of

which they had to drum up themselves. " I specifically asked about Jeff's

application and she said that she had only just received it--so at least you

know that they know you Jeff!

Everyone just has to keep in mind that November is election time. I think

it would be wise for each of us to visit the state and U.S. reps. We need

to pointedly ask where the U.S. reps stand on IDEA funding and

reauthorization--making it clear that this is a make or break issue for this

campaign, especially because Texas does such a pathetic job in funding even

basic services. We also need to raise the awareness of state legislators

about the situation of families and that our numbers are growing and that

their indifference will cost them their seat.

Applying the NIH of 1 in 250 to the Texas population of 0 - 4, I came up

with 10,000 kids in just the 0 - 4 age range. That's not the kids currently

in school, that's not adults. That's just 0 - 4. That's a lot of folks who

can be motivated to vote on this issue alone.

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Here is the correct link for CCD -- http://www.c-c-d.org/about.htm



Jeff Sell

Autism Society of America--1st Vice President

Chairman--ASA's Gov't Relations Committee


(Houston Office)




governor's appointments

I called up Amy Erban and insunuated that the governor was dragging his feet

because they'd misappropriated the money for something else. She called me

back with this snow job that " they were working as fast as they could, and

actually they've only received 2 dozen applications for appointment, most of

which they had to drum up themselves. " I specifically asked about Jeff's

application and she said that she had only just received it--so at least you

know that they know you Jeff!

Everyone just has to keep in mind that November is election time. I think

it would be wise for each of us to visit the state and U.S. reps. We need

to pointedly ask where the U.S. reps stand on IDEA funding and

reauthorization--making it clear that this is a make or break issue for this

campaign, especially because Texas does such a pathetic job in funding even

basic services. We also need to raise the awareness of state legislators

about the situation of families and that our numbers are growing and that

their indifference will cost them their seat.

Applying the NIH of 1 in 250 to the Texas population of 0 - 4, I came up

with 10,000 kids in just the 0 - 4 age range. That's not the kids currently

in school, that's not adults. That's just 0 - 4. That's a lot of folks who

can be motivated to vote on this issue alone.

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THe closest thing I can think of is the Texas Disability Policy Consortium,

but I recall a couple of years ago they only very reluctantly supported the

autism community in ensuring the Autism Supplemental Services provision was

not removed from the education regs. I will look into this more over the

next week or so and will post. Thanks for jogging my memory. - Ronnie

governor's appointments

I called up Amy Erban and insunuated that the governor was dragging his feet

because they'd misappropriated the money for something else. She called me

back with this snow job that " they were working as fast as they could, and

actually they've only received 2 dozen applications for appointment, most of

which they had to drum up themselves. " I specifically asked about Jeff's

application and she said that she had only just received it--so at least you

know that they know you Jeff!

Everyone just has to keep in mind that November is election time. I think

it would be wise for each of us to visit the state and U.S. reps. We need

to pointedly ask where the U.S. reps stand on IDEA funding and

reauthorization--making it clear that this is a make or break issue for this

campaign, especially because Texas does such a pathetic job in funding even

basic services. We also need to raise the awareness of state legislators

about the situation of families and that our numbers are growing and that

their indifference will cost them their seat.

Applying the NIH of 1 in 250 to the Texas population of 0 - 4, I came up

with 10,000 kids in just the 0 - 4 age range. That's not the kids currently

in school, that's not adults. That's just 0 - 4. That's a lot of folks who

can be motivated to vote on this issue alone.

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Here's a couple I know about who watch policy involving kids.


Texas Federation of Families for Children's Mental Health

7701 N. Lamar Blvd., Suite 504

Austin, Texas 78752

Phone: 512/407-8844

Fax: 512/407-8266

Toll Free: 866/893-3264

e-mail: txffcmh@...


Their latest newsletter is online.


Texas Advocates Supporting Kids with Disabilities (TASK)

Telephone: 512 336-0897

Postal Address: P.O. Box 310945

New Braunfels, Texas 78130-0945

Electronic Mail TASK: AskTASK@...

Board President: Cheryl Kloss kloss@...

Our Goals:

Empowering families by providing current information on issues affecting

children with disabilities.

Enabling families through advocacy training to effectively use this

information to promote positive public policy for children with


Educating policymakers on the support needs of children with disabilities

and their families.

Join The TaskTalk Listserv


5. The purpose of the listserv is to:

* Keep parents/families members informed on current issues/activities

affecting children with disabilities,

* Give parents/family members information on how to influence policymakers

(i.e., who to call, write, email, etc.)

* Provide a network for parents of children with disabilities to discuss

issues, seek support, and collaborate on issues/activities.

governor's appointments

I called up Amy Erban and insunuated that the governor was dragging his feet

because they'd misappropriated the money for something else. She called me

back with this snow job that " they were working as fast as they could, and

actually they've only received 2 dozen applications for appointment, most of

which they had to drum up themselves. " I specifically asked about Jeff's

application and she said that she had only just received it--so at least you

know that they know you Jeff!

Everyone just has to keep in mind that November is election time. I think

it would be wise for each of us to visit the state and U.S. reps. We need

to pointedly ask where the U.S. reps stand on IDEA funding and

reauthorization--making it clear that this is a make or break issue for this

campaign, especially because Texas does such a pathetic job in funding even

basic services. We also need to raise the awareness of state legislators

about the situation of families and that our numbers are growing and that

their indifference will cost them their seat.

Applying the NIH of 1 in 250 to the Texas population of 0 - 4, I came up

with 10,000 kids in just the 0 - 4 age range. That's not the kids currently

in school, that's not adults. That's just 0 - 4. That's a lot of folks who

can be motivated to vote on this issue alone.

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