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Thinking cap could unlock genius in us all

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Thinking cap could unlock genius in us all

By Fiona MacRae

October 01, 2008 01:32am

THERE is a theory that the spark of genius lurks hidden within all of us.

Now scientists are developing a " thinking cap " which could turn that

theory into practice and unlock the potential of the human brain.

The device uses tiny magnetic pulses to change the way the brain works

and has produced remarkable results in tests.

Wearing the hairnet-like cap for a few minutes improved artistic

ability and proof-reading skills.

If perfected, the device could be marketed as a creativity booster

when inspiration is low.

The Australian experiments are inspired by savants - people who, like

Hoffman's character in the film Rain Man, have amazing skills

despite severe autism.

Some have mind-boggling calculating skills or " internal calendar " that

can almost instantly work out the day that any given date fell on.

Others are exceptional artists or can master a complicated piece of

music after hearing it only once.

The cap could be used to bring out such talents temporarily in others.

Sydney University researcher Professor Allan Snyder believes that the

experiments show we all have hidden talents, but we just have trouble

tapping into them.

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