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Canadian PM wins right to suspend parliament

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From Canada: PM suspends Parliament.


Harper's gambit was the latest development in a constitutional battle that erupted last week after he tried to eliminate direct subsidies of political parties, a move that would have hit the opposition particularly hard. He backed down on that, but the opposition parties also say they are upset that the government has not dealt adequately with the economic crisis and said it had lost the confidence of the House of Commons. -then- An Ekos opinion poll taken as the crisis reached its peak showed the Conservatives had shot up in popularity to 44 percent, enough to get a parliamentary majority if an election were held today, up from the 37.6 percent they received in the October 14 vote. Liberal support dropped to 24.1 percent from 26.2 percent, the New Democrats fell to 14.5 percent from 18.2 percent and the Bloc edged down to 9.2 percent from 10.0 percent.

http://www.reuters.com/article/worldNews/idUSTRE4B34BC20081204?pageNumber=1 & virtualBrandChannel=0 +++ So, the Liberals are in trouble because of failed policy, but rather than try to fix it, they are trying to quash the opposition.

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" So, the Liberals are in trouble because of failed policy, but rather

than try to fix it, they are trying to quash the opposition. "

One thing that needs to be understood though is that the Liberals in

Canada are not quite as Liberal as the Democrats in the US.

NDP's are socialists which you would not want in national power, but

they are supposedly good for local politics.


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wrote: " So, the Liberals are in trouble because of failed

policy, but rather than try to fix it, they are trying to quash the

opposition. "

responded: " One thing that needs to be understood though is

that the Liberals in Canada are not quite as Liberal as the Democrats

in the US. NDP's are socialists which you would not want in national

power, but they are supposedly good for local politics. "

Let's take a look at what is going on in Canadian politics.

The Conservatives did NOT win a majority. Only 38% of Canadians who

voted supported the Conservative Party.

That means that 62% of Canadians who voted do not have faith in the

Conservatives to govern Canada.

The Conservatives have proven time and again that whenever any party

provides proof of wrongdoing on the part of the Conservatives, the

Conservative response to is to file a lawsuit against the individual

(s) and the party to which they belong, claiming defamation et al.

When something is a FACT, it cannot be DEFAMATION. However, the

Conservatives live in denial and are lawsuit mongers who bully others

into silence for fear of being on the Conservative hit list.

What's going on has far more to do than just failed policy.

For nearly two months before Harper called the most recent

election, he kept egging on the Liberals, the NDP and the Bloq to

commit to a vote of non-confidence in the Conservative party. Had

things gone in this direction, Harper and his Conservatives

would have had the opposition party to blame for forcing an expensive

election in the hopes that people would be ticked off at the other

parties and give his government a majority. It didn't happen. The

other parties were not willing to commit to a vote of non-confidence

that would let the Conservatives off the hook for an election they

desperately wanted.

Conservatives desperately wanted to pull the plug on their own

government and this is why Harper was so confident just days

before he gave the throne speech in October 2008 that his government

would fall shortly after the throne speech. He spoke of it in great

detail in the media prior to giving the throne speech and it was

learned that his party had already reserved busses and ordered bus

wraps to be made in anticipation of another election.

In the end, Harper called an election at the point in time

where he thought he could probably get a majority government. He

called the election and because of his policies and the volatile

economy, the economy began to tank shortly after the election had

been called. He tried to blame the other parties for these problems

and when he was unable to succeed in tarring and feathering them with

the problems that were plaguing his plan, he fell back on an attack

campaign in an attempt to secure that majority government.

Now, he's complaining loudly about the fact that the Liberals have an

alliance with the Bloq Quebecois. What a hypocrite. The

Conservatives tried desperately to create a similar alliance in the

not so distant past when they wanted the Liberals out of power and

themselves in power. How is it that it is a " good " thing when the

Conservatives do such a thing but it is " traitorous " when any other

party does likewise?

The Liberals are not as liberal as the world thinks (as has

pointed out); the NDPs are the socialist conscience that keeps the

Liberals from getting out of hand. The Bloq makes sure that everyone

realizes the importance of working collaboratively in order to keep

the country together.

The Conservatives lean towards dictatorship-style governing.

The best thing that could happen to Canada at this point would be to

have a coalition government and a majority of Canadians have

indicated that this is what Canadians want at this point in time.


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