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Re: questions about the Scenar

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Hi Nina

You might want to join the energetic medicine list which is moderated by

Jerry Tennant. I have been a member for a few months and have been impressed by

his integrity and knowledge.

There have been some pretty impressive results posted by various members. You

might want to read the archives.

Not really paying attention and it seems to me there are a couple of

" Scenars " . One is an older model from a specific group of people and the other

is the one Tennant sells and comes from another " stream " . You might want to

ask Jerry directly.






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questions about the Scenar


I have had one session with the Scenar and there is no doubt in my mind that


is a highly beneficial instrument. I'm thinking of buying one, but need more

information first.

My question concerns the vendors. Jerry Tennant sells the unit for $3250,


includes a 3-day training for one person.

A man named Volker sells what appears to be the same unit for $1800, which


not include training. Training is either $500 or $600 for one person. This


bring the comparable price to $2400.

There is a considerable savings of at least $850. I am a little curious about

why there is such a discrepancy in price between what the two vendors are


So, if anyone can answer these questions, I would greatly appreciate it.

1) Is it indeed the same model?

2) Can anyone give me feedback, either pro or con, about their experience with

either vendor?

3) If your Scenar was in need of repair, how easy and fast was it to get it


Many thanks for any help you can provide.


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Since so many people are asking me about the Scenar, I am posting links to

information about it.

I have learned that Dr. Jerry Tennant is the only United States representative

who is selling this particular device. I just bought one and will receive it

next week. My first level of training in December will certify me as a

biofeedback specialist and I will legally be allowed to use the device with


My one session with the Scenar balanced my sympathetic and parasympathetic

nervous systems, straightened my spine, and aligned my head and occiput properly

(which had become misaligned due to various injuries). The device has been used

for all sorts of conditions. It has been reported to eliminate cataracts,

correct an appendicitis attack, reduce or eliminate pain, and simply reduce


I'll report more to the list after I receive my device. In the meantime, read

about the Scenar on these links.



Warm regards,


Nina Silver, Ph.D.

Author, *The Handbook of Rife Frequency Healing*

Read excerpts from, and order the book at


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Nina and group,

I own an automatic scenar like the one from Volker,


This is a different manufacturer than Jerry Tennant's scenar. It's

difficult to find out which is best since they both claim to have the

best. I know one thing. Jerry Tennant is a liar, con artist, and

generally a power hungry, ivory tower, kind of guy. I don't say this

without personal knowledge. I have had dealings with him in person

and in his online group.

You say: Dr. Jerry Tennant is the only United States representative

> who is selling this particular device

Jerry Tennant does have the rights to his manufacturer's scenar, but

the other manufacturer's scenar is being sold several places

including the link I gave above. Jerry Tennant is attempting to

corner the U.S. scenar market through any kind of intimidation and

lies that he can think of. He claims that his company is the only

company with the right to sell scenars in the U.S. But it is only

lies and intimidation by him and his attorneys.

I do not use my Acuscen-scenar much anymore and would be willing to

sell it for $850 incl. shipping in new condition (They cost $1425

new) , if anyone is interested. YOu can purchase the training manual

for $75 through http://www.braintuner.com/skenar.htm


> Since so many people are asking me about the Scenar, I am posting

links to

> information about it.


> I have learned that Dr. Jerry Tennant is the only United States


> who is selling this particular device. I just bought one and will

receive it

> next week. My first level of training in December will certify me

as a

> biofeedback specialist and I will legally be allowed to use the

device with

> others.


> My one session with the Scenar balanced my sympathetic and


> nervous systems, straightened my spine, and aligned my head and

occiput properly

> (which had become misaligned due to various injuries). The device

has been used

> for all sorts of conditions. It has been reported to eliminate


> correct an appendicitis attack, reduce or eliminate pain, and

simply reduce

> stress.


> I'll report more to the list after I receive my device. In the

meantime, read

> about the Scenar on these links.


> http://www.positivehealth.com/permit/Articles/Energy%



> http://www.scenar.info/info/articles1.php


> Warm regards,

> Nina


> Nina Silver, Ph.D.

> Author, *The Handbook of Rife Frequency Healing*

> Read excerpts from, and order the book at

> http://www.healingheart-harmonics.com

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Hi Nina,

At one stage I was interested in energetic medicine and collected a

few posts from the newsgroup. I am including them below, one of the

posts relates to the accusations.

From the posts that I have read, I would stick with Jerry Tennant.



Dear Jerry, I just got back from Toronto, my first Scenar training

with Russian Dr. Irena Kossovskaia. I would have loved to buy and

train with you but staying in Canada makes it a lot more affordable

for me. Thank you so much for inspiring us into Scenar use. Have had

the device about one month and have only had success stories. This

before training using only Auto mode. I am like you interested in

what works to help people. The Quantum is wonderful but some fell

through the cracks. The Scenar is that extra that enables me to help

many more. I look forward to the new site where we can more freely

discuss what works where and with what method. Thank you again for

being our inspiration. Blessings Margrit Bayer


Dear Group members,

The following is verbatim email from Philip Barker http://life-

energies.com/, the company with whom Jerry Tennant and Co. are in

competition and conflict. In any open forum, both sides of an issue

should be allowed, although in this group I wouldn't be surprised if

I get evicted for relaying Mr. Barker's heartfelt letter:

For the moment, I simply state that Jerry Tennant is not

telling the truth - many of his remarks are false and seriously


Neuro Energy Developments has made a big mistake relying upon the

agreements it has entered into at huge cost.

The Russians have said " the Space Healer " (produced by

Dr Yuan in Hong Kong and also sold by Dr Mc in Nevis Island)

simply " doesn't work " .

These men who bought their original CE marked Life-Energies' Skenars

97.4 are not to be relied upon, nor is Jerry Tennant. They also

bought Life-Energies' expert training notes (as approved by Professor

Revenko) and translated from Russian not by Dr Zulia but by

professional linguistic experts.

It is Life-Energies which spent £50,000 getting the British CE mark

so that this Skenar is approved in Europe but not

yet by the FDA. It is Life-Energies which engaged Dr Zulia

at a very high salary and paid for her training in Russia and

taught her how to train. She is not allowed to practice as a

doctor in Britain and the USA, even though she is a good


Life-Energies has never stolen from the Russians nor any-one else -

the thieves are to be found elsewhere within

the " healing " profession - trying to patent knowledge and

methodology for the wrong motives and endeavouring to

hijack the efforts of others.

The training offered by Life-Energies is the best in the world,

along with the expert training notes (approved by Dr Revenko

and the manufacturers) These were used to develop the

training offered by Jerry Tennant. Life-Energies has trained

most Skenar owners in the world and at a low cost. It is a callous

lie to advise people that Skenars bought from Life-Energies

(described as 'black market' ones) may not be

guaranteed for servicing - simply not true. Life-Energies markets

legitimately while Tennant runs a black market operation in the


AND NOW LIFE-ENERGIES SKENARS are offered to everyone at the

lowest price in the world $1500 including mailing.

500 are available for immediate delivery at this price: $1500 .

The legitimate original Russian SCENAR patents are claimed to be

owned by Karasev. No one ever

got the Order of Lenin (another lie) and there are other lies

from Tennant, like " British brankuptcy officials took over their

offices this week " - referring to Philip and Gillian Barker "

Tennant, you should be ashamed - your malice and your falsehoods

deserve to be revealed for what they are. Your

energy is not good - be honest - don't pretend and, as a scientist,

you should stick with facts - not falsehoods.

I asked for a meeting with Jerry Tennant and he ignored the

invitation - preferring to rely on his own arrogant assertions.

We need to have the truth stated, even though he (Jerry Tennant) is

a formidable fighter who will not rest easily and will show

no real humility. Neuro Energy Developments' so called

agreement requires the company to sell thousands of

Skenars or the agreement attracts penalties.

I have spoken with a competitor of RITM (with whom the

agreement is) and we will be springing a big surprise on

Neuro Energy before April - good, honest competition

with the Acuscen Automatic. That is the way the industry

will go and whilst respecting the need for professionals, people will

want their own designer automatics!

All good wishes and yes, of course you (anyone) can have a brand

new 97.4 (fully guaranteed) for $1500, made at RITM in

Taganrog and assembled in Holland.

Philip Barker http://life-energies.com/


> Re: questions about the Scenar



> > Nina and group,

> >

> > I own an automatic scenar like the one from Volker,

> > http://www.braintuner.com/skenar.htm

> > This is a different manufacturer than Jerry Tennant's scenar.


> > difficult to find out which is best since they both claim to have


> > best. I know one thing. Jerry Tennant is a liar, con artist,


> > generally a power hungry, ivory tower, kind of guy. I don't say


> > without personal knowledge. I have had dealings with him in


> > and in his online group.


> I would like to know your experiences with him, if you'd like to

share them.


> > Jerry Tennant does have the rights to his manufacturer's scenar,


> > the other manufacturer's scenar is being sold several places

> > including the link I gave above. Jerry Tennant is attempting to

> > corner the U.S. scenar market through any kind of intimidation


> > lies that he can think of. He claims that his company is the


> > company with the right to sell scenars in the U.S. But it is


> > lies and intimidation by him and his attorneys.


> Again, I'd like to know why you say this.


> > I do not use my Acuscen-scenar much anymore and would be willing


> > sell it for $850 incl. shipping in new condition (They cost $1425

> > new) , if anyone is interested. YOu can purchase the training


> > for $75 through http://www.braintuner.com/skenar.htm

> >

> > regards


> Thanks.

> Nina

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I forgot to add that from what I could gather, if you get the SCENAR

and don't do the training, then the SCENAR is very difficult to use

effectively, even with the manuals. I had read that even after 6

months of trying to use the SCENAR, they could not use it


However, after attending the course, their effectiveness improved



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Nina and group,

Sorry I haven't been able to answered your questions sooner.

Nina asked: I would like to know your experiences with him, if you'd

like to share them.

Well I will just be brief. I saw him for therapy on the QXCI. After

five sessions at $150/each, I asked for a progress report as I didn't

feel I was progressing much. He said he would provide it but he

didn't. I requested it again after several weeks and without a word,

he refunded my money, which I never asked for. Believe me, I never

did anything but expect basic respect and responsibility from him.

Then many months later after he got into the scenar, I asked to be in

the next training and he refused to allow me.

Basically he hasn't got the guts to talk straight, but he has the

guts to stab you in the back....typical for many old style, arrogant


Then after that, to make a long story short, he unsubscribed me from

his online group three times. What was my crime?...nothing but

relaying some messages to the group from Tennant's competitor in the

scenar business and giving my opinion. And after he unsubscribed

me, then him and his henchman in the group had the gall to accuse me

of being a member of quackwatch. He's a very sly dog, believe me.

He claims to be a fundamentalist christian on the " surface " .

As far as his scenar company and the Quote from him that you posted

below, there are so many lies and untruths in the quote that I will

only take the time to comment on one of them:

" Karasev developed the units known as " automatic " .

According to Dr. Revenko, the Karasev units are primarily TENS units

whereas the

97.4 is a dual biofeedback unit. "

THIS IS UTTERLY FALSE. Karasev is actually the one who is credited

with being the original inventor of the scenar, not Revenko. All

scenars that are true to the original invention are dual biofeedback

devices, which means that the signal that is sent to the body is

constantly modified based upon the signal that the scenar receives

back. Karasev makes automatic and manual devices, not just

automatic. To label the scenar inventor's devices as TENS units is

the such a bold fabrication of untruth that only someone of Tennant's

character could say such a thing with a straight face.



> Re: questions about the Scenar



> > Nina and group,

> >

> > I own an automatic scenar like the one from Volker,

> > http://www.braintuner.com/skenar.htm

> > This is a different manufacturer than Jerry Tennant's scenar.


> > difficult to find out which is best since they both claim to have


> > best. I know one thing. Jerry Tennant is a liar, con artist,


> > generally a power hungry, ivory tower, kind of guy. I don't say


> > without personal knowledge. I have had dealings with him in


> > and in his online group.


> I would like to know your experiences with him, if you'd like to

share them.


> > Jerry Tennant does have the rights to his manufacturer's scenar,


> > the other manufacturer's scenar is being sold several places

> > including the link I gave above. Jerry Tennant is attempting to

> > corner the U.S. scenar market through any kind of intimidation


> > lies that he can think of. He claims that his company is the


> > company with the right to sell scenars in the U.S. But it is


> > lies and intimidation by him and his attorneys.


> Again, I'd like to know why you say this.


> > I do not use my Acuscen-scenar much anymore and would be willing


> > sell it for $850 incl. shipping in new condition (They cost $1425

> > new) , if anyone is interested. YOu can purchase the training


> > for $75 through http://www.braintuner.com/skenar.htm

> >

> > regards


> Thanks.

> Nina



I have found out more information about the Scenars. The following

note is from

Jerry. It was sent to the Electromedicine List.


There are two different SCENAR companies with very different


Originally there were four main developers working on the SCENAR for

the Russian space program:

1. Revenko

2. Nadtotschij

3. Karasev

4. ? Garfinkle

(I apologize for the spellings---I may not have spelled them


After about five years, Karasev moved to the Ukraine. He started his

own line

of SCENARS and continues to produce them there. His research went in


direction; the group in Tangarog continued in another. The Tangarog


(under Dr. Revenko) developed the biofeedback version known as the

97.4 over the

following 15 years. Karasev developed the units known as " automatic " .

According to Dr. Revenko, the Karasev units are primarily TENS units

whereas the

97.4 is a dual biofeedback unit.

The license to manufacture and distribute the 97.4 biofeedback unit in

the Americas is held by Neuro Energies Development, LLC. They have


sEnergy Medical Group, Inc. to distribute the devices in the US.


Medical Group has an agreement with me to provide training for all

97.4 devices

they distribute in the US.

It is my understanding that people who purchase the Karasev units get

no training or support other than material shipped with the unit.

People who purchase European 97.4 models over the internet get no

training or support. Life Energies, based in London, has been selling


into the US and has even given some courses here. However, they have


medically trained people on their staff, two of their companies are in

bankruptcy, and the current company is under investigation by the


government for fraud and will not likely last very much longer (See


copy of British newspaper).

Manufacture of the 97.4 is being moved to the US and all other

manufacturers of the device in the world will be closed in the next

few months.

This will solve the problem you have so clearly identified = people


devices with little or no training or support. However, those who

purchase the

Ukrainian Karasev device will continue to have little training or

support and

will be using a device that is not FDA accepted as is the 97.4. In


the technology is different---only the name " SCENAR " is the same.

The only home use devices currently available are the Karasev model

and a device from Hong Kong. Neither has the same biofeedback

characteristic of

the 97.4. A home device has been designed by the Revenko group and

will be

manufactured in the US next year. It will have the same signal


of the 97.4, but it will not have all the capabilities of the

professional 97.4


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