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Medical News: Dietary Supplement Tied to Metastatic Prostate Cancer

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> Ken,


> I think you assume too much if you consider that

> prostate cancer is

> primarily caused or promoted by estradiol or

> estrogens in general.

Ralph Giarnella wrote:

Before I try to answer this post it is important that

I issue a disclaimer.

I am and Internist and Gastroenterologist. I am not a

Urologist or Oncologist. I do not treat Prostate

cancer and by no means do I know enough about prostate

cancer to discuss it.

Having said that I went to an Oncology Textbook

(cancer treatment textbook) and read the Chapter on

Prostate Cancer.

<<Abeloff: Clinical Oncology, 3rd ed.

Copyright © 2004 Churchill Livingstone, An Imprint of


Chapter 87 Prostate Cancer>>

Below are what I think are relevant excerpts for this

discussion. All texts enclosed by << ...>> are from

the above textbook.

First of all the chilling facts of the incidence of

prostate cancer in apparently healthy mean.


One challenge for prostate cancer screening is the

prevalence of the disease in the United States:

Autopsy series have revealed small prostate cancers in

as many as 29% of men between ages 30 and 40 years and

64% of men between ages 60 and 70 years.[4]

These are not men who died from prostate cancer,

rather they are prostate cancer which were found

incidentally. This not new information, since I was

taught this in Medical School 40 years ago.

Nowhere in the chapter is there reference to estrogens

or estradiol with regards to increasing the risk for

prostate cancer. On the contrary in some situations

Estrogen is used to treat prostate cancer.

Casler writes:

Hi Ralph,

I too claim no " insight " into the DIRECT hormonal relationship between

Prostate problems, and Testosterone, but wonder at the evidence, or the

interpretation of it.

If the aromatized DHT was " THE " culprit, it seems strange that it occurs at

a time in one's life where the levels are the lowest, compared to the ages

of say 18 when they are the highest.

It would seem then, that it is likely a more complex inter-relationship of

sensitivities, balances, exposures, genetic markers or keys, and such.

While it cannot be denied that DHT is an anabolic enabler to what might seem

a " more " sensitive cellular proliferation of cancer cells, it might not be

" THE " cause. Much like gasoline certainly will make a fire flare up, but it

may not be the cause of the fire.

I would assume that at some point in the exploration to understand diabetes,

that some thought it was generally caused by too little insulin, which we

now know is not always the case.

As we also know, the relationship, profile, and production of the endogenous

hormones changes as we age. Many are exploring that " relationship " as well

as the related elements like cellular sensitivities to various hormonal

levels. Much evidence for many diseases of aging seem to stem from the

various reactive adjustments to these variations, and the inflammation that

seems to accompany them.

Any thoughts?



TRI-VECTOR 3-D Force Systems

Century City, CA

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