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Re: depression and anxiety

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Hi Joana,

I also have depression and anxiety. Most antidepressants have a weight gain side

effect. I take Welbutrin to avoid that side effect. I had gained 40 pounds on


As far as anxiety goes I have bad days and good days. I do believe on the days I

feel physically stronger my anxiety is less. Being the worry wart that I am

anxiety is unavoidable for me. I do like the Citicoline, it helps me feel


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I have luck w cod liver oil for depression. I have good days & bad.  EMF's make

it worse for me.

Klonopin worked the best for me, but reacted over time & had to quit.

I share your thoughts about psyh. drugs only b/c I had  many reactions.

 I quit a low dose old fashioned

antidepressant w tapering a year ago. Reacted w heart palpitations from long

term use.

I felt alert much better.

 B complex helps. Maybe it's my answer, but not there yet.

Bach flower remedies are good, could try valerian.

I found visual imagery stress CD's help & a friend to confide in helps.

 Getting out to get your mind off things w a hobby in small steps.

Years ago anxiety was bad, I needed the meds to function.  The anxiety lessened

when had my fillings removed.

I'm not you & if you want to try 1 , I don't see anything wrong w it. Try a

lower dose than recommended. Maybe if they compound 1 for you, you wouldn't

react to it.

Don't combine herbs w/o asking a pharmacist.

Blessings, Kathy

From: Dana S <candalah@...>

Subject: [] Depression and anxiety

hi all, just wondering what supps etc others have found useful for dealing with

depression and anxiety? For anxiety I tried kava at the recommended dose and at

more than the recommended dose and that did not help enough.

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Have you been exposed to mold or chemicals and diagnosed with a toxic

illness? If so you need to remove the toxins from your system first which will

probably help with the depression and anxiety. Before finding out what was

making me so sick all my local Drs. told me I was too stressed and gave me

pills that didn't work.


hi all, just wondering what supps etc others have found useful for dealing

with depression and anxiety? For anxiety I tried kava at the recommended

dose and at more than the recommended dose and that did not help enough.

I am chemically sensitive and sulfur sensitivie. My hormones are quite

messed up but my anxiety is very much mostly situational and its likely to get

more and more intense as im unable to change the situation. Any ideas of

something quite strong??!!! Im not depressed but its there lurking, i can

feel it lol. Ive found prozqc very helpful in the past but with my now messed

up chemistry and chemical sensitivity i dont want to go near psych drugs.

Kindest regards,


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I use St. 's Wort tea which works beautifully for months at a time and then

the effectiveness kind of wears off. (be careful if you're taking other drugs

with this one, though, check for interactions).

I recently had my blood tested and I found out my cortisol was super low-because

I've been dealing with stress for so long my cortisol production was all loopy.

The doctor gave me licorice extract! Within a week I was calmer and one day when

I forgot to take it it seemed like I just was having the worst day ever and

couldn't cope and then I realized-no licorice! Who knew?

I've tried klonopin but it didn't help. I would try something else but I know

that if it worked I would get totally hooked on it (I have that tendency to

overuse a drug if it works.)

B's are good for energy. Omega oils are good too.

I used a ayurvedic thing called Ashwaghanda which also worked really well for

about 6 months (seems my body learns to circumvent the natural stuff).

It may sound silly but exercise really works. If you can, feel strong enough,

get out there and walk. Or do some stretches at home. Exercise gets your bodies

natural uppers going.

Is it too personal to ask (I'm assuming Dana is a woman's name here - sorry if

I'm wrong)if you are pre or post menopause? I'm totally post and depression is

different now that I don't have any hormones left. It's better and easier to

handle. But when I get exposed to mold, I sink regardless.



> hi all, just wondering what supps etc others have found useful for dealing

with depression and anxiety? For anxiety I tried kava at the recommended dose

and at more than the recommended dose and that did not help enough.


> I am chemically sensitive and sulfur sensitivie. My hormones are quite messed

up but my anxiety is very much mostly situational and its likely to get more and

more intense as im unable to change the situation. Any ideas of something quite

strong??!!! Im not depressed but its there lurking, i can feel it lol. Ive found

prozqc very helpfull in the past but with my now messed up chemistry and

chemical sensitivity i dont want to go near psych drugs.


> Kindest regards,

> D


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it may take some time for your symptoms to mellow out some after you get away

from the WDB. I call it chronic reactive state.

you have to be practicing advoidance and get to where your liveing space is free

of anything that aggervates your condition. one sign that you are getting this

done is that you should start sleeping better and all your symptoms start to


your emotions should get somewhat better too.

many re-exposures for me can set off my emotions and it's tottally

uncontrolable, be prepared as family/friends might take this as you have kindof

lost it, even when your telling them their purfume is makeing you have a brain

brain reaction among other symptoms.

it's kind of a catch twenty two for many because when your in the chronic

reactive state you really might not be able to reaconize what is aggervateing

your condition, so really your just have to get rid of anything in your

environment that may be suspect. but you should start seeing a change in how

your felling overall and you really have to pay close attn. to your body and

what it's telling you.

I had to get my daughters to do run to stores for me, ect. because I really

couldn't go much of anywhere or even outside much because I would react to too

many things. I had to leave my mail outside cause I couldn't handle the smell,

anything bought new had to stay outside and air out of go straight to the

washer, sometimes twice.

but there may be a period of time after getting out that it seems that no matter

what you do, nothing helps. you may still be in the " chronic reactive state "

just because of the effects your body is still suffering from the exposure

and/or what still in your body from exposure, keeping you in the reactive state.

adviodance is the first step. detox is very important too but your body should

still be able to detox at some rate. finding safe ways to help it along well


think inhalation,ingestion, skin contact.


> hi all, just wondering what supps etc others have found useful for dealing

with depression and anxiety?

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holy cow, I just have to say these discusions about trying this and trying that

really bother me.

consider less is better, consider that your body has just went through hell and

it needs a break. consider that your body is very tired of trying to regulate

what goes into it, weither inhalation wise, ingestion wise or through skin


consider that at least for a while it might be good just to live like your

extremely poor, which some now are, and just clean your house of everything but

the bare nessesities, and live on greens and white meat for a while. water and

green tea, and just give your body a much needed break. I was one that became

reactive to just about every drug any doctor prescibed. it seems that drugs just

might be something to avoid altogether. most drugs have side effects, that means

your body is haveing to deal with you takeing that drug one way or another. and

I'd be very careful about even takeing herbs.

if your going to try a herb, research it very well, you well find just as many

bad thoughts on any of them as you well good, and several do have mold and

mycotoxin problems. you have to think about where anything comes from, how they

may have been processed, and just like everything else on the market, you cant

always trust what you read in ads. you have to research.

if you dont first get to a certain level with advoidance, you are not going to

be able to judge if anything you take causes a reation or not. even a tiny

reaction is still a reaction.

sometimes relief isn't in a drug, or doesn't come by takeing something.

I believe strongly that the body severly needs a break after these exposures.

all this crap some of you are talking about to me is just that. more crap that

your sticking in your body causeing your over worked body to work some more.

sorry, but thats the way I fell about it, and now that I've said this, I'm going

to go away because this is causeing me some stress that I dont need.


> Dana,


> I have luck w cod liver oil for depression. I have good days & bad.  EMF's

make it worse for me.


> Klonopin worked the best for me, but reacted over time & had to quit.


> I share your thoughts about psyh. drugs only b/c I had  many reactions.

>  I quit a low dose old fashioned

> antidepressant w tapering a year ago. Reacted w heart palpitations from long

term use.

> I felt alert much better.


>  B complex helps. Maybe it's my answer, but not there yet.

> Bach flower remedies are good, could try valerian.


> I found visual imagery stress CD's help & a friend to confide in helps.


>  Getting out to get your mind off things w a hobby in small steps.


> Years ago anxiety was bad, I needed the meds to function.  The anxiety

lessened when had my fillings removed.



> I'm not you & if you want to try 1 , I don't see anything wrong w it. Try a

lower dose than recommended. Maybe if they compound 1 for you, you wouldn't

react to it.


> Don't combine herbs w/o asking a pharmacist.


> Blessings, Kathy





> From: Dana S <candalah@...>

> Subject: [] Depression and anxiety


> hi all, just wondering what supps etc others have found useful for dealing

with depression and anxiety? For anxiety I tried kava at the recommended dose

and at more than the recommended dose and that did not help enough.


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I have struggled with depression and anxiety all my adult life. After sick

building exposure it was 10x as strong. Scary strong. After i moved out of that

sick building and before i started on medication for toxic mold exposure, i had

a panic attack that lasted for 3 days straight. Seriously 3 days straight, no

breaks in between. It was intense and seemed like my eyes were wide open all 3

days. It was a low in my life and i will never forget it. Ever! Seriously on the

third day i told God that if this doesnt let up im going to kill myself and i

meant it. Sick, on my death bed anyway, not being able to speak really, not

being able to think, or walk for longer than 5 minutes, it wasnt that bad of an


A few hours later a friend of mine gave me the first vicodin i have ever tried

in my life. After taking it a few minutes later it was the most peacefull

feeling i had ever felt in my entire life. 3 days of hell, and then complete

peacefull calm. It was a close call for me. I have not taken Vicodin since and

ofcourse please *do not* try this, just exlaining my experience i do *not*

advocate taking Vicodin for anxiety. On that peticular day it saved my life.

Now that i am gaining my health back and after receiving some clarity through

this suffering i can tell you that the best " natural " thing for depression and

anxiety is loving your self COMPLETELY! And that means not one word of neg self

talk! And asking God to show you just exactly how much you matter and how

beautiful you truly are. It cant be done through self determination or self

will, it must be freely given to you from God himself. So start the process of

true love, self love, and ask God to help with that.

I truly feel because i felt like or really believed I didnt deserve to be loved

or have a happy, healthy, blessed life (child hood stuff) that i got exactly

what i felt i deserved in life, and that includes my physical sickness. It was

my already confirmed beliefs about myself that i got exactly what i thought i


dont know what the future holds for me but this lesson through this suffering i

have learned and that teaching runs deep and to my roots. No matter what i will

cherish myself in a healthy loving way. Acknowlede my own worth and EXPECT that

God will reveal his love for me as im learning to love myself more and more. As

a human being i deserve to be loved because i exist. And first and foremost that

includes loving myself, Period!

And only God can help with that. So i go to him daily for that help. No way i

can do this in my own power.

My anxiety and depression is amazingly taking a back seat from where it was once

center stage. Miracle for someone like me!!!


p.s. Sorry if mentioning God offends anyone, but this is my experience.


> hi all, just wondering what supps etc others have found useful for dealing

with depression and anxiety? For anxiety I tried kava at the recommended dose

and at more than the recommended dose and that did not help enough.


> I am chemically sensitive and sulfur sensitivie. My hormones are quite messed

up but my anxiety is very much mostly situational and its likely to get more and

more intense as im unable to change the situation. Any ideas of something quite

strong??!!! Im not depressed but its there lurking, i can feel it lol. Ive found

prozqc very helpfull in the past but with my now messed up chemistry and

chemical sensitivity i dont want to go near psych drugs.


> Kindest regards,

> D


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Thsnks very much everyone who replied. Unfortunately i keep ending up in WDB'S

and my MCS, and lack of money (not working),is making it hard to find a place.

I also react to very low level cross contamination. Plus mum is real sick and

therre other stresses in my life. Kinda like my world is imploding on many

levels. My cortisol is very very low.

So the mold or microbial growth is one of the major stresses both physically and

mentally and i need something thats going towork despite being exposed to mold

:( is this possible?

Kind regards,



On 2011-02-15 05:57:00 +1100 osisposis <jeaninem660@...> wrote:


> it may take some time for your symptoms to mellow out some after you get away

> from the WDB. I call it chronic reactive state.

> you have to be practicing advoidance and get to where your liveing space is

> free of anything that aggervates your condition. one sign that you are

> getting this done is that you should start sleeping better and all your

> symptoms start to seperate.

> your emotions should get somewhat better too.


> many re-exposures for me can set off my emotions and it's tottally

> uncontrolable, be prepared as family/friends might take this as you have

> kindof lost it, even when your telling them their purfume is makeing you have

> a brain brain reaction among other symptoms.


> it's kind of a catch twenty two for many because when your in the chronic

> reactive state you really might not be able to reaconize what is aggervateing

> your condition, so really your just have to get rid of anything in your

> environment that may be suspect. but you should start seeing a change in how

> your felling overall and you really have to pay close attn. to your body and

> what it's telling you.

> I had to get my daughters to do run to stores for me, ect. because I really

> couldn't go much of anywhere or even outside much because I would react to

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Thanks for the tips Barb,

> Is it too personal to ask (I'm assuming Dana is a woman's name here - sorry

> if I'm wrong)if you are pre or post menopause?

Yes, im 32, no period since october when i got the sickest and had to move from

the original WDB so hormones def a mess (not pregnant). Periods normally regular

for me.

> . But when I get exposed to mold, I sink regardless.

This is what im afraid of.

emotionally coping with all the physical stress to my body but not always coping

with the anxiety of being stuck in a WDB..and well lots of other situations in

my life related to this.

Thanks for taking the time to share your experiences.

Kind regards,


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which hormones are out of balance?

if you haven't done so already, you may want to have your cortisol levels

(saliva) and neurotransmitters tested.

many people who have been sick for a long period of time, tend to develop

adrenal fatigue, which will make dealing with stressful situations worse and

will tend to provoke anxiety. also being exhausted for long periods will often

make you feel a little down.

have you tried EFT (emotional freedom technique) tapping, grounding techniques

or breathing techniques to calm the anxiety. it won't cure the anxiety, but it

will help the anxiety from accelerating. it may take a little practice before

you get the benefits from it.


> hi all, just wondering what supps etc others have found useful for dealing

with depression and anxiety? For anxiety I tried kava at the recommended dose

and at more than the recommended dose and that did not help enough.


> I am chemically sensitive and sulfur sensitivie. My hormones are quite messed

up but my anxiety is very much mostly situational and its likely to get more and

more intense as im unable to change the situation. Any ideas of something quite

strong??!!! Im not depressed but its there lurking, i can feel it lol. Ive found

prozqc very helpfull in the past but with my now messed up chemistry and

chemical sensitivity i dont want to go near psych drugs.


> Kindest regards,

> D


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Klonopin has a history of being toxic to the liver so be careful.



> Dana,


> I have luck w cod liver oil for depression. I have good days & bad.  EMF's

make it worse for me.


> Klonopin worked the best for me, but reacted over time & had to quit.

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Wow, Elias, I am so glad the Vicodin helped. I know we are not supposed to give

others our prescription meds, can be a costly mistake, but glad it helped in

this instance and that it saved you, phew!

I'm also glad you learned those things about love and negative self talk. I was

just attending a workshop for coping with chronic illness and that was

discussed, and how to change self defeating thoughts to postive ones. The mind

and emotions have such an affect on us physically, it is an important thing to

give attention to as part of managing our self care. We can reduce our symptoms

by changing our thinking and that will change how we feel emotionally which will

affect how we feel physically. It's all connected.

Learning an emotional releasing technique helped me with those things even more.

For a while I had stomach spasms but after doing emotional releasing I never had

them again. I was so surprised. Lots of my symptoms went away or reduced

considerably from using that technique.


---From: photoguys2003

I have struggled with depression and anxiety all my adult life. After sick

building exposure it was 10x as strong. Scary strong. After i moved out of that

sick building and before i started on medication for toxic mold exposure, i had

a panic attack that lasted for 3 days straight. Seriously 3 days straight, no

breaks in between. It was intense and seemed like my eyes were wide open all 3

days. It was a low in my life and i will never forget it. Ever! Seriously on the

third day i told God that if this doesnt let up im going to kill myself and i

meant it. Sick, on my death bed anyway, not being able to speak really, not

being able to think, or walk for longer than 5 minutes, it wasnt that bad of an


A few hours later a friend of mine gave me the first vicodin i have ever tried

in my life. After taking it a few minutes later it was the most peacefull

feeling i had ever felt in my entire life. 3 days of hell, and then complete

peacefull calm. It was a close call for me. I have not taken Vicodin since and

ofcourse please *do not* try this, just exlaining my experience i do *not*

advocate taking Vicodin for anxiety. On that peticular day it saved my life.

Now that i am gaining my health back and after receiving some clarity through

this suffering i can tell you that the best " natural " thing for depression and

anxiety is loving your self COMPLETELY! And that means not one word of neg self

talk! And asking God to show you just exactly how much you matter and how

beautiful you truly are. It cant be done through self determination or self

will, it must be freely given to you from God himself. So start the process of

true love, self love, and ask God to help with that.

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Good for you! My mother has a mantra for negative thoughts. She says cancel,

cancel. Kind of telling yourself to get away from the bad thought.


> I have struggled with depression and anxiety all my adult life. After sick

building exposure it was 10x as strong. Scary strong. After i moved out of that

sick building and before i started on medication for toxic mold exposure, i had

a panic attack that lasted for 3 days straight. Seriously 3 days straight, no

breaks in between. It was intense and seemed like my eyes were wide open all 3

days. It was a low in my life and i will never forget it. Ever! Seriously on the

third day i told God that if this doesnt let up im going to kill myself and i

meant it. Sick, on my death bed anyway, not being able to speak really, not

being able to think, or walk for longer than 5 minutes, it wasnt that bad of an



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I have not had a period since about Oct of 1999. I was only 40. I still have

not experienced the symptoms of menopause. I do not think it is hormonally

related. A doctor told me if you are too sick to reproduce then the body will

not provide the environment for conception. It will also prevent you from

losing nutrients and blood you cannot afford to lose. The body is smart and

does everything it can to keep us alive and functioning, whatever that takes.


---From: Dana S

Yes, im 32, no period since october when i got the sickest and had to move from

the original WDB so hormones def a mess (not pregnant). Periods normally regular

for me.

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