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25 Most Significant Health Benefits of Physical Activity and Exercise

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The 25 Most Significant Health Benefits of Physical Activity and


Len Kravitz, Ph.D.



People of all ages can improve the quality of their lives and reduce

the risks of developing coronary heart disease, hypertension, some

cancers, and type 2 diabetes with ongoing participation in moderate

physical activity and exercise. Daily exercise will also enhance

one's mental well-being and promote healthy musculoskeletal function

throughout life. Although habitual physical activity is an attainable

goal to a healthier life, only 48% percent of all American adults

currently get & Mac179;30 minutes of moderate intensity exercise per

day on at least 5 days/week (CDC, 2005).

1) Cardiovascular disease

The leading health-related cause of mortality for men and women in

the U.S is cardiovascular disease (CVD). Meaningful cardiovascular

health benefits may be attained with the long-term participation in

cardiovascular exercise. To properly address the question of " how

much exercise is enough, " the American College of Sports Medicine has

recognized the need for physical activity and exercise...

2-4) Diabetes, Insulin Sensitivity and Glucose Metabolism

Diabetes has reached endemic proportions, affecting 170 million

individuals worldwide (Stumvoll, Goldstein and van Haeften, 2005).

One misfortunate health consequence of physical inactivity is the

weakening of the body's insulin regulatory mechanisms. Elevated

insulin and blood glucose levels are characteristic features involved

in the development of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus....

5) Hypertension

Hypertension is a major health problem. Elevated systolic and

diastolic blood pressures are associated with a higher risk of

developing coronary heart disease (CHD), congestive heart failure,

stroke, and kidney failure......

6-8) Blood Triglycerides, HDL-Cholesterol, and LDL-Cholesterol...

9) Stroke

Physical activity exerts at positive effect in lessoning the risk of

stroke in men and women.

10-13) Colon, breast, lung and multiple myeloma cancer

Physical activity and exercise are correlated with a lower incidence

of colon cancer and breast cancer in men and women, respectively. Lee

(2003) reports that moderate-to-vigorous physical activity has a

greater protective effect than lower intensities of physical


14) Osteoporosis

Physical activities that stimulate bone growth need to include

progressive overload, variation of load, and specificity of load.

Specificity of load refers to exercises that directly place a load on

a certain region of the skeleton. With osteoporosis, a degenerative

disease characterized by a loss of bone mineral density resulting in

a susceptibility to bone fractures and health problems, it appears

resistance training and weight bearing aerobic exercise may provide

the needed stimulus for bone formation (Kohrt et al., 2004)....

15-16) Musculoskeletal Health and Sarcopenia

Muscle mass, strength, power and endurance are essential contributing

factors for the improvement in musculoskeletal health and the

enhancement of movement capabilities (Marcell, 2003)....

Sarcopenia is the age-related loss of muscle mass and strength

(Marcell, 2003)....

17-18) Body Composition and Obesity

Obesity has risen to epidemic levels in the U.S., with over 65% of

the U.S adults being overweight and 31% obese (ACSM, 2006)....

19) Arthritis

Arthritis is a broad term referring to greater than 100 rheumatic

diseases. Of the many types of arthritis, osteoarthritis (a

degenerative joint disease) and rheumatoid arthritis (an inflammatory

disorder affecting multiple joints) are the two most prevalent (Maes

and Kravitz, 2004).

20) Stress

A growing body of research over the last 10 years substantiates that

physical activity and exercise also improves psychological well-being

(Dubbert, 2002).

21) Mood State

Frequently, personal trainers and fitness professionals hear clients

say that they exercise because it " feels good. "

22) Depression

The antidepressant action is one of the most commonly accepted

psychological benefits of exercise.

23) Anxiety

According to Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, anxiety is " distress or

uneasiness of mind caused by fear of danger or misfortune. " It is a

stage of apprehension. The results of over 30 published papers

substantiate a link between acute and chronic exercise and the

reduction of anxiety (Scully et al., 1998).

24) Self-Esteem

As with the other psychological health variables, exercise has a

positive influence on improving self-esteem (Callaghan, 2004).

25) The " Weekend Warrior "

All position statements on physical activity surround their messages

around the importance of consistent physical activity and exercise

throughout the course of the week. Yet, a sub-population of

exercisers are those who do 1 or 2 bouts of exercise a week (perhaps

because of time or choice), who have been `affectionately'

labeled `weekend warriors.'



Wakefield, UK

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