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Re: Insurance

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I have Blue Shield (of California). They have been very good about covering

alternative treatments. One reason for this I think, is that my doctor is very


at knowing how to bill a given treatment.



Date: Fri, 16 May 2003 07:44:45 -0700

Subject: Re: Insurance


Individual experiences aren't worth much in evaluating an insurance

company, in my opinion. But, for what it worth.... A friend of mine with

kidney cancer, a few years ago, was with Kaiser, and they were helpful

when their doctors felt he had a chance of improving-- he was treated at

NIH-- but he expressed nothing but frustration later when he relapsed

and had multiple cancers. He said he felt they believed he would die and

didn't want to waste money.

I had Blue Cross/Blue Shield of land about 12 years ago when a

candida pneumonia almost killed me. They tried to back out because I got

it 6 weeks after the policy went intoeffect, on the grounds of

pre-existing condition. But, when my doctors said it was due to an

infection that wasn't pre-existing, they paid up just fine. They also

thanked me for questioning $6 tylenol tablets that I had never taken,

and $150 each for 8 pints of blood kept on hold that seemed uncalled for.

jim :)

Ken Gullan - IRI wrote:

>Just thought I would ask! :-) My wife has decided that we need family health

insurance despite the fact that we never go to hospitals or " regular " doctors so

nothing that we do would be covered. She wants it, " in case " .

>We did speak to the fellow from NASE - National Association for the Self

Employed - and signed up for that but now my wife thinks it is useless and wants

to go over to Kaiser (we live in San Diego) or Blue Cross.

>Does anyone have any experience with any of these 3 insurance companies or any

other comments or suggestions. Thanks

>Best wishes and much love, Ken


>Ken Gullan

>Institute for Research Integration (IRI)

>San Diego, CA 92106-2424

>IRI is a 501C(3) non-profit corporation established to help children with

developmental difficulties.

>To contact me off-list use kengullan@... or call

> Microhydrin - RBC news



> Hi ;


> I was a Royal Body Care distributor, I guess I still have an active

> number, but I'm not promoting RBC Microhydrin anymore. Here's something

> many people perhaps did not know.


> > > Try Microhydrin. Has great result on athletes. >


> Flanagan pulled Microhydrin from RBC, and decided to sell it

> through another MLM company called New Vision International (NVI). It is

> labeled as Active H- and has 300 mg per capsule instead of 250 mg. Their

> website is http://www.newvision.com. I do not have a personalized

> website for them yet. NVI used to have a comparison between Active H and

> the weaker version of Microhydrin that RBC had been selling at


> http://www.newvision.com/content.asp?page_id=200


> that showed Active H was 5 times more potent and effective, and now they

> say 1200%. But after all the law suits they took that down. Active H used

> to be marketed as Microhydrin, and SuperHydrate used to be marketed as

> Crystal Energy. Should you want to try their product, Flanagan's original

> product, please use my NVI membership number which is 767292402

> identifying me as both Enroller & Sponsor. I would appreciate that very

> much.


> In other Royal body Care news ... RBC - USED TO sell Dr Luca's Master

> Amino Pattern (MAP) labeled as Protivity & BioShape. RBC drove Dr Luca

> away too, and Dr Luca stopped shipping them the MAP. One of the things

> that gave MAP close to a 100% NNU (net nitrogen utilization) was that it

> was a whole food extract (like SomaLife gHP and the reason for it's

> success.) Now the Protivity & BioShape are by government definition

> " manufactured amino acids " which come from bacteria culture

> fermentations.RBC did not change the name of the products. Dr Luca says

> the current Protivity & BioShape have an NNU of close to zero! That also

> means they are high in nitrogen catabolites, potentially dangerous for

> anyone with renal or hepatic challenges.


> Can't go with a company who uses shenanigans on it's customers or it's

> inventors. It just doesn't seem right to me. Glad I found out.


> Duncan Crow

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I am shopping for a new MD around LA. Would appreciate info offlist.



Re: Insurance


> I have Blue Shield (of California). They have been very good about


> alternative treatments. One reason for this I think, is that my doctor is

very skilled

> at knowing how to bill a given treatment.


> Dave


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